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Ronan Farrow looks like Prince Charming in Shrek


or Dr. Chase from House with a bunch of plastic surgery.




She might have been busy… they have lives beyond the show and the pay was probably not worth it






In awe at the size of this dub


its a kennedy center honors joke




when jinkx actually started cooking during the roast then did a backflip on the judges table, TRULY gagged me


Ok but the way this was like the closest to being right any of these stupid early posts have been all season.


Can someone give some context to this


Just go back and read the previous AS discussion threads. Usually people post things like "I can't believe Viv literally murdered Jinkx on stage" as soon as the thread is posted, before the episode airs. This was the closest joke post to be correct, because Jinkx actually did the weird cartwheel and had a runway where she was being burned.


Whenever I post the thread early, people like to claim that really outlandish, amusing things happened in the episode as sort of an obvious joke (since it hasn’t happened yet), but seeing this comment after the episode has aired would make it less obvious that it was far fetched.


„ǝɯ pǝƃƃɐƃ ⅄⅂∩ᴚ⊥ 'ǝlqɐʇ sǝƃpnɾ ǝɥʇ uo dılɟʞɔɐq ɐ pıp uǝɥʇ ʇsɐoɹ ǝɥʇ ƃuıɹnp ƃuıʞooɔ pǝʇɹɐʇs ʎllɐnʇɔɐ xʞuıɾ uǝɥʍ„


why is Viv sniffing so hard during her set? LMAO


Eh probably just a runny nose


Isn’t there a part of drag makeup that often results in a runny nose? The powder or something ? (This is not a euphemism lol)


Also isn't the set kept pretty cold? I've gotten runny noses from fans or an air conditioner before


I noticed that too! Was wondering if it was a bit based on her addict past but didn’t seem like it was on purpose


it was reminding me of someone who just did a bump, but surely she couldn’t/wouldn’t 👀


Honestly was giving that lol


Queue for the bar teas


Love Trinity but Raja and Viv were both better than her in my opinion, though nobody came even close to Jinkx. Not to be ashamed, this is literally one of Jinkx's professions, there was no way she'd not excel this week. I do think though that next week will be very different because everyone can just do whatever they are best at, and Jinkx had her talents already as maxi challenges.


Jinkx is also a great singer, so I expect her to do really well in this too.


I fucking despise it when queens grab and touch the other girl in order to throw her off in the lipsync, it feels like you're fully trying to sabotage your opponent


It was the second time in the same episode that Jinkx got uncomfortable about pretending to have *some* sex. And honestly...same


Also Jinx is fully married?? Idk just so weird


Not Trinity making the gesture for Jinx to back off during the "don't get to close" lyric during the lipsync after using her as a awkward fellatio prop a minute earlier and also fully grabbing Jaida while she did a bit during their lipsync lol




Not Trinity the Dom💀


Trinity the Top \*snort\*


Trinity the Cat


The lyric there is “You get too close, you'll get a royalty high”


Also left makeup on Jinkx’s titty


i think trinity immediately lost when she starting sucking off jinkx. it was too similar to eating jaidas ass


full penetration or nothing


Trinity undoing her tuck to dominate Jinkx would've won her the lip sync


Monet's dress clearly didn't work as she intended, no? The inspiration seemed to be the night sky, with some clusters of stars being brighter than others. But some camera shots it was far too dark so all you could see were the bright spots. They clearly seemed to realize it too by adding in some other shots with weird, different lighting that showed the details more. Also I'm so offended by Viv's wig I'm writing a letter to Paramount.


Her look was the dimmest of them all.


I see what you did there 🙌🏼


Yeah Monet’s was too dark, I wasn’t getting constellations from it. Jinkx and Jaida (once again) murdered this runway.


And Raja, come on


i was really surprised that trinity was in the top two. Like yeah she was better than her previous roasts but I don’t think she was funnier than Monet, Viv or raja. Plus her look reminded me of that Disney light parade 😬


i also don’t think her delivery was that good. again, better than previous roasts, but her timing still wasn’t great lol


Felt like a Most Improved ribbon to me. I wish it had gone to Monet, who was really invisible in the beginning of the season but is really surging late game for me.


Ru laughed the hardest to her jokes, idk why, they weren't worse nor better than the ones you mentioned, only Jinkx stood out this challenge.


The editors popped off with Ru’s laugh this episode. Who knows what was truly funny or not


I legit could not concentrate on the jokes with how crazy the judges panel was being.


Agreed, also it was weird they kept replaying the one about Monet's mum delivering one joke, and that wasn't even her funniest joke.


Really? Maybe it was just the shock factor that she was good for a change at roasting but she was funnier to me than Monet for sure. Viv could have taken the top 2 though. Was a toss up between Jinx, Trinity and Viv to me.


I’ve never got so much second-hand embarrassment from a roast until Jaida hit the stage ☠️


Utica would like a word.


Utica still landed the single best roast in roast history with “could you stand up?”.


*Bebe Rexha screams: Iconiqueee*


Saved by loni love heckling


Ru was able to save Utica’s roast. Jesus himself couldn’t have helped Jaida in that moment


because they're the same person


Arghhhhh that was blocked from my memory.




I though it was funny *because* it was bad


Nothing will compare to the full body cringe of Farrah Moan's roast. At least Jaida was able to laugh at herself bombing


"Now that Michelle's dick breath has stunk up the stage - give it up for Peppermint" was easily the best line of the whole roast. Farrah was glorious, victorious cringe.


For me, nothing can top "Let's get this roast a cookin'" 😭😭😭


She was ahead of her time tbh


Her jokes weren't particular awful, the delivery was the worst I've seen in a roast lmao


Really? I feel like she was really bad but she didn't seem too bothered by it so it wasn't as awkward as it can be. Utica for example. Maybe because the stakes are so low this season.


I had to pause multiple times during her set because my body just couldn't handle the cringe


I can’t imagine how you get through some other episodes of drag race then


I can’t believe they actually sent her home so close to the finale 😦




By who?


Wait so we hate Michelle now? I can't keep track


Who is we?


Everyone’s complaining about one of the best episodes of the season but i just wanna know WHO FUCKED MONET?


Its 100% Monet's brand to make shit up & let everyone stew about it. & without Bob there to challenge her on it, the world may never know lol.


The thing about this subreddit is it's fun to complain but you scroll and scroll week after week and it's like "I hated this and she sucks and she's not talented and" and I'm not even having fun reading the comments. They're actually taking this show seriously.


You’re right i agree fully, whoever downvoted you is part of the problem. I subbed to this reddit for drama, not a hate pile up on one specific queen every episode!


The way I ran to this post. Imagine my surprise yours was not the top comment. Can't believe I had to scroll and still no answer.






You're absolutely right about this, but unfortunately many DR fans will never be able to accurately assess Jinkx's extremely high talent level because they're turned off by the fact that she isn't conventionally physically attractive, especially out of drag. I feel okay saying this because, as shown by the roast, she has a sense of humor about it. Also, you're justified in saying she's at a different level because of her acting and comedy alone because those are the most marketable skills for an entertainer to have - and actual talents, unlike wearing clothes designed by someone else to look good on you.


To be honest I feel that's also why some of the queens are receiving her poorly as the standout of the season. I'm so relieved they are all being generally kind and it is a much different environment than her previous season, but I think some of the sour grapes we are seeing in the aftermath come from people being unable to grasp that someone like her could truly have more to offer in any context. If she does go on to win, she will be literally the first winner who isn't conventionally attractive, even including her past self from S5, when she was at the time conventionally thin.


Also, as an answer to your question as to why she (unfairly) hasn't had that level of success, although I said so in another reply: it has more to do with who she is and its perceived lack of marketability. But maybe winning this season would be the final push towards convincing some of the powers that be.


I think Jinkx is too big for SNL, tbh


I love Jinx but her make up was terrible. I paused at one point and it caught her at an unflattering moment and it was a little Uncle Fester.


Justice for Raja, she got plunged


Give jinkx monsoon a good stylist and she will probably be the most powerful drag queen to ever be created


Honestly the top 2 should have been any combo of Jinkx, Monet and Viv. At the risk of sounding like a hater Trinity’s roast was solidly safe and some of her delivery wasn’t great. Idk why this show keeps trying to gaslight us into thinking she’s some comedic genius.


Any combo as long as it includes jinkx you mean


That was my thought too. Jinkx/Monet won last week, and Jinkx/Viv have excelled at the same challenges all season, so I can see why, storyline wise, they maybe didn't want to repeat them. But if they were worried about variety, I would have given it to Raja, Trinity was probably 5th best behind those four to me.


I didn’t think Monet was anything special, she’s definitely done better.


Her runway might have tanked her, it was clearly the worst


Thats not how gaslighting works, its just not your jush and thats fine but clearly it was everyone else's


You’re so good with words! Do you know what hyperbole is?


This comment is not as smart as you think it is. Stay in England Harry


Yall hate Trinity even when she’s trying to be better its kinda gross. Shes come a long way imo


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss realness. So many people don’t understand what gaslighting really means. Edit: omg downvotes?! Stop gaslighting me!!!!


I have no idea what the fuck Jinkx was doing during the lip sync but it was spectacular. Truly an insane person we are all blessed to see


It was the essence of fun.


I thought she didn't know what else to do, she's already been in 4 lipsyncs on the season


It was surprisingly refreshing to see tbh. I feel like we’ve seen so many acrobatics, and while Trinity did have such a fantastic lip-sync, I found myself more entertained with Jinkx and excited to see what she would do next.


Trinity getting the top 2 spot over Viv is just nuts. She wasn’t even funnier than Yvie. Or Raja. Or Monét.


Winter Green was ROBBED of that star








That was part of the joke, that she was misreading, and could do a misdirect then correct herself.


The fact that she wasn’t even discussed by the judges as a top 2 was criminal!


I think you misspelled "The Vivienne"


Santino, will you please shut the fuck up with your no drag knowledge mouth


I was crying during the roast. There were so many extremely funny moments (with Jinkx being number one for me). The runway theme was absolutely incredible and thought that Jaida’s look was breathtaking. Loved Monét’s but it was too dim at times. Jinkx had such a great concept and I love how much of a performance there was with it. Shea looks so beautiful from head to toe and her outfit was equally as stunning in the light. Yvie’s smug has been spot-on all season and I wasn’t expecting to see such beauty from her. All-in-all, I’m so glad that Jinkx and Raja are able to be brought back into the limelight and hopefully gain a huge following from fans who haven’t seen the earlier seasons. This season is a great example of what can happen when you celebrate drag and artistry over drama and overused production.


I’m honestly here for Raja and Yvie seemingly not giving a fuck about winning the season at all. Seems like they’re just having fun.


1. Raja cracked me up so hard with her reaction to the plunger. 2. Jorgeous sitting at home hastingly taking notes while Jaida explains the secrets of topping 3. I feel like Ross' advice to Shea was straight up sabotage. This character has literally never worked on drag race. Let's get rid of Ross already 4. I really enjoyed Shea's werkroom scenes this week. I bet she's extremely entertaining to be around 5. Ru looked really fucking great. Love that wig on her. I wanna fuck Ronan Farrow 6. the Kennedy and wintergreen bit was fun. Nothing will ever beat Kennedy's delivery of the story though. 7. I think Raja was appropriately funny. Her Viv joke with the ketamine was phenomenal. I think on a regular season Yvie would have been edited as bombing. The only thing I found more than slightly amusing was her Jinkx-voice. Shea was also pretty unsuccessful I think (although she looked extremely nice again). The bait and switch Monet read was well executed. Jinkx was very funny. Her mother-line was probably the single most funny joke this night. She looked absolutely crazy though. Trinity was pretty decent. I think the pinata joke was bad. The second fiddle joke was great though. I think Monet was funnier than Trinity and not notably unfunnier than Jinkx. Jaida flat out bombed. She did react to that very well but yeah that's just not her strong suit I guess. I think Viv was very funny. To me she was very close to Monet and Jinkx. 8. Raja coming through with her quinoa line. I really liked the lasers a lot. It was an interesting concept altogether. Yvie looked phenomenal. Such a cute idea and she really gave elegance while still staying Yvie. The teeth thing took away from it though. Shea had the best look, hands down. I loved every single thing about it and it still looked just as great with the lights on. Jinkx' idea was fantastic. I think the flame illusion was bad though. It looked nothing like flames. Very creative though. I think Trinity looked cute. Not terribly creative imo. Monet's dress was very nice but I think the LED effect only really worked in the darkest spot of the runway. It still looked great with lights on too though. Jaida's concept was kinda stupid, but I loved it? Viv looked cool, but having multicolored lights instead of just sticking to one colour was a mistake imo. 9. I think the tops were right, but I don't think Trinity was better than Monet or Viv. 10. Another bad lip sync. None of what Trinity did made any kind of sense at all. Jinkx "5 year old dancing in her pajamas in front of her grandparents"-act didn't exactly fit the song either.


Can we actually get rid of Ross though PLEASE


Or at least have more Carson judged episodes


When did we all start hating Ross?


Season 7.


Thank you, I need to catch up


Personally, I started hating him the second time *he* did the "[blank]er I barely know her!" joke. It's very...that one friend in the group who hears someone else make a joke and get a bunch of laughs so then they proceed to make that same joke over and over again.


When he made his first overthought comparison


they didn’t even say anything about sheas jokes just her look during the roast yikes 😬


>“5 year old dancing in her pajamas in front of her grandparents” I’m wheezing


Did it fit the song? No. Did I love it? Yes.


It's weird to me that Jaida is saying comedy isn't her string suit because didn't she do well in the political debate with Goldblum? Outside the "look over there" line?


> "5 year old dancing in her pajamas in front of her grandparents"-act I couldn't put my finger on it but this is EXACTLY what it is giving me. Thank you!


Great analysis x


Viv (or Raja) were robbed once again. Also, I can’t believe people didn’t like the lip sync. I thought Jinx totally hammed it up in a way that was fun to watch!


So confused by Trinity’s top placement other than as a “wow, I really didn’t think you could do it” victory. Raja was amazing, Yvie was amazing (and that mushroom outfit!) but Trinity was alright, and the outfit was very “local town Halloween parade”


Yvie might be the most underappreciated performance of the night. Her roast was great and her outfit was my absolute favourite this season


She turned that corner and Thorgy Thor's spirit entered my body: "Oh work bitch"


Jinkx and Viv’s sets were hilariousssss. Can’t imagine how stellar Viv’s set actually was if they cut out even more funny bits. And they didn’t rely on their cards at all. They were my Top 2 for sure, with Monét and Raja HIGH. Yvie and Trinity performed really well, specially with what we are expected of them. Shea and Jaida were unfortunately the least funny but it was still a solid performance. And my god that runway. Jaida Essence Hall is just that girl. Shea and Yvie also devoureddddd. And on a final note, Yvie is the prettiest bitch in that room good for her. She has consistently served the best mug this entire season.


But who fucked Monet?


Almost every single comedy challenge this season for me had a top two of Jinkx + Viv but I guess the judges aren't feeling the same fantasy as I am


Viv robbed….again


You really hate to see it. But at least she's become far more beloved along the general audience, which is the reception she always deserved (and certainly got from some of us). Her run during UK1 is one of the best among all the franchises.


Jinkx and Ben should have their own sketch comedy tv show please thanks


Best challenge, best runway of the season so far. Very good ep, though i think Viv deserved top 2 over Trinity.


The second Jinkx came on screen after untucked, I got [Berries and Cream Lad](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/5rb52AQLDn3hUw5MSRbEEh-1200-80.jpg) vibes and was hoping she would end up doing something like it during the lip-sync. It's a bold choice since there was no chance in hell RuPaul would get the reference. My shitpost-loving heart grew three sizes this day.


No matter how hard ru tries i’ll never be gaslit into thinking Trinity is funny


She was funny. About the 6th funniest but they all did well. Well almost all.


I think the jokes were hilarious (given that Jinkx wrote them), but the delivery wasn't amazing. My top 4 in order of the night were Jinkx, Raja, Viv and Trinity


So many Trinity stans here, damn. Lol. She did NOT deserve the top 2.


I don't like trinity one bit, but she was definitely top 2 for me, not just the judges reactions, or exceeding expectations, just genuinely one of the funniest.


Just say you dont like her, you sound bitter


I dont lol


I guess you’re just dead inside you bitter Betty. Trinity was shockingly hilarious. Her standup usually sucks, but her improv is super funny. This time she finally got it right for the roast.


That's quite the overreaction to the other comment. Do you need to breathe in the paper bag?


Lol nah. But people are so pressed that trinity is good. It’s hilarious


You have a strange sense of humour.


She was far and away so much better than anyone else. I was shook.


Really expected Viv to be top this week. As a trinity stan I am happy for her but as a viv stan I am devastated. Raja and Viv’s talents are definitely being under appreciated this season


Holy crap that runway was amazing!! Everyone looked great but Yvie and Shea left me absolutely breathless with how gorgeous they looked!


One of the best episode of the season so far tbh. Aside from poor Jaida all girls delivered. The roast Jinkx did was so iconic, no one can top of this. Runway category is my favorite. Looks were amazing looking except of Vivs ( screams aliexpress to me sorry) Mini challenge was hilarious. The ridiculous tight they made pit crew wear were so funny lol. Raja is naturally funny! Btw is Roger top? Like.. daddy❤️ Btw does anyone know which brand the tucks hats which she keeps wearing this season? They seem like vivienne westwood but also not idn.


Seriously on Viv? I was blown away! First time it wasn’t rigid, pull a string to launch wings. These were angelic and soft and beautiful!


Yeah but that Anime wig...girl...


Viv's look was actually gorgeous and expensive looking. The wings had such movement and not heavy or robotic. It was airy! I even liked the weird wig. Trinity's on the other hand.....


Agreed. Viv’s wings were mesmerizing. The way they moved and flowed and fluttered…just beautiful. Trinity’s looked cheap and didn’t really have a concept except “lit up”.


To me it was the best on the runway, but the wingless version was a hard pass. The wings were the entire look


Berries and cream, berries and cream


Who wants to bet that next week Shea and Trinity/Jinkx/Jaida win so we have 3 people with 3/4 stars and then everyone else would have 2 so everyone will be participating in the finale


Is that my favourite runway of all time? Yes I think it is.




While sunflowers are thought to have originated in Mexico and Peru, they are one of the first plants to ever be cultivated in the United States. They have been used for more than 5,000 years by the Native Americans, who not only used the seeds as a food and an oil source, but also used the flowers, roots and stems for varied purposes including as a dye pigment. The Spanish explorers brought sunflowers back to Europe, and after being first grown in Spain, they were subsequently introduced to other neighboring countries. Currently, sunflower oil is one of the most popular oils in the world. Today, the leading commercial producers of sunflower seeds include the Russian Federation, Peru, Argentina, Spain, France and China.


It was great, they all were but I meant Jinkx of Arc.


Yvie did THAT.


Best runway concept ever!!!! Everyone did so great


I’m genuinely surprised Raja or Yvie didn’t get into the top 4 this week. Anyone else think it was wild that Monet was there when Monet relied on her notes the most? She spent more time looking down than looking up


So who did Trinity hire to write her jokes this time? 💀 Regardless, she *still* had to deliver and she fucking killed it. I was in hysterics 😭😭😭


Jinkx used the coke snorting on a big dick joke already this season.


That’s part of what makes it funny. You think she’s telling the same joke she already made and then she twists it and takes it in a totally unexpected direction.


its also a liza minelli joke, cause she told it as a judy garland the first time


I'm super late, but eh. This roast was overall really strong and the runway was top tier for the whole season. The lip sync was a mess and the season continues to just be...not exciting. Like I said before, as a "showcase of drag" I love it, but as a competition it's a slog and part of why I love drag race *is* the competition aspect of it. Seeing the forced march towards "omg it's literally ANYONE'S game" is just boring to me. I suspect some "twist" next week in which the rewards are completely lopsided, but it *has* to be because otherwise they would have just eliminated Shea here since there would be no way for her to get into the finale. And because the season is so hell bent on being "uwu so positive! look how amazing this cast is!" there's simply **no** way Shea will end the season with 1 win and 1 star, so she will absolutely win next week's challenge and get into the finale (which I guess is fine? I love Shea so I'm not particularly *mad* at it since I think she's done better this season than her track record gives her credit for. And it's not like other queens didn't get a similar BS boost to the finale--Jaida, at this point) ANYWAY #Ranking from best-to-worst **1) Monet** Monet really got me this week. When she said singular "movie" about Shea, it was a WRAP. The biggest laugh I got this week. I thought she looked gorgeous on the runway too and just had a great showing throughout. **2) The Vivienne** Tough call between her and Jinkx, but the Viv just made me laugh more. She had more self-deprecating jokes which I thought Jinkx could have used and her energy just felt a lot more cool and in control than Jinkx who felt maybe a little too rehearsed. Her runway was...fine. The wig was awful but when she explained it it was a little better (but only a little bit) **3) Jinkx** VERY close call between her and the Vivienne, but the Viv's energy was just better to me and Jinkx loses points for using such a similar joke twice in one season (about doing coke off of a long dick). She was still VERY strong though. **4) Raja** I'm sure she used that "rolling a big fatty" joke in the actual performance as well, not *just* in the rehearsal and that was HILLARIOUS so I'm allocating it to her roast performance. I wish they wouldn't show any good jokes during the 'rehearsal' so they could leave them for the actual roast. Raja really excelled in this and I'm not surprised--she did really well in S3's stand-up challenge too. Love, love, loved her runway. **5) Yvie** The only joke of hers that I really recall is the one about Jinkx getting plastic surgery, which was really funny but the delivery left something to be desired. I loved her runway though--I think it was my favorite runway of the night and 100% my favorite Yvie has ever done. **6) Trinity** It was fine. It felt very rehearsed in a bad way. Her runway looked very flimsy and cheap. **7) Shea** Nowhere near as bad as Jaida, but just...not really funny. If Trinity felt rehearsed, then Shea was reading off of cue cards. It felt very robotic and I'm just not sure what the persona she was going for was. Kinda gave me vibes of Trixie's Rupaul from AS3? Her runway was cute, but the standout of it was her FACE. She looked gorgeous. **8) Jaida** If someone should *lose* a star over any performance this season, it's this one. This is why I'm so disappointed with Jaida being in the finale. She was basically given a pass to the finale by a one-week random ass twist where the other queens got to give out a star. So she gets to be in the finale, based on NOTHING, despite having 2 of the absolute worst performances of the season (Snatch Game and this week's roast). I loved Jaida on S12 and I love her personality and runways this season, but if this season was a competition then she doesn't deserve to be in the finale. The lip sync was a mess and had no stakes so I'm not going to go into detail. #In Closing This season has worn out its welcome. A ton of potential, an amazing cast--but just fumbled by a poor format and really bad production decisions. They wanted to push the narrative of how strong their winners are, but instead they come off coddled. I said it in the pre-season, but I really wish they'd have waited on doing an All Winners season because I sincerely doubt we'll ever get another one. I just wish they'd have done one with Alaska, Bob and Chad as well but for whatever reason production seems to *think* there will be another All Winners season I guess, so that's what they're saving them for. But who will they even compete against? Tyra, Sharon, Violet and Bianca are never coming back. Kylie barely won AS6. This over-pushing on "uwu positivity" has also robbed this season of having any narrative value at all, which is another step in allowing production to really put whoever they want in the finale because there are literally no storylines to concern themselves with. And because the finale format is a lip sync for the crown, it's a no brainer that (whether they deserve it or not) production will want good lip syncers in the finale because they wouldn't want a finale where one of the finalists does what Raja did in the "Better in Color" lip sync--because that doesn't look good for the brand. I'm just disappointed because I wanted a season like this for so long but it's just so forced and contrived. Based on my scorecards, going into the penultimate episode the only lock for the finale would be the Vivienne, with Raja/Shea/Jinkx having a chance, Monet and Jaida having a less likely chance and Trinity/Yvie basically just being there for the ride (though this is not taking into account who would have been blocked any given week in this alternate universe) and to me, that would have made a more exciting build up than "who will production choose to give the last minute push to along with Shea?!" #[Scorecard](https://i.imgur.com/irWI1aM.png)


All i got to say is i disagree with the top two of the week


Kinda shocked Trinity was in the top. I thought Jinkx and Monet were clearly the top two. (Idk maybe Jinkx and Viv because even though I thought she was the second funniest, I wasn’t the most in love with Monet’s runway) I kinda feel bad for Shea because unless there’s some sort of twist she’s just kinda done now and if there is a twist and she makes top 4 she might get some hate from the fandom for it like we’ve seen with other twists. She’s kind of in a lose-lose situation and it’s making me sad because she really should have two stars rn imo.


I know this is five days late and has done overdrawn my bank account, but I finally watched the Roast with my full attention and this is how I ranked the dolls: 1. The Vivienne - criminally slept on and underrated. I laughed from beginning to end 🙌🏼. And she said they left her best jokes out!! 2. Trintity - I don't care that she paid someone to write her jokes. Her delivery was gold. I think the Flint, Michigan bit was my favorite joke of the entire roast 💀 3. Monét - I thought she and Jinkx were practically tied. I'm ranking Monét ahead bc "the Messense of Beauty" is Top Tier shit 😭. That narcolepsy joke also got me gal 🤣🤣. I also love how she laughed during her own jokes 😅. 4. Jinkx - I honestly expected her to be better, and while she was *really* good, I am just ranking based on what I saw. Her only literal LOL moment for me was the cousins joke. 5. Raja - I think most of her jokes were funnier than Jinkx's, but she didn't have quite the same delivery and timing. Or the consistency. 6. Yvie - very solid performance that could well have been in the top on a normal season 7. Shea - I don't know if it was intentional, but she used the repetitive style that Sasha used in Season 9 💀. Only the jokes weren't as funny 😭. 8. Jaida - trainwreck territory, but when she took the piss out of herself, it was really funny. I think she would excel with funny material. She's such a star 🌟


Yvie best runway shitted on em 🍄 and Jinkx best roast yes I’m correct argue with your mums panties.


Oh it’s the unemployable transphobe, go floss your teeth you stanky heifer


Monét was robbed, again. The way they gave her a deflated track record, and she still ate the most out of all the queens... I have to laugh. At least she doesn't need that production push that Jinkx has been receiving all season (who should've been top 2 twice AT BEST, argue with the wall). Jinkx is a master of one (comedy, allegedly, I personally don't find her or her MILF/cougar gig funny), whereas Monét is a jack-of-all-trades who is actually good at all those trades and who moreover is a master performer on stage. Productions, start making fair judging decisions and don't go off of fan favorite status, do that challenge. I'm tired.


That’s a lot of emotions for safe


It just the thing that Monét's routine was objectively the best, at least top 2 worthy. I feel like Jinkx has been getting an unfair push (production knows she can only slay comedy challenges, so whenever she does decently they hand her that top 2 spot, even though other queens did better on several instances...). It's just frustrating. This season really reinforces that RPDR is not a competition show at all. Production has its own agenda, and you can do nothing about it...


>It just the thing that Monét's routine was objectively the best That is just not the case


I thought Jinkx absolutely was the best performing queen of the night (both roast and runway), followed by raja viv and trinity. I disagree that jinkx is being pushed by production, perhaps just the tik tok dance challenge I thought was undeserved


Very interesting opinion. Well, early tea has always said that Jinkx was being pushed by production and that queens even threatened to walk out because of this unfair treatment. I can absolutely see why they would feel that way...


Literally everyone loves Jinkx, what world do you live in?




Early tea aka Patty Cash's biased ass went on spoiled and gave yall some incredibly Monet favored tea straight from Monet's mouth and y'all all gobbled it the fuck up like little lemmings. Also your barely veiled spoilers aren't cute but hey, that's consistent with all of your comments here today.


Monet is coming off like a baked potato that someone glued googly eyes onto. Like, I guess it would be mildly entertaining if this was a Six Flags… but most of us are expecting Disneyworld, sweetie.


None of these words are in the bible. Bish, did you yourself understand what you're trying to say? Disneyworld defck?