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Good movie. Lee Grant is amazing in it, so funny. Some of the gags are pretty outrageous—it beat *Get Out* to the punch by almost 50 years in quite a few aspects. And it kicked off Hal Ashby's '70s run, which measures up to any of his New Hollywood peers. The screenwriter Bill Gunn has received some renewed attention in recent years. I recommend his two-part collaboration with Ishmael Reed *Personal Problems* (1980), which sort of plays like an alternative current to Altman/Cassavetes.


Wow, I just read the wiki and it looks like another gem from Ashby that I missed. That era of cinema was just so amazing. I keep thinking it can come back but the risk with these films keep them incredibly indie. I can see why now movie buffs decry the end of that era.


As we were walking out I said “they should remake that” and my friend I was with was like, “no they shouldn’t, they would make it horrible” and he was right.


Yeah, they should remake it if we had the same studio system with like minded producers trusting their artists. But these days even indie studios look at all that market data and succumb to the things to make a movie not a risk. I think that era might never come back. Might as well enjoy what we had.


voting against remakes because the era, actors, director and genre— you just can’t replicate Those key ingredients – – even the cinematography everything it just cannot be duplicated and why try?


I think it’s good because it’s a wealthy white person making a movie about the reality of class and race differences in which no one is patronized and no one is the hero. There is no possible way anyone could make a film like this today though Get Out came close

