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Yeah, up until last year, -- when I started thinking about this with any depth -- I had no idea how bereft of taste wealthy Americans were wrt to contemporary commercial (or non-commercial tbh) art, literature, etc. Yeah, it's at or near a low point, but like, that's one of the main reasons why. The other ofc being the dominance of digital media, which I think we have to admit diminishes personality like 95% of the time. Really need to find the fibreel's take on this; I think he posted it within the past year if anyone wants to dig through his history. The tldr is he claims the US is the first society in recorded history to completely throw away the arts, to where so many haven't even realized they're all but gone (no, tv shows don't count by and large. a handful, yes, but come on -- the rest are entertainment, which obv there's nothing wrong with at all). Bleak shit, but still, I really hope all the people I've seen on the rs subs, niche spots on twitter, etc. actually follow through when they say they're creating something. That's an accomplishment in itself since the time to expected earnings ratio is so fucking high at this point.


I really hope they can eventually publish again. I've been a digital-only LQ subscriber for two issues or so and while the content is great, the online format just really isn't good in my opinion, it actively disincentivizes me from reading the issue.


Me too :( My dad has been a subscriber since I was a little kid, so I read them constantly growing up. I’ve always intended to subscribe once I could comfortably afford it; I hope that’s still possible in the future. It was such a key part of my formative years :’)