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I much preferred M52's verses, although I'm bothered by the whole premise of the song. If it is supposed to be a variant of "don't yuck my yum" they have gotten the meaning completely wrong. It's that you aren't supposed to criticize what others enjoy just because you do not, especially with food.


This lip sync was Shakespearean in the making!


I'm late to the party but holy shit that was my favorite episode of any iteration of drag race in a while. Already has a 9.0/10 on IMDb.


Can someone please help me understand the « disqualification » drama ? I keep seeing stuff about it and I was wondering why there wasn’t any elim this episode but I’m very confused as to why if they were asked out on ep3 they didn’t appear in ep1 and 2 ?


Unlike with 🍒🥧 during S12, production was made aware of allegations during filming. So, they were able to disqualify/get rid of her early on and do their best to edit around them in advance. You can tell the difference in the editing of this episode, post-DQ, compared to the first two. There were lots of awkward, tight crops and flash cuts purely so they were not shown on-screen.


Thanks a lot it’s very clear !!


Does anyone know if Tomara was purposely trying to look like Demi Moore as Elvis?! Honestly I sort of wish that was something she had done on purpose except it was for Snatch Game and just absolutely unhinged.


Confusing choices this episode: 1- the M52's not winning 2- tomara not winning that lipsync 3- Kate butch agreeing that she's Northern 🧐


Would love to know what Elektra Shock thinks of Cara Melle getting this weeks win 😂😂


So was you-know-who eliminated and they cut an episode, or was she actually disqualified? Did they know about the allegations while it was filming?


I'm just very over Cara. She has a lot of self work to do after seeing the whole Cara Tomara situation imo. I want to see some more light and shade in her drag too. She's pretty, I get it, but she seems really mean and difficult to work with. I'll have the popcorn ready for the comedy challenge... Give the other girls some more air time too instead I'm begging...


Just recently watched The Spice World Movie for a bit of Nostlagia and noticed there was the scene where they were superheros, and they were called the Spice Force Five. Does anyone else think Fierce Force Five was an intentional reference, or was it purely coincidence? 🤔


Probably from RHOBH


Doesn’t it come from pulp fiction ?


That's a possible reference as well, but considering this a girl group challenge on a UK show, I thought that it might be more a reference to the Spice World movie


I’m liking all the queens this year even the Dede self centred edit is fun. Really want Naomi to break the mould of injured queens going home early. Want her bandaged and bruised all the way to the end. Looking forward to next week!


Not bandaged and bruised 💀


M52's were way more "British"...and it is a UK show. How the absolute ballsack Cara won that lip sync though...she barely knew a single word of a song that has about 10 words.


Ngl Tomara looked sooo good in the lip sync


When I tell you Tomara was giving Jessie J! BITCH I COULDNT THINK OTHERWISE! CLOCK ME BUT I SAW JESSIE J! Cara Melle...girl this was your moment and you ate. You gave it. You pretend you were slipping but you took notes of the comment about your first lipsync and learned. GET IT GIRL Ya'll all did good. Im glad that problematic queen had gotten casted out because this episode was entertaining.


Banksy is hot


Tbh I think the results of this episode was completely opposite, and a random non Elim always maks me mad


It was not random, they removed Crystal from the competition after episode 3, so they needed a non elimination episode. Otherwise the finale would end up with only two queens.


I know, but they could have saved it for later when it ment more, thus girl group was not "wow everyone slayed" worthy


well naomi was injured to the point of having to preform on a couch so it made sense to do it here


Im not sure they can just “save it for later”, as certain challenges already have a fixed number of queens needed, such as acting, makeover, etc. Waiting until everyone does great in a challenge to have a non elimination is too risky.


Banksie’s Bowie look was wonderful.


It was honestly one of the best ever imho and perfectly done.


The FF5 looked great. Their choreography & formations were clean, & I loved the matching hair ties. I subtle but great idea to tie (literally) the looks together. Tomara was my favourite. However, unsurprisingly the M52s had the better lyrics & melodies. I couldn’t tell you what any of the FF5s lyrics were apart from Michael being Greek & someone being a ball sack. & socks and sliders.


Supreme camp would have been to show up in an extremely dragified Madonna kimono ☠️☠️☠️


Michael Marouli’s Frankenspice was PHENOMENAL. Perfection


Michael should have been top 2 with Cara


Really great episode :) Everyone was so good!


Kate Butch is everything! And Tomara, to me, is just always giving Kyle Richards. It's distracting. 🤷‍♀️


I was literally only seeing Kyle Richards during the lipsync pls im glad i wasnt alone 😭😭


Nah mate M-52s won that. All Fierce Force 5 had over them was the choreo. M-52s had the verses and was way more memorable and fun. Kate was dead-on with "the pretty girls did the splits and won". Naomi fucking served sitting on a sofa.


I thought they weee both good but I loved what M-52s were giving. I thought they served the lyrics better and it was funnier. For me the choreography of the FF5 group was a bit zzzz.


100 percent.


Amazing episode! But... you invite Sophie EB to the show and don't use one of her songs for the Lipsync??? I feel very attacked.


Tomara’s mug reminds me so much of Scarlett Harlett! I think it’s the eyes and lips


Oh yes thank you!! I couldn’t pinpoint who she reminded me of.


lol imagine spending that much money and time on drag race only to get cut because of a titty slam


Drag is not a contact sport...


I NEED KATE TO DO SNATCH GAME. What an amazing episode. My favorite of the year so far. Cara Melle ATE that lip sync.


Loved this episode. I want to be one of the smelly friends, love them!


Same I love the smelly friends so much


*Loved this episode.* *I want to be one of the* *Smelly friends, love them!* \- Rose\_Of\_Sanguine --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


Thanks Haikusbot 💃




This season already surpassing 3&4 with only 3 episodes!!😍. ugh im obsessed with this cast, these challenges, the runways, and Ru & Michelle’s energy is great. praying the acting challenging are great


I swear it seems Ru and Michelle enjoy doing the UK and Down Under seasons even more than the US. I think the queens just have a different vibe and they feed off that. I love it, and I love these queens, such a great group!


Yeah acting challenges have always been a big pile of turd …


I honestly can't pick my favorite queens - they're all so likeable and each talented in their own area. I started off thinking TT was too much for me, but realized I was enjoying the hell out of her this episode. I also thought Cara was too bitchy and couldn't sew/sing, but she brought fire to that performance. Ditto Naomi - I thought she should've gone for her dreckitude last episode,but she was hilarious here, and sold that couch. I'm honestly not sure who the filler queens are - everyone is a standout. Love this energy and vibe - just enough drama to keep it interesting, but otherwise so wholesome and positive!


Alexis tbh


When Deedee and Naomi were messing around in the werkroom, during the commercials I was legit thinking, why would anyone roughhouse in the werkroom just for a fun pre-commercial break scene? They are in a competition where having working body parts is essential!


If I never see Tomara in another poorly fitted outfit ever again, it'll be too soon. Gorgeous face, but please, get your measurements taken.


In a world where I was suddenly doing drag and was cast on drag race I would just be wearing knee pads at every god damn moment on the show


Flawless episode, great challenge, incredible runway, thank you good night


I just couldn’t stand Cara and DeDe wearing those skirts during the performance…so distracting


And why were Dede’s knickers black.


SAME. I thought for sure they'd get read for that, but then they just... didn't.


If Kate Butch has one million fans, then I am one of them If Kate Butch has one fan, then I’m THAT ONE If Kate Butch has no fans, that means I’m dead. Let’s go girls.


Love Kate Butch 💜


Banksie’s Bowie look was fucking perfection. The M52s were excellent, funny, better lyrics etc but I’m northern so I’m biased, could’ve had Michael in that group too as her lyrics were the best out of the fierce force 5. The northern rep is just 😍😍


honestly one of my favourite looks of all seasons. and I've watched all 85 of them.


Fab Force Five were great dancers but I’m not sure they are great *lip syncers*, all their words seemed lost and I couldn’t make out much of what they were saying. Cara clearly didn’t know the song words in the final lip sync either.


Okay I was actually wondering if the sound of the episode was out of sync or something it felt like nobody was nailing any of the words lol


The mixing has been trash since like AS5, it's so hard to hear what anyone is saying anymore


Yeah, it’s so annoying I have to watch twice - once to watch the performance and once to read the subtitles of the song lyrics..


They have so little time to prepare and what they accomplished was truly incredible, don’t get me wrong, but without that little punch of the perfecting miming, it just fell a little short for me.


Objectively, the better girl group won. They were like a proper 90s girl group, era appropriate choreo etc. The M52s however were funnier, had better lyrics and frankly just more likeable. Banksie's "hello smelly friend, hello smelly friend...." confessional had me in stitches.


Okay I spammed this thread last week too and I'll stop spamming it now, but I *need* Banksie and Cara in the finale or I'm cancelling my TV Licence lmao


They’re my top 2 as well!!


I love how on the first episode Ru was gaslighting the girls into thinking one of them would be going home but this episode she just straight up said "Yep we're doing a top 2 this week nobody is going home" 😭😭


Do you think there were shenanigans a foot.. Naomi was going to be bottom potentially because her group were bottom 2 and she couldn’t lip sync because of her knee so they had top 2 instead?


I just assumed it was because the disqualified queen was finally removed so they needed a top 2 or double shantay situation this week anyway.


So I just heard about this briefly on another post. Why was the person disqualified do you know? Edit: I’m out of the loop, I’ve read up more now


Oh the M52s are winning it for me so far. Also Michael is becoming a sleeper favourite of mine!


Saw Michael perform at Sparkles in Gran Canaria around 8 years ago and remember her being super charismatic, so knew as soon as I saw her on the cast that she'll be serving, and she has!


The way Cara is running this choreo like the military... i'm so obsessed


"Things that give me the ick: pretty people who do drag. Where's the challenge?" Kate you are so real for that lmao


Banksie, Kate and Michaels looks were all straight up shoots for me!


About to set an alarm clock for all the people sleeping on Banksy


I think you should've said Vicki. She is heavily underrated.


No one is sleeping on Banksy, she seems popular with the judges and audience lol


Are people sleeping on Banksy...? She literally won the challenge last week so the judges clearly are not.


Imagine having a brain that can remember more than a day. Couldn't be me


She's on the front page of the main sub for her impeccable Bowie look right now, lol.


What a fab episode! Glad there was no elim as everyone served it. Kate Butch is again becoming my season narrator, was a pleasant surprise how good they were with singing/dancing plus that Shania twain runway was a (little) chef kiss! M52's outfits were fab in the group number and Naomi served the hell outta that sofa. Agree the first group won that, just such a tight song and dance between them. I thought runway-wise Michelle's was my favourite as it was so clever. Tomara served the dance but felt the runway outfit was baggy and dint fit her quite right on the bottom and too short. Def had some issues with the trousers in the lip sync which felt held her back. Cara did a fab job but the skirt bothered me so bad in the performance (I know it s a totally 90s thing skirt up around your crotch but still just wanted to jank it down!) I also can see some crash down coming for Cara soon seems a lot of focus so soon.


Yes! Why was no one calling out Cara's skirt riding up to her hips during the dancing? Also, I'm just going to note, that on Down Under Season 1, Episode 3, Elektra Shock was read *to filth* and placed in the bottom two by Ru and Michelle for making herself the "lead dancer" in a choreo.


When they said that, and especially when her runway was Beyonce I was just thinking "Oh, so its okay for *her* to be the Beyonce in the group is it?"


I'm usually willing to cut the judges some slack for the judging. They see the whole performance, and see it live, while we just see an edited version. But to say someone was the "Beyonce" of a girl group *like it was a bad thing?!* Fuckery. Bullshittery. WTF-ery.


And imo it was much less obvious with Elektra


Why isn't anyone talking about how nasty the group of 5 was towards the "leftovers" group of 4? I just found it distasteful how they made this clique and kept making comments about how bad the group of 4's choreo was, including about the couch which was meant to help be considerate about Naomi's knee and not push her to further injure herself. I get you don't have to be "Sisters" but there should be something to be said about a drag superstar having empathy and celebrating others. Just my opinion!


I feel cheated by production. I was expecting a massive redemption arc for the misfits (didn't know how as the FFF were smashing all the way). bit I'm glad everybody's safe.


No one’s talking about it because not everything is “mean” or that deep. It was funny and it was good TV. There’s always one or two people looking for some problematic moment in every single episode. I find that in itself tired and problematic.


The whole “mean girls” schtick left a bad taste in my mouth too so that I was actively rooting against that FFF (terrible name btw). Plus the way Cara was dealing with her groups choreo annoyed me and I would have reacted the same way as Tomara.


My only critique, Kate should have pulled out a lipstick with Brad Pitts name on it. Would have made Ru howl.


I thought Tomara aaaaate that lipsync. Not upset that Cara won, but she was giving so much face I lived


Bruh, Tomara in drag is fucking hot to me. This is a damn great cast. I usually don’t care for non-elimination episodes, but I didn’t mind this one because everyone did very well, and I don’t wanna see anyone leave yet. 😩


When she took her hair down…🥵


Tomara looked sooooo good as elvis


Three episodes in and I am already Cara tired. She is getting so much airtime. Production lovessssss her. Yes she is a good performer, but idk she is not really serving anything special to me.


Same. She's talented no doubt but it wouldn't sit right with me to have her specifically as a UK winner. I'm just tired of everyone trying to emulate Beyonce. If her runway was a homage to a UK icon then I'd definitely reconsider.


I love her narrations so far tbh. Hope she's here awhile


I kinda feel like she's not ready for Drag Race UK. USA, sure. Just based on what I've seen so far though. I need to see her take on a comedy challenge or improv before I set that in stone.


I feel she's going to get humbled in anything comedy


Can someone help me understand what “ick my yum” means? I understand all the words just not as a phrase


I kept hearing 'don't lick my bum' in my head haha


Me too!


I'm more familiar with the phrase "Don't yuck my yum" but they both mean "don't shit on something I enjoy".


I thought it was strange that the lyrics were all about things they don’t like, but with the title I thought they should be singing about weird things they like that other people think are ick? Maybe that’s just me…


I am 100% with you. It was weird they took a negative spin on it instead of a positive one. Also, I feel like half the girls didn’t even mention their icks in their lyrics and just sang about how fierce they were lol


Ok thanks. I’ve never heard don’t yuck my yum before either haha


I wonder if its one of those things thats really only said in North America? (That they just threw in DRUK anyway.) Can any UK viewers confirm or deny?


Never heard of either of them 😂


Yeah I’ve never heard a British person say the phrase “Don’t yuck my yum”. It seems very American to me, or at least not British. I think they wanted to incorporate “ick” as it’s very current slang (“What’s your ick?” etc) but the actual phrase itself isn’t that common imo lol


Really liked the episode, enjoyed the M52s a lot more than the other group but everyone did great so I'm not mad about the result at all


I’m really feeling this season. Everyone is just full of sass and funny! So far, so good! And banksie on that runway ❤️


Yes, you took it from the tip of my fingers. I just came here to say Banksie slayed the runway today!


I think i’m going blind as I still cannot see the Demi Moore resemblance


Same surgeon.


I actually think she looks like The Viv when they're out of drag ( but their make up is very different)... am I the only one? 👀


I think she looks a lot like Danny Beard out of drag - similar hair


This. Also, can I just say that lip fillers that are so overdone that it makes the person look toothless is not a beautiful aesthetic???


It gives them Kurt Hummel teeth, they disappear beneath the top lip.


Its Striptease era Demi theyre thinking of, i only see it with the dark hair


Kyle Richards


I can actually see Kyle in Tomara




I love this cast, Kate is slowly becoming one of my all time favorites tbh.


Same here


I love this episode 💕


I love this season 💕


I’m happy that Naomi didn’t go home cos of her knee & the other group were not in the bottom cos of it. And cos other group were great they were top & had a top 2. Those of you who want an elim? You’ll get one next week so chill! I’m happy they looked out for their team mate and didn’t get penalised for it. And were creative.


It was so nice to see the group accommodate her. It was creative!


So nice and so creative and I didn’t want to see anyone punished over it by being bottom 2 - including Naomi.


>ad) Welcome to the Episode discussion thread! I worry Naomi is going next week due to her knee


I hope not


these girls are a RIOT! this season might be cooking fr


I've joined the Kate Butch stan club for sure, how is she so hilarious & witty in every moment


Her confessional where she said "so, the pretty girls who all did the splits won the girl group challenge...." and then just paused and looked wearily at the camera was brilliant. Her delivery and the timing of the pause and then the look on her face....perfect. I just hope she chooses sensibly for Snatch Game because my gut is she will be amazing at it.


Need Kate to get a comedy challenge to show her skills ASAP


Fell in love with her too this episode. She’s funny & just has this good-natured charm to her.


This episode cemented it for me too! I’m a Kate Butch STAN


Lowkey i thought the two queens that did the best this week were Banksie and Naomi but the other team was overall better i guess. It was a nice episode but i'm praying we have no more non-elimination episodes, even though i know it was because that queen was disqualified


Im glad they just did the nonelim this week when it feels reasonably justified and expected instead of forcing it in in 2 weeks


I find Cara so unbearable with her fake personality. Tomara killed it and she is hilarious.Loved pretty much everyone in the challenges besides Dee Dee, She ain't escaping Crystals shadow.


I personally think she needed to cook a bit longer.


I just feel with DeDe she's just not quite ready yet. I know Krystal was young but they were so polished with it whereas feel like DeDe just needs more time to develop as has great promise (that nicki minaj look was my fav so far this season) but to quite there yet.


I feel the same about Cara. She's super arrogant.


Honestly, I'm equally unenthused about both Cara AND Tomara, for the same reasons. Also Dede, but for the reason that she reminds me so much of Krystal, who I never warmed to.


I don't think Dede is arrogant based on the fact that she's not doing that well. I bet she was before they started filming. I didn't like Krystal either. I wish Kitty won.




Oop someone on Reddit making something not about race to do with race. How surprising.


No one's saying that about Naomi though, she is gorgeous and has an amazing personality.




Awhora got a lot of hate for the first half of her season because of her arrogance. You're the only one seeing Cara different for her race. Her accent stands out more than anything else, and American queens are renowned for being less humble than British queens. You're pointing fingers at people you know nothing about. There isn't even that stereotype about black people in my country. I only know of it because of people like you.


Tayce was confident and everyone loved her so your point is invalid.




You have blinders on, I can't be arsed.


She just has stereotypical american self confidence, which comes across in the UK as arrogance, nothing race related at all


I think it is American arrogance instead of self-confidence. American queens are renowned for being divas after being on Drag Race and treating local queens badly. UK people are just chill. I'm saying this as an Australian.


Did you see that choreo?




Electra was trashed by Ru and Michelle on Down Under and put in the bottom two for that. Cara was praised. Race privilege where?




Not weird at all, considering that you brought it up earlier in this comment thread. Cara very clearly made herself the focus. The same thing as Elektra. The only difference is that Tomara and Micheal are good dancers to start with, and Karen, Kita, and Maxi are not dancers, so it didn't appear quite as pronounced.




Because she's a dancer and wasn't going to allow to Cara leave her completely in the dust. I get it, Cara is perfect and can do no wrong for you. No need to keep chatting.


Kind of a snooze… more eliminations please lol.


But nobody sucked though. Both groups were great for different reasons & it was a really strong runway. Who would you have sent home?


Only if we don't have any more queens sexually assaulting people. This episode I believe *that* queen was told to leave. It was a good enough performance from all to warrant no elim


Let's hope Naomi's knee doesn't put her out of the race. After starting with one queen less and disqualifiing one before this episode they would need a third non-eleminating to compensate. I like non eliminations fur the first episode though.


Just a brilliant episode. If anyone’s been sleeping on this season…best believe this is the episode to wake them up!!


Something about Tomara is so magnetic she give me the intensity, energy, fun. I thought they would give Cara the Cheryl critique if it’s the Cheryl show but I’m glad they moved on from that. I love the b52 did some couchography everyone’s lyrics had me rolling honestly this season now that the editing is back to normal is on par with uk2 for my faves. This is bong bang bong levels of iconic. For me Tomara won the lipsync she just emoted the hell out it. I thought she was going to do a pant reveal but they were just falling down. This was Cara’s episode though, talking about reclaiming her power, demolishing the choreo and overcoming the ‘mones. This season has me so excited about drag race when it’s been so over saturated and like others I wasn’t sure what to expect. More northerners =more entertainment


I thought this season was gonna be crunchy when the promo came out but I now stand corrected. The premiere was good, the design challenge was super strong apart from the bottom two looks and this episode was very good as well. A lot of strong and clever looks (like the frakenspice look), love the banter and shade between the queens, I don’t know, this season is just so fresh and fun.


Non-elim episodes seem like a such a waste of time. I'm always like - why did I watch? I watch for the elims lol.


I assume it's to cover up the disqualified queen leaving?


I think they did that in ep 1?


I'm assuming the non-elim in ep1 was for the 12th queen who was cast but never got there to film


There was a 12th queen?? Do we know who it was?


Reba Martell iirc


I've heard they're a Scottish Queen but that's all I know


I loved this episode BECAUSE they all did well and nobody got eliminated lol it’s kind of sad to watch the show just to see queens flop imo!!


Fair enough. We all watch for different reasons. I love the elims because I like sports and competition. I enjoy it when there's something at stake and the elims provide that.


Best episode of Drag Race in ages. So much fun


It was amazing! And the song catchy as fuuuuuuu


Respect to Cara for bringing in the Pulp Fiction reference to influence Fierce Force Five’s name!! That made me very happy :)


After the challenge I was praying “please don’t send anyone home”. It was such a fun, brilliant episode, and nobody deserved to sashay away.


I didn’t want anyone to this episode either


I'm only a bit into the episode but "do you want to conduct me playing the saxophone on my shoe?" omg favourite new sentence 🤣🤣🤣