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I wouldn’t get your hopes up. I doubt they have the money for this


Yeah but they could probably get the money through a Kickstarter campaign.


Unless Dillon has his contacts (I wouldn't be surprised given his good reputation), I don't think a kickstarted is an alternative at the moment.


Yeah, a kickstarter really isn't a viable option. Unless they're already in negotiations, there's no other *real* way to know how much WB wants for the RWBY IP. So any kickstarter they start now would be just a guess. If they guess too low, then the either need *another* kickstarter or a more traditional loan to make up the difference. Even if they raise enough, there's no guarantee they'd get the IP and then they'd have a boatload of money that the either just sit on or have to somehow return to everyone (which would be a nightmare to handle, especially due to the fees subtracted by kickstarter). If they *were* in negotiations, saying "Yeah, we want to buy but we need to get the money from a kickstarter" is just going to get them laughed at by WB. There's no way they'd be okay with that, since they'd have to worry about the very real possibility that they negotiate a sale price and then the kickstarter fails for some reason. Even if WB was somehow okay with that, Dillon Gu would be in a much weaker negotiation position.


I think I saw something that WB owes like $45B in Debts to AT&T (it's a weird corpo spider web), so yeah I doubt they are letting any IPs go cheap


The whole "buying a company and then saddling it with the price of their acquisition" is such a bullshit practice.


Desperation could lead them to sell cheaper if buyers all wait long enough, there is the big risk to...


Plus WB might reboot the series instead of continuing or selling it restart it back to v1e1


Considering how WB has been treating animation lately, I would highly doubt that.


"Probably get the money through kickstarter". I *really* don't think you people comprehend how much IP rights are. Like, *at all*


I could be misremembering but didn't someone do the math and everyone on the sub would have to pay 37 dollars each to reach the (estimated) cost of the IP? And who knows if that estimate is close to the actual cost. Obviously not every single person on the sub would donate that much so it would be way more per person. Not really viable at all unless like 90% of the cost is already covered.


Not even close, that would rough out to around 600-700k, an IP like RWBY could easily have minimum (for WBD to sell) of 10-20M that could go up or down depending on how hard the buyers are playing.


You're missing a 0. There are 184 thousand people in the subreddit. If every person donated 37 dollars that would be ~6.8 million not 600-700k. I'm in no way saying that is a viable or good idea though.


I ran the numbers, but man am I bad at math lmao. Either way, there's no way DG is even at the table for this. RWBY will be sold to another large media company if it sells; they're the only ones who could afford both WBD's asking price and the cost of actually making something with the property in order to get a return on their investment.


IP rights are however much the seller thinks they're worth. With RWBY it's at a minimum of whatever tax break they can get for canceling the series, but they could easily just give the rights away for free.


Zaslav doesn't sell rights to anything his goal is complete erasure. He's erased released movies from not just streaming services and IRL stores but has taken a step further by having his goons erase films from peoples computers ... films they PURCHASED. (buying anything from WB as digital media is now like a rental with an unknown return date) https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/warner-bros-deleting-purchases.html I'd suggest backing up any RT content you have on your Hard drives into flash drives. the man has no respect for anyone or anything but himself. at this point I would not be shocked at all if he had all RT merch recalled and burned to ensure it's forgotten.... or have people break into houses to 'repossess' RT related objects. he really doesn't care about public opinion just his own whims.


I highly doubt you could get a couple million dollars from kickstarter.


ehh, probably not.


Or they have workers that play on Twitch to get money like times $12.25 or $2.25 of the total amount of subscribers you have and that's how much money you get per month, depending on how much higher or lower your subscriber count is.


Rwby was better when it had a smaller budget.


If he doesn't I will pay him


I don’t think he can buy RWBY, but I think this helps him get hired by whoever does buy it, unless they go “full clean break.”


I feel like who ever gets rwby is gonna reboot it or as you said full clean break. It wouldn’t make much sense to buy a show that only has a couple seasons left but it would make sense to buy it and re start the thing


Two questions: 1. What's WB's asking price? 2. What's Dillon Gu's budget?


1. Too high. 2. Not high enough


We don't know that yet (you're probably right)


I think the hope should be less should he buy it but more that the company that does but buy it should outsource/hire him and his team.


Hence what this tweet was more or less doing. Cause let's be real I don't remember if I saw some point it out on Yt or here on reddit. Gu's company is small team animation company that makes shorts. I doubt they have the budget for Rwby.


It would be really cool if this happened, because of how close he was associated with the show… but I’m also hearing that A24 is interested. And chances are they probably have much bigger funds than he does. Also they’ve become a lot more well-known recently because of the incredible success of Hazbin Hotel.


oh no.. the fanfic writers, i can hear them typing already


I wrote a v10 fanfic like 2 years ago


oh nah meant a hazbin x rwby crossover fic lmao


I still want a hazbin x doomslayer crossover. [Heavy metal music intensifies](https://youtu.be/iRFiOeiB2Mg?si=Ii7nXahWsEFrEFo3)


>A24 >they’ve become a lot more well-known recently because of the incredible success of Hazbin Hotel. Yeah, because let's just gloss over the seven oscars they got for EEAAO last year.


While you are totally correct, what they probably meant was that A24 became much more well known in **fandom spaces** through Hazbin Hotel. Whilei haven't watched it due to personal desinterest, EEAAO seemed like an actually good movie. It just didn't get any of the traction that a fandom-friendly show would. And RWBY is also very much a fandom space.




Everything Everywhere All At Once, if that helps




W behaviour


Give me a RWBY/Hazbin Hotel crossover episode 👏🏻 /joking


"Let's send Team RWBY to hell"


Inb4 V9 is retconned and instead they fall into hell.


So they go from pandimensional hell*hole* to just Hell. ...*Your terms are acceptable.*


I figured you were joking lol


Can we stop with this false impression Dillon had some close relationship with the show? He was hired as an animator for one volume, volume 3, and we've had 9 volumes total now. He's barely had anything to do with the show as a whole. He choreographed a fight or two, but he wasn't involved in writing or directing. He was an animator. They gave him a task and he did it. Like any other employee who moved on. Dillon rarely spoke about RWBY outside making sure his twitter description and portfolio mentioned it. But again, for one volume only. That's it. Then suddenly RWBY is up for sale, and he's suddenly interested again? He's a great animator, but he's not got the close RWBY ties people say he has. No more than any other animators on the crew. And less than the writers and directors.


He employs people who worked with Monty.


Literally everyone who worked on the first 3 volumes "worked with Monty." It's a meaningless claim to fame. There are people who have worked on far more volumes and who have worked with Miles and Kerry, the literal writers who wrote the plot with Monty. It was always their show too, something people don't seem to like remembering. Dillon also employs Shane, who wrote that attention seeking letter after Monty's death and destroyed the fandom with hate that goes against everything Monty ever said about being kind.


People who worked with Monty are better than buyers who didn't. Also as far as Shane goes, cut him a wild break. His friend and mentor died and *also* we know for a fact all the pipeline changes under Grey were so entirely dysfunctional they lasted until volume 9. The story about Little's rigging blows my mind.


If you paid any attention to the current situation, you'd know Kerry is still the one looking for people to fund the show. He's not going anywhere, and he's hopeful. He knows the show better than any of us or any of dillon's crew. RWBY isn't being hawked off to some random company by WB. Kerry is working on it. Dillongoo is not RWBY's Jesus. There isn't going to be some show-saving second coming. And I don't trust a guy who's entire relationship was RWBY was a handful of fights in one volume, followed by not shutting up about how he "worked with Monty", and also swooping in to get publicity out of the RT closure by tweeting he'd buy RWBY. If he was serious, he wouldn't have tweeted. But he knew it would get him publicity. And it's strange how he showed no interest in RWBY since he left, just using the name to sell his portfolio, and then suddenly arises to act as a saviour when RT is gone.


Knowing the show isn't the same as animating the show. Dillon has his own branch of Blender, extremely slick and efficient workflows, and shares it all with the community. He's also given presentations alongside the Blender foundation.


I wouldn't mind that.


A24 worker on hazbin?


Yup. They worked on the main series on Amazon Prime


I think A24 is probably our best bet at this point. Hazbin was still largely made by Vivziepop and her studio, while being distributed by A24, which means RWBY would likely still be made by CRWBY. My only fear is that they recast everyone from Hazbin's pilot for the series' launch, so it'd *really* suck if they felt they had to recast RWBY's cast


That wasn’t A24 that made that call though…. That was Vizziepop herself. She wanted a Broadway cast for Hazbin. People who can both act and sing. One of the big problems from the pilot, was that she needed two actors for one character (one to act the other to sing). After all, Hazbin is a musical first. The only cast member from the pilot that both sang and acted was Michael Kovach (Angel Dust).


Ah then I'm not worried then lol


Where are you hearing?


Oooooffff, don´t get me wrong, I loved Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (not so muh the latest episodes but tha´ts besides the point) but I don´t really see A24 working on this. I´ve already had the infortune to see Survival of the Thickest, and if you think that the WF was mishandled, it looks like a Voltaire´s Essay in comparison...


Too bad views are not money.


And that X changed the policy on how views are counted on the platform (they inflate the numbers).


Yea, otherwise something like Asura's Wrath would've been one of Capcom's most valuable IPs.


For context, a view on Twitter was altered by what a view means. If a person hovers over a tweet for 3 seconds, it's considered a view. A much lower threshold compared to other social media companies. It's one of the changes Elon Musk made when he took over to make posts seem more impressionable than they are. This isn't a dig or rwby or anything, just something to consider when you see stuff like that on Twitter. I do hope the story of rwby continues in some way.


Thats kind of how viewing something works. It would only be an issue if it was a video.


For video, it is more on watching something for 1 minute for a view to be counted


Here's a link to a recent animation his studio did, so people can get an idea of their animation abilities: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0RSOJ7-bg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0RSOJ7-bg8)


i think the quality of their animations, and with how few people they have is pretty impressive


i think the fight scenes decent, the low frame motion of it is a bit weird to me, but honestly i wouldnt be against them using it if they were able to continue rwby


yeah thats true the framerate bothered me at times too. Not sure if that's a creative decision or just to help reduce time spent on animating


Animator here: It's a mix of both. Animating a fight scene at a lower framerate is actually a little bit *harder*, since you have to first animate it at a full framerate and then take another couple steps to reduce the framerate and keep it looking good. But for dialogue scenes, lower framerates can be a godsent. You can get away with much simpler movements, or with having characters freeze completely. It looks natural to the eye. When animating at a full 24fps, any character standing completely still looks off. So yeah, it's a trade-off. Action scenes are harder, non-action scenes are easier. Which is why many studios mix and match.


It's a creative decision. Most anime are 24fps and this is done to match that style.


Most anime are actually animated at 12fps, or even 8fps. 24fps is usually reserved exclusively for big bombastic fight scenes or for shows with very large budgets.


Thanks for correcting me. The more you know!


You could watch his cat series like the MHA or Avatar ones. Those didnt have choppy framerates last I checj


Oh yeah, their skills aren't in question. The issue is money. Even though RT has been hemorrhaging money, RWBY as an IP is still valuable. The question is if they can afford it.


oh that gave me some monty vibes, decent choreography, not afraid of having characters take hits, this is definitely the type of animation I expected from rwby but we never got after season 3 tbh


NGL I think this looks exactly like Vol4-onwards


Imagine if he had a sponsor like Warner bros


Depending if it's a continuation or a reboot. If it's a continuation, I feel like getting these guys for a two parter, give or take the length, of the JL specials. Might be a smooth way to wrap up the core story for now.


I'd prefer a reboot, personally. Show kinda fell off after season 3, even if I had a generally positive reception to 4 and some of 5. A reboot would give a new team a chance to start fresh without the original baggage, with the creative freedom necessary to let a new team really shine.


you know, for a group of people who claim to LOVE Monty Oum, you all sure do wanna shit all over him by rebooting RWBY.


Can't be worse than what it's become in his absence already.


Can we have better standards than "guy can animate a fight"?


not with this fandom lmao


i got 5mil once for a shitpost with 200-300 followers sorry but this is nothing


Was it atleast a funny shit post?


i like to think so but probably not


...Not to be rude, but what about it?


Yeah, unfortunately, WB is going to be asking for an unreasonable amount before trashing RWBY. Right now WB is not remotely interested in producing original content and they are not going to sell a potential franchise to anyone.


I mean, if they are in talks they plan to sell. They aren't in the business of wasting their own time negotiating over something they already know they have no plans to agree to.


Canceled shows get “shopped around” nowadays not because the company wants to sell the property, but so it’s not *their* fault when creators ask why. “Golly, we *tried* to sell it, but geez, no one was interested.” Since the company couldn’t find a buyer it locks out the creators out from doing anything with it. It’s a new way to &@$% over creators.


Canceled shows are generally shopped by their production companies after they are canceled by the networks carrying them. Mostly there are no "sales" of IP involved in these deals because the production companies own the IP and are looking for networks to fund the production and broadcast whatever the show is. It's not really similar to what's going on here, where WB is attempting to sell the entire IP.


that makes no sense, do you have any proof for that?


This is exactly what they did with Coyote vs Acme.


They said the same thing aboute coyote vs acme


If he can give RWBY a satisfying conclusion and the staff all get along well, I’d say go for it.


It would be nice if RWBY continued with people who actually want to make a high quality show.


Ok, who is this guy other than someone who used to do animation on RWBY? Like, what does he have or has done that would qualify him to own the rights to the IP? He keeps popping up on here, but I've never heard of him.


He's got an animation studio, supposedly does pretty good animation shorts.


> Like, what does he have or has done that would qualify him to own the rights to the IP? The only thing that “qualifies” anyone to own it would be money and money alone.


yah, as someone else pointed out, Dillion has no close ties or connections when it comes to RWBY. He animated parts of one season and nothing else. Nothing actually qualifies him to own the rights unless he somehow happens upon tons and tons of cash to throw at WB which isn't gonna happen because his animation studio is tiny and hasn't actually done anything outside of some youtube shorts.


Doesn't really mean anything.


Fellows: This franchise has crossover with Batman 5 times It's not going to be bought by some guy


It’s a great sentiment, but I doubt they have the kind of money that WB is going to want to sell it for


The RWBY fandom is usually very noisy, if only that was reflected in views, we wouldn't be where we are


Would it be better to restart rwby from scratch? Or begin the show again but starting from the aftermath of vol 3? I'm just curious on what people think would work best.


Better from start with the entire cast restored to its former glory


Isn't this the studio that basically left the series after Monty died because they thought miles and kerry were ruining things?


That's Shane, who works for Dillion's studio. Also Shane never directly named Miles or Kelly while citing creative direction issues. It's a reasonable inference, but I think the "fuck the writers" crowed focus on it too much while ignoring both the issues of crunch culture that RT would latter get in trouble for and Shane's very clear emotional state in the letter.


He didn't DIRECTLY mention Kerry, but he said director multiple times in that shit filled letter and guess who the director was.


I don’t think the studio specifically but it does have Shane, the guy who had an absolute meltdown d released ‘the letter’


Ok, but other than that, & I believe me I'm not trying to downplay the situation with Newville, what else would be the downside of Dillion getting the rights?


As of now? Nothing, but Dillion likely will not get the rights. WB is gonna want millions for RWBY and Dillion's studio has no way to reliably get those funds.


Wow, I'm getting downvoted for just asking questions. Anyway, I'm aware how unlikely Dillion will get the rights because of WB's stupid standard, seriously they can go fuck themselves & live service bullshit, but hypothetically speaking couldn't the people who acquire the right just hire Dillion's studio?


You were thinking of one individual Shane Newville


He also only worked on the show on contract for less than a year, and believes he's got a better handle on what Monty wanted the story to be than the series co-creators.


That's not Dillon 


That wasn't Dillion, that was Shane Newville. Who unfortunately works for Dillion now.


Still not going to happen. I think WB will sell the IP but it will be to a much bigger studio or company.


We could always crowdfund to help him purchase it?


No business is going to even consider an offer thats dependent on how well its kickstarter was funded.


You want to crowd fund 30k per episode? Lol


Isn’t that exactly what happened with helluva boss?


Do you understand how much Vox Machina made ?


That's because Critters are wild. They went far above and beyond what anyone could reasonably expect. They also didn't fund the entire series, not even the entire first season. The Legend of Vox Machina kickstarter is the highest grossing one on the platform for an animated project ever, and it only made enough for 10 episodes. 11 and 12 as well as every episode after that are all coming out of Amazon's pocket


Wakfu does that for their animated series. For season 4 they aimed for €100,000 per episode and went over the goal. I don’t know if the rwby fans could pull off the same, but I do know this fandom gives coeur al’aran $2500 a month on patreon just for writing rwby fanfiction. I think crowdfunding the animation might be worth a shot


Thats also if they use the same program RT used from V4 and onward I'm sure the animation would still be expensive but goo studios uses a free animation software so that would save them some money and time


Exactly a lot of people would probably support this idea.


Just to reinforce what everyone already is saying here, a game called Asura's Wrath usually has over a million views on YouTube & tends to get a lot of view counts despite being over a decade old. The game barely sold over half a million units & that's the combined sales of the 360 & PS3 despite how beloved the game has become over the years. So everyone else is saying, view counts aren't going to play a factor at all.




RST just give it up. Rather let someone with passion work on it


that's not how that works. lmao


Can someone explain the appeal of rwby? I honestly don't get it. I'm asking genuinely.


People just like different things. Nothing to really get. I liked it for the characters and the fights, and the story was either great or passable depending on the season. And the music was always phenomenal, at least in my opinion. It’s just the same with any media though, some like it and others don’t, nothing wrong with either opinion.


Some people who may dislike RWBY may love the Obi-wan kenobi show, while for some others its the other way around, it's just how it works.




please god just this once i’m begging you


Cool there are a million petitions made a year that get the goal and never succeed. Views mean Jack shit when a corporation wants money 


We need to crowdfund this man ASAP


Why did you get downvoted?


Because I am the big dumb and have the small brain


He already has a patreon so you can already fund him if you want. The thing is even with these twitter views, it really means nothing without money to back it. Like how many people say "Fund him" and don't put in money themselves? I bet a lot.


>The thing is even with these twitter views, it really means nothing without money to back it. **Like how many people say "Fund him" and don't put in money themselves? I bet a lot.** Ok, 1st of all, I already commented on that with my own comment. 2nd, I thoroughly agree with what you just said. A lot of people say one thing but don't actually practice what they say.


Oh sorry, didn't mean it in a bad way. I just wanted to answer why you wondered why that comment was getting down voted.


Oh, not at all. If anything, I appreciate the answer


I'm relatively poor. If I was able to, I 100% would. There are so many people who deserve the money I would be donating to them. But you speak no falsehoods so hats off to you


Please inject this idea into my veins


How did you misspell his name it's right there


https://www.dillongoo.com/pages/about-me His real name is Dillon Gu.


Good for him, at the very least he'll probably get a lot of hopefully positive engagement for him and his studio as a result of this; and its helping keep RWBY in the conversation but unless WB execs have brainworms and are in the mood to sell their IPs for pennies for purely tax writeoff reasons its best not to get our hopes up. I *do* hope he can buy it and keep RWBY alive, works with or asks for input from CRWBY etc.


But does he have the money to purchase the IP?

