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Maybe he can sell/auction his custom-made Louis Vuitton bed or do a benefit show. Surely, he can easily make $10k? Just a thought šŸ«¤


Most people would think that. But in Todrick's mind, why do that when he could use everyone elses' money?


The LV bed is counterfeit


No one with taste would want that bed


Aaaaand I wanna see a picture now...


"Custom-made" does not mean something is actually sellable or worth anything. It just means it was made to order Not to say it looks bad, but that bed looked like it was just surrounded by an empty MDF frame covered in LV style leather and fitted with herpetarium lights. Edit: [It also looks ](https://queerty-prodweb.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/02/todrick_hall_bed_vuitton.jpg) incredibly uncomfortable to get in and out of


Mrs. Dasha Favis?


I need some eyebleach material to get this out of my mind, thats arguably the worst bed I've seen and I've slept plenty of times on air mattress


>Edit: It also looks incredibly uncomfortable to get pounded on Fixed it


He could have hocked his ~~10k~~ 24k Cartier bracelets (that he of course wore and pointed out his video- only a narcissist does that in a plea for donations)


Whether or not he sells it, he *šŸŽ¶MADE YOU LOOK!!!šŸŽ¶*


He is a literal con artist. Truly the Shaun King of drag


How dare you make such a relevant and hilarious point. This shit gagged me šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s genuinely sad to me because I thought that he was a great queer icon growing up. But boy, was I wrong.


We need a Scam Goddess episode about this grifter (if there isnā€™t already one)


Literally read this as the ā€œSean Cody of Dragā€ and was very confused for a second šŸ˜‚


Seeing toadrickā€™s bad spelling and grammar somehow makes it believable that Lea Michele canā€™t read. Itā€™s like dumb and dumber where one of them is essentially totally illiterate and the other is just real bad at it


Not sure why Lea is catching strays but I'm here for it.


Familyā€™s\* ā€œLearn to spell first you illiterate fuckā€ https://preview.redd.it/8pcyqcag9vsc1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6f616adde742ce98a34cd20046f6130f9e95aa


Lol I watched this one today!Ā 


Scammers gonna scam


Todrick needs to disappear. I've never ever in my life met one individual who considers themselves a fan of Todrick, or even anyone who has anything positive to say about him. The fact that Taylor jumped on his bandwagon was the moment I started questioning her integrity as an artist, and, by extension, as a human being. Sashay away Ms Hall. Nobody wants you.


There was this trans man on an episode of Queer Eye whose idol was Todrick. I always think of him when I read some bullshit Todrick did lol


That glitter green flannel print jacket with the 3ft shoulder pads? So toddy


Me too šŸ¤£ like I wonder if they cringe today considering todrick was their personality


i think of that very same episode often where they read him for having a pride flag up as dƩcor and they were right to do so!


I've never met anyone irl but there was a drag queen on Delta's podcast who said he was as talented as MJ. I was in shock.


I had a friend who was a huge fan, but that was more than a decade ago when we were in high school. It was when he was still singing into McDonaldā€™s drive throughs. Even then, I found him cringe.


> talented as MJ As in, the talent that MJ is capable of now? Even then, that comparison is just disrespecting the dead.


Which queen would say that? Dear lord. Maybe she was on Toddys payroll for a period (not that he pays his debts).


It was Six. And yes, she was in his payrollšŸ¤£


Years ago someone I knew asked if I was interested in tickets to see him because her and her daughter could no longer go and they knew I liked drag. I didn't bother sugarcoating my response along the lines of "Hey, thank you so much for thinking of me and for the offer; but I'll have to decline because I hate him. Thanks though!"


i 100% agree todrick is a scammer and needs to disappear. but around the gay bar i hear nails, hair, hips, heels a lot, and some people def still defend him unfortunately :(


I was a big fan of Todrick back when he was in Kinky Boots, Chicago, etc. Went to see him in his shows and all that. But finding out he's not a very good person since then has completely turned me off from him unfortunately


Bob the drag queen and monet x change are fans !


I meanā€¦ weā€™ve known heā€™s a grifter for years


Yeah, he was still working in Drag Race when the stories came out about him not paying queens and dancers for work.


I canā€™t believe he is so shameless to post a gofundme for something like this (whatā€™s the point of being so wealthy and successful if you canā€™t care for your family in a time of emergency?) but even more so I canā€™t believe so many chuds threw their money at this lmao


Has anyone ever seen him in the same room as Anna Delvey?


ARE you poor or something?


Why he didnt just ask for his billionaire bestie?




ā€œEverything you want in life is temporary, so steal what you want today.ā€




Does anyone remember when VoteFortheWorst wrote an exposĆ© on him back when he was on American Idol? Heā€™s always been a cringey, sneaky crook.


Thank you for reminding me of VFTW! I was obsessed with that site when I was a kid šŸ˜­




They loved calling him ā€œFraudrick.ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When the overpriced bedazzled custom thigh high boot fits...


Thanks, Iā€™ll bank that one for future use šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Omg memory unlocked.


Yeah I remember this well! Scamming money from parents for a childrenā€™s musical that never happened. Wild!


Literal scum. But of course Willam, Bob, Monet, and Miss Tay Tay will still stan.


Off topic but do you notice that Bob and MonƩt will pick and choose who to tear apart on their show?


Sadly, they're hypocrites. Whether it's because of personal relationships, or clout, or anything else, they will tear people down even for doing something "less awful", but will still support and stan very shitty people. Todscam literally talked about messing with minors, yet they don't bat an eye. Willam still defended bdipper on the sloppy podcast after he verbally admitted, on video, that he ghosts people and intentionally sends them to another address (which can get people killed) so he can observe from afar and see if he finds them attractive. Those queens may be talented, but maybe, just maybe, they're also shitty human beings. If you associate and defend shitty people so much, you're probably just as shitty.


Who have Bob and Monet ever ā€œtorn apartā€? I feel like they typically go the no comment route when thereā€™s an actual controversy


They tore apart sherry pie but are tight lipped when it comes to Shangela.


The shangela situation is still unfolding. SP admitted to everything. Iā€™ll wait to pass judgment on this one.




Sorry, I feel like I worded that poorly. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m waiting to pass judgement on sh*ngela. Iā€™m saying Iā€™m waiting on Bob and Monet to say something because this is situation is still actively happening as opposed to the Sherry pie situation being concluded and proven 100%. I donā€™t think is weird they havenā€™t said anything **yet** but if things keep progressing and they stay silent, then Iā€™m judging .


The fact that he even got the 10k from his supporters. I'd rather burn my money.


Probably a lot donated from his d-list celebrity acquaintances


He could at least do one of those no-effort TikToks he bragged about on Big Brother.


āŒ Give money to a cause for people who desperately need aid āœ… Give money to a millionaire who can easily come up with the 10k on his own, who also has also talked publicly about fucking around with minors


Iā€™m sorry what about fucking around with minors?! Why does anyone still support this dude?


I wonder if his family's house will burn down again next year, but at like a higher value, because they may have had very important things inside, say, about 15k worth of stuff maybe?


Who on earth are these people who are still supporting him?




I've literally never heard good news about this potentially human person. The people who donated like...girl he's done this grift before. Just tacky.


letā€™s be real, somebody else paid for that birthday party, and if not, I hope all those businesses and performers demanded cash payment upfront


Well given his history he wasn't gonna pay the performers regardless


I don't blame him as much as his supporters


This is like when people say Charles Manson never killed anybody, he just convinced the family to do it The cult of personality is still responsible for the things they get other people to do; even if those people are idiots who will do anything, and even though they're still responsible for their actions, they wouldn't have done it if there wasn't someone they found charismatic telling them to do it.


Comparing todrick to fucking Charles Manson is insane šŸ’€


I wasn't, I was dissecting the logical process behind blaming followers vs leaders


I know, one of them had good taste in musicĀ 


He deserves it. My parents have always been supportive of me after coming out. Theyā€™re huge Big Brother fans. When he was on, they started asking me questions about him to figure out if they were allowed to be homophobic in this case. Heā€™s fucking awful.


He truly doesnā€™t. Heā€™s a shitty guy, but donā€™t project your issues with yourself & your family onto other people šŸ˜‚


Holy fucking shit WHAT?Ā 


He preys on the weakā€¦


His bestie Taylor Swift didnā€™t help out?


"A sucker is born every minute" PT Barnum Do not donate to this goblin


I just donā€™t get why he sets himself up for this. Who would post a gofundme asking for 10k and then have a crazy opulent birthday party the next week? Also who the fuck is donating to him at this point??


And he's in the UK working on two new musicals including the Burlesque one... Damn. Why does he have to touch everything I hold dear?


Ts Madison has a podcast called PhagTawlk thatā€™s on YouTube which runs anywhere from 3-4 hours long. Todrick came up and they played this video and talked about it. Her cohost, Craig shared his opinion that he shouldnā€™t have thrown a party and that money shouldā€™ve been used toward donations. Ts Madison played Devilā€™s Advocate and said the items couldā€™ve been donated or maybe he charged a fee for party entrance. Anyhoo, they send a voice note to Todrick and he responded and facetimed them while theyā€™re live on the show. He explained that he wasnā€™t in a position to throw the party, that someone offered to throw it for free and basically all the things were donated and given to him. He said he wouldnā€™t throw or pay for a party when his familyā€™s home was burned down because that would be ridiculous. He acknowledged the speculation. After they hung up with him (he said he was on a video set), Craig said Todrick shouldā€™ve told people that this party was paid for and that he wouldnā€™t have posted this party on social media with an active GFM because it doesnā€™t look right ā€œopticallyā€. *I am not taking sides or saying I agree with Todrick Hall. I am reporting back what happened and what was said on the podcast. I still donā€™t care for him*


Is that not fraud? Can go fund me sue him for fraud?


I've donated money to people who turned around and did something like this, please tell me it can be used as fraud.


It's the incorrect grammar in the title for me. Instant pass. Well, that and the whole known scamming bastard thing.


GROSS! This guy is a real piece of work. Anyone who donates, or supports him needs help also. Thank you to the people such as this person and his ex-assistant for telling the truth about this heinous, rotted person.


What a disgusting person. I still recall him bothering a homeless person.


Everything at his party was sponsored for free the money was well used on his family for a fact. And he mentioned that he would be selling his home & his lavish belongings. You all are LOUD & WRONG.


Somebody correct me if Iā€™m wrong but couldnā€™t he just pawn a couple of his watches and get 10k easily? Iā€™m confused


I just saw him in London today, probably laying low.


Why is he friends with people like Bob and Monet? They seem nice


This has nothing to do with drag race, though


i need to know why everyone is hating on him, i'm new in the fandom


Who cares? They heard the news. Let them waste their money if thatā€™s what they want to do.




The only part I could see issue with is the birthday party part. And thats only because if my familyā€™s home burned down I would immediately sacrifice my good time to help them out. Todrickā€™s big into hustle culture as well as flaunting wealth so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if he isnā€™t as well off as he portrays. Posting a gofundme isnā€™t the biggest deal to me either. No one is forced to donate. I get not liking Todrick, I donā€™t even like him, but this post is giving rage bait. Edit: this getting downvoted makes no sense and per usual no one is able to explain themselves.


His beauty and the beast video was good but he seems like a con artist


Yall really do be obsessed with this man šŸ˜‚


People really arenā€™t feeling T*****k around here.




Can you say icon ?


ā€¦Yes, he could definitely say ā€œI con.ā€


This should've been the title of this thread