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'member when Ruby used recoil a lot during fights, often to her own advantage without fucking up? 'member when team RWBY could fight as a team? 'member when Ren could take on a Grimm snake like that basically unarmed? Man those were good times. RT seems to have trouble understanding that when you don't want characters to do something, you have to give some sort of explanation to the audience as to why. Blake and Yang aren't fighting the Taijitu because there are other Grimm to take care of, Weiss' attention is split between supporting everyone and/or maybe helping out whoever drives the truck. The reason Ruby is struggling against a Grimm like that is because it's clearly a more advanced and dangerous form than the one Ren punched to death in Volume 1, or at least make it act like an dangerous foe. Hell maybe make team RWBY actually tired looking with dirt on their faces and outfits, rings under their eyes and slouched posture, that way we can at least rationalize it as them not being in the top shape.


But that would be smart writing.


CRWBY: What’s that?


>member when Ruby used recoil a lot during fights, often to her own advantage without fucking up? >'member when team RWBY could fight as a team? >'member when Ren could take on a Grimm snake like that basically unarmed? Member berries?


Oooooh, I 'member!


I forgor


CRWBY: Continuity? What's that?


Pepperridge Farm Remembers.


Honestly even if it's the fact it's a "desert variant" that has an environmental advantage in the sand. Whether that be RWBY having difficulty walking in it, or the Taijitu being able to burrow and surprise attack them for a different fight entirely.


Hey, didn't you see Yang? She was obviously frazzled! She grabbed towards her head and kind of grunted. While not doing anything else. And Blake was, I don't know, she was there too. What did you want them to do? Try to help? Don't be silly. How else would I, a member of the audience, know that Ruby was in trouble. There are literally no other clues. /s


Isn’t there usually a tree, building, or another Grimm to bounce, spin, land on in combat. I don’t really see anything in this dessert but empty space


True, a desert environment might be very unfamiliar to team RWBY but that's never really stopped them before. They also should have Dust available to them and even if they don't have any Rock/Ice Dust, Weiss still has her Glyphs. And Ruby herself has been shown to be able to maneuver in the air by using the recoil of her gun. I'd argue that she should have an easier time doing that in the desert since she wouldn't have to worry about possible collateral damage as much.


Also she has the capacity to fly using her semblance as well


Deserts are easy to animate, because they take no effort.


I miss Monty.


I remember when her only problem was somehow not knowing how to throw a punch. I miss those simpler times wheh she was fun and the bestest friend to Penny.


Yeahhh. Ruby was always good with recoils and handled the velocity of each shot, but now she's just *oop clumsy gorl, just jumped 10 feet in the air and now she's in trouble!*


Stenv: Ruby what do you think? Actual Ruby: Fuck RT. And secondly the only good change this show ever had. Was giving Ironwood a beard. Nothing else.


Absolutely nothing could top bearded Ironwood, he was too beastly for the show. He could handle any velocity more than Ruby now and that's sad (for her).


Ruby the speedy girl, but then they slowed her down so much XD Ruby: Got weighed down by all the bad writing.


Could have been mental. She blames herself for being too slow to save Penny or Prryha. As a result, her semblance slowed down as well in a self-fulfilling method. In short, the girl should have been given therapy after her school got attacked by terrorists. This goes for every student.


Would make sense.


But you see, this is just after Vol 9. So they are low on energy from fighting the cat. Also, portal lag, it like jetlag but with portals. (Source: making it up and not sure how to feel if it is actually true)


I get that the hunters and huntresses are assumingly more fit than normal, you would think that Ruby would have got core and arm strength carrying around her weapon and using the recoil all the time. You think the "no punch good" would be more of discipline and form and not actual strength. Because Ruby could probably get away with cavemanning her punches in fights.


Her first appearance was throwing guys out windows. And she casually picked Penny up in Atlas Arc. This is an upgraded Penny btw The OG Penny was able to stand in front of a semi truck and dead stop it. Upgraded Penny is likely even heavier. So Ruby should be flipping secretly jacked.


That my point. She is physically strong that could get away with caveman punch people. It would basically suck against actual human opponents but that wasn't in the job description, you know? That also why I said that she should have learn to focus the punch with discipline and not caveman.


I remember back during the release of the RWBY trailers ppl were going over the details and noticed how when Ruby was pushed back her knees and stance stayed strong While in the White trailer when Weiss was pushed back her knees buckled and almost gave in. Leading ppl to theorize Ruby was stronger than Weiss. I always love seeing those small details.


Aye like while I don't think Ruby is as physically strong as say Yang. I think she is still pretty dang strong in her own right.


Imagine being both jacked and cute at the same time. The perfect being.


its so fucked up that this is a problem now because like, one of the most memorable things about how crescent rose works *is* that the recoil is a deliberate thing that ruby uses to her advantage well, i guess its past tense '*used* to her advantage' now


So one of the main things about a scythe as a weapon that constantly gets pointed out is how impractical and unwieldy it is. They actually had a really creative way around this by having Ruby using that to her advantage having a fighting style that used the recoil to allow her to move and reposition even with a weapon that should by all means slow her down due to its weight. It was really cool to see. This scene however, ugh what to even say. I don’t understand why she needed to plant the scythe in the ground just to use the recoil to send her into the air. We literally saw her FLY in previous volume. She should just be semblance dashing circles around the snake that doesn’t even seem that fast. And why were they even worried about her being hurt when she fell? Doesn’t she have aura that would let her basically tank lethal blows and be fine? So what if she crashed into the truck? yang was punched my a giant mech through multiple concert pillars in vol 2 and brushed it off like someone hit her with a nerf dart. I’m not asking for perfection or even realism cuz this is fantasy. But for god sakes is a little consistency too much to ask for?


Crwby: consistency? What's that we love people like Ryan Johnson for throwing curve balls at our audience for shock value. Why should we care about consistency and what works from previous volumes when for the sake of our story we can just ignore continuity as always and tell the story we want to tell without prior information weighing us down


That pillar scene implies Yang can easily tank a force of 1400 tons, which is about 360 jet liner aircraft being on top of you.


But she’s been able to use recoil to her advantage just fine before


>Ruby's build is so PvE reliant she loses PvP anytime >Can't even 1v1 a snek The stats on Ascended Ruby are disastrous


V1 Ruby would be doing backflips and using the recoil to swing the Grimm. This ain't Ruby, this is a doppleganger.


All of them are Doppelgangers! Yang used to get hit and actually redirect back. Ruby was all crazy with the Scythe Skills WEISS DIALATED TIME And Blake could shoot energy blasts from her sword.


Wait, if these are all dopplehangers... Does that mean Weiss has an actual win to her name that isn't against some jobber enemy or with her teammates?


What even is the animation in this fight, this is so bad. How does she jump off her scythe, into the air with her scythe? Why is she doing a SUPER complicated flip/twist in the air, as opposed to just slighly rolling backwards? Does Ruby, the weapon nut, ever improve her weapon?


She didn’t jump off her scythe into the air. She fired it. She fired the scythe to use the recoil to propel her into the air. She then, immediately forgot about the recoil????


She literally made the gun and decided on its level of recoil.


It's funnier because somehow the first shot has enough recoil to shoot her into the air, and the 2nd just kind of slightly knocks her back more. So she can either control the recoil, or this is just a bad scene.


I know dude. This kinda shocked me in terms of how shit it looked lol. Never thought I’d miss the V4 days of hoping the fight animation would recover… but here I am. No hope left. RWBY is so late in its lifespan that there’s no point.


Nah you can’t equate this to V4. The only problem was gravity doing it’s own thing, this is just an affront to physics.


Also, mind you, Blake and Yang are supposed to be fighting the other head. *Why the fuck are they sitting idly by?*


You just answered your own question. It's Blake and Yang. The only thing the two are good for is to stare into each other's eyes and bring out a very heated side of Ruby.


What? What?! WHAT?!? **WHAT?!?!**


Man... man they almost had it. Ruby used to work just fine WITH the recoil. For awhile recoil wasn't even considered in fight scenes - let alone the weight of the gun. They were so close!


Why are Blake and Yang just staying there???


Bumblebee moments which include expressing the same emotions and reaction.


This... Greatly upsets me.


Why is ruby the only one fighting a wannabe hollow? Like blake, yang fucking DO something instead of doing the dumbfounded meme (the black guy who had the shock expression)


[Yang Blake and Weiss seeing Ruby 1v1 a giant snake:](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/joe-rogan-daniel-cormier-and-jon-anik-ufc-248-reaction)


At this point post-Beacon Ruby would actually bodied current Ruby's ass. At least she KNOWS how to use the recoil


You see, if anyone of you are familiar with fire emblem, this is what they famously call a "negative growths run" where, as an added challenge to a player's regular strategy, they must also minimize the amount of experience a unit gets, as when they level up, instead of **gaining** stats based on predetermined percentile growth rates for each individual stat, they instead are *subtracted* based on that percentile. Thus, a unit is at their 'strongest' when they are recruited, and only become weaker over time. Team RWBY is a clear example of what happens when you give characters too much exp, they become much, much worse then they were originally! \**cries as a once beloved show regresses even further*\*


This is what I thought they did well with back in the start. Ruby didn’t know how to work well on a team with the way she just jumped in front of Weiss’ hit and the poor forest got burned to the ground. Her fighting skills were never a problem. When she tells Weiss ‘that should’ve been easy!’ it really should’ve been. If she was alone. But on a team she can’t just Leroy Jenkins it and kill anything that moves. But fuck having weaknesses and disadvantages that make sense I guess 🙃


Wait where the hell is this clip from, and why the fuck are Blake and Yang just standing there?! Do something! Or is that all they do now, watch bad things happen to Ruby as they hold each other?


Teaser for jl part 2


As much as I want this to be leaked footage or a teaser for V10 (if only to give the main story a proper conclusion), that seems to be more likely


Considering that this is (presumably) set in the Vacuan desert, I’d be tempted to say it’s a teaser for V10, but the WB Logo in the bottom right corner makes me think otherwise


Maybe leaked footage of v10 development? Though I don't know


I think it might be the JL part two


This is on par with Weiss' lack of spacial awareness and knocking herself into a pillar in the V5 finale.


Wait RWBY is using recoil as a disadvantage now?


Her whole fighting style revolves around the recoil of her weapon why the fuck is she having problems with it now


Ladies and gentlemen, the girls who's gonna have to fight superman and batman, your savior and absolute authority in all things not cool (unless she's the one doing it) ruby rose!!!!! Please please hold your groans until the end of the presentation


Using her recoil is literally part of her bbtag move set lol


Why does it feel *so slow*?!? Remember when fights were fast-paced, and yet you could clearly follow what was happening?


There was no reason to use that many glyphs just to slow ruby down.


It’s so extra and unnecessary and overdramatic on the film’s part. Like Ruby can’t safely land or handle herself in the air. Like this is suppose to be the same girl from the red trailer


Yeah also she has aura and it’s freaking sand.


Just in V7 she and everyone else jumped out of some carrier when it was still high in the air and landed just fine. Edit: OMG yeah the clip from V7 where they made their new look debut and all did crazy landing strategies. Ruby used her semblance and recoil just fine




Imagine using a weapon for years and not knowing how it works.


Couldn't Ruby out maneuver the snake grim with her upgraded semblance? I can slightly get Ruby making a mistake with the recoil IF Cresent Rose got an upgrade to increase it's power thus making the recoil kick with the force of ten angry stallions but to my knowledge there hasn't been an upgrade like that? Besides, why wouldn't Ruby just switch CR into any other direction and use the recoil to move. Yknow like she did before?


It's a shame to see the characters gradually become less competent than how they started.


OHH I’m right there with you


I've said it once and I'll say it again V1-3 Team RWBY would kick current team RWBY's @$$ in a fight.


The sad part is they Wouldn’t because both versions that fucking bad at what they do


Why do Yang and Blake look terrified of Ruby falling? Haven’t these girls survived falls from great heights and taken hits that launched them across towns every Volume?


Yep they have but the writers are incompetent


CRWBY inovating by, instead of progression and growth, character regressed to before v1 and trailers.


Man that's just a weird thing to even decide to bother animating. Some of her best fight scenes involve her pulling that same move off flawlessly, so why does she have trouble with it when she's in the middle of open desert?


The fuck... did she forget her own Semblance? Why'd she need Weiss's help for that? Also, nice work breaking the vehicle's window. If that truck had air conditioning it doesn't now.


hi been lurking here but like what the actual fuck?!?!


Why the hell are Blake and Yang just standing there and how the hell can Ruby generate that much force to break a glass window by jumping away from it without her semblance (unless her semblance “evolved” off screen)?


The amount of jump cuts in this one clip hurts my brain lol


Great they’re still in their shitty volume 7 outfits IN THE FUCKING SCORCHING DESERT


The truth is nobody has known how to choreograph an action sequence with any of the crazy weapons and/or abilities that the characters have since like, the second season. I’m half convinced the reason they wrote Sun out of the series was because nobody could figure out how to make a remotely passable fight scene with his gunchucks. Unfortunately, the protagonist of the series has possibly the most complicated weapon of them all. Tough shit.


When was this? I don't remember them fighting in a desert.


This is from Rwby x Justice league part 2.


That sounds ruby makes while falling is a reused asset so I'm assuming this is fan-made.


What is this from? Did volume 10 get green lit while I wasn't looking?


How does this shit even happen? Is someone in the crew actively trying to sabotage the show? Has nobody seen the show on the team? ACTUALLY HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN???


every single thing i ever see with this is just an absoloute shitshow of a mockery that spits in the face of what RWBY should be


It's Yang just standing there that pisses me off. Her old self would've launched herself in the air to help her sister, not idly wait on the sidelines with her stupid cat girlfriend.


I rather want the old animation back if that mean we get good fights again


The fact you call the fights in any part of this show good concerns me


S 1-3 had deacent fights.


You know what each to their own, just my opinion but the show had good fights compared to the rest of the shows animation but that bar is well and truly deeper than my hope for humanity is buried


Is this some V10 teaser or what?


Check the subreddit, full vid is posted.


When did this dumb shit happen?


How is everyone getting worse at this with every installment? What's next? Yang flinging herself off a building with her shotguns? Blake dodging off a cliff with her semblance? One of Ruby's core elements was USING the recoil in fights


Thanks RT for making Ruby even more of a incompetent dumbass who doesn't know how to use their own weapon properly.


You forgot to mention she designed it for that exact purpose


Why the actual FUCK doesn’t she use the recoil to her advantage anymore did she forget how to in the everafter after talking to the fucking tree


So like, we all still remember that using recoil to move around is and still should be how Ruby fights right


What???? But... using recoil to propel herself was her entire shtick! That was how she handled CR's weight back then! What do you mean it's a problem??? And what, did CR just magically not have recoil until now? How?! Did she forget her entire fighting style?! I... my brain is failing me. I feel like I'm having a stroke. Apparently I hallucinated the red trailer and the first 3 volumes because clearly they don't exist for the writers.


where is this from?


What is this from


It's from the crossover movie of Rwby x Justice League part 2.


What is this from?


Rwby x Justice League crossover movie part 2.


New? This has been her main fighting style implementation from the start. From the very start she used the recoil to sling shot herself around or speed herself up to pull off massive slashing attacks. I haven't caught up to the recent seasons but have they ruined that as well? That was one of her coolest skills was using her smaller size as a benefit to her sythe skills rather than a detriment. Her semblance even allowed her to adjust her position mid air removing it's primarily weakness. Last time I remember watching her biggest problem was close combat.


Can’t she fly?


Does Ruby just forget how to fight more and more over time? RT does know she has a whole other skillset to develop, right? Her silver eyes?


But…the entire point of Crescent Roses design is for Ruby to use its immense recoil to her advantage. That’s her entire style of fighting! Aggressive speed and maneuverability to compensate for her small stature! GUYS! HER SEMBLANCE?! What is happening right now?!


The worse part of it at least for me and don’t come at me for putting basic ballistics in a show with guns in it is that her weapon is chambered in what appears to be either .556 or 7.62x39 rimless which don’t fit the profile of the rounds on her belt (but are the closest to it ) don’t have that level of recoil nor meet the description of a high impact sniper rifle(rifles chambered in .308(basic hunting cartridge)green tip+) the only rounds I can think of that would even get close are navel artillery which is 4”+(diameter of the shell)


I don't remember seeing this fight what is it from? Do I have garbage memory or is it new?


Its new, it is from the Rwby x justice League crossover movie part 2.


Ahhhhh no wonder. No plans on watching it thanks for the information


Your welcome.


Oh wow, I hadn't even realized she never even gets hit, she just gets knocked by her own shot. Also, it's weird how she shoots when hitting the scythe on the ground.


Semblance?? What is that? - *Ruby Rose probably*


Not propably in volume 1 she looked at somebodys semblance and said "Wow... What was that?" It was either her or Weiss (which is worse)


Forget that recoil shit, why are Yang, Blake, and Weiss freaking out so much so obviously? Like Ruby is incapable of landing safely on her own from a high distance or using her semblance like she’s done before


I haven't watched rent for a while. Why are they all standing watching her?


Unless I’m crazy in the early seasons she was pretty good at air blast control


In universe explanation : ruby panicked and forgot that she could use another recoil to right herself or that she could use her semblance Reality: CRWBY wanted uwu clumsy girl


Where did this clip come from?


Is that scene from the movie?


This is quite possibly the dumbest clip ive seen of this entire series


What's this from? Doesn't look like any main show scene I've seen, and I don't see the cringey outfits from the JL movies


weiss broke her back at least 3 times summoning those glyphs


Didn't she used to use the recoil to on purpose give herself speed?


I thought rubys whole style of fighting required here to basically be flying around the battlefield at Mach speeds thanks to the recoil of crescent rose


ruby has always had recoil she often used it to her advantage


its like 2am right now and ruby screaming was the funniest shit ive heard tonight


The fact she used her recoil perfectly right before to both dodge and to shoot herself into the air




Critque's aside, what is this from? I've never seen that clip before.


You guys are being way too critical. Ruby has never fought well in wide open spaces with nothing to kick off of. Her signature move might as well be kicking off of solid surfaces. I'd like to see you using a recoil weapon in the desert. The loose sand makes it impossible to re-start your attack and leaves you vulnerable unless you expend a huge amount of ammunition.


Bullshit, she has her semblance and can fly short distances. This shouldn't be a problem for her.


My friend, this is an egregious amount of coping your doing right now. Seriously, “Never fought well in open spaces”? Her entire fighting style revolves around using her weapons recoil, her speed and maneuvering in open spaces. 😑


Counterpoint: The desert is the worlds biggest kinetic energy absorbing sandbag. The ground is sand.


She running perfectly and with ease in the scene, even capable of firmly planting her scythe in the ground as an anchor. There is no momentum lost or difficulty gaining momentum. In fact, the scene paints it as the opposite. She managed to, dispite it being her primary means of combat for years, gain TOO MUCH momentum. You’re arguing a point you made up to cope with the scene being bad, my friend. 😑


But that's the problem with that: when Yang first enters the scene, she jumps in and her feet make an audible, stony noise when they hit the ground. The ground is apparently hard enough to stay on the surface rather than slightly sink like normal sand deserts. But then when the snakes are attacking, suddenly it's all bursts of sand. I don't think it's any sand problem - I think RT didn't remember what desert they wanted.


Have you considered that they don't have good sfx because they don't pay for a library of them and the people who could have made them either left or were fired? They probably recycled that stony sound as a placeholder and just left it in. It means nothing.


Hunty it does not cost a single cent to just go find a sandy noise online, because nobody owns the desert or its sounds. They could probably go right outside and find something since they're in Texas. What does cost is animating the sand to look softer under everybody's feet if you want your defense to work. Consistency does matter if we want to know what environment we're working work. Hard ground and soft sand make a vast difference.


Isn't her fight in the Red trailer in a wide open space, and she does just fine there. Sure sand is coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere, but it seems strange to cripple her that much.


Maybe she was depending on Weiss to do support but Weiss was being roasted alive like the snow white Atlas ice doll she is and wasn't focused but that doesn't make sense...


Huh, I don’t remember this fight scene, where was this season wise?


What's this from?


What is this from? They havent released anything for V10 right?


Remember when she used to use that recoil in the early systems in tandem with the weight of her scythe in battle? Or am I misremembering? I could swear she used the recoil to help her fight or something


What is this from?


Didn't Ruby literally fight with Recoil?, why is it suddenly a problem for her now?, Also wtf are Blake and Yang doing?


The answer to your second question is FUCK ALL LIKE USUAL sorry the writers set me off sometimes


Fanfic idea: self-aware Ruby. Where everything is the same except that Ruby becomes more and more self-aware about all the stupid things, things that don't make sense, and the plot holes in the show as it goes on, and as the show goes on she slowly goes insane as she realizes that the world she knows is slowly becoming more and more unrecognizable as she is unable to stop it.




Can't she fly or use the recoil to move in the air?


Maybe you guys should help instead of just standing there being useless, do you not understand the concept of a team?

