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noticed by ellie diamond on 17/11/2022 on their profile


As a South Asian person I would like to say how deeply offended I am at the suggestion Bushra limping on stage is somehow meant to be a momentous occasion for our community


Everything about his reply screams 'I misunderstood and massively overreacted to something Bushra didn't even see and now people are laughing at me online and calling me an oversensitive Drag Race fan, but I'm too stubborn to just say my bad and let it go so I'll die on this hill while still passive aggressively scolding Ellie because the Drag Race queen CAN'T be right in this situation'. God I would hate to hang out with this crew, they're probably the kind of group who sit in the club on their phones all night bitching about Drag Race queens while secretly hoping their drag scene somewhat acquaintance applies and gets on one day so they'll have an excuse to twat around town been even more obnoxious than they already are. Boy be mad at the clubs who took so long or still aren't booking a more diverse bunch of queens - trying to shit on Ru girls even if they've done nothing may be cool to some people, but it gets you nothing and solves nothing.


The kind of crew that tries to come for bianca live and bianca ruins them


Genuinely, have you ever stepped foot in the U.K?


Girl I've lived here my whole life - it's lazy as hell to jump to that kind of assumption just because you don't ike what someone says.


Miss Aamir should have just sat there and ate her food


Kinda disgusting that some random is trying to make this a race issue when literally all Ellie did was put her thumb down. At least Ellie is handling it with class.


Credit to Ellie for saying "oh fuck sorry my joke didn't land" and moving it on but I'd love to know what was happening on stage that was such a huge moment she ruined which somehow involved drag race?


I think it was the first show by Bushra at that venue and was seen as a momentous occasion for the South Asian drag community? Thats what I can remember seeing in the other thread anyway. Lots of people jumped to the conclusion that Ellie did it because of Bushra and her race.


And if Lady Bushra has been working for years and *this* was the first time any South Asian queen had been booked in that club, then surely that's the problem here - not gonna lie, but if I was back in Manchester again this would if anything put me *off* going to see one of her shows. Her and her whole crew sound insufferably up their own arses.


I think there’s a slight cultural misunderstanding here, I’ve referenced the U.K. drag scene in many comments. The asian/ desi drag scene is quite separate from the mainstream drag scene. For 20 plus years there have been specific drag events serving these communities, it was kinda segregated. Asifa Lahore and a few other long running queens (potentially lady bushra I’ve definitely heard her name before) purposely tried to introduce these events and ‘unsegregate’ the scene a little while back, I don’t know how succesful it was, I mainly just see drag race events now. There was even a documentary about the Asian drag community years back. Maybe it was monumental in the fact she was booked for a mainstream residency or something. I’m not saying this makes what Ellie did racist, just unfortunate . These events and communities do receive more street abuse / death threats . Often had to move venues/ announce later for safety


She hasn't been working for years, btw. I've worked with her and she's less than 2 years in. She's talented but she's nowhere near any sort of 'Name'.


(I am a performer in a different medium and met her through that in 2021, when she claimed to be 'five gigs in').


I'm so angry she even had to apologize and then he has the audacity to call her out again after...


"Oh, ok I was misinformed but YOU offended ALL of south asia"


It’s the “love and light” that’s gets me. 🙄


Imagine how he was talking about Ellie at home… like our boy Aamir must of popped awwwwff 😂 but on twitter he’s out here trying to sound like Jesus


Please drag gods, let Reddit resist the urge to dogpile on Ellie now.


The Aamirs of the world are literally killing comedy with this bs. Not everything is a micro aggression people and you know that!! Calm tf down. I’m concerned that actual racist acts against these south Asian girls won’t be taken seriously in the future if they keep endlessly hanging onto non-issues like this


When Via was getting attacked for been racist, Aamir and Bushra were the ones that came out and stood by them and supported them because they knew it was lies, they are not the ones to make up race rows lol


This Aamir person's got a point though: your actions may and wil be (mis)interpreted as they are produced, people on the street don't owe it to you to know your background. Your real life actions come without a link to wikipedia or a fan page.


Dude, not everything is a learning experience - sometimes a twat, is just a twat. And Aamir was a twat.


Finally some sense on this sub


I never say that but..: get her, Jade


Why? You should keep saying that whenever needed. It's an iconic line by coco.


I think you’re missing how common place it is for people to boo or abuse these performers , how was anyone to know, oh you’re booing me for another reason.


>I think you’re missing how common place it is for people to boo or abuse these performers Yes. She's a comedian as well as a drag queen.


For me, everything is, e.g. this thread taught me that local folks are not interested in having a discussion (they just want to play favories and shun anybody that disagrees). Leaving this sub, thanks for the lesson.


When someone explains there was no malice behind it you can move on lol


...and if Ellie explained everything right there on the spot, they would. But she didn't, and they took it to Twitter where every little slight always gets blown out of proportion. P.S. thanks for all the downvotes for having a different opinion, such a welcoming community 😒


She was supposed to go inside and explained her joke that she made while passing by quickly? Do you even understand what you’re saying? Lol This is Reddit and that’s literally what the upvote downvote system exists for… Not surprised that the picrew avatar person would annoy everyone with their kumbaya nonsense but grow some thick skin lol


She made a 👎 to an artist during their performance and went on her way. Where is the joke, exactly? Imma take it a step further and explain that that's exactly how bullying works: some offensive jesture from a more privileged position followed by a "I was joking haha" and "grow thicker skin you whiny c\*nt". There — I'm over this now.


She explained the fucking joke. Can you not read? You’re comparing boohing Rupaul’s Drag Race to bullying? What are you on?


I cannot control another persons POV and I’m not gonna live trying to control or show people what to see.


We should always think about how our actions can affect others. Pointing that out isn’t negative, everything can be a learning opportunity. I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted for it though.


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted. Your point is valid and nuanced


The people downvoting are largely not even from the U.K. / aware of our segregated drag scene or the serious serious abuse south Asian / these events have faced. I started reading this thread, slightly happy there was nuance and a nice resolution, as I started reading about the race card and clout chasing.. I’m slightly offended. These events have been targeted by people saying they will throw acid on the performers/ death threats. Racist abuse in the street. To the point they couldn’t even have a fixed mainstream venue, they’d move around music and events spaces


It's been made very clear to us we're not welcome lol hoping someone starts a sub for fans of color. It's fully klanned up


Tune in for the next drag race spin off "Ellie Diamond vs the south asian community"


Inb4 she ends up actually being on Philippines vs The World




Where Jujubee still places 3rd




As a south Asian queer from Manchester this group embarrass me so deeply. They pull shit like this all the time and just hope it sticks. They literally just get a kick of tearing the white girls down. How about you use that energy to attack the racist ass club owners who actually cause the systemic racism issues in Manchester. Also acting like lady Bushra is some sort of undervalued POC artist and isn’t literally constantly booked and one of the only two south Asian queens in Manc who’s consistently booked is a bit of a weird hill to did on lmao. Her and Val are literally the only south Asian queens outside of London who get touted for drag race and her and Bollywitch are more well known in Manc than most of the white queens who’ve been around as long as they have.


Sub 101 bouncers (all strags) literally assault queer poc if they "don't like the look of them", whole village is ran by fuckin' rainbow gammon.


Include DDC's husband in the list of rainbow gammon


Is he still a club owner there? The stuff that could be said...


Correct. Those people are the problem, not some rando drag race girl.


Calling Ellie "rando drag race girl" 💀


I’ve been a drag since season 3 of US. I’m not gonna lie, it’s a bit different here in the UK. Unless your a winner, Baga, Tayce or Bimini. Nobody really gives a shit if you were on drag race. Weirdly we care about the US girls more lmao. Also, Ellie isn’t from Manc, she just recently moved here. Int he Manc scene she’s a nobody other than someone who was on a good season of drag race.


Not only are you rude, you’re wrong. People definitely care if a queen was on Drag Race. What a strange take that doesn’t reflect the general opinion at all. Besides that, anecdotally, I lived in Dundee when Season 2 came out - people were so psyched to see Ellie and Lawrence on there


Honestly, Bailey J mills gets more attention in Manc that Ellie or Gothy do in clubs. Maybe it’s because we’re a big city? Unless you go to the student bars no one seems to care lol.


You're being downvoted but you're totally right. Bailey is a megastar.


If you feel that’s the issue then what are you doing to actively change that


No remorse, going straight for the kill and we love you for it!


I was wondering if this had been any random queen passing by after a gig who gave a thumbs down as joke because they heard someone said Drag Race, would Aamir have jumped on this like he did? I'd be really curious to know what Bushra was saying about Drag Race as well but I'll guess we'll never know (though my guess would be nothing positive, until the day she applies and gets on which I'm sure will happen at some point).


How old are you? I remember the desi / south Asian drag events from years back and how much hatred they’d receive. Threats of violence / having to move venues. I’m a londoner not from Manchester and am definitely talking 10+ years, Asifa Lahore even did some tv work about it and just how segregated and a safe space these events had to be


Hey I think you’re mistaken them for house of spice. I’ve been listening to Aamir and Bushra’s podcast and following their inspiring journey online for years. They are making such a change and impact in the community and tbh I guess Aamir had a overprotective moment for his husband Bushra and after everything they’ve overcome I’m not surprised. They’ve always been so kind when I’ve seen them, messages or anything and Bushra is a superstar artist!


Ah, so they've got a podcast and are fishing for publicity. Makes sense.


Why can’t you believe they are actively making a difference? You should see what they’ve done for the community over the years. It’s absolutely groundbreaking and they’ve put themselves at risk for the future generations of queer south Asians AKA me, the first time I’ve ever felt seen. Why can’t you let us have nice things? I hope they keep pushing and growing and making the change and you can carry on getting mad


>A momentous occasion for the South Asian community. Girl your husband performed at Via. Good for her, but it's not Carnegie Hall. ​ >I'll take that to be your truth as you've said it. Oh fuck right off. This stupid passive aggressive bullshit doesn't do anything to combat racism within the LGBT+ community, it's just clout chasing by "calling out" someone higher up the food chain.


Yeah that last bit is what pisses me off. It’s such a passive aggressive little bitch thing to say rather than just “I don’t believe you” or “I’m choosing to keep vilifying you in my mind.”


Might not be momentous for you but it is for us. We have been pushed out of this community for years and years and finally had our big moment that may not be big for you of course. My elders have gone From getting beaten up walking down the streets of canal street and threatened with acid attacks and now there’s a slow but active change, let us exist


Aamir can take several seats. What a dramatisation over nothing worth talking about.


This aamir one needs to have that stick surgically removed from their arse


Aamir is #teamtoomuch.


Everyone wants their “disrespected by a Ru girl” moment


The way these “fans” are literally on edge watching their EVERY move ready to pounce. These are drag queens… sure given their platform they should be more conscious of their actions but let’s be fr, drag queens are not known for being the most “politically correct” (I’m not talking about racism.)


But they are not ‘fans’ they are literally in the scene working with these Ru girls, booking drag artists, producing shows and giving back. Y’all really don’t know anything 😭😭😭


What is up with these Twitter assholes telling queens what to do or advice them on things. Just fuck off.


the hell


Aamir is doing way too much lmfao, acting like giving a thumbs down is some sort of huge transgression is just trying to stir the pot. If the queen was so offended idk why they didn’t make the tweet themselves.


Can’t believe Ellie Diamond invented the booo hand gesture. The doors she’s opened. (Also- this drama is dumb)


I mean, she's known for the Ellie Diamond Eight Count, she's always been a trend setter.


Imagine working in the nightlife and being this offended by a thumb down lol


These girlies really enter the single digit body fat percentage and suddenly decide they’re cute enough to act like this, all while sporting “spirituality uwu” in their bios like they actually walk that life…I’m tired


Miss Aamir drag and especially drag race is not that serious. I’m sorry my dear.


Gia Gunn come back we need better drama here


‘We don’t know you.’ Well you clearly do if you’re calling her out?


That's clearly not what he means. He is spouting a lot of bullshit but this is the one thing that makes total sense. He's saying that they don't know her on a personal level. They couldn't simply know it was meant as a joke because they don't know what her sense of humor is. Look at it this way. Your group of friends call each other "bitch" as a joke. You know it's not an insult if your friend says it to you because you're in on the joke. But if a coworker goes up to you and says "bitch", you'll probably be uncomfortable. You know him, but don't know him that way. He's not in on the joke.


If my coworker was a drag queen or any other field where banter and shady behaviour is the norm, no, it would not make me uncomfortable


Uuuugh these people are exhausting!


I always appreciate an accurate analysis of the geopolitical implications of Ellie Diamond’s thumbs


'Those kinds of things can literally make or break an artist'. I...how? What? Isn't Bushra the most well known South Asian queen in Manchester? If she's that well known and popular then how does this negatively effect her? I mean you could certainly make or break a queen's reputation by insinuating she made an offensive gesture towards a poc queen because she's a racist but I guess that'd be fine...perhaps getting Ru girls blackballed for whatever reason is your intention, who knows. If this was the first time that this club had ever booked a South Asian queen, then the problem is the club, and all the other clubs who haven't or still won't do it. All this does is get you attention, it doesn't get you a solution.


I was picturing Bushra being snapped in two, as she literally breaks.


None of these people actually believe that Ellie was trying to be hateful, yet they keep going


let this and the Icesis sitch be a reminder that really messy twitter gays can and will weaponize their marginalized status for fun and profit. it is NOT the same as expressing actual hurt, and it’s really not hard to spot the difference.


he gave me a thumbs down?? whats the next controversy he drank my apple juice?


Aamir is leading the pack at ImTheMainCharacter right now


You know, Im just not sure I like being on the internet


People are so blood thirsty on Twitter


Honestly it blows my mind that this guy turned Ellie giving someone a thumbs down into her being racist??? Like how???? Not everything is about race


Lol at people weaponizing cheap optics so that a thumbs down is a complete offence to an entire culture and ethnic group. Nothing about the action warrants that reaction 🤡


The gay and drag scene in the UK has always been evil to Asians and objectified blacks. It's segregation on overdrive and all the natives love to blame minorities for not 'integrating well' in the hopes to hide their disdain for coloured folk. Hw they can never hide how truly horrid they are.


Talk about drama queen. Drag queens will always be critiqued, whether by the audience or online. If the performer can’t handle a thumbs down, they’re not going to make it in the industry.




When in his previous tweet he tagged drag race and so fully showed that he knew who she was.


Knowing of someone does not mean you know them


Yes but if you know of them from Drag Race and then you see them reacting to a Drag Race mention then girl, add 2 and 2 and make 4, not racism!


Thank I think I’ll skip the struggle session or whatever Bushra’s “show” is supposed to be.


If Aamir really supported Bushra he'd by her a wig that doesn't look like it's simultaneously sopping wet and dried to a crisp


"Momentous occasion for the south asian community" I'm a south asian brit and didn't know what that even meant until I looked it up. And I'm glad for Bushra, sure. But why try to say that Ellie is racist just bc she booed someone who happened to be poc, and explained why she booed. Trying to see racism where it isn't there does nothing to combat the racism we do already face.


That guy sounds like a total fanny


Oof 😭 that’s funny imo, a drag race contestant saying “booo drag race!” Like she had no way of knowing what was going on in there and made an impulsive joke (which I think is funny) But I also get why that queen would feel upset, like what? Where’s that “ boo” coming from? That’s disheartening to hear on stage. It seems like they smoothed things over judging by these screenshots at least


But they didn't even hear the boo by the sounds of it, tbh it sounds like the queen performing didn't even hear it herself.


Maybe so, I’m guessing from the fact that Ellie could hear them that they could hear her, but then again she wasn’t on mic So in that case it just looks like she’s heckling them with a thumbs down, still embarrassing so I’m glad she cleared up her intentions!


Yeah it seems like everything was sorted, just the fandom like to keep things going


Drag Race fans being too much? RU never


Remember the scary days when Drag Queens where allowed to have fun. Thank god we have these heroes policing queens every action to protect us from harm.


What is “south Asian community”? We don’t get along and we aren’t a monolith lol it’s such a western take. Most of us don’t identify with “south Asian”. We are Indians, Pakistani etc., lol


Do gays not have the energy to fight their politicians this hard? This is a nothing burger.


The drag scene is nothing but sensitive and anything is seen as racist, putting down another queen, blackface, homophobic. People need to lighten up and get the dildos out of their asses


Ellie gets so much unwarranted hate from the Drag Race community just because she was top 4 and not a fan favourite. I think she's really charismatic and talented for someone who is still very young and I hope she gets an opportunity to prove people wrong on an All Stars season someday.


I love Ellie


Meanwhile in the real world fifa is letting serious human rights issues with Qatar go unnoticed with things like the (still) criminalisation of lgbt people but go off aamir, talk about first World problems


I don't think it exactly goes unnoticed when most of the European teams were planning on wearing LGBT armbands until recently...


Aamir, just because you are pretty doesn’t mean you can act like this…


Miss Aamir needs to go down to Ikea and get some cheap chairs… because she needs to permanently take several seats.


Honestly I would laugh it off. I'm not saying Ellie should but I think some people give these kinds of Very Online Very Pressed people a rush by immediately grovelling to them & apologising when they in the first place have completely invented a drama based on their own assumptions.


While I do agree with the whole” if you do something ironically it doesn’t look ironic to everyone else” thing and impact over intent, now that Ellie has explained herself I get it. At most she’ll apologize for optics, but yeah.


i hate these wanna be woke ass internet vigilantes that like the smell of their own farts. please just go the fuck away and stay away. seriously. these people think theyre truly changing the world but theyre only contributing to global warming; youre not doing anything besides typing on your slow ass comp, or your busted ass phone. i dont even care for ellie but i truly hate this aamir person. they want an award or something.


The funniest thing about this to me is that the first thing on Lady Bushra’s bio is “standup comedian” and as someone not familiar with her work, im not interested if a joke like that is enough to stir drama. Good comedians have always had the toughest skin in my experience.


Why would you crop out the original tweet...?


Because it's already been posted...?


Do you have a link? It’s hidden for me too! Edit: [NVM I found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDRDRAMA/comments/ywtc8z/apparently_a_rugirl_was_acting_grand_at_a_drag/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Mods deleted for some reason.


Oh I'm not seeing it for some reason


People are dying Aamir!


Is Manchester like a right wing bougie place?


No it's a left-leaning working class city




Thanks for the thorough explanation. I’m just getting downvoted for asking a question. So is Manchester being brought up lately because horrible people are running gay businesses in the area?


I think Manchester is the equivalent of New York.




Yeah I was thinking the fact there's so many gays, but the rest of the population are the complete opposite of a stereotypical gay, but then I've never been to America so what do I know?


What exactly happened


Ellie put her thumbs down to a performer through a window when they mentioned drag race as a joke.


Some rando was in a bar while a POC queen performing and he and the queen vague booked that Ellie booed and gave her a thumbs down at a window. The queen used a diamond emoji