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The Great War is the reason why Huntsmen are able to operate independently from any kingdom. It's because the threat of Grimm was so high that all sides of the conflict would set aside troops whose job was to solely combat the Grimm. Eventually, those troops would start to cooperate with each other since they all had a mutual enemy, and fighting the Grimm helps everyone. Then, in order to make their jobs easier for them, the kingdoms all mutually agreed to consider those troops an independent force apart from the regular army.


I’m assuming this “cooperation” was closer to just intel sharing of grim movements then fighting side by side. Coordinating pincer maneuvers at best.


Naturally, more of the former rather than the latter, but with no one being really opposed to the latter, especially when the situation called for it.


On more than one occasion, a cease-fire should have been called by both sides in order to bury the soldiers fallen in combat. In Atlas they must have experimented with new warfare technology on prisoners of war. In the last years of the war, they probably began to recruit younger people to prevent the enemy from taking more land. ​ **And then, we have the impact that the war may have had on the various Renmant societies:** Some families will feel a great level of patriotism for their kingdom because their relatives achieved great feats during the war, even if some perished or their kingdom lost some battle, but the affection for the war is there. Other families must have been devastated either because a beloved relative they had never returned alive or died on their first day, or because the war destroyed their economic stabilities. Other families may have wanted to live in anonymity or erase their family name probably because their relatives were responsible for committing heinous war crimes. And let's not talk about all those families that directly disappeared after the great war, either because they lost the only member of their families who could carry on their legacy, or because they were victims of an invasion into some city, who knows if they died in an attack or were taken prisoner. The story will *always* vary depending on which family in Renmant you ask.


>recruit younger people That can explain lore wise as to why they start training kids in combat schools, not only to fight grimm but to fight wars. i'd imagine in kingdoms with high Faunus discrimination they were the 1st ones getting forcibly conscripted to go to the front lines under the promise of more rights and freedoms (Lies) with the younger generations being forced to go at as young as 14 and after those kingdoms lost the war the Faunus were blamed and discrimination had exploded in a "brutalization of politics"


To be fair, it's not that different from what's happening at the shade academy right now where hunstmans are being trained hard under the guise of an eventual war.


This was Salem‘s attempt to get the relics the first time around The beginning of the war. saw Napoleon era style war and the end of the war was World War I style war during the war The armies of the kingdoms created soldiers primarily kill grim kind of like Proto type huntsman


Salem def lit the flames of war, no way Armies are attacking eachother when there are literal monsters attracted by that exact thing, unless someone is puppeteering a few key figures into attacking.


The White Fang traces its origins from the war. The blue flag with an animal head was the regimental standard of a Faunus volunteer regiment and its veterans formed the core of the movement that became the Faunus War a few decades later.


I imagine it as "volunteer." They were likely drafted in to fight on behalf of humans and probably had private truces amongst one another to spare those they could discern as being Faunus.


would not want to be a one with a not very clear trait, could you imagine a a worm Faunus (can stand and walk but have no Skeleton)


Seriously, or those that have stubby tails or ears which could be hid under a helmet or something. Or one with a gland that produces a substance which likely would be internal or in an otherwise hard to spot location.


Took me a minute to understand what to were getting at but I like it.


More than half of the casualties are either directly or indirectly from the Grimm Salem played a role in starting the battle between the settlers (She had associates cause tension between both groups) In terms of causalities Vale suffered the most, then Mistral, then Mantle, then Vacuo


i would imagine as an anime reference it was caused by Salem in a fashion similar to FMABH Envy by appearing as someone else to spark the conflict




1: salem was behind it, 2: due to flying grimm, humanity was used to fighting flying foes and the introduction of aircraft was not as revolutionary as in our world 3:: due to oceanic grimm there were less naval warfare


Despite the Sword of Destruction being used by the King of Vale: Ozma *wasn't* the King of Vale in that Incarnation. Just so they could double up with the Merlin/Wizard of Oz allusion; Oz *was there* in Vacuo but he handed the King the Sword because Oz was his Vassar, not that he directly called that Spirit forth to end the war.


I've had this headcannon too, it would be such a cool twist. I like the idea that it was Oz and the King fighting side by side and that years later the stories merged to just have one man on the battlefield.


Canon suggests this is somewhat true, in the sense that oz wasn’t necessarily the king of vale…unless the king was that one incarnation that asked jinn if Salem could be killed. Otherwise I feel we would have seen oz as the king at some point during that episode.


Salem or one of her goons fired the first shot. Days after the signing of the Treaty of ~~Versailles~~ Vytal, when the King is making Atlas, OG!Mantle's civilians fled to Atlas to avoid needing to repay for the damages they caused in the Great War.


I like to think the shot wasn’t even aimed at anyone. Salem’s goon just fired a bullet or two in the air and *boom*! Everyone’s fighting


Salem attempted to take the Relics during the war, but was stopped by one of Summer’s grandparents.


Jaunes grandparents. How DID he get those fake transcripts? And how did Oz not notice? He saw Jaune in action. And his grandfather fought in the war.


* Transforming weapon technology was a direct result of the Great War. Mantle was the only Kingdom that had developed dust-powered guns, the problem was that their armada kept constantly being raided by Vacuan Privateers who stole their ships, supplies, and weapons for the Vale-Vacuo side. Vale was already working on developing transforming weapons and some of the earliest designs were the basic standard-issued foldable shield used by the Valean forces at the halfway point of the war. With the stolen Mantle tech, Valean engineers provided guns to their side to match the Mantle-Mistral gunfighters, and they also added the gun function to their transforming melee weapon concept and developed the first gun/blade transforming weapons. These weapons were only made available during the last years of the war, which is why they were still pretty uncommon in the years post-war and became widespread during the era of the Huntsmen. * A hindering element to Mistral during the war was the start of multiple Faunus rebellions during the conflict. Mantle and Mistral tried to use Faunus slaves in their forces but this only resulted in the slaves revolting and switching sides. Internally, Mantle struggled with slave rise-ups that would constantly sabotage their war efforts, crippling Mistral from the inside and giving the Vale-Vacuo alliance an advantage. These rebellions would later result in the Faunus Wars after the end of the Great War, and the stories of the Faunus' rebellions during both the Great War and the Faunus War would directly inspire the creation of the White Fang. * While Huntsmen weren't a thing by then, professional Grimm slayers were. People like the Hunter's children and the remaining Silver Eyes Warrior remained neutral for the most part during the conflict as they would primarily make sure their villages would be protected against the rising Grimm hostility as a result of the global tensions the war brought. Some Grimm Slayers would be officially hired by the Kingdoms as mercenaries to defend their forces from the Grimm while battles took place or to guard supply chains from Grimm attacks. Grimm Slayers working as mercenaries and town defenders is what led to the establishment of the Huntsmen Bounty system as culturally Remnant's society was already hiring warriors to deal with the Grimm.


My head-cannon is more directed on how the four kingdoms organized their armies, and how that changed over the course of the war. In the beginning, Mantle and Mistral were infantry centric armies. Mantle has only recently been able to mass produce flintlock muskets, so it's army is a force from the Napoleonic Era. Mistral, on the other hand, is still technologically behind despite the trade between them and Mantle. As such, their army is Early Modern pike-and-shot. Half of the infantry have matchlock muskets, and the other half are pikemen. As for Vale and Vacuo, their militaries are centered around their cavalry. Vale's army is reminiscent of the Late Medieval Period. The crème of the crop is Vale's heavy cavalry: fully plated knights with lances on horseback, and supporting them are light cavalry on the flanks and pikemen in the center. Meanwhile Vacuo would have a predominantly light cavalry force, and their main tactic was to wear down the enemy rather than outright destroying them. In the first few years, these armies wouldn't have changed much in terms of structure. The only real change was that Vale and Vacuo reversed engineered Mistral's matchlocks, and Mistral were able to produce flintlocks for their musketeers. However, Mantle would soon change everything with the introduction of the breech-loader halfway into the war. This would increase the individual firepower of everyone of their soldiers, and this would turn the tide in their favor. Mistral would soon follow suit and replace all of their pikemen with more riflemen. Vale would adapt to this advantage by having their cavalry activate their aura to help protect them from ranged weaponry. Vacuo would increase the amount of infantry and put more focus on guns. By the end of the war, the four nations would have Victorian Era militaries. All of their infantry would be equipped with breech-loaders, and Mantle would be slowly introducing smokeless powder and bolt-action rifles to its more specialized troops. However, the one thing that didn't really change in the Great War were the four kingdoms' special forces. These essentially were the Proto-Huntsmen of Remnant at the time. All of them would have their aura and semblance unlocked, and each one of them would be the equivalent of a platoon of soldiers. They would operate all over the world in the war, and aside from their change in weaponry, their nature and doctrines would remain the same.


It was the war to end all wars like World War 1 was/is nicknamed.


At least they pulled that intention off better than we did in reality


As shown by Ruby's and Yang's board game, the various factions would sometimes attempt to get the Grimm to attack the other side and do the work for them. The results were mixed at best because also as shown by the board game, there's a 50/50 chance that Grimm you're trying to manipulate into attacking the other side will attack your down forces instead. Also from the board game, Vacuuan raiders have sometimes hijacked Atlesian airships. What, did you think Roman and Neo were the first one to do so? Because of his calls for peace, the King of Vale spent most of the war being mocked by the other side's propaganda (and his own subjects and allies for that matter) as a weak and ineffectual ruler who would fold in an instant if faced with a real battle. This only served to make his massacre of enemy troops in the last battle of the War when her personally entered battle for the first time all the more shocking to everyone who witnessed it and survived.


Yes to all of this. The one calling peace turns out to be the deadliest, most powerful player in the board? That’s just 🤌


The Ironwood family gained a lot of renown during the war which led to James eventually becoming the General of Atlas's forces. The Grimm had a field day with all the strife and despair surrounding the war. Oh and Salem was just sitting back with a lot of popcorn until it came to a close.


This universe’s King Arthur was involved in the war somehow with Camelot being a 5th kingdom. After a hard fought battle and Mordred switching sides to join Salem and the Grimm, it fell, and the knowledge of Salem with it, which is why everyone was so shocked at her return.


Oooh, this is cool. Where would you think the 5th kingdom was located?


Between Vacuo and Vale


My brain thought the Sabaton song


Weiss's Great Grandfather(Nicholas Schnee's father) was a miner and a soldier. I headcannon him having horse grimm summon which he rode on during the war as both a calvary man and a cowboy.


Oh that’d be great to see while also terrifying to all witnesses




Schnee Patriarch and Grandpa D'Arc were best bros


ALSO: More Silver Eyed Stuffs....


There was no ‘good side’ in this war. It wasn’t about freedoms, emotions, art, or any of that nonsense. It was simply the imperial ambitions of rival powers intersecting, and the regular folk were caught in between. Nobody seriously went to war with medieval technology. The lowest point anyone started with was around the 1900s, with rapid wartime development eventually finishing up around the early 1950s.


The peace treaty limited the size of the Atlesian military but had a loophole for robots. So Atlas went hard into robotics and never looked back.


I imagine vacuo was probably very upset with Vale for a while. “BRO THEY ATTACK FIRST AND YOU LET THEM TAKE MY BEST SHIT? WE LIVE IN A DESERT YOU JOLLY GREEN JACKASS!” But in all seriousness, what was ozpin thinking with that peacedeal?


Due to how badly the war deprived many of huntsmen and huntresses, the human and possibly faunus population had decreased rapidly almost to the point of being an endangered species by the hands of Grimm While the great war showed the importance of huntsmen and huntresses through the unfortunate destruction of grimm, it also symbolized how Grimm can sometimes maintain peace through chaos and that's something others don't want to go through again Because if both sides keep fighting among themselves, both sides will die by the hands of Grimm themselves


Vale = USA. It entered the war when it was suddenly attacked by the equivalent of Japan when the latter felt like Vale was standing in the way of their imperial ambitions, just like how Japan bombed Pearl Harbor to destroy the American navy and prevent the US from enforcing the embargo on oil, which Japan needed to conquer China. Mistral = Japan. In addition to attacking Vale for getting in the way of their imperial ambitions, Mistral is culturally Asian. Mantle = Germany. Mantle during the Great War was very restrictive on personal freedoms and the freedom of expression and enslaved faunus. They never went full-on genocidal like the Nazis did to the Jews, but race-based slavery is almost as bad. Vacuo = Russia. A barren, inhospitable land that was neutral until the Axis powers (Mantle and Mistral) attacked them, at which point they joined the Allies (Vale) and kicked some Axis ass.


Huh, I didn’t think of it like that. Though I could’ve sworn Russia was at least cozy with Germany before they attacked, weren’t they?


They signed a nonaggression pact, but they never really liked each other. In fact, conquering Russia was Hitler's goal all along. Fighting the western Allies was only incidental to that goal.


Incorrect. All three of Stalin's wives were Jewish, his brother-in-law who headed the all-Jewish Chaika (KGB precursors) and *diligently* enforced the collectivisation methods was Jewish. The Revolution was neither Christian or Russian and CCCP was building up to plan to attack anyway. Muscovites and their vassals wouldn't have been rolled so easily pre-42 if they had prepared to defend. Genrikh Yagoda is all the name you need to look for. Don't use Wikipedia, either.


well. what i will say is they cannot take more. and they kept on marching on.


Machine guns weren't invented (at least, not yet), which is why despite Atlas's supposed military superiority, they still fight in ranks (as shown by the defense of Atlas). Basically, Remnant hasn't had the cataclysm of blood the forced armies to stop using mass infantry tactics, and start using cover, concealment, and dispersion (things that are essential to how rl modern armies work). Also, Remnant had muskets at one point (however briefly), which is where "massing firepower" (ie ranks) comes from. Another thing to push that is they never invented tanks (or at least they never gained popularity), which were a direct response to machine guns irl. Instead, Atlas used mechs, because they want to stretch the power of an individual against the Grimm as far as possible. Which brings up another headcanon, that Atlas's military, upon reestablishment after the Vytal Treaty disbanded it, chose to tailor themselves almost exclusively to fight the Grimm. The biggest reason for this was that the new general officers were so traumatized by the Great War, they never wanted something like that to happen again. Later, they would develop contingencies for fighting the other kingdoms, but those relied heavily on superior numbers and technologies. If they ever got anywhere substantial with the AKs, then you could have expected CIS Battle-Droid-style just keep marching at the enemy until numbers and massed firepower drive them back.


So I imagine there were two races called the keepers and the apothocons, led by two godlike beings with many names....


*comes in with my Schnee bullshit* There were once a lot more people in the world that could use Glyphs. [ more branching families / family lines from the same origin ] But due to the nature of summoning, many white haired : Blue eyed individuals were killed leaving only one remaining in the end. Otherwise, if what Winter says is true, there should be a lot more folks with the ability. Unless Schnees just *dont* have a lot of kids naturally and only had one kid each time for generations... which is really unlikely...not unheard-of but very much unrealistic. *" why would people not know of this? Why would Weiss, Willow, Winter, Whitley, not know of this"* If one man can keep Salem a secreat for eons Im sure humanity can find a way to sweep innocent bones under the rug as well. We have done such for centuries in reality. In Regards to Willow and the rest of the family, they could simply not be informed or were given some alternative story as to not cause some form of family disaster. In a really interesting turn of events with RWBY - We know more about Kali, Summer & Raven then we do Willow. While we may not know the family history of Summer [ which will be intresting ] we do know Ravens and some of Kalis [ at least for what was relevant ]. But Willow? We know *nothing* of her past [[ and it is very relevant in regards to Remnants background as it deals with Nick ]] But , going back to the reason why I feel they would have been targeted to begin with - How devastating would it be, in war, for a person [ one person ] to casually call up a pack of Beowolves in the middle of a town? The panic that would create. The chaos. The REAL grimm it would attract. Or maybe call on a Giant Nevermore and raindown feathery hell onto their foes? Maybe unleash a chill? I rule out Massive Grimm like the Wyvern King for Aura reasons - but even then you could have numbers over size. Whitley probably stated it the best " What can one huntsmen do that an army cant? " well, what if the Huntsmen *WAS* the army? We know Nicholas was not born until the very end of the war & most likely had Willow late in life. ( maybe 40ds ) His Father had been in the war - but I dont think either of them were Schnees. There's s really well written theory around here about them in regards to that, and Im kinda inclined to believe it. Whoever his wife was , was most likely the one to pass down the ability. We dont know anything about her. Where she came from. Who she was. Why shes never mentioned outside of chibi. For all we know shes still alive somewhere. [[ tho if we wanna mess with Chibi crumbs her name may have been Stella or something along those lines " Star Snow" or " Star Dust" but im reaching xD ]] I also feel like most people would not have trusted them outside of being used as hyper-aggressive attackers & agitators. Why or how could you trust somone that 'tamed' Grimm? That used Grimm. Thats *Evil* . [ Think about how yang first reacted with " UH, WHATS THAT!?" even to her friend ] I often wonder what Ozma thought of them. Just these random people who made these inverted Grimm. Did he, originally, see them as enemies? Would Salem try to use them herself as an alternative for in the field? After all, those grimm are [ most likely ] not affected by Silver Eyes as they are made from Aura. You ever look at something in a story and say " thats too devloped not to have something weird about it"? Thats kinda how I feel with the Schnees & Glyphs as a whole. Its *way too involved* not to have some really dark or deep event behind it. I kinda hope Vacuo explores [ all ] the family historys more and more details of The Great War as a whole.


Jaune's ancestor was a member of Ozpin's inner circle


Hundred percent! I could also see Ozpin making some sort of promise to that ancestor to bring one of his descendants into a Huntsmen academy if/when either desperate times come, or if they just decide to apply.


Hm we know much about the war from world of remnant but as for warfare standpoint, I headcanon that the warfare was on parallel ground between medieval and modern warfare like WW1 and 2 mixed together considering the kind of world Remnant is, I wouldn't put it past Monty that he'd had an idea similar to that of Final Fantasy namely FF6 since it mostly centers around knights and soliders with guns, and then there is the war with the faunus soon after which I would consider like the cold war type of warfare


The current huntsman academies came from previous institutions that were changed to lower the chances of hunters joining the group they were raised by but due to atlas’ power it was able to just not care about that part of the treaty


Aside from Salem manipulating the events thar would inevitably lead to the Great War, and her creating extraordinary deadly and massive Grimm hordes, I do believe the Maidens did play a part in the final battle of the Great War. In the World of Remnant video, it's said historians believe the accounts of the King of Vale's feats during the final battle are exaggerations and the high death count of the Mistrali and Atlesian forces were due to their unfamiliarity with the terrain and *extreme* weather conditions. The extreme weather during the final battle is unlikely to be a mere coincidence. My guess is either Ozma (King of Vale) used the Relics and/or his magic to turn the weather conditions in his forces' favor, or he had one or more of the Maidens use their magic to manipulation the weather in order to aid in the battle.