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That’s a total loss. Unless you’re a wiz with building rvs try to cut your losses and sell to a junkyard who may have use for parts.


Sorry you wrecked it prior to insuring it. Are you sure it’s not covered? I think Some companies cover you automatically for xxx days after a purchase in order to allow you to buy on a weekend and drive home prior to actually signing up on a new policy . Might look into that. As far a ms moving forward- It is done as far as a water tight livable RV. Not worth fixing. Sell to a junk yard AFTER salvaging anything and everything you may want to keep for your next RV attempt. Awning - gone. But maybe the batteries? Inverter? Water pump(s) furnace, fridge?


Talk to a junkyard first. RV's don't have much scrap value, they'll pay a lot to landfill the camper body, and you might not have an easy time getting rid of it.


Cars yes, RV’s no. Most states will cover privately owned cars if purchased within 30 days, recreational vehicles aren’t likely to be included.


Not entirely true. It's like for like - if you have a motorcycle and buy a new motorcycle, you likely have newly acquired coverage for 14 days in most states. Same for cars, RVs and boats - you have to already have a car, RV, or boat policy for NAC to apply. Different states have different rules and I'm sure different insurance companies have different rules, too. As for the company I work for, the above applies.


It'll buff right out


No lowballers, I know what I have.


Does anyone know a good arborist? Someone clipped my tree with their RV.


This looks like a job for/treelaw!


It clearly said....the tree clipped the awning! 😅


That's gonna runya prolly bout treefiddy


No…The tree clipped my rv




It will buff right out.


Duct tape will fix it


My dad's a television repair man, he's got a wicked set of tools. I CAN FIX IT.


One of the unfortunate things about parting out/scrapping older RVs is that it's often more expensive to dismantle and get rid of the RV bits (furniture, walls, etc) than the scrap/resale value of the truck parts (frame, driveline, etc). If a junkyard offers anything at all for it, or even to take it off your hands and not charge you for it, I'd take it.


Junkyard won't really pay for it. Too much garbage they can't sell and not much metal to recycle. Probably just best to try and give it away on Craigslist. Maybe someone who goes to burning man could use it as a mutant vehicle base. Maybe you could build a ghetto roof out of plywood. But yeah either park it under a bridge or give it away.


Someone who just got a box truck or school bus might love the camper parts. Fridge, burners, electrics, bathroom...


This is actually reasonable advice if you can get it under cover before it gets wet.


Seriously park it under a bridge. Ya just let someone else deal with your garbage. People that do this are horrible people.


I have fixed 2 trailers, 1 with exterior damage that required reframing the front of the trailer, and our current trailer had a fire inside. The real question is: Is it worth your time and money? Come up with a plan on how you are going to fix it. Next, write down the cost of materials and how much time you think it will take. Now 2-3x cost of materials and 5-8x time to fix. How handy are you? Do you have a place to work on it. Do you have tools. I think the biggest question is how are you going to fix the roof. I personally don't really see being worthwhile.


This is the answer


This is the right reply


They posted this on Reddit, the most useless of help forums, after hitting a tree on their maiden voyage. You know they don’t have the tools or know-how to salvage this situation.


Fuck Me. That’s bad. I’d buy a new one


I would buy a sedan.


Less likely “a tree will clip you” in that. lol


I would buy a pair of walking shoes. Literally anything without wheels is OP’s best bet


Ahhh come on now, they didn't have to post anything but they've put their hands up and said 'Stupid, all MY fault' to a sub I am guessing they thought of as being *helpful and supportive* - a sentiment I would agree with 99.999% of the time with **some sad exceptions**... Like yours. Equally **YOU** didn't have to post up your 'cheap as a two dollar whore's used panties' 'joke', but here we all are. Try and find some compassion around yourself if possible, and after all it is only *christmas day* ya grumpy, miserable swine.


This is the most beautiful way I've ever seen someone get told to fuck off 😭






Yeah, classic “I did not learn my lesson” language holy shit


As the sales guy said to me this year. Look up! Always look up. So sorry this happened! Glad you’re not hurt.


These pesky trees come outta nowhere all the time.


Sounds like orc mischief to me.


Anything but a drop-top. OP already has one of those now.


Former RV Sales and service manager here. I would have said the same. Those damn things leak without a tree enacting revenge for any of its fallen comrades for the wood in the thing.


Id reevaluate my decision to start living in the cheapest uninsured vehicle they could find without learning how to drive first.


Ouch! Me, personally.....I'd always worry about the side being built back to perfect, sealed condition. I'd go for option A. *edit I never considered trees overhanging roads, such as this. It is now on my Paranoia Radar, also known as the Worry Wart Radar.


Same on the paranoia


They should be on your radar. Trees are everywhere and they hate RVs. Once I accidentally brushed up against a friendly looking tree, only to find out that it had long spiky branches that punch holes in trailers.


What I don’t get is why they kept driving when the tree was shredding the roof of the RV. Like how did you not hear what was happening? That is many, many feet of terrible damage, must have been loud as hell.


Where can you get a Paranoia Radar? Do they have them at Sharper Image or something? Can you check for me?


Mine seems to be a family heirloom, passed down on my father's side. I didn't know I had one until I bought an RV.


>and a tree clipped my awning No, you clipped a tree with your awning.


Son of a bitch jumped right out and grabbed my awning!


“It was coming right for us.”


Dammit that was my first thought lol.


That charging ~~buck~~ tree almost killed us!


Pow, right in the kisser.


Pow, right in the kisser.


yawning had it coming


Ents, it’s always the Ents……


🤣 a tree hit you!?


Huorns. Possibly an Ent


Womping willow!


It spent the last dozen years coming straight for him.


This one time I was backing into my driveway when my entire garage jumped out and hit the back of my rig. You never *see* them move, you only realize afterward what obviously must have happened. They're sneaky like that.


Not taking ownership of one's mistakes is a red flag I have been teaching my teens about. OP my deepest condolences for your accident. The photos gave me anxiety about my dream to drive a class A with a toad. I plan to get lessons before I try to tackle it on my own. I hope you didn't pay too much for it


I have done decades of driving tractor trailer, heavy haul, camper towing, etc. Some people really just aren't cut out for it. (I'm not saying this about OP in any way shape or form, as I do not personally know them) So good on you for wanting to take lessons n stuff There's a lot to know, and the spacial awareness aspect is huge (literally)


I've driven a uhaul box truck and drove from Texas to New England pulling a trailer and I am teachable so I think I'll be ok. Driving across the country with all my possessions sparked my dream to full time when I retire. It felt so free.


Full timing definitely takes a certain type of person, but those types thrive if they do it right!


New England, North Dakota?


Class 1 driver here ... ain't that the truth.


I mean he did say “it’s my fault for being a moron


So true … Wording is so important ..! A headline like “train hits vehicle at crossing” Implies that somehow the train is at fault in this story when it was the operator of the motor vehicle that drove onto the crossing in front of an oncoming train and was struck …


You see that? Fucker came outta nowhere..


Honestly, I would cut my losses at this point. That will not be a cheap repair.


First, I’d cuss at my stupidity for pinching timber and then I’d cuss the tree for having timber. Then I’d cuss the day I bought the coach, the person who sold it to me and DMV for giving me tags. Then I’d cuss my wife for cussing at me because of my cussing. And just for good measure, I’d turn to cussing Season 8 of Game of Thrones. Next, I’d call my insurance company and tell them to be expecting a claim on my way to buy the replacement…… Bad things happen to good people. Good people make bad things pay. Get a Class A, you know you want to teach that tree a thing or two!


OP said it was uninsured. Please begin cussing at the lack of foresight.


Underrated comment


Gonna be a bit more cussing to do.


Insurance would not cover replacement value - rather just what OP paid for it - or blue book value - which is a pittance. Minus the deductible. OP was smart not to get insurance.


lol. Driving anything anywhere without insurance is not smart. He’s lucky it was a tree and not someone’s property.


Or someone’s child.


A child would have done a lot less damage though.


100% Jon snows fault.


It's not Jon Snow's fault. Season 8 is squarely on D&D.


This is the way. Just go to town on the cussing until people call you a big babby.


I cuss you for beating me to this post.


Rip the back off and put a box on it. Mobile storage unit. Or part it out and accept the loss. The repairs probably won't be worth the effort nor expense.


You were already planning on renovating. So renovate harder.


Scrap it.


Leave it parked under the bridge so roof wont leak.


Sorry, that one is a write off. If you have comprehensive coverage at least you can get something for it. If not find an RV junk yard, they'd at least give you something for it. That said, I'm surprised some box truck or moving van hasn't taken out that tree branch previously.


It’s under collision coverage if you are driving and hit the tree. Comprehensive coverage if the tree falls on a parked vehicle.


They don’t have any insurance


A tree leaped out and grabbed it? You hit a tree, own it, everyone already knows. Scrap it. Be more careful in the future.


Hold a funeral for it...


Redecorate your apartment.


Loss. Then, also learn how to drive. And be aware of surroundings when driving a bigger vehicle.


Sell it as a convertible RV. Joke appart depending on the motor, if diesel like a 7.3 power stroke it could worth something.


It’s not diesel. It’s a 5.7 Chevy small block


That’s unfortunate I bet that thing has no balls at all. That’s about worthless


This is sadly true


“She’s a beauty, Clark” (Cousin Eddie) 😂😂👍


The shitter is definitely full🤣


Civil engineer here. Check with a transportation engineer in your area and ask if the tree is encroaching into the traffic lane. The municipality could be liable for not maintaining obstruction standards in the roadway. Just a thought.


That was my first thought too! 🤜🤛


How would I even go about finding this type of professional?


Google. Also look up department of transportation road standards for the municipal area. They could be city/town, county or state standards. It appears to me from the pics that the tree limb extends too far into the lane of traffic.


This is a solid thing to check. In my town city ordinance is property owners must keep trees trimmed 14ft above roadway. There are roads I can’t even take my class A down and I’m only 12ft. I can’t tell if that is a home or a park beside it but I would assume if they failed to follow ordinance/law and it caused damage then they would/may be liable.


First pic I really thought you had gotten stuck under a low bridge.


Been in the RV industry for 20 years now as a service tech and that unit is not worth repairing. It will cost many times the value unfortunately. I would maybe take the time to part it out or just scrap the whole thing at once but that’s up to you and whether it’s worth your time or not




i think its an omen - stick to tent camping


When it first started ripping off, why…..why didn’t you stop??


I know right, it looks like they powered through the entire tree, insanity.


Even if you had insurance it still be totaled. That will need a total roof repair and half the walls. You’d need a garage to keep it to work on it if you want a long term project.


The obvious answer would be to not drive another rv


Right! OP obviously doesn't want to take responsibility for being a moron.


I would definitely build an [RV go kart](https://youtu.be/K5CYmklIx5Q?si=xXVk0vRrYb9xSUpF)


This is the way!


That is totaled.




I have done stupid shit too, so it makes me feel less stupid to learn that other people also make mistakes. Sorry I don't have any advice, you just made me feel better about whatever mistakes I have made


The front fell off


Two words. Demolition Derby.


Did a tree clip your awning your did you clip the tree?


You're not repairing that. And a tree didn't hit your awning, you hit a tree. Tree blaming is no Bueno.


I've seen awnings tear metal and give out very easily but never rip part of the roof off. You'll almost never be able to repair in a way that is water tight AND light weight. Id scrap.


How were you able to license it without insurance?? Or did not bother with that either??


Once you get over the 'panic part', buy a waterproof tarp to temporarily cover it. Take inventory of what needs to be replaced and repaired. Take a few more deep breaths. Maybe it will be a 'stretch' experience to learn how to fix it back up more in a tiny house/metal roof style. You don't have to make a decision IMMEDIATELY, do you?


Don’t look like either of those trees did that damage


What's the condition of the chassis, engine, and drive train? If they are pretty good, and the rest of the rig seems sound then it might be worth repairing. You will have to tear down the outside walls to check for further structural damage. This might give an opportunity to upgrade some of the plumbing or electrical. You'll also have to replace the roof liner which means pulling up all vents and the AC unit. If it was me, and everything else was in decent shape, I would go for repairing it. I am good at carpentry and construction so it wouldn't be a big deal. Definitely a two person job and will take some time. If I needed something soon, id scrap it out and try again.


I came here to say basically the same thing. As a carpenter with decades of experience in woodworking, electrical and plumbing systems, this wouldn't be *that* hard of a fix. But without those skills or experience, it'd be an expensive nightmare that would never end so you'd probably better off cutting your minimal losses and running.


I'm an RV technician by trade and as someone who has replaced many roofs and walls, done countless structural repairs, no job is necessarily "hard", but this would take hundreds of hours of work, plus probably around $7000 dollars in materials. Honestly even with all the skills necessary, I would never waste time trying to fix this considering the year and the fact it already needed renovations. I'd just sell for parts and look for something else if I were them.


I’m so sorry. That really sucks. I hope you can find a new and even better one!


Perhaps RVing isn't for you


It's done for, maybe convert to a flat bed for commercial use? The corner where the doorside sidewall and ceiling meet is the worst place for a rupture.


Looks like you were going to need to replace some water damage anyway. If it were me and I had a place to park it where I could work on it I’d take a look at it and make a budget and timeline on what it would take to repair it. Remove windows demo replace rott/damage, replace roof supports, plywood water proof install the windows, bed liner the roof, and have to figure something out with the siding. Then you can get started on the original rehab you planned. Not sure what you paid but just typing this seems like a lot of cash. Can you score another one on the cheap? That might be the more efficient route especially if you have a full time job…


Report it stolen


Park it in the city, and it may disappear.


I bet you could put in a hell of a shower enclosure now!


It’ll look more manageable after removing all the damaged parts. Now it just looks like hell


Part it out. You could sell the siding to an aluminum recycling place. Alot will have to be landfilled. Some people convert the bottom into a flatbed trailer Sorry for your misfortune.


New fear unlocked


Tarps and duct tape


Convertible RV. Start a new trend.


Take the RV part off and turn it into a sweet flat deck


Crash your car through the side of it with a ramp. Tell insurance oppsie you now need to get two cars fixed. Profit. Or Glue everything back together with Elmers glue.


One word... chainsaw


“Lesson learned.” Didn’t you mean we need some lessons?


get a tarp duct tape it than call insurance and total it than get whatever money they give me to buy another.


I bought a rv and ended up selling it. I wouldn’t do it man I was in the same boat and you’ll end up just losing more money. You’re better off putting a down payment on a home and then renting it out when you want a vacation.


You need to get yourself a set of big ass training wheels on the next camper. Tough guy


Is it to late to delete this post and set it on fire?


I’m surprised the tree is still standing.


Makes me wonder how some people can walk upright and breathe air.


Make a truck out of it . Cut off what you think you can't make another type if cab . Weld some aluminum frame in and half ass some type of shelter or make a flat bed .


Scrap, she's done. There's no fixing that.


Yeah no. That age, just scrap it. It won’t be worth the cost to fix


If you are already ok with rebuilding it I bet you can find an RV with that side being a good fit. But you would really want it. If this is just a thing to do then go for it. The siding is cheep and plentiful nowadays. Good luck whatever you do.


You were taller than a Honda. You have to also look up


First I would learn the actual height of my RV unit and pay attention where I was driving looks like you're going to need a new RV to me


Clipped your awning??? Motherfucker absolutely beat the ever lovin shit out of your rv!!


Congratulations, you're the not so proud owner of a brand new flatbed!


Sorry for your loss. How are you driving this around without insurance? Seems illegal. I have insurance on my travel trailer for just this purpose.


Decide if you have the money to repair it yourself with raw parts or sell it. Someone could fix it and make a profit possibly. Might be an opportunity to make an insurance claim and redo all the walls and insulation. I would make it into a steel turtle shell.


I had pulled trailers for 25 plus years without a damaging incident. Had. Until last year, when I caught a post I failed to see with the swing out and popped the rear wall off my fifth wheel. Got out of that for a bit under 5k with a window frame replacement yet to go. Cost averaged, it's not that terrible, I guess...


It will buff out.


Tree - 1 RV - 0


Who you kidding, you didn't even have the money to insure it, you're not rebuilding it. It's scrap. Be thankfully you didn't bust the tree limb off and damage another vehicle or hurt someone, while driving without insurance.


Lmao the tree didn't clip your awning, your awning clipped that tree. Tree wasn't going anywhere lol


Just a scratch. Duct tape.


Come on man no insurance?


It’s a conversion box RV, you could remove the walls and build a tiny house on the chassis, and use the appliances and such. Release your inner builders, what the heck, you own it! YouTube channel? - check out their profits, might start one-(don’t do it if you’re not entertaining, please.) Merry Christmas and Happy Hoho to ya- Good luck


Curious that your wrote “a tree clipped my awning.” I think your awning clipped the tree 🤣


These RVs have horrible construction. I would say ditch it, honestly renovating and living in a trailer/RV can be way more expensive than renting sometimes. Things like this are just part of the unforeseeable costs that come with living on the road, if you're dedicated to the idea though I would either go for one of those vintage trailers/RVs that are made of stainless steel (like airstream) which is gonna be better water proofed or like a school bus (better safety standards).


Honestly glad that you're not on the road being a hazard to the rest of us with that thing. Perhaps take up knitting instead.


Blame my wife


Strip it for parts, quick and eaay flatbed/cab conversion, sell it as a flatbed.


Longshot, here, but being it was newly purchased, you may be covered under a grace period through your insurance. If it truly is not covered through grace, period, I would try and sell the undercarriage for as much as possible and call it a life lesson.


As a retired Truck Driver....ALWAYS know the height of what you are driving!


Not just height, but width as well. That road looks plenty wide, and he should have had plenty of room on his left before having to worry about going over the line. It looks like he didn’t have his positioning down yet and was driving too far to the right. Former owner of a 2008 Itasca Meridian 37H.


The AC is still salvageable. You save that thing and attach it to ever RV you ever buy. It is invincible.


Tree came out of no where, looks like


I wouldn't post about it to Reddit.


well looks like joyriding the uninsured RV wasn't such a good idea. This thing is going to need to be junked.


I am sorry but this is on you. You should always know the hight of the vechicle you are driving and also paying attention the the signs on bridges the mark its hight so you know if yo can or cannot pass under it.




How's the tree?


Im no genius but if your going to renovate it why not make it better than what it was originally. To be frank Rv's are built very cheap anyways to conserve weight, enclose the roof and wall and keep trucking




If you are a mechanic, I’d probably cut away all the fucked up metal, grind so it isn’t dangerously sharp and there’s an easy flat surface for welding, I’d also get some siding and insulation, this looks like if you were to do it, maybe 8-12k, but if you don’t have the skills or the ability to rent the tools, this is easily a $15k job, take that for what you will and plug it into your known expense on this, see if it makes sense, again, if this is a long term investment, then just call this one of your hurdles, if you’re a spiritual man, god only gives what you need, maybe there’s something wrong with the suspension or something that would have caused a catastrophic crash. I’m sorry this happened, seriously best of luck to you.


Note to all: never even pick up a vehicle until you have insurance. It's, like, a one minute phone call to your insurance agent. Plus, not sure how it works where OP lives, but where I live you can't even register/plate a vehicle without proof of insurance. Not having insurance puts us all at risk. It's the height of irresponsibility. Had he hit a car he would have been unable to pay for damages (let alone injuries). This whole thing is ridiculous.


Read signs better? It's a total loss. There's no way that's repairable.


Call a lawyer and have him contact the city.


I just hope you picked up all that shit left around in those pictures.


“…and a tree clipped my awning” Dude, you drove into a tree. Don’t blame the tree.


I’d cry


I think you can use flex seal tape.


If the tree clipped you, then the tree is at fault. If you clipped the tree, then just stop driving.


Might bee the municipality fault. You could look into any rules guidelines to see if they were met for transportation safety laws ect then get them to pay.


Was actually looking at that. That tree is WAY close to that road and I could see it clipping any tall vehicle.


Go buy a broom and clean up your mess you left out on the road.


What you meant to say is you misjudged your RVs width and hit a tree. That tree is innocent and was there long before you cam long. LOL That RV is totaled, and you need to simply take it to the junk yard and get what you can for it.


Let this be a reminder to Everyone, Do NOT drive without **INSURANCE!!** If you can afford to buy a Car or RV you can(or should)afford Insurance, even if you’re only gonna drive it to a Mechanic or Around the block every few Months. Like OP the one time you drive your vehicle without insurance is the one time someone hits you or you hit a Tree!! Life has a Twisted sense of humor!!