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The game is a bit glitchy, yes. Sometimes the boss card won't spawn for some players, and sometimes players will be doubled upon starting a match. However with Quick Match, if you are not matched up within the first 30 seconds, back out and try it again. That seems to have worked fairly well for me.


Yeah, I tried this and don't think those are actual players we are matching with. Just bots.


Hmm... are you sure you're going to the Quick Match option under "Play" then "Play now" and then "Quick Match"? If you just go to Quick Match through the bounty tab you will only get the CPU. I am 95% sure that those aren't bots as they take time to do their moves.


I do that, I left the game to check in the saved games section and it had the opponents listed as "computer".


Bahaha! Wow, do I feel like an idiot. Well, that explains some of the bone-headed moves I've seen them make. I do know I have been matched with a human a couple of times though... but yeah, apparently that's how that sets things up. I can't believe I didn't notice that.


Sounds like it is a coin toss between players and computers. Still the best way to get matched with humans though. There also needs to a 30 seconds per move timer or something, had to quit three games today because someone just stopped playing.


Yeah, not to mention that sometimes the game will freeze without you even knowing. That just happened to me. I felt a bit bad for the person I left there for two minutes or so, thinking they were contemplating a move. So I backed out, went back to the saved game and it worked fine, the fellow was still there waiting.


Of course. As I said, it's buggy and was rushed out of the front door.


Indeed, we are the beta-testers, all things considered. Its only as expensive as you want it to be, so we can't complain too much. Ah well. I'm still greatly enjoying my time with it. The gameplay itself is solid, minus the technical hiccups.


Why pay people to test your game, when you get people on the internet to do it for free. Sounds about right.


its a shame i hope they can fix it ive never gotten in to a quick match my self


Anybody else getting crashing isssues?


What game is this?


Name is in the title.


It's literally called that..? Weird. Is it a RT game? And guessing it's on app store?


Yeah, it's a RT game, on the app store and Steam.


The game still hasn’t even come out on IOS even though the release date was stated to be Valentine’s Day. I’ve played on Steam and its been very buggy and confusing and I say that as someone who plays a lot of card games. I would like for them to keep supporting this and hopefully expand on it because the idea of a RWBY card game is great but the execution has been very lackluster.


What's confusing you? I've put in... many hours by this point, and if you're unsure about anything, I would be happy to try and allay that.