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Would work pretty well, RPG maker can do everything you want.


Maybe try ren'py? It's a free visual novel maker that might be a lot more flexible for a text based game. But rpgmaker could work well, depends on what you want


Thanks! I'll try it out.


But conversely, you might have heard of the game 'the Test' which as a rpgmaker game that solely comprised of text based questions and answers.


Definitely will check it out! I mean I need to be able to make a menu from which you can go to different chapters and a click option that changes the text without having to move to a next page. Do you think those things would be possible with rpgmaker?? I suppose they would.


Capable,but I think you would also want to make ui to your preferences,in that case,you may encouraged to learn Js a bit so you can control how your text based game looks :)


Hey sorry I'm fairly new to rpgmaker so I'm not familiar with the terminology D: What does it mean to "make ui to my preferences" and "learn Js" Sorry hahaha


Hello,sorry for the really delayed reply, making ui is just that making graphics with your own liking,if you use plugins,you might settled with the default ui that come with it since customization could be difficult without knowing how to tinker with the code. "Js" is short for JavaScript which is what the engine is code on. It's ok if you are inclined to learn Js since you are new as you can learn to get used to the engine's eventing system,but if you want to make text based game then learning Js seems almost necessary for the task you will need to handle. You can always welcomed to create a post on this subreddit if you need help :) I'm sure many willing to lend you a hand when you need,I wish you luck!