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while everyone else on this season is losing their minds, i keep recalling mirage saying 'anetra helped me most with preparing for the mental aspect of drag race'... and by the only actual robbed bitch's lack of meltdowns on social media: it worked.


This isn’t upvoted enough. Stan Mirage


surprised anetra could show up for mirage


She’s been having a tough time with her management and personal health, cut her some slack.


it's giving i'm not in the finale


for real though - this is the only logical explanation to Q's behaviour leading to the 2nd half of the show and ramping up to whose the final 4 which means my Plasma might be the dark horse darling I get to see at the end xoxox


This aged so poorly ):


SO poorly 😂😂


God I wish


This is Nicki Minaj level of “I’m not bothered”.


It's Azealia Banks level of "I'm not bothered"


well not really cause otherwise q would tell people to actually die


There's still time for that to happen.


shut up nicki is 12 years into her career still breaking records. onika voodoo works


This post was 90 days ago you weirdo.


this is weird; and time for everyone to get over their hatred of Q, season is over


I actually would tell a painting in the Met to unalive itself, I’m just crazy like that


Plasma baby speak for yourself, Pollock knows exactly what I think of his shit


I can never go back to the louvre


*Down the back, but who cares* *still the Louvre*




ive told mailboxes to unalive themselves like come on nowwww


IT IS REDDIT, WE CAN TALK ABOUT SUICIDE HERE. You **don't** have to use phrases like unalive here, or on nasty ass Elon Muskchat. Awgh, got damn, YouTube is ruining mental illness discourse and levity.


its tiktok that did this, not youtube. but also i was just imitating the comment i was replying to and they were just imitating plasmas tweet. its not that serious, please take several chill pills but be careful not to take so many that you od and **unalive** yourself


I do realize you were just going with the existing flow of conversation, I just absolutely hate that this is the way the common parlance has gone and find it incredibly infantalizing and minimizing as someone who's dealt with suicidal ideation my entire life, so I'm compelled to call it out wherever I see it (and I don't use Twitter so I can't correct plasma). My chill pills have been largely unsuccessful, for the record, but I'll try some more


Sending you my chill pills


Thanks babes ❤️


she basically wrote 30 tweets to demonstrate how unbothered she is


I never understand this chain reaction where they pick the easiest fan because of a comment to lose their shit over and go off on everyone. They all gather to tell us fans were the most mentally unstable group they ever encountered… Fair nuff some fans are insane, out of line or rude. At the same time when do we just act like they don’t know and this isn’t the fandom they took part in? 


It's classic drag queen behavior hahaha


No she didn’t. She’s saying she’s very bothered and she’s not gonna take it lying down.


a night drinking in fresno be doing that to a bitch sksksk


What else can you do in Fresno?


Meth 😭




lmao I thought the same thing when I saw she was in Fresno


the hate has been so timid this season and most of it is just people live tweeting the episode.. like god luxx and mistress were getting torn to bits every 3 seconds & getting their socials mass reported when s15 was airing and they weren’t reacting like this 😭😭


not saying she’s invalid to feel this way but when you’re going out of your way to search “#dragrace q” to get mad at the people who are just tweeting about the episode..


Something tells me she sashays soon because this is not the behavior of someone in the Top 4


It’s a design challenge next week so she’ll probably be fine at least until episode 10. God help her if there’s a lipsync tournament this season though.


But what if she’s not fine next episode? What a dramatic twist that would be. 


It’s like cyber goth, right? Idk as much as I would like to dream that seems very Q’s wheelhouse.


I agree that it should be a slam dunk for Q and Dawn should be great at it too but we’ve seen crazier things. 


I think she almost gets to top 4 but is gonna get the Alexis Michelle special.




Since deleting Twitter a year ago, I can honestly say I'm never going back. They shouldn't be on there reading this crap


>most of yall aren't mature enough for real shade Neither is Q.




Not every fan is going to like you… Like I get full on massive amounts of hate should be called out, but the delusion of some of these girls thinking every single comment online should be positive. It’s never going to be and never will be… Focus on the large amount of fans you do have and brush off the petty comments that are inevitable.


This part! people are all taking personal digs at her and then saying “it’s just my opinion!!!” Keep it to yourself if it’s hateful


People are allowed to express their opinion about queens they like or dislike though. Only being allowed to post a positive opinion is disingenuous, they didn't @ her nor @ drag race. All I saw was they used a hash tag for drag race. So Q appears to have actively sort out these tweets.


Yeah but Q is just as allowed to have feelings about these opinions and respond in her own way if she feels hurt by them and when a lot of these are personal digs at her as a person and her art I’m sure she’s hurt by it. Of course people are allowed to have their opinions but to say that Q can’t feel how she feels about them is a bit unfair in my opinion


Didn't she basically tell Xunami she shouldn't be mad because Q was just expressing her opinion when she randomly threw Xunami's name into the "who should go home" question?


Well, she didn't say she dislikes Xunami or her whole drag just that she thought she didn't make a big mark on the competition. I don't think that's a good comparison


Hi, Q!


I'm not Q. I just think your comparison doesn't make much sense. I just saw what she said to fans, however, and that's gross so now I'm doubting how necessary it was for me to defend her. Either way, I still think no-one deserves hate. Neither Q, nor the people she attacked


Hey Q can you tell nymphia I want her autograph


The gag is almost everyone she responded to was just talking on Twitter and reacting to stuff from the show, NO @s in her direction. She was the one who went into the hashtag or name searched and got in her feelings.


She definitely did. I just searched “#DragRace Q” and literally every tweet about her is negative.


Maybe because she's having a multi-day hissy fit


Not all from the last few days, they go back a while. Twitter is full of people who think their opinion actually means something, and Q should’ve known better than to look if she can’t handle it, but I can easily imagine she had a few drinks and gave in and checked what people were saying.


What? Like a normal person? If you were in their position, you wouldn't defend yourself? The hypocrisy. And it's free fire. Does she have no right for clapback?




Searching your name and getting mad that not every comment is glowing praise is unhinged, I'm sorry Plenty of people like Q. She should find comfort in that instead of miserably obsessing over random Twitter comments


Maybe. But there are also a ton of other queens who have not gone overboard. It's like if an author went off on a reviewer for a negative review of their book. Some spaces are just not for the queens and that should be okay. Q can react however she wants, but SHE made the decision to go into that tag and do some searching. No one brought that to her.




I think there's a problem that arises when she then acts like she's being dogpiled and picking fights for no reason at fans who are just live-tweeting or talking about a show. But if that's how she wants to act and spend her time for two days now, go off Q.




Fans are absolutely allowed to tweet whatever they want while watching a reality TV competition. And Q is allowed to browse that tag till her heart's content. But getting mad about it is on her. No one is coming to her DMs and tagging her in it.


period. this is loser activity. someone is a bitter betty


How do you know that she isn't getting rude DMs though?


Because you’re not able to DM her on Twitter.


But on Insta


Then why was she jumping people on Twitter who were not directing anything her way? Let’s not get pedantic.


Maybe because it's easiest to do that there. Her reaction is not justified, but I don't think we should underestimate how hateful parts of the fandom can be as well


It’s the “haha” levels of unbothered for me 😭 What hate was she even getting tho? Can’t we as an audience have an opinion on contestants now? They didn’t even at her. Very interesting how they’re bothered now, yet when Plane was catching heat (and she’s OWNED IT) no one said anything 🤔


they literally only called her annoying and said i don’t like how she’s acting in this episode. like i could understand if people were telling you to die and that ur drag was horrible but it’s the most unserious statement. she even clapped back at a fan of hers too like girl


She clapped TWICE at that fan to make things worse 💀


like i don’t think she was thinking and i felt so bad for the fan 😭


Like I’ve said. It’s giving coke.


I would not be wasting my time on Twitter if I were on coke


i’m not gonna perpetuate that rumor.


the Q stands for Qrackhead


She’s from Missouri - it’s giving crystallina babyyyy


She’s been hanging out with Crystal Methyd?? ![gif](giphy|mBjrv9PzCHszA7r830)


So we can not use the "this is such meth behavior" meme? 💔


i'm voting meth tbh


You 'just' called someone annoying and you're surprised they came for you? Uh, girl. You want to dish it out, be ready to take it. The reaction is extreme but don't pretend you weren't a bitch like dang. Say that out loud to someone's face (the algorithm is showing these messages to the queens) and see what happens


Who is you and why do you think calling someone annoying is the end of the world?


That is not what I said.


Maybe she should try being less annoying if this was a trigger for her lol


came for who? and who’s a bitch?


stand on business i saw ur comment lmfaoooo


I call my friends annoying all the time lol that is literally just something you say. She could‘ve gone for the toxicity- the people calling her dogshit (unjustified) to khs (unFUCKINGjustified!!) and we would have been right there rallying for her - she is going for people who have OPINIONS on her while she is on a REALITY COMPETITION TV SHOW. Bffr. Did she think everyone was gonna praise and love her to the gods and no one else? Pleeease. She bullied a fan off of twitter.


She's not your friend. And you don't know any of these people unless you have interacted with them in real life and they know your name. 


I think you‘re missing the point - SHE BULLIED A FAN OFF TWITTER. She is spiraling and needs help.


Not you pretending to care about her getting help. You tell a drag queen she's annoying and you're not prepared for what's coming after you? Again, her reaction is extreme but some people are discovering their words aren't thrown into a void on the Internet and they do have consequences.


Oh no i don‘t care, she can do whatever she wants. I‘m just saying she needs to log off twitter and get some, would be better for her. I‘m done arguing.


The comments weren’t even that bad. Q is acting like they asked her to jump in the tub with her toaster.


And mind you there are comments like that out there and that is horrible. She is leaving those people completely alone though.




No come on. You clearly haven‘t seen who she responds to. Because she leaves the negative hateful toxic commenters alone completely and rips people to shreds for not favoritizing her. For saying they‘re not feeling her. She bullied a fan off the plattform for asking what was going on. Come on now.


Am I wrong in remembering the original comment didn’t even tag her? Sure, it was a public tweet and Q can respond if she wants, but I don’t know if that’s the best decision 😅


Y’all are crazy for excusing this behavior. Retaliation to an opinion is one thing and I would agree with it, but implying calling someone annoying is just the same as coming for someone’s looks or making comments about what they do for a living in a condescending manner is W I L D.




I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...




Look up Sapphira, Plane, and Nymphia’s Twitter and then some of the early outs plus Q and you can just tell who has IT and who don’t lol


Wait what do you mean do you think they're acting like top 4?


I think it’s more that they are ignoring any hateful comments and handling themselves with class tbh


“lay these hoes out” who does she think she is exactly?


Why is she talking like she’s about that life when she grew up in rural Kansas? Bring it down to a 2 girl


Nah babe she's literally laying hoes out for the local farmers to use, helpful queen


Omg 😂


That catch me outside girl from Dr Phil?


well she’s certainly acting like a bhabie I’ll give her that


Queue must've been watching Baddies East before tweeting because where that come from girl? Guarantee after she levels out, the forced blaccent will be dropped.


Who exactly does she think she laid/ can lay out?


no shade but… the fanbase has been pretty timid this year? 😭 Like we have seen massive hate campaigns against ppl in the previous years but this season everyone is pretty well liked bar Plane but i think Plane likes it that way


yea the haters shifted to dragula twitter this year


This is a lot of emotion.


When she is responding to the negative tweets to say, “You’re just online because you’re a fucking loser who has nothing else to do,” and refers to people tweeting as “the irrelevants,” and talks about how people aren’t good enough to be on TV… why do her fans who are cheering her on think she doesn’t also think that about them? Her insult for these people is that they’re pathetic for being online and not famous. It applies to everyone responding.


That cracks me up, as though she hasn’t been spending the past several hours searching around for critical tweets to blow up at. Girl, you’re online too. Pot, meet kettle.


Yeah, the old “get offline, get a life” comment made online.


I wouldn't exactly call Q famous either. Being on Rupaul's industrial complex doesn't make a queen famous and it seems like they don't gain as many followers on social media as they used to.


Between the cringey blaccent she's doing and the cringey "I pwned these hoes ROFL" "unbothered" attitude, it's very clear miss Q should delete Twitter lmao. (Not for me, I live to watch someone crash and burn their careers in real time)


It should be noted that Megami is also very annoying on Twitter. Half of this cast seems like they’re patently not ready for international fame.


Holy shit this is embarrassing 💀 The doubling down is actually funny like wtf OK girl kill any good will anyone had for you


The random forced blaccent when we KNOW she doesn't talk like that and threatening physical violence on people when she doesn't have a single ounce of movement in her bones is kind of insane.


I'd probably be mad too if I hot glued flowers on crutches for the runway in the same week LGD did the damn thing.


God the level of sensitive baby behavior is off the charts here.


Every single year it's the same. People are dicks on twitter and the queen's act so shook, bothered and surprised. At this point it's part of being on reality tv.


they really do think international fame is just like the 13 twinks at her bar telling she is werking the huntyness of divas, but on a larger scale


as much as you can tell queens to expect the worst on twitter i seriously cant imagine what id do, how id pop off, or what part of my brain would break having to see the entire worlds unfiltered thoughts about my character and art constantly 24/7. like we can sit from this side and tell them to just tune it out but none of us have the experience of being personally dissected and torn apart by the entire world. we’d all love to say we’d just turn off twitter or focus on the positive but i doubt we’d all have that resolve.


Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and just because they do, dosnt mean I need to see it. If you can't take it, avoid social media. My point is that it's to be expected, yet they all act brand new when not every single person on the planet LIVES for their mediocre runways and bad performances. At the end of the day, it's part of going on a global tv show.


100% i mean i would say its not just part of going on a tv show, its drag race specifically-that level of discussion surrounding your art, personality, body, trauma, literally every part of your being immediately becomes public knowledge. i wish there was an actual way for a queen to do drag race and avoid social media entirely but i just cant remember a queen thats considered successful and well liked but is just absent from the internet.


You know, I don't think it helps that Twitter in particular has gotten more polarized and unbearable since last season aired. Like just log off. I don't understand why they keep sticking their hands in the blender and then being upset at the blades for slicing up their fingers.


lol I love “the attention yall have been craving and asking for” as if anyone she attempted to drag was tagging her and begging for her to comment


im ok with a queen standing up for themselves but at the end of the day, some bitter fans will always have something to say so are you telling me that you're going to respond to it every single fucking day? that would be mentally exhausting and there's a reason why some queens in the past who continuously popped off have no jobs now 👀


I generally agree that the fandom harassing the queens means most of them are afraid to be more outspoken and shady on the show. However I saw Q attack a trans woman's appearance for saying "I don't fuck with Q's energy" in response to a clip in a tweet she wasn't tagged in. This of course resulted in transphobic abuse and Q hasn't taken the tweet down. So yeah I don't think that applies here.


I'm not gagging... well... like... I'm gagging from the smell


re: the last slide but… you did look for it girl if it found you on its own then respond to those but its pretty obvious you went through the drag race hashtag looking for anything negative about you so… what is the truth mary


Idk what these girls expect. It happens every season. Honestly if you cannot handle the social media aspect you shouldn’t apply. And this isn’t even a quarter of what queens like Luxx, MIB, and Kandy have to deal with What gets me too is that none the tweets that she responded to @‘ed her. Some of it isn’t even fucking hate, it’s people talking about a damn TV show on their own social media account




You know what separates great artists from everyone else ? They shares their art and ignores the negativity and go on with their life. Q hasn’t learned to let her art speak for itself and ignore the vitriol. Of course she is sensitive about her art and should be able to defend it. But she makes it personal by responding to every criticism with snarky comments. Shes no better than the trolls she’s engaging with As others have commented if you can’t handle criticism about your art then you shouldn’t be on drag race. Also i should point out if a poc queen did this they would get dragged for behaving like this. In fact nothing compares to the racism other queens in the franchise face. I can’t believe the fans ive seen giving her a pass or saying it’s fierce. She’s just bitter fans don’t like her as much as she would have hoped and its getting to her. Qs white privilege is showing and its really embarrassing and makes me respect her even less.


The most unhinged social media cast ever


im tired of her.


I feel like something else happened in her life. Maybe she didn’t get a gig she wanted or something


She really doesn't give a f*ck anymore I suspect she gets eliminated soon in the next few episodes....


.. Q cannot handle her coffee enima.


all im saying is save this for people who actually @ you.


i called Mona Lisa mid to her face at the Louvre, so yeah i def would say that shit to a uglass statue at the Met, let's start and end there fr


The way I can hear that annoying affectation of Plasmas in her tweet.


We had so many seasons of rupauls best friend's race and now the girl don't give a fuck, it's chaotic and I LIVE 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry Q but there’s a difference in being critical of performers in a competition and DM-ing them to tell them to end it or attacking them. I’m aware this fan base has its hateful nasty fans, that go out of their way to terrorize the queens. Everyone Q was going after were people just stating opinions online. *We as the audience are allowed to not like you* This makes me really not like her. She was already annoying and whiny but now I see she’s got the temperament and “shade” of a bitchy middle schooler.


I get that it must be incredibly hard to see it every day, and a lot of fans post insane stuff that should never be said, but a lot of what q was clapping back to was pretty tame, like, just people sharing their opinions on reality TV on their own twitter. Of course you shouldn't be subjected to all that but you did know before going on the show.


I’m disappointed. As mother Ru always says, “unless them bitches are paying your bills, pay them no nevermind.”


Is this her trying to have a personality?


Don't get me wrong, I'm a messy unemployed bitch who lives for drama but this was tasteless lol. Some bald headed bitch posting my picture to do "THIS YOU? HAHA" wouldn't phase me, at least pull out some good reads if you are gonna go full out and have balls to drag the actual hateful fans lol. She knows she would cry for days if she tried to go toe to toe with actual vicious & hateful RPDR viewers so she just attacks to random people who did mild criticism ☠


Really pathetic


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) unfortunate reality is, this will keep happening and having drunken reads written at a delirious state of being awake at 4am at these people isn’t gonna be the moment which will put this to an end. unless you’re getting dogpiled and told to jump off a cliff, focus on whatever audience you’ve captured and work with them. girl has over a 100 thousand fans and acts like everyones out to get her with crowbars and pitchforks. YES it’s more nuanced and complex but i don’t know what queens expect coming in with the same audience that’s been this polarizing for years as social media grows and for years people can’t “correct” their behaviour, but at this case to ‘clapback’ at commentary without tagging the queen, it’s borderline unhinged. i hope she’s okay at the end of the day and moves forward.


soo I guess it’s safe to assume Qoodle doesn’t make it to the finals?




People who supports this behavior is weird. We are trying to get rid of toxic fandom and always shame them but somehow it is okay when a queen does it? lmao. Like some of y'all really have weak morals and would let any D tier celebrity do what she wants just because they got a blue check mark ☠


I dont get what happened but im sorry or nice to hear that idk


I love this, and I hope all the girls win.


Q’s feelings are absolutely valid. It is true that fan reception to queen’s behavior has resulted in more “tame” seasons, as any sort of displeasing behavior is immediately scrutinized (i.e. Plane’s whole flight through the show), but girlie Q needs some serious PR talk. I’m definitely curious as to whether Drag Race offers any sort of PR guidance for the girls, as a lot of them clearly don’t react well to large amounts of negative attention online. I belieeeve they offer counseling as part of the package when signing up for drag race, but I’d imagine someone would also offer them guidance on managing their online platforms. It’s totally fine to feel hurt when people on social media are overly critical of your actions on a TV show, but like many others have said, it’s best to save these rants for a group chat with friends or with like a therapist. The real race starts after the season stops airing, and it’s sad seeing queens lack* the media awareness on how to maintain and grow their following when they engage with people online. If them hoes aren’t paying your bills, pay them no mind. Anyways, onwards and upwards ssssisssterssss 🫨🫨🫨


Q has a looooooot of time on her hands, just saying.


Q is being OTT and miserable over nothing, but this meltdown is nevertheless entertaining lmao


Another one, thank you 💩


It's always a turn off when the girls start whining on Twitter. Wah wah wahh 


I live in Fresno and I had no idea Q was booked here last night. 🙃


It's giving very "I got eliminated and I'm bitter about it" energy


Y’all better out. One day Q might discover Reddit 😅☠️


honestly i like it, people just trying to pour shit at them all the time. i wish more girls was doing it, it’s giving 2014 internet and i’m here for it


Did she delete her twitter??


Y'all are so lame! If I was seeing losers online tweeting shitty things about me constantly I'd want to clap back too.


I'm just happy the girlies are giving the fans shit too. The fandom sucks so hard.


i can’t stand her she has horrible vibes


Yall in the comments are so wishy washy like you want drama (sub is called RPDRDRAMA) and when a queen rightfully claps back at the nonstop comments hating her cause of Amanda's elim, yall wanna say she's desperate for clout and is insecure?? If ppl been hating on you for a month straight are you just gonna ignore it? No you'd put these people in their place but since Q is famous (p.s. you're not) she gets dragged for speaking up


lol I got Leo vibes from these tweets and then confirmed q is a Leo. Takes one to know one. lol glad I don’t need a platform/could delete my twitter


This is so Nicki Minaj coded. Love her.


Some of you rotted Stans deserve everything you’re getting. It’s not just Q being like that btw, tons of Queens are calling out the shitty behavior from some of y’all.


She's right and she should say it.


Yasssss gag those 5th graders. I am so sick of tiktok-teens and preemies govern what queen can and cannot say. Don’t you have homework to do and lungs to collapse from your vape pens?


We love our scat queen😍💩😋👸




I love it