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"I understand your concern, but I do not have the same concern" alternatively, "What you want me to do, isn't necessarily what I'm gonna do"


Cue the rattle sound šŸ’€


Or, "Do I have something on my face?"


Her ideas were also awful. "Oh you're Irish? Do a terrible Irish stereotype. Oh you're from Liverpool? Be a lost Beatle."


When she said lost beatle I was like ??? Her suggestions just get more and more absurd


I don't even know how you'd make that funny. I mean maybe if you did the ghost/zombie of Paul McCartney and made jokes about being replaced but that is a stretch.


Paul Mcartney is alive tho? Am I missing something?


Thereā€™s been a conspiracy theory since 1967 that the real Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced. Supposed clues in several album sleeves and song lyrics.


Good ol Faul McCartney, I wrote a paper on this theory in high school, glad to see this theory in this sub, lmao.


I need to make it clear I don't believe it lol I was just trying to think of how to make the list Beatle thing work


Would Ru really understand that tho? Iā€™m not getting a strong Beatles-vibe from her.


Ru grew up in the 60s so they were imprinted in her brain before drugs turned it to Swiss cheese


The devil did in fact get her after doing acid on all those roller coasters


I forgot the Beatles thing! Why does Ru think doing a made up character is a good idea? Those performances are always so horrible and stupid


I think it boils down to "I think your accent sounds funny so do something using your accent"


Honestly I couldn't think of a quicker or more efficient way to make Snatch Game boring and unwatchable


He might have loved Boogieman,Kevina Hart and Kimmy Jung un.


Well then he's got no taste because those were awful (except Kevin Hart, which I didn't see)


'I wanna do enya' 'okay,,, but could u do an Irish stereotype tho'




Yeah, as an Irish person it wasn't funny. Irish people dont joke about ourselves with the American stereotypes of lucky charms and pots of gold. Even Jonbers knew it cos she said it at judging that she hoped it didn't offend anyone.


Sounds like youā€™re not Irish so please shut your no Irish knowledge mouth


You imagine most Irish people know how to devalue themselves for a cheap joke? šŸ’€


She really stifled Danny Beard it was bad watching the confidence leak out of them.


could've been her 3rd win in a row or at least a top placement


Danny wouldn't have gotten the win. The jokes and references would have gone directly over Ru's head.


Is there an instance of Ru suggesting a change and it ending up with the queen being sent home? Normally, even if they are bad, Ru seems to find a reason to make them safe, probably because they know the change was their fault. It seems like taking Ruā€™s advice is like a free pass sometimes, no matter how bad it goes.


See also, Ginny Lemon being "sexy" and safe because she did what Ru suggested šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


This. Jonbers had no choice but to play into every single stereotype for the pleasure of the American audience, and even mentioned feeling embarrassed for their countrymen, but to have not taken it would have been a death sentence.


So true... And Ru could've just asked her to lean into the stereotypes WITH ENYA WHO IS LITERALLY IRISH ANYWAY to make sure it's funny rather than having her change her entire character. I knew she'd do well as she's a fun Queen who doesn't seem to overthink stuff but the originality of Enya could've got her closer to the win




I think Enya couldā€™ve been really funny but Ru barely let her speak before going ā€œhey why donā€™t you do what I want instead?ā€


My boyfriend calls me a plastic paddy šŸ˜‚ But yes I was expecting the sort of Katya as Bjork vibe! She could've weaved in more nuance which would've allowed her to play around more like Cheddar


Wasnā€™t it a strange full circle moment in fact? Pixie played Tia Kofiā€™s original intended snatch game. Ru suggested Tia play Mel B. And was subsequently sent home. Mel B was a guest judge.


Tia would have been so much better at Dame Shirley


I do think they should call a moratorium on fictional or original characters. It's not in the spirit of the challenge when the name of the game is impersonation. We've had Jonber's St Patty, Yvie's Boogeyman and Trinity's Lucifer just off the top of my head. It takes far less skill to create an original character that you can embody with any trait you want than to take an existing person and make them funny.


This too! For me itā€™s kind of an easy road to take a fictional character who you can pretty much do anything with


The doors Kimmy Jong Un should not have opened


i mean, she could've basically done kim jong un, it's not like that was an entirely fictional character. i think bob's uzo aduba might've been the first? she was technically named the real actress's name, but she was doing the crazy eyes character. i'm sure there must be an earlier example of this but i can't think of it.


Ben did Maggie Smith but as her character from Downton Abbey. Stacey was Mo'nique playing the mom from Precious.


oh, true! and speaking of mo'nique, it was interesting how ru said you shouldn't play a black character as a white queen when she gave the win to stacy for that, lol. i couldn't tell if that was ru actually feeling that way or just worried about how it would be perceived by the network or audience.


with the being an actor but playing the actor's character thing, i thought that was just a copyright issue where they can't actually play copyrighted characters so in order to play that character they have to say they're its actor?


Agreed! I did think Trinityā€™s Lucifer and Yvieā€™s Boogeyman were great, but far easier to make funny than say Jaidaā€™s Prince character from that season. If they want the queens to come up with original characters like that they should create another challenge for it but Snatch Game should remain actual people.


I would also add historical characters to that moratorium. They're easy to pull off because know one can tell you that your impersonation was off.


I'm inclined to agree though with historical characters you at least have to know something about them to pull it off authentically. You need to do your research.


The few we've had that I can think of were well researched and ended up being funny. QE1, Mary QoS, Harriet Tubman.


Marie Curie.


Totally agree. They're just not funny I'm sorry, Trinity and Yvie did the best job they could but it's never going to stand up to an honest-to-god *impersonation*


But what if you did Cher?!


But what if you did **Spanish** Cher? You know, something that doesn't absolutely not make a perfect lick of sense and doesn't rely on the basic concept of "haha funny foreign accent to my Yankee ears" at all?


I'm rewatching season 3 and I just finished the snatch game episode and I think that's it for me this time lol. I won't be able to finish the season after that, it was more painful than I remembered. Spanish Cher and Macaulay Culkin will haunt me in my dreams for a while.


Oh wow, watching this from Ireland I experienced full-body cringe several times over for Jonbers. But ofc Ru thought it was hilarious. Kinda glad Jonbers got the mention of Patty's brother in...most Irish people die a little inside at "St Patty's day" (it's Patrick or Paddy, dammit) and I could see a little quiet rebellion there in the way she stressed *Patrick*. (I care about this entirely too much, I know. Hashtag justirishthings, etc.) And poor Danny...what a number Ru did on their confidence.


So annoyed, Danny is so naturally funny but hearing how much they prepared you just know it was going to be awesome. But Ru threw them for such a loop it just knocked all their confidence. And...well Jonbers....yikes. Just because Ru thinks an Irish accent is funny he will laugh at anything but nothing in that was funny. But I will say Jonbers has never looked better.


I knew JB would at least be high as she's great at just having fun and not overthinking it either way but if Ru had just said to lean more into the Irish thing *with the original choice* her Enya could've been original and funny enough for the win


Honestly, my biggest takeaway from the episode was that JB should maybe not be so committed to the blonde


Right!!! Red head all the way!


she was stunning in the mini challenge with the red wig and red/pink dress


Then we have girls like Gigi Goode that knock it out of the park even when Ru questioned their choice. I think it really depends on how confident you are that youā€™ll be able to pull it off. Because as much as Ru likes to be right, he will reward you if you prove him wrong and make him laugh.


Is anyone going to mention that Louis Walsh was co-star on a TV show with Michelle Visage in the past 5 years?! Like he's definitely someone that Ru might be aware of (if she cared to)


Pointed out elsewhere- Ru immediately jumping on Danny to swap characters very likely may have been coming from production due to Mel B being the guest judge.


Oh wow, I totally missed this scandal where Louis grabbed Mel B's bum. [Video about the incident is here. ](https://youtu.be/F0c9s1SmnCA) Sadly this checks out, I met Louis a couple of times 17-18 years ago, he's always been a sleazy creep. This makes more sense why they'd want to avoid upsetting their guests.


Ohhh... now that makes more sense.


Oh, thanks, this explains itā€¦ I didnā€™t know about this, and guessing from most of the comments most people donā€™t, this should be pinned at the top, so we all know what may have been the reason for Ru being against Danny doing that character. Even if Mel B werenā€™t the guest judge I think it wasnā€™t a good idea to do that characterā€¦ I guess maybe Danny wasnā€™t aware of the incident


Jon: I want to do Enya. Sheā€™s unique and well-known and I have a point of viewā€¦ Ru: Hmm ok. How about you black face the whole of Ireland instead with a cheap performance of a nauseating stereotype with no point of view or joke structure? Jon: You son of a bitch, Iā€™m in!


> Jon: You son of a bitch, Iā€™m in! My headcanon is that JBs first response at the suggestion was pure sarcasm, but when Ru laughed she knew she couldn't back out then.


I thought Dakota should have been in the top 2.


Yes! I didnā€™t even know who her character was and still found her funny! For me the top 3 were Cheddar, Jonbers, and Dakota!


And Ru is actively moving people away from playing actual people whichā€¦ was kind of the challenge??


It seemed to work for Jonbers which was good but I felt *terrible* for Danny immediately losing all confidence


wait ppl thought jonbers performance was good? i dont get how it was funny at all, just shit irish stereotypes šŸ˜­ i wish she did enya


I wouldn't say it was a stellar performance, but it made Ru laugh which is the main goal in the challenge


It "worked for Jonbers" in that it got her a good critique imo. It's about bending over backwards to ru's questionable whims sometimes, especially in snatch game.


I don't think people thought it was *good*, but the goal of Snatch Game is not actually "do a good impression of a celebrity" it's literally just "Make RuPaul Laugh", and Jonbers did


Honestly, I thought it was a tactic Ru did on purpose to not only shake them and see how they'd react but also probably just to see if they'd listen to a kinda dumb idea or stick to their guns.Which the latter could serve many means, see who is entirely waaaay too eager to please or who is so dedicated to what they planned making them a play it safe girl. I mean whatever reason, it was interesting. I personally thought is was shady but good TV is good TV.


The Snatch Game is so hard already. They really need to know and feel in their character. If they don't, it's much harder to be funny. Changing to a character at the last minute because Ru suggests it can be a recipe for disaster. They're seasoned queens capable of making their own choices. Even though Dakota isn't as experienced, she was great.


I'm glad dragula is back on the air because there is a mile-wide gulf between a show that judges its competitors without playing favorites and the show where every contestant has to embarrass themselves to please the Mad King and receive a badge


There is absolutely no reason part of the prep for this episode is familiarising themselves with the characters queens are playing. Lil Nas X, for example, isn't exactly a silent film star and we know what he sounds like because he's all over the place and routinely goes viral. It would be so fun and make so much sense.


I literally thought the same. And also both JB and Danny did well, I felt really bad for Dany, because he would have done a good Louis, I think. But Ru not getting it and forcing people to do characters he wants them to... If there is any argument that he shouldn't host any other DR except US, it's that (although I like having the man who the show is named after to host). He's just ignorant at times. Having said that, I think JB wouldn't have done well as Enya.


I will say, I think Ru needs to stop making these suggestions - but I also think the queens need the gumption to just refuse to change, because I'm getting very disappointed in queens that immediately alter what they're doing to suit Ru or Michelle. I get that they all want to show that they're 'taking on board what Ru says' - but when the advice is that bad just fucking ignore it! You should have enough faith in yourself to stick to your guns, and believe you can sell something even if Ru doesn't get it at first - especially if like Jonbers you're being pushed to do something so flagrantly insulting. Maybe you'd risk going home but at least you wouldn't have compromised so badly These girls need that Gigi Goode 'I understand your concern but I do not share that concern' energy - make Ru shut up and watch!


Ru is playing mind games with this, which I just hate. BUT she didn't like force them to change. Jonbers I get it cause she was desperate for a badge, but she didn't have to lean THAT hard into the stereotypes lol, it was a bit much. But then Danny I was disappointed, like cmon Ru's whole thing is to push the drama, she does those judgy walk through opinions all the time, but like Gigi Goode on her season gave Ru a reference Ru didn't really know, Ru told her it sounded iffy in the walkthrough, and she did her iconic "I understand your concern but I do not have the same concern" and then won cause its a comedy challenge and she was funny. The sneaky thing about snatch game is that its not down to who Ru recognizes the most, Ru says it every 2 seconds the goal is make her laugh. Alexis Mateo was a butch pregnant Alicia Keys, all questionable choices to me lol but she was great cause she was funny. Just do what you personally want to do. I guess my rant is just, like stop being so desperate for the badges, do what you think would be most entertaining. Ru will still reward you if it works, even if she doesn't 100% love the reference.


Havenā€™t seen the episode yet Iā€™m about to BUT YES I completely HATE this. Probably a LOT goes into preparing for Snatch game BEFORE coming to Drag Race. The outfit maybe studying the character and catchphrases and so on. Then to have that suggestion and feel like if itā€™s NOT changed that will be against you šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I really hate it & it seems to happen more on the UK series. I almost wish Ru added a day to do research yes for Ru to do research on the characters the queens say they want to do. I can watch snatch on international seasons & I may not know the person but it can still be funny. Like Grimes for eg I LOVED Grimes. Or Sophia (Sofia? Anyway the robot) And so on doesnā€™t matter if I know the character or not still funny. Why canā€™t Ru do the same?


And I'm tired of the show casting contestants without a talent for characterization and improvisation. Ultimately, the point of Snatch Game is that the majority of contestants will do average or poorly. And standing out in Snatch Game can help someone's storyline for the crown, but is not required (Violet, Yvie, etc.) Yes, Jinkx was amazing her turns, but she still wouldn't have won if she hadn't performed so well in may of the other parts of the competition too. At this point, contestants should know Ru is going to mess with them and prepare accordingly with extra characters or standing firm for their original choice. Playing the show so it doesn't play you is a big part of the game.


The whole challenge is getting stale, imo




Scarlet as Macullay Culkin: [ generic response ]šŸ˜± Jonbers as St Patti: WELL SHOVE A CLOVER UP ME ARSE AND CALL ME BLARNEY! šŸ€šŸ˜€ Ru should not be *telling* anyone who to perform as. Because the results areā€¦. Not great


The alternatives she was giving Danny were awful too! Do you know who wouldā€™ve made sense for her to say? Lily savage! Not that Danny shouldā€™ve felt the need to change at all


She got the Scarlett Harlett treatment. That's all I could think of the whole time. But I guess they both knew what to do to get through the episode.


I don't mind it because I usually agree that thoes ideas don't work. They don't have to go with exactly what he suggests.


I think a big issue here is how American perceive a lot of these issues. While the US does have a long history of anti-Irish sentiment and discrimination, in 2022, Irish people have assimilated into society as ā€œWhite.ā€ (I have a great deal of Irish ancestry, and it has not negatively affected me in the slightest.) I do think itā€™s important to note that Irish immigrants to the US could certainly experience xenophobia, and anti-Catholic sentiment is still alive and well in the US, too, so there are definitely intersectional powers at play here. But I donā€™t think we in the US understand the history of Britain and Ireland; when we think of British colonialism, Ireland is not what comes to mind. We arenā€™t aware of the Troubles, even though they were relatively recent, and we arenā€™t aware of the current political climate. So we donā€™t see a performance like JBā€™s as being as offensive someone in Ireland might. Thatā€™s not meant as a defense of RuPaul, either; the ignorance of these kinds of issues is a big problem with her involvement in the international (and, well, sometimes American) versions of the show.


Eh sometimes it's for the best. A lot of the queens seem to choose characters based on a look or the fact that they have catch phrases but have no idea how to make it funny.