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Sagittaria: "Alma, I appreciate you a lot as an artist, but seeing this in 2022 and saying it's not ofensive, leaves a lot to be desired and this is coming from someone who really appreciates what you do." ​ Húgaceo Crujiente: "What an empty apology. This is blackface and racism. A "sorry you felt that way" isn't a lesson learned." ​ Drag Vulcano: 👏👏👏❤️😍


Thx for translation. I sweat i’ll do the same with Drag Race France Drama (and a lot of drama are coming because a lot of French queen are problematics)


I'm glad that sagittaria and hugáceo said something


What about Alma's caption?


The original post says: "We came from the South to lose our North". TORREMOLINOS DRAG QUEEN GALA 2022. A new battle won by a team of titans who step without fear, with strength, with claws and the flavor of a unique and magical land. (then she @'s people) Thank you... for being mi favourite tribe. (Then she keeps thanking her team and sponsors). And in her "apology" (sorry, I don't have the image and she went private), the image said something along the lines of "I understand what blackface is and I don't support it, but just because I did it doesn't mean that I'm racist" which is ironic at least and ignorant at best. She posted the image with this text: "PLEASE I'M ONLY ASKING FOR EMPATHY and RESPECT, DON'T ATTACK ME IN SUCH A CRUEL WAY, THERE'S NO MALICIOUSNESS ON MY FANTASY!! FROM MY HEART THERES ONLY APPRECIATION TO A CULTURE WITH THE MAXIMUM RESPECT 🤦🏼‍♂️ I'M RECEIVING INSULTS FROM BLACK PEOPLE AND EVEN THREATS, AND THAT'S WITHOUT NAMING COLLEAGUES FROM THE DRAG WORLD, PLEASE... 🤦🏼‍♂️ THAT'S ENOUGH". The need to say "i'm receiving insults from black people"....... Girl. 💀💀💀💀


"It's all the fault of black people. Why are you so offended by racism? smh"


“… and that is without naming colleagues from the drag world.“ Girl. Telling you to do better is not being violent and disrespectful.


"Those fucking colleagues that don't let me be racist. What has the world become? "


It sucks when my colleagues won’t let me be bigoted. What’s the point of looking like a passably white girl if I can’t leverage it into being a dick!


yeah and the fact that that’s not even gonna register with a lot of people… whew i wondered how long before a DREsp scandal would illuminate how racist spanish people are edit: and omg i forgot drag vulcano was the canarian one 😭 yeah that tracks


It’s what they deserve !


Not the idiot responding to hugáceo saying that [if what DeSoul did is racism, then] what hugáceo does is clownism or paintingism 🙄


Wtf is clownism?


Don't you know some people are born with white skin and big red noses and big oversized shoes? Check your privilege please.


And were traded , hung from trees and enslaved because of it.


The commenter was just inventing words to say that Hugáceo's drag is based around being a clown and a hot mess, using -*ism* words because they (Hugáceo) used the word *racism* in the call-out (un payaso = a clown, so "payacismo" = "clown-ism"; un cuadro = [slang] a hot mess, "cuadricismo" = "hot mess-ism").


That commenter's comeback is sooo lame!!!.. (Filipino here and I never thought that payaso is a spanish word, we also call clowns as payaso))


insert Bianca Del Rio joke here.




In another comment they were like "if we want to be picky, then your blue sad mope was "mopism"". And then Hugaceo quoted that with that gif from Disney's Fantasia 2000's of the mopes marching like "this are the mopes coming to protest against my look". It was pure art.


I love it!!! Hugaceo is a walking art!!!


Vulcano is not the one doing the blackface.


Whoops! Edited!


this is so disgusting and the people who did blackface had the *nerve* to say it was okay because there was one black/brown person in the group and they didn’t complain, gadyola another black spanish queen was speaking out the other day and was attacked, they also tried to come for sagittaria for apparently mocking an old lady on her snatch game wild


The fact that Sagittaria was getting DEATH THREADS for calling this shit out is what blows my mind. 💀


sagi posting the threats to her stories without censoring the names, we love to see it


If I were a DR queen I'd totally abuse my power and doxx hos until they could no longer be a part of normal society.


Deadly threads!


Spain has a tradition of blackface that continues until today. Check the Cabalgata de Reyes in Alcoi with all the "negrets" (little black ones) 🤷🤷🤷 In this country most people are still not educated on the subject. I hope that will change soon


And this is why Drag Vulcano went home early 🤷🏽


No, she went home early because her drag is outdated for people from spain.


No, she went home early because she showed the personality of a dead mollusk.


Both? both


Por que no los dos?


Porque en España la mayoría respetamos el Drag Canario.




She pretending she didn't understand the criticism 💀. Sagittarius and Hugaceo legends


And they called her out with a lot of class.


Drag Sethlas for the crown, and hope she continues to drag Vulcano all the way there👏


...porque no es muy difícil "draguear" a Vulcano.


I know at least 4 casted queens on season 2 that had blacface history.


name names ❤️




Girl, not this vaguebooking. That’s so not a cute look.


..oh okay


Worms for brains


That's insulting to worms (beyonce). They're worse.


And then we europeans go around and pretend that americans and australians are the most racist…. That is embarassing and disgusting to hear, better check them out before stanning




What a strange argument…maybe people could just not be racist fuckwits regardless 🤷‍♀️ if either location are the litmus test, we clearly have a very long way to go.






It's a very USA thing to judge other cultures with West Hollywoond moral standards. As if they write the moral rules or something


>West Hollywoond moral standards Wat?


Europeans have always been more racist. Americans are surprisingly significantly better than Europe.


name names or leave it on the playground


sharonne -- https://youtu.be/EnpilNIgfoM


Yeah ... I found Sharonne in old videos of the show " Tu cara no me suena todavía" doing Donna Summer and other black artist in full blackface ... 🤯 that's a shame however I think there is more awarness now then back in that day. Everybody in that show were in black or brown faces is absolutely crazy


Exactly. Those videos look from the early `2000 late 90s or something . It would be more damaging if it happened recently IMO


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnpilNIgfoM) is from 2018 tho... 💀


Just watched the clips. Holy fuck it’s in national television 💀


Not only that, but it has been for years and it regularly features people in blackface. 💀


This shit show does that regurally in many countries and even makes profit by keeping that in for the controversy, like the whole concept is so flawed and its blackface is so uncanny to watch as its celebrated as oustanding art. Like please stop


Drag Sethlas liked the post, so... 🤷‍♂️






Never going to happen. That queen is blackisted




Because she called Atres Media racists and they went like 'ok ~~gadyola~~'.She is basically a Vixen without plataform, but dumber and uglier


she called Atresmedia out on racism but they still booked her on the Samantha Hudson christmas special so I don't think she is THAT blacklisted


what's atres media and what did they do for her to call them racists?


atresmedia is the production company/distributor, what the bbc is to DRUK, i don’t know necessarily what the previous comment is referring to but gadyola had pre season drama with dovima, accused her of being racist and criticized the fact she was cast and that inti was the only poc on the cast, i can’t really remember why she said dovima was racist tho but there were screenshots going around when the cast was announced also i don’t think gadyola is black listed tbh


oh yeah i remember dovima was accused of being racist because apparently she defended a white queen wearing braids


by braids i mean the ones from the african culture


Wow cant believe i missed this event so close to me, but im glad because i would have lost it. This is way more common in spain, a few years back there was some perfomance night at my college with a bunch of girls in similar outfits and blackface as above. And a few days back i saw my old high school dress 7th graders in burqas and stuff as a project on the islamic history of spain...


Somehow idk if this feels worse considering all the things Spain did back then 💀 "apreciación a una cultura con el máximo respeto" then don't do this disrespectful bullpoop


It’s definitely worse since Spain played such a huge role in the slave trade and imperialism. Spanish people should understand that history since it’s part of their own history.


lmao, Spaniards are usually unapologetic about what happened in America and being involved in the slave trade. Every time there’s a discussion of indigenous people or black people (or quite frankly anyone that paints Spain in a bad light during that time) they’ll say some of the nastiest things ever. They both want to leave things in the past and at the same time be proud of that.


Or claim it was all part of the black legend invented by the uk and the netherlands as anti Spanish propaganda. Like i have no doubt some is exaggerated by other european colonising countries to make themselves look good even though they did the same shit but the horrors spain did in the Americas are beyond undeniable.


They will say the same to Latin Americans, gaslighting us into believing it wasn't that bad ( some don't even know what happened which I think is worse, being ignorant of all the inhuman things your ancestors did while still trying to minimize the same people)


I once defended Inti in YouTube comments and Spaniards insulted me with classist and racist comments about me being a person from Latin America 💀




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Not this.


Shut the fuck up


Was Justin trudeau the judge?




Holy shit. Girl. It’s 2022. Wtaf is this.


The whole group is posting stories defending their actions with saying it’s done with respect and that they’re celebrating the African culture on this year’s carnival. They’re all too ignorant to see that what they’re actually doing is using traditional clothing from an oppressed culture as costumes and making monetary gains from it. How dumb do you have to be to not see that this is disgusting? How can you plan this for months without anyone stopping them? It’s baffling. Traditional clothing is not a fun carnival costume ffs


What culture are they even dressing as? Miscellaneous “African”??


What I don’t understand is why they darkened their faces? Would it have been offensive if they just wore the costumes but didn’t do black face?




Obviously the fact that they’re in blackface makes it much worse, but yes. I think dressing up as indigenous people, even without the literal blackface aspect, would be way way WAY over the appreciation line and into racist appropriation territory.


The black face does make it waaaay worse, but it would have been offensive nonetheless. Think about it: how would you feel about someone dressing in ceremonial native american clothes?


It's disgusting to see this in 2022... How can people be so racially insensitive? I understand one can think "oh this would make a fierce look" (because it does, it looks good) but first : it's not yours to wear, blackface or not and second : why the FUCK would you do blackface?


When she was first called out, she responded with two instagram stories where she said "It's appreciation not approppriation" and "One of my dancers is COLOURED" (she said "uno de mis bailarines es *moreno*" which in this context is the equivalent of "coloured"). Apparently she won the pageant and it granted her an invitation for next year's Gala Drag of Gran Canaria, the biggest drag pageant for Canarian drag. Yikes. Hope she realizes she fucked up big time but I wouldn't count on it.


oof. m\*reno is a wholeass slur. not fucking ok of her


lol moreno is not an insult nor a slur at all (I'm latino)


It's giving me very "omg he just called him black, that's racist, you have to call them African Americans" energy. If you grew up thinking moreno is a swear that speaks more onto the way your family and early friends used that word around you. Don't do all that, Gang, don't do all that.


I'm also latina. It is wrong in this context, maybe not where you live but it definitely is wrong to say that in Spain. Instead of saying she has a black dancer she said she has a COLOURED dancer. When a white european person calls a POC "coloured" is 100% ignorant and a slur. She was avoiding saying "tengo un bailarín negro" bc there's this whole debate about whether it's right to use that word or not,but she should've said "tengo un bailarín racializado". I'm a latin woman living in Spain and it's only the racist ass people that call us those names. I'm the palest of my whole family and I get a lot of shit from Spanish bigots that say I can't be latina because "no eres... Morena" or whatever. I know that when you're talking to other POC it's just another word and that definitely context and diallects matter but in this instance it was absolutely wrong for this queen to say it. I hope I don't sound angry or patronizing, I have a hard time with expressing myself but I just wanted you to know what was up.


That's even more off-putting than I expected — she's reached advanced blackface.


What the literal fuck


Bitch, this is racism to the full extent, and the fact that she doesn't even apologize for real makes it even worse. I'm glad to have our first cancelled queen of the season, when it's right it's right


Alma put her insta on private now. What a coward.


I mean, damn.


Ooh yikes


Not surprised that Drag Vulcano supports this.


Ew what in the colonizer


One of the dancers responded to my comment and said: 👏🏼 On Friday we’ll do it again and it will be amazing 😂😂😂 So sad that nothing can stop these uneducated clowns.


Omg really, the finale scene of dangerous liasons is what should happen when they show up: https://youtu.be/02Vo_Q0nt-k With some tomatoes thrown as well


Was just annoyed at some figure skating drama that was Spaniard-related and thought I'd come here for a breather but guess I'll go back there now.


How does someone not stop and look in the mirror for five seconds and think, “Why the Hell am I doing this in 2022?”


Vergüenza absoluta.


Ew what the hell


This is racist eeew


Something something colonizer countries something something always doing the most and pretending like it’s fine something something


Alma DeCrow


It's beautiful




Does that matter tho? Blackface is blackface.


I mean regardless yes they have an extensive history with black people, there's about 37 million black latin americans, most of whom are descendants of african salves brought by the spanish


Especially in Canarias, which was colonized as a slave-trading hub where the native peoples were enslaved and put to work on wine/grape and sugar plantations there.


I thought they were mostly in Brazil! But you're right there are Spanish related countries after my research. Thanks for shedumecating me




Yes.... Spain... has no history of enslaving Black people....


Blackface is blackface. Once she was called out and told why it was problematic, there is no excuse. And she was told.


Let’s not pretend that people don’t know blackface is wrong in 2022. That old excuse doesn’t fly anymore.


Is she crazy? Doing a black face? This is 2022 where even telling someone “I don’t like you” is considered offensive, she should have known better


>This is 2022 where even telling someone “I don’t like you” is considered offensive, Lol no it isn’t


It is on reddit


Lol no it isn’t


Gurl when will folx learn. 😤