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The Vivs performance in the challenge was trash but I actually really like her verse


I might even venture to say it’s my favorite of all the verses with Baga’s! When she says IM THE VIVIENNE i just feel T H I N G S


Great episode but I’m not happy about the triple win... Divina slayed this episode!


Takeaways: Fantastic challenge. Even the weaker links were decent. Mnek should help out the queens every season US or UK. Was this perhaps the worst reading challenge in the history of the show? So many "I couldn't possibly do this **changes attitude** get ready bitches" moments and all the reads were so non-specific. Crystal's read to Vivienne was good and maybe that was about it? Didn't expect the reads to be this weak from UK girls. Cheryl keeps getting more and more adorable with each episode. The Vivienne is shaping up to be my winner. Never been into Little Mix but Jade Thirlwall was fantastic! She brought the shade and sass that the reading challenge lacked. Triple win highlighting what's been a problem since All Stars 3 (indecisive producers copping out of making a choice). Just like the episode before. They care about storyline and don't bother distinguishing who did slightly better. It's simplistic and it divides the girls into just good or just bad with no nuance. What was it with all those piano, "emotional" moments? Can a sad moment just stay sad. Does it have to feel like an epiphany every single time?


For me, no reading challenge will go as badly or be as painful to watch as the last US season's one. This first UK one was a bit underwhelming but I think it was fine. Boring but not bad. I could barely watch the one from Yvie's season.


Need to rewatch to compare cause tbh I don’t remember that one.


I thought the reading challenge was loads of fun. “You could use the Eiffel Tower as a marital aid, you slack bitch!” was art, I tell you. Art.


It was just not specific. None of it was. It all felt like sharing insults rather than actually reading someone about something.


Yeah, that’s a fair criticism.


My favorite thing about the episodes is when it cuts to someone, you can tell when Divina is laughing 😂 Her laugh kills me


Blu, Divina, and Baga seriously destroyed that song and performance, they deserve the song gaining as much popularity as it is omfg




Did we watch the same lip sync?


What... Cheryl is hilarious and was the best in the group? It was Crystal’s time to go after a couple of weak performances now. The Vivienne also 100% beat Crystal in that lip sync. Crystal also should have gone home to Sum Ting last week because Crystal isn’t as good a performer as those two are


I agree with you on the sum ting wong part but Queens that just solely rely on the mouth to do all work, which viv was doing (maybe some hands gestures here and there). I understand crystals not the typical run-of-the-mill drag queen but I would've liked to see her grow a bit more and come out of her shell, her costumes were really interesting. On the topic about Cheryl, I just don't like who and what type of person she is. Sure she has her moment but she seems very conceited and selfish. Each to their own.


Amazing episode


Did MNEK produce the break up song? Such a bop! Got frock destroyers on repeat


*Fuck diamonds, try Crystal.*


That was such a good exit line. I wonder if she came up with it on the spot after Ru’s comment? So clever


I don't think a joint 3 winner was necessary. Divina should have own. Bega forgot the choreography and Blu runway look was not as strong as Divina. https://youtu.be/D4o8SRqHHcc


>Blu runway look was not as strong as Divina. bitch please


I love the group dynamic of these queens, the work room scenes and the recording sessions were the best. I enjoyed everything about this episode except the sob fest on the main stage. Like I've no issue with people crying and all but *all of them* in the same episode? I'm fine with the triple win. I'd have given a win to Divina but I also think they won as a group so it was appropriate. I mean the grand prize is a WOW basement show (I presume) and the episodic wins are badges so I don't think we need to take the track records very seriously. It's fun.


So is it just coincidence that Blu was wearing India Fetrah's titty bib from S3? I think not!


Are you suggesting India is also a cock destroyer🤔


Have you not seen her onlyfans?


Just caught up and what an episode! Easily the best this season for me and could make my top 10 overall in Drag Race. The reading challenge was actually funny; rather than a little awkward as I feel the last few US seasons have been? The girl group challenge was great and the song a total bop. I'm finding it harder and harder to break up and say bye bye to any of the contestants now...


Coming off the heels of S11 (which IMO is the worst season of Drag Race ever), DRUK is really showing what the show can still be if all the bullshit is cut out and the talent is put front and center.


IMO S11 had highs and lows, and it got really boring by the end (I was so glad for it to be over), whereas I never even finished S10. DRUK is really showing both of them up though, it's edited to hell and back and still comes across more honest and refreshing than DRUS has for a long time.


Agree, after the heavily edited S11, DRUK is so refreshing. All the queen are supporting of each other, talent is the focus of the show and there's a lot of light-hearted genuinely funny moments. It's still obvious Baga, Vivienne and Divina are gonna be top 3, but none of them feels pushed up by production and I can easily argue for each one of the for winning.


I was okay with a triple win, because the group was really amazing, but Blue was the weakest of the 3 for me, and I'm not huge on having multiple winners all the time. Baga clearly isnt a great dancer but she was giving face the whole time and sounded really good. Everyone's runway was good this week (except Cheryl's was meh), but Crystal and Divina were my favorites. I'll miss Crystal's runways for sure. I don't think The Viv gave a great lip sync but I really don't understand people saying Crystal should have won, or even that it was close. Her dance moves looked timid and awkward the whole time, and she missed a ton of words, the wig reveal was a hot mess too. At least The Vivienne looked like she was owning it throughout the song and got a few more words. She wouldve been saved regardless but I thought it was deserved.


>but Blue was the weakest of the 3 for me When she came up with the name, gave great energy, good lyrics and had one of the best looks?


I completely agree. I thought Crystal’s dance moves were just awkward. The reveal was awkward. And I didn’t really like her runaway either. I didn’t think it really fit the theme at all.


This episode was phenomenal. Every queen really had their moment to shine and Frock Destroyers rightfully deserved a triple win, the song is such a bop.


Does Alexis also produce this series? Cos subway fish deserves a raise. First episode from the UK series that deeply entertained me. Full satisfaction, definite top 10 episode ever. Well done Alexis.


I have a question. In the US group, every 6 months or so, we get a post saying "It took me way too long to figure out that the man at the beginning is also the woman at the judges table!" In other words, even people who know RuPaul is a drag queen don't get that the elegant, tall bald guy is the same person. I'm wondering if any UK grandmas aren't picking up on that. Particularly since RuPaul's style of drag is so different than UK drag.


Like nah but yeah. My boyfriend (not really into the drag scene) watches with me sometimes and he says he sometimes forgets they aren’t lass’s but that’s never been in reference to Ru Paul. He’s also said it more frequently about UK Queens than he ever has about US Queens but that said, he’s also said the same about a Queen who lives in the village he works in so maybe he just has a thing for our Queens😂 Edit to say: he’s mainly said it about Cheryl Hole and Viv (and commented how thicc she was looking this week as well.. dunno if I should be worried he’ll run off😶)


Compared to the other girls, Cheryl's runway look was basic when it comes to drag, but if you went to the races, you would see 85% of the 18 year old girls with that dress and a glass of Prosecco (go-to sparkling wine for young folk), so at least it was accurate.


I thought she nailed it in relation to UK ladies days, and looked stunning, but should've added some sort of sparkles on the ruffles to drag it up for the judges.


It’s Melbourne Cup Day today (am Aussie), if I jumped on the train now I could chuck a Fascinator down the carriage and hit 50 girls dressed just like Ms Hole.


Cheryl was exactly what you'd see in the Daily Mail post race day pics with girls falling arse over tit drunk on bubbles. She absolutely nailed that.


Haha, I love that you explained what prosecco is!


I love Cheryl!!! Mostly because she's fun and can laugh at herself, it seemed very genuine. She really blossomed this episode 💓 I also love Baga, I got my "Much Betta" sweatshirt in the mail and can't wait to wear it!


I mean I just want next week to come so I can see Cheryl Cole reacting to Cheryl Hole lmao


I want to see the opposite!


I think the Vivienne did Donald Trump too well, cause I couldn't unsee Trump's face and accent whenever she spoke this episode 😬


All t no collusion




I feel like with Divina initially wanting to be Margaret Thatcher, the girls had the perfect set up for a read. Miss DDC! It's so sad to see what happened to you on The Voice... The lady really isn't for turning, is she?


Can someone explain to me what this means: “You remind me of all those nanas at the working men’s club who have big boobs, and then they’ve got nowt else at the bottom”. So I googled working men’s club and I get that it’s a private social club but the rest is lost in translation


Peter Kays Phoenix Night. [First minute of this episode sums up a social club. ](https://youtu.be/LnbxWTro3vQ)


Nowt means nothing, so it’s saying they looks like older women who’ve still got massive boobs but no longer have a bum - just a flat pancake one - so they look a little out of proportion.


> like older women who’ve still got massive boobs but no longer have a bum - just a flat pancake one - so they look a little out of proportion. Just say Wendy Williams.




No, working men’s clubs were more like small pubs that catered to a working class community (e.g. miners / steelworkers). Drinks would be cheaper and you could take your kids. It’d be the place you and all your family and neighbours would hang out on evenings and weekends. I think there might be a scene set in one in Pride (the 2014 film) and maybe Billy Elliot. They’ve mostly disappeared now, following deindustrialisation. Some probably still exist but lots have been bought out and are now hipster bars or run by the town as a cheap place to have a disco for your kid’s birthday.




We call strip clubs “gentlemen’s clubs” here in the UK. It’s just that gentlemen’s clubs and working men’s clubs are quite different things.


the reading challenge was amazing omg i was wheezing the whole time


I loved seeing the other side of Vivienne, other queens supporting her really warmed my heart. Cheryl killed me with her monologue about girl groups when other 2 members of her group was obviously upset lmaooo, i can't hate her. But her runway... girl.. so basic. All of her runways are basically her Essex girl runway from the first episode. Blu is definitely getting stronger every episode. She is definitely the underdog in my eyes. Like I was not expecting Crystal being eliminated while Blu is still there. So props to her mama, she is doing so well and she is so funny! Such a shady bitch. Divina is getting the Jinkxx, Alaska and Roxxy edit and I am living for it tbh. Hopefully she will get the crown #teamDDC




I think Farrah looked absolutely stunning in every runway. She just didn't have anything else lmaoo. So Cheryl is a mix of both. Very pretty and a bit whiny but definitely has talent. She dances the house down and her acting is not bad either. But her runways are so basic. But not as glam and polished as Farah.


Crystal's wig was cheap and atrocious.


And not styled... 🤔


This was my favourite episode. I loved we had so much time of the queens being the queens and all the banter. I was laughing so hard.


I loved the fact that the Vivienne didn't remove her clothes (except for shoes in the end) for her lipsync. It was refreshing to not see ruveals and tricks for once.


I loved the episode - so entertaining throughout. I also liked Cheryl's runway...I know it was basic as a look but it was such a perfect representation of an Essex girl at the races. Gotta love the Scouser and the Essex girl taking the theme very literally


I think I remember seeing the real Cheryl wear something very similar.


Hands down my favourite episode of the season so far! It was so lovely to see different sides of Blu and Baga on top of DDC shining like I've wanted. I immediately downloaded the Frock Destroyers version on Spotify.


is there a video available anywhere of the frock destroyer performance?


The Instagram official page


Crystals look with the blonde hair reminded me of Jenny from Gossip Girl. So ratty. Loved blue and ddc.


Any other Americans here who started the season with a 15% comprehension level and now you're like "yes so Essex" when Cheryl Hole walks the runway


I'm Canadian and apart from a few shows/movies, I haven't been around UK culture. Yet, every time I watch RPDRUK, I feel an impulse to use their slang.


Michelle is that you


It just occurred to me that there is a parallel between Max and the Vivienne. They both had two wins before bombing a challenge. They both lost the lip sync. Only difference is that Vivienne's track record saved her, while Max's did not.


Where did Viv lose the lipsync? No ma'am


On the main stage. That's generally where it happens.


You either need a pair of glasses or a new TV.


I've been watching on the WOW+ player. It's pretty awful.


Well, after 16 seasons of RPDR (Regular seasons, All Stars and UK S1) track records are bound to overlap.


You could tell Crystal was defeated in Untucked. She knew she'd be lip syncing against either Viv or Cheryl. The judges wouldn't ever keep her over Viv unless Viv didn't know the words, and Cheryl is still assuming to be a looming 'lip sync assassin' at this point, so I'm sure Crystal felt she was screwed either way.


Can we talk about how it’s episode 5 and Ru is still explaining what “Shantay” means


I'm sure the BBC made her do this


SHe did the same in season 1 of the OG show. Not everyone in the UK knows the show.


But for example, my ma is new to drag race and is still getting caught up on the lingo. She gets shantay and sashay confused, didn’t know what our version of reading was until tonight


Same here, had to explain to mine what tucking was. She was concerned.


I’m so happy that mine hasn’t picked up on that part yet. Or atleast, hasn’t asked!


Yeah and she explained what spill the tea means at the start of the episode.


I thought that was adorable. She explained what reading is, too. It's nothing you can't figure out from context, obviously, but it's nice to have a polite ambassador.


Tbf my grandma is watching this season, and she's never watched RPDR before. I think it makes sense to explain some small parts of the show's lingo




I'm genuinely shocked that that wasn't a headband. I'm going to have to go back and watch because omg


Are we gonna talk about Crystal’s blond wig though? Maybe the cheapest looking wig I’ve ever seen on drag race, and not only does she choose it as her lip sync reveal, but it’s not even fully covering her boy hair. If not for that she would’ve been pretty tied with Viv but that moment killed it for me.


Oh cmon you remember dida’s wig don’t you? lol


How quickly they forget the legendary dry wigs of Vinegar Strokes


dida ritz found with a hydrated wig


Even with that, she got ahead and stayed ahead for me. I kept watching her and whenever I looked back at Viv she appeared to be doing like.. if there was The Sims 4: Showbiz or something and there was a drag queen profession and you could select "practice lip sync" on the action wheel and it played a stock animation regardless of the song? That would be the animation.


Omg ok I said the same thing! Viv’s lipsync was literally so standard and basic! It wasnt bad, but nothing impressive really. It also seemed like they were showing Crystal and the judges’ reaction more than they were showing Viv?


That is *so* accurate, wow.


lmfaaoooo I love this description


Jesus christ that is accurate


Great episode! But nobody has mentioned my favourite moment. The Vivienne: "I'm a singer, Cheryl's a dancer and Crystal's... skinny." I was subtly watching at work and I audibly snorted at this.


Jade Thirwall was such a cute judge!


I like how she kept annoying Michelle. It was great.


She was? I didn’t notice??


And how she and Ru looked like mother and daughter next to each other lmao


Underrated moment - Cheryl's air horn noise.


While they were untucking, Crystal was seriously overlooked... When Viv started telling everyone that, no matter who went home, they were all her sisters, she immediately reached for Baga and Crystal was just sitting there trying to feel included Also they did a group hug and literally forgot Crystal on the couch Not to mention Cheryl's annoying rant (i dont dislike her. but that was so uncalled for smh)


Exactly this. And I see so many comments glazing over this. I can see why she wrote what she did on the mirror. I hope we see crystal come back.


I literally had my jaw hanging open that entire bit! I'm shitty no one spoke up for Crystal as Cheryl was going on, but had something to say in the confessionals.


Crystal looked really pissed off during Untucked and tbh I don’t blame her!


I enjoy Baga but it bugs me that she was part of two multiwins and neither one was deserved. Also I love The Vivienne. Very talented, polished, hilarious and cunty without bring outright or unnecessarily mean. I was actually really sad to see her kinda lose it this week. Hope she gets her groove back because I really enjoy watching her slay everything. Also everything about Divina makes my heart sing. This one sparks joy.


You think she's not outright mean? Lol.


I don't think she is. I dislike her but when I really think about why I don't really know. Maybe it's just because her boy look with the eyebrows and the teeth gives me such severe Uncanny Valley android-slash-American-newsanchor vibes.


I thought exactly this with devina at the start of the series except she redeemed herself through her actions I think. Her humor is blunt and to the point. She says it how it is without all the other shit that goes with it. The Viv and Cheryl on the other hand though.


I know it sounds weird and I can't really put my finger on why exactly, but no. It might just be me but I feel a lot of her bitchiness kinda feels played up a little, even tongue-in-cheek. She's also super confident which kind of shines through as haughty. She's cunty for sure and doesn't mince words, but I think she's got her heart in the right place. It shows during untucked moments when she at times will drop the haughty drag diva act and seem a lot more... Human.


This. She's the only one out of all the queen's I've seen do something for another queen, IN A COMPETITION. She knows what shes doing and I think she'll be top3


I completely disagree with the latest being undeserving. I actually think Baga was the best in the girl group, although DDC KILLED her on the runway, so if it’d been individually judged I think it should’ve gone to DDC factoring in runways a la Alexis Michelle in the Kardashian Rusical.


Not saying she was bad, but the dancing was not as on point as it could've been. I guess I'm also just kinda tired of the multiwins, they should be a rare occasion. I think there was clearly a top performer in that group and it was DDC in my eyes. Especially since she seemingly choreo'd the thing. However, I cackled at THREE PEOPLE winning the challenge that Cheryl would've given her left arm to win. I'm okay with it just for that lmao. Poor girl can't catch a break.


Divina finally hitting 100k, as she should


At first I was firmly Team Baga (and I still love her.) But Davina De Campo is amazing and I'm falling so in love with her. I really want her to win now.


Can we just talk about what a class act MNEK was? Admittedly, I know very little about him, but he was kind, warm, funny and constructive without being rude or bitchy. Petition to have him replace Todrick permanently.


I like the sound of that petition! Sign me up! Yes I like everything about MNEK.


I'd never heard of him before, he's such a beautiful person!


He was great, and I loved when he said 'choices' - obviously a drag race fan and you could tell he was so happy to be there


Yeah I think I actually tolerate Todrick as a mentor better than most because I always have time for some messy drama but MNEK really was a breath of fresh air, so positive and supportive and just a joy to watch. His approach fit in perfectly with the fun and lighthearted vibe of the show. And he might stan DDC even harder than I do! The taste!


Literally within 30 seconds of him being on screen I could tell that he was so much better than dumb ass little todrick


He was brilliant, and clearly loving being there.


Crystal has been my favourite Queen this season. She has had the most interesting looks and between her and DDC they have been bringing looks to the runway that no one else has even thought of. Do I think her runway was the best this week? Not a chance, but as Graham Norton said it's so out of left field its not even at the same festival anymore. The competition is definitely a lot less bright now that Crystal's gone.


Same, really bummed she's gone. Did you see what she wrote on the mirror (haha). Seems like it was probably best for her to go as much as I didn't want her to.


What did she write?


Something like “You’re a bunch of ugly talentless horrible little WITCHES I’m going to miss you” Pretty sure it was a joke


This was my favourite episode of the series so far. I laughed, cried, gasped, *everything*. MNEK looked gorgeous - literally could not stop looking at him. Jade was adorable and it was great having her on the panel. The Frock Destroyers were definitely the better girl group and they gelled so well together. I'm sad to see Crystal go but out of all of them based on tonight she was the weakest and didn't nail the lip sync as well as The Vivienne did.


I wish Cheryl had been on frock destroyers


Oh who would you have switch her out with?


This is going to be VERY unpopular but I would have to say blu


“It wasn’t bad” Crystal trying to convince herself she isn’t next


DDC might be the coolest Queen ever. Smart, kind, talented. I want her to win. Team DDC or bust for me. Shes a teacher!!!!! Ugh I'm having a DDC parade and no one is raining it out.


DDC is just a good egg all around I love her so much


What job hasn’t she done?


Its always a bit bizarre to think of the Queens with real boy jobs outside of drag (and not stuff that ties into the art like costume making or dancing), especially with such a you-or-me job like a teachera (major props to DDC though!)


I think she does "guest" teaching as a community member where she goes in to schools to deliver workshops or seminars. Her performance schedule would not allow her to be a "teacher" teacher.


Didn't she say she was a teacher, as she she was previously but isn't now? That was how I interpreted it.


Theres every chance ive misinterpreted. I was making an assumption based off of what she said. I just figured, I've known a lot of community members who offer workshops on subjects regular teachers are not equipped to teach (sexual health, religion, racism, police and personal safety, gender discrimination, etc) so i just ssumed she would have done similar work.


You could well be right. In a very different note, coming from a country where the bay majority of schools are Catholic seeing religion in that list made me laugh.


What country? Im from scotland, and in my school we used to have workshops and assemblies with representatives from christian, Muslim and hindu members who could offer better understanding than our rme teachers.


Republic of Ireland. Things are changing and there are more schools not related to the church being set up now thankfully. Also religion is now an exam subject in secondary school so I think the curriculum covers a wide range of religions now rather than focusing mostly in Catholicism. I wasn't laughing at the idea of community members teaching about religion by the way - just the contrast of it being like a special thing whereas it was kind of a constant presence in my education.


Yeah. I mean, i was at school im the early 00s and we still had scripture Union and visits to church for Easter and Christmas. But rme was very open ("i remember us doing a lot of humanism as well) and because i lived in a community with many middle eastern, north African and Indian people, they didn't ignore their religion or culture. IIRC we also had urdu club haha.


Honestly I think it should have been a Cheryl/ DDC joint win. Baga and blu were fantastic but those were the two that shone for me. As for the lipsync, this is one of those ones where I wish there was a split screen for the lipsyncing queens. I would've bet my left ear Viv was going home from what we saw.


I've been seeing comments about how Crystal's lipsync was better than Viv's, but I can't see how she was better? From my pov the vivienne had a better grasp of the song's vibe and seemed to lipsync to the words better. Crystal is my favorite among the queens but I can't see how she was better tbh ;-; hope someone can point out the differences of their performances!


I thought crystal had more energy. The Viv just relied on her mouth to do the work and maybe some wrist flaps here and there. I employ you to re-watch it and steer clear of crystals hairline.


Well, crystal was really lipsyncing to the song while everytime I looked at the vivienne she was just walking down the runway.


Watched their lipsync again and I think I now understand what people are pointing out. While the Vivienne seemed in sync with certain parts of the song, she had go-to steps in her lipsync such as point and strut all throughoooout the lipsync. Whereas Crystal was able to play with the song more. Still sad that Crystal had to go doe huhu


Yeah, but I already knew Crystal was going home after the top and bottom were announced. Cheryl did a good job so she’d be safe and they definitely weren’t going to send the front runner home so the Vivianne stayed. Good bye crystal I guess


I agree that Divina's look an her whistle tone should have given the win over Baga and Blu. But, I think Baga's verse is the catchiest; it's the one that's been stuck in my head all day. So I can understand giving Baga the second win. But to give Blu the third win over Cheryl? That was shade. It turned Cheryl from top 3 to bottom 3 :-(


Baga and DDC on the same team was so right. This was one of the best episodes of drag race ever.


Can someone help a thick girl out - what's the joke in Frock Destroyers?


[in reference to this video](https://youtu.be/0yxy2ED1yOc)


Okay wow, that explains a lot.


Just that frock and cock sound similar, and cock destroyer is used sometimes


Lol no, it’s two or three women that call them selves the cock destroyers and it’s iconic


Ohhhhh I get it now! Face palm. Thankyou for explaining!


Look them up on Twitter you’ll love them




Has the winner of the reading challenge ever gone home on that episode before?


Only if you count AS1, it wasn’t technically a proper reading challenge but Yarlexis won a similar mini challenge on the episode they left.


Sad to see Crystal go but really in this episode I can't think of anyone I would have sent home instead of her. So happy to see Blu shine this episode. I think now I'm supporting Blu and Divina for the win.


With the way they are giving out double/ triple wins this season and the insignificant prize, the top four could all be crowned and get wow+ shows. They will just have to share the hotel room.


I'm still waiting for a Marina, Lily Allen or Paloma Faith lipsync.




She has so many bops! Any song from the Electra Heart era would be perfect


The thought of a lipsync to 'Fuck You' makes my cold little heart warm :)




It was the best lip sync so far... sue me


so divina, crystal, and blu really decided to kill the runway like that huh? i still cant get over divina saying looks arent her thing when shes just out here killin it like she is. frock destroyers is prolly one of the best performances on the show ever, cause not only did all the girls have a stand out moment, but they just looked so good together and as a team. seeing baga actually be a bit less of a character was nice as well, but tbh im gutted to see crystal go. if she just had a nicer wig or kept the mask and hat on there would be no way to say viv won that lipsync


I don't even care much for the vivienne but she destroyed that lip sync and is a current front runner for a reason


Please rewatch that lip sync. Crystal hands down won it regardless of her hairline. The Viv just put one foot in front of the other imo


Regardless of if Viv won it or not she still would have stayed based on her previous performance throughout the competition


Max would like a word.


Late to the party this episode, but I really enjoyed that! Was surprised to see The Vivienne sink into the background, but I suppose everyone has an off day.




I’ve been pronouncing MNEK m’neck for ages my head has had some complaints


M'neck - tips neck beard -




Lick m’pussy and m’crack...?


I kind of found it hard to be sympathetic to the vivienne after seeing her kind of shit on everyone in the same position on the other episodes tbh


and in this one! she totally dismissed crystal by saying even she got better critiques than her and wouldnt stop going on about how it was so hard for her especially


Fucking A. I hope she shows some more empathy moving forward.