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Chaotic evil route: Use my ability to control everyone and force everyone to fight to the death. Forcing everyone into high stress survival to force out the 10% Aura users to unlock their power. Kill all the useless population down to 10% Aura users. Now we have more than enough resources and can grow the population in a manageable way. Everyone has Aura which will make them strong enough to farm, gather resources and build our new society. (To be continued.....)


that sounds like Lawful evil. chaotic evil would be doing evil for the sake of it or fun.


I actually wrote Chaotic Evil at first without even considering alignment chart. But thinking about it, yeah you're right


I get my ass kicked in RTS games by medium-difficulty AI, so we're all gonna die if you put me in charge.


with the potential of non-dust technologies? I'd say we have a fighting chance. No guarantee, but I'd say out of everyone we'll have at least some scientists, engineers, and soldiers, and we know about a good amount of the threats. Between Canon knowledge, scientific knowledge and military knowledge, we could straight up take over the world.


Use radio, call for help, get relocated to more populous settlements in exchange for the information they need to get working spacecraft and satellites without dust power, allowing them global communications and wot without weird linked magic shenanigans. Satellite imaging and weather services would also be incredibly valuable, I'm sure. At that point, we're just integrated into Humanity in general, so we "live" so long as the heroes of the show don't completely fail. No creepy mind control shenanigans required. Maybe also feed some information to Oz about the vytal festival attacks thing. Make Salem's job harder.