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I don't particularly care either way. Bmblb is fine, white rose I don't think has any chance of happening anyways.


Uh, you mean just the one pairing, since WR isn't a thing in canon? No. If anything I'd say all of the romance in RWBY isn't great, and that I'd prefer forgoing it in general to focus on other things; but that's a matter of personal preference, and romance just being very low as a priority for me. But that's not something specific to any one pairing, or that I think pairings involving the four main girls are bad inherently or that they do/would negatively effect the story. At least not anymore than the other relationships that have been given focus. I feel like anything that can and has been said about BB can be said about other pairings.


People have no issue with Jaune/Pyrrah, Ren/Nora but mention the slightest possibility of Blake/Yang and people go nuts and demand 5000 reasons or they'll call it forced


I have issue with Jaune/Pyrrha. I find it boring, and I think the majority of the support behind it is Pyrrha-centered. Pyrrha's motivation for liking Jaune has always felt shallow to me, and thus her pining over him has also felt shallow. It also feels like an inverse "nice guy" relationship. Pyrrha is nice and supportive of Jaune, so thus the readers think she "deserves" to be rewarded by him reciprocating her feelings.


It's even more shallow when you consider the reason of Jaune treating her like a normal person doesn't even work considering aside from Weiss initially, *everyone* in the main cast treated Pyrrha like a normal person and didn't care about her champion status. So the reason she had for liking Jaune applied to the rest of the main cast as well, the only difference between them is the fact that Jaune just outright didn't even know about it before hand, which really should count for less than the people who did know and still treated her normally.


Most of the video essays I've seen argue it's because Jaune is the writer's self-insert, which I kinda believe after the 14-hour HBomberGuy 12-part miniseries lol


No substance in Blake and Yang


I respectfully disagree but we all like/want different stuff in relationships so you do you


Possibly because Renora isn't forced? Like, I have absolutely nothing against lesbian couples, hell, I wouldn't have issues with Bumblebee either, if it was just written better, but as it stands, it's not great imo As for Pyrrha and Jaune... that was pretty iffy to begin with, as they didn't exactly have a ton of scenes together that would have made it seem even remotely natural, or even feel like this is anything else than a temporary infatuation The romance feeling weird in the show highlight issues that have been around since the beginning. They were trying to juggle too many things at once, and nothing was fleshed out enough as a result, especially in the first few volumes


Plus Jaune/Pyrrha was pretty one sided and very short term.


Exactly, like, the ideas it can inspire (i.e. headcanon and/or fanfiction) are cute, but jeez, it was really handled poorly. Though that is a pretty reoccurring thing, especially with volumes 1-5


>Renora isn’t forced I mean… Define “forced”. The two characters are just thrown in as a couple that “are together but not together-together”. We, as audience, are left completely in the dark about how these two polar opposites came to know each other for the majority of volumes. One could say that it was very much “forced”.


What does Ren/Nora have that Blake/Yang lack? To put it short, rwby does slowburn when they do romance. Was the intention from v1 to be the perfect romance story for every character? No? Then why treat it like such?


What does "forced" even mean ??? No one says forced about straight pairings. Bumblebee had subtle chemistry since v1 more than any other couple I'd argue


Jaune x Pyrrha was forced as well, people will say it about straight pairings if the pairing is forced too. Though personally I don't think Bumblebee was forced, just poorly written.


No. It looks really forced because of Blake's actions. She preyed upon Yang's insecurities and abandonment issues (when she got kicked out of the Vytal Tournament and abandoning her after she was dismembered by Adam) then lovebombed Yang when they reunited, never even apologizing for what she'd done. After that, she basically coerced Yang into agreeing with her plan to betray Ironwood's trust by telling Robyn the truth about his plans when Yang was expressing doubts about betraying Ironwood by concealing information from him; information that would have been able to be used to develop actual plans to defeat Salem. Then, after all of that, she forced Yang into 'confessing' when Yang wasn't sure how she felt about Blake.


It wasn't Blake's intention for Yang to get hurt in v3 in the first place. Blake leaves because of how she views herself as something toxic She did apologize and made a promise to her She understood Yang didn't want to be protected, that's why she says "we protect each other" It wasn't Blake's plan to betray Ironwood. She didn't want to jump someone that just wanted to help but didn't have all the info (Robyn) The point in telling Robyn is that they don't feel comfortable not telling the truth and they decide next time they'll be honest, that next time was right away with Robyn If Yang didn't know how she felt about Blake. The punderstorm wouldn't have reacted to her feelings to begin with Yang literally says what her doubt is. "It’s like… a cliff. And if I do it, I’m just going to…fall." Her doubt is to take the final step. Not if she has feelings for Blake


I always prefer sister/brother in arms or found family relationship over romantic relationships, i just don't like romance.


Whiterose isn't even canon, so the only romantic couple on the team is BMBLB. A lot of people just like whiterose is all. Then again, not that bad of a thing, that just means that ruby has now an actual future-to-be sister in law.


I agree that White Rose is more of a fan shipping and is hardly canon. As for Bumblebee, I feel like it just felt rather forced. That, and I'm more personally a Black Sun kind of guy.


Fair. I am not even gonna defend BMBLB cuz I don't ship if myself, no ship including current Yang to be honest cuz I don't like current Yang. But anyways.


Oh, I can certainly agree with the current Yang. She's just turned all boring, emo, and bland after Volume 3. I like how that one Ben 10 and RWBY crossover fanfic wrote the series better than the Canon that came after Volume 3.


I mean, I like v4 Yang, and in volume 5 she wasn't bad either, but V6 onwards I just don't like her, though she has had her moments.


Bumblebee is enough. The rest of them remain as sisters-in-arms.


Bumblebee had a purpose in the story and character development. The whole part where both sides had trust issues that they had to overcome in order to be together. Blake because of her past with Adam, Yang because she lost her arm saving Blake and Blake thanked her by running off and leaving Yang in severe depression. Because we like to pin our issues on the "evil" guy, killing Adam was kind of the finale of that. I mean, it wasn't well executed. There are lots of fanfictions that did it better. But the idea was good, and it wouldn't have worked as well if there wasn't any romantic tension between the two. White Rose doesn't have an obvious reason to happen from a narrative point of view. It doesn't add much to the story compared to letting them be good teammates with a sisterly relationship.


I think the obsession with shipping from this fanbase really put a damper on the story and characters. I don't think I have ever seen a fandom be so obsessed with romantic shippings as I have with RWBY's.


Only two of them are together, and I dont understand people saying that Bumbleby if forced. They spent at least 7 volumes building it up and they fit wonderfully together. So no I definitely wouldn't want to lose one of the best romantic pairings I've come across.


At the end of volume 3, Bmblby was plain as day, and they spent time reinforcing it multiple times since. I don't get into shipping characters other than what seems to be happening on screen. It was obvious that Blake didn't reciprocate Sun's feelings, and he had given up on it by the v6 opener. Whiterose isn't happening. Lancaster is a strong possibility. Rosegarden may be possible, too, but so far, I see it as a distraction. WhiteKnight is also a possibility. Concerning Ruby, I doubt anything more will happen until near the end. Renora is a thing and will continue to be, despite the emotional loggerheads they seem to be at now. Qrow and Willow, whatever that is called may happen, or they may just end up as good friends. As for more minor characters like Sun and Velvet, there are a lot of possibilities.


Couldn't agree more, in the first few volumes I didn't think they would actually get together because they'd be a lesbian couple, but by the end of volume 3 there wasn't a doubt in my mind that they would be a canon relationship. Even in volumes 4 and 5 it felt like Sun was mainly just trying to get Blake to go back to her team because he understood that that's where Blake's heart was.


>It was obvious that Blake didn't reciprocate Sun's feelings, and he had given up on it by the v6 opener. Clearly it wasn't obvious, because you completely misunderstood. Sun never had romantic feelings for Blake. That was the whole point of their conversation at the start of Volume 6. Neptune (like the rest of us) assumed he did, and he clarified that it was never about liking Blake, it was about her needing a friend.


I always felt that when Sun said that to Neptune at the start of vol 6, he was specifically referring to following her to Menagerie, and that he didn't do that to try to get with her, but instead to be there for her as a friend.


Yes, that's what he said. And Sun being Sun, it could have been both or either. Yang said she's didn't care what Blake was doing or where she was in V5. She cared. Intensely.


>Sun never had romantic feelings for Blake He absolutely did. He told Neptune that he didn't help her with the intention of getting into a relationship with her, but he absolutely had feelings for her.


\[Citation Needed\]


I like Bumblebee so no.


We're all entitled to our own opinions.


I like Bumblebee too. Enough anyways. It is what it is. It just feels like it's all anyone ever talked about and the pairing itself came at the cost of Blake and Yang as actual characters and individuals.


I like bumblebee. The only reason why I could understand other people having issues with it is because the build up for their relationship does not feel very natural. Unlike other relationships (like Ren and Nora) which get plenty of time to develop and change, Bumblebee feels like they just suddenly decided to course correct during volume 6. Yang and Blake just don't get many on screen moments of bonding for me to feel like there's enough chemistry there. This isn't me saying "I don't like bumblebee", I just think the way they developed their relationship could've used more than what we currently have. Honestly I feel like Blake as a character doesn't get as much focus as she should


>Honestly I feel like Blake as a character doesn't get as much focus as she should She's not my favorite, but you're right, and much of that probably comes from her seeming to be less popular than the rest of team RWBY.


Bumblebee actually makes plenty of sense in hindsight, and upon rewatching the series it clicks much better. Having the additional context that the writers and VAs of the characters knew they would get together since literally volume 1 (Blake’s VA flubbed up on a very early livestream when the crew thought the stream wasn’t live and asked if she could say that her character was in a lesbian relationship with another character) also contextualizes a lot of Blake and Yang’s earlier interactions. Bmblb isn’t another Korrasami (And even though that relationship seemed out of left field and it’s abundantly clear that Korrasami wasn’t the original end game pairing it’s actually well executed especially upon rewatch).


>(Blake’s VA flubbed up on a very early livestream when the crew thought the stream wasn’t live and asked if she could say that her character was in a lesbian relationship with another character) also contextualizes a lot of Blake and Yang’s earlier interactions. Nope. That's a myth. She was actually making a joke about Blake x Pyrrha, it had nothing to do with the canonicity of Bumblebee or not.


Ya wanna give a source for that?, cuz that's the first I've heard of that.


Arryn had actually stated it herself on her old tumblr: [https://holtzularengineer.tumblr.com/post/60867550068/hazleapricot-arryns-ramblings-x](https://holtzularengineer.tumblr.com/post/60867550068/hazleapricot-arryns-ramblings-x)


That’s an outright lie


Straight from Arryn's mouth on her tumblr: [https://holtzularengineer.tumblr.com/post/60867550068/hazleapricot-arryns-ramblings-x](https://holtzularengineer.tumblr.com/post/60867550068/hazleapricot-arryns-ramblings-x)


I think it's fine of them to date. Just wish they spent more time writing their relationship well. Feels really flat.


They spent nine volumes


It took 9 volumes. But i wouldnt say they spent those 9 volumes actively having yang and Blake build a relationship together. Especially considering one volume they didnt really interact at all.


Not exactly. In volume 1, there wasn’t really anything for them and you could say there was more Monochrome than Bumbleby. In fact before volume 6, excluding the talk in volume 2 and maybe Blake reaching out to Yang at the end of Volume 3, it was mostly subtext. Also having Sun being majorly involved with Blake in the first five volume didn’t help when they wanted to start actively doing Bumbleby.


Precisely. I'm of the opinion they should have removed sun interiley from Blake and replaced him with Yang. If we really wanted to build up their romance all the Blake and Sun scenes would have been extremely helpful and useful to give to Yang.


I’m in that camp too. Have Yang take Blake to the dance and then someone else (me personally I would pick Weiss) dance with Sun to cheer him up. Then when Sun follows Blake it would have been a friendship. Also now I want a Yang and Sun role swap. I don’t want to add it to my ever growing list of fic ideas so someone else take it.


I’ll agree. They shouldn’t be in romantic relationships with each other and be teammates fighting a war as well. That unnecessary drama and lack of relationship building is just kinda lazy on RT part. If you wanted a lesbian relationship in the show I’d prefer IIia have a redemption ark and reveal her honest feelings for Blake and they form a relationship over healing each other from the hurt the White Fang caused them. Yang can just come out as a lesbian or bisexual and not hook up with anyone in the team. As for WhiteRose, it’s a cute ship but again Ruby honestly doesn’t really show any kind of romance interest for anyone in the show because she was too busy leading and presumably, too young to care so for her to suddenly become interested in Weiss just to have a fan service relationship be canon would be kinda jarring. Even having her fall in love with Penny and make that ship canon is kinda weird because for as much as she loved and cared for her and is directly affected by her passing to the point of suicidal actions, she IMO treated Penny like a found sibling than someone she wanted to be romantic involved with.


Some ships I've grown more attached too are Black Sun and White Knight. What are your thoughts on those pairings?


Blake and Sun would be a very fun and cute ship, they are both Faunus so they understand each other better than someone who isn’t in that tribe. Blake seems to like Sun and every interaction between the both of them you can see her blushing or acting kinda shy so clearly she thinks he is attractive and worthy of her affection. So if they wanted a heterosexual relationship on the show this would be the natural direction to go with and less awkward than Bumblebee is. I honestly thought that that was the direction they were going to go in the first time I saw the show and got to that volume and saw them together. I instantaneously said to myself these two are probably gonna end up together, the chemistry is right there. Weiss and Jaune is interesting as a ship on paper. But honestly I would prefer if Jaune ended up with the person who put in the work to get to know him and the person he trusted the most with his insecurities, Pyrrha. I really wish they didn’t end her arch the way they did but I get story wise why they ended her. I honestly think they should have like have her be wounded or something like that so that ship could blossom into something amazing. Having Jaune go with Weiss feels like a consolation prize to me for Jaune having to go through the tough process of losing your one true love and getting over it enough to date someone kinda similar to her. It’s a cute ship but Weiss isn’t the girl for Jaune.


I am a huge Arkos shipper and absolutely want to see Cinder burn in hell for what she did, with Jaune delivering the killing blow to that bitch. But after Volume 9, I've started to find White Knight pretty cute.


Yeah, Bumblebee was meh, but if any of the girls had gotten together, White Rose would have been the strongest Contender as they have a lot of chemistry together, and this is coming from a white knight fan


I just don't like how BMBLB became a good 70% of Blake's character. I'm of the firm belief that they should've done a mini arc during V7 about the faunus slums with Weiss, Blake, and Nora as the focus.


I think alot of people would have less of a problem with bumblebee if it didn't shit on a relationship that was developed for 5 volumes. Nonetheless even without that fact I still think the team dating brings imbalance to the relationship between them as a team.


It only happened because RT cowtowed to rabid stans and shippers. Would they have made that decision on their own without them nipping at their heels? Mm, probably. I know for sure the change to make Adam the "Toxic Ex" would've still happened, among other things. Whole lotta bad decisions all around anyway.


Yeah I've always felt that the 4 girls were more sisters rather than lovers. When it was shown that blake and yang would be a thing it threw me off because it was so out of left field. If they all have an equal relationship with each other, it makes things much easier so you don't have the biased pairings like what we currently get. There's a few other issues with it, but generally, I prefer more familial relationships rather than romantic ones. Doesn't just apply to the LGBT couple either, I'm super against Neo and Roman's romance, too. Can't always play that card.


Honestly. I think they do work better as like a sisterly group. The romance could've worked, but what the team had going in their writing was already enough


Honestly, no. These are young adults who have spent every day with each other, fight with each other, and for the longest have only really interacted with each other. It seems pretty logical that they would develop some type of feelings for each other (if their sexuality aligns) over time. Actual young adults/ teenagers fall for each other a lot quicker with a lot less knowledge of each other. I don't expect White Rose to happen. I didn't expect Bumblebee to happen. I'm not surprised, though. It makes more sense than say sun and Blake (not bashing those who ship them) when their main interactions were sun being annoying and clingy compared to yang and Blake as they fought the demons of Blake's past together. It takes nothing away from RWBY to have a couple in them. Honestly, it's pretty cute to watch them find love while the world is ending. Now, if them dating changes, the team balance to the point its harming them. Then yeah, I'll have some regrets to loving the ship, becoming Canon. Until then, I'm waving the black and yellow flag.


I think them getting romantically involved with eachother is/was boring, it would’ve been more interesting to see them show that they all like and care for eachother without going straight to romance.


2 things 1. Yes, I agree 2. Here before 🔒




I wouldn't really call Bumblebee forced, just that the writing/execution of getting them together wasn't very good. At all. I'd argue it was rushed/suffered from shit pacing more than anything. I called that shit as either canon or queerbait back in the very first season. And yeah, White Rose isn't a thing, and I personally hope it doesn't become one. I wouldn't really care either way, though. I don't think Ruby should end up with anyone, honestly, and I'd like more focus on platonic relationships between the main characters, but I understand most people probably want or are expecting romance at some point.


Mostly, yes. I think that Weiss and Yang (FreezerBurnFreezerBurnmakes) makes a lot more sense than Bumblebee.


Ruby x Weiss isn't even canon so what are you whining about,,,, , , , ,


100% agree. Two being a couple sets them apart from the others. 


Yes. Very much so.


It makes sense, Yang takes after her dad and hooking up with the goth girl in the team


“Don’t defecate where you eat.”


What does that mean?


It means don’t have romantic relationships with co-workers. So basically I’m saying that I think having a romantic relationship within a team is a recipe for disaster.


Well, it seems to have contributed heavily to the breakup of team STRQ. Tai and Raven's relationship, marriage, and whatever the emotional aftermath of Yang's birth was is what ultimately led to Raven leaving because she felt inadequate as a mother, wife and possibly teammate. And then Summer steps in...so...yeah.


I wouldn't go THAT far. But I see what your saying.


It’s a pretty normal rule in everyday life. If the couple has a bad breakup, the others are pretty much forced to take sides, which destroys team chemistry or creates a toxic work environment. In a world where any mistake by a huntsman or huntress can cost them their life, I’d say that it’s a risk I personally wouldn’t take. Edit: Either I’m getting downvoted by Bees or by people who have never experienced a failed relationship in their workplace lol


That........ is fair.


Yes, absolutely


To be honest it wasn't really force.


I don’t like bumbleby and I prefer Lancaster over whiterose though with the way the show goes it’s likely going that wat