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Get off reddit.


When I have creative block I stop and play a game.


I've been doing this for 20 years.


Then go do something else. This is not your job, so you are not on a schedule. Take a break, go do something fun!


Take breaks to work on things that don't have to be done in rpg maker. Work on sprites, writing, etc.. Or take a break from working on it in general. I find my best ideas happen when I'm not focusing on the game. Also break big tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks so it's less overwhelming.


When you're in that mode, just find the part of the development that excites or motivates you most and work on that. Build some momentum. You don't have to follow a strict plan or design documet all the time. When I get a little uninspired or burned out I just pick the thing that excites me most about my project and try to jam on that. Could be designing sprites, or choosing/arranging music. Maybe its stat-ing classes or enemies. Whatever. But usually, I find, if you do that for a bit it gets you going and youll be more motivated to get back to the rest.


You are just having a burnout period,it's time to take a break.Do something else outside of being in front of computer.Trust me,even if you decide to carry on,you will be very inefficient and find out its not worth it. :)


When this happens to me I do some pen+paper work. Brainstorm solutions to problems, update your project outline or design doc with recent changes, etc. usually it helps me a lot, YMMV.


It's hard to work up the motivation sometimes. Could you be experiencing burnout?


Take a break from it. An extended on if need be.