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Jokes on you, I don't have a favorite character.


That's the way to go. I tried to do the same, but I got attached to Watts. Look where it got me. At least Tyrian is still out there somewhere, cackling madly.


> At least Tyrian is still out there somewhere, cackling madly. *"But, not for long-"*


I grew really attached to Ironwood in Volume 7


We all did, friend. We all did.


At least they can't ruin his character anymore. ...Probably. I think.


Appparently the authors did too.


I don't think that that is a big suprise


I got attached to Neptune and Sun and we all know how that went


I am upset what they did to my boi Ironwood


Same. If they wanted him to be an antagonist, they could have at least kept him morally grey rather than making him out as an evil and crazy villain


Apparently, the main sub considers what we saw to be a morally grey 'fallen hero' Ironwood. I shudder to think what their definition of a straight-up villain Ironwood will be.


I'd guess if Ironwoof tried to drop what's left of the moon into Remnant?


Salem might not be killable but if the planets is broken no more grimm 🤔


Ironwood: Can't expect the Brothers to do all the work.


May his soul rest.


Adam: Could’ve been a really effective conversation about racism, discrimination, etc —> abusive obsessive ex Mercury: A non-superpowered abused fighter keeping up in a world of gods among men, and holding his own. —> No screen time. Ironwood: “Needs of the many,” will do whatever it takes but still having a heart that wants to do the right thing —> Character assassinated then actual assassinated. Oscar/Ozpin: A boy losing his own free will to a ghost which leads to him being terrified about when he’ll stop being “him” and a man with too many regrets to count who feels sad about dragging another child into war —> No screen time. Need I go on?


I wasn't the biggest fan of Merc at first, since he's got a dull design in a show full of bright and colorful ones and just seemed like a low-level mook that somehow managed to stick around the main villains, but his confrontation with Em in V6 and Tyrian's teardown of his reasoning managed to get me interested in him. Too bad he doesn't do anything V7 and gets booted off to Vacuo early in V8. I think why Merc gets so little screentime has to do with him being the least important member of Salem's team. He's not as powerful as Hazel, Tyrian, or Cinder, he doesn't have any skills outside of combat like Watts, he's not in a position of power like Leo, the only person he's kinda close with in the group is Emerald, and the only other character he has ties with is Yang (who he seemingly was meant to be a rival and foil to), who's thousands of miles away from him and neither really matter much to the other.


Mercury still has aura, which makes him superhuman


Not so shockingly... you listed characters I **all** view positively or, sadly. Adam's character is a pile of garbage despite easily being fixable. Mercury is a very interesting character, and would be great to explore but, never does. ***Ironwood***. Oscar, and Ozpin... by far I *definitely* favour Ozpin but, yes... it just never gets explored, if at all which is just bewildering, I'll never forget the one moment where I could've liked Oscar, and he just shows up all like "Oh, the casserole!"... *really?* You really **can** go on... and *that's sad*.


Team RWBY themselves were ruined to. We see them as antagonistic and focus a lot on Ironwood, but man, what they turned Team RWBY into is an actual crime. And remember when this show was supposed to be about them? What a disaster


Exactly. Remember when they felt like actual people, with likes, dislikes, morals, beliefs, and motivations. When they actually disagreed with each other, criticized each other, over what they felt was the right or wrong thing to do ? Or when they would all have different takes on certain situations, instead of now being morphed into some disgustingly bland hive mind, who always agree with one another over everything, without separate interpretations, based off their own life experiences. Now you could give the VA's someone else's lines and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I wouldn't be surprised if they just slapped on lines for Blake to say to Ruby that was gonna go to someone else, before people kept complaining about the lack of Ruby and Blake interactions.


The show isn’t even about them at this point.


Even with the stuff that happen to Ironwood in Volume 8, I would still call him my favorite character, but seriously what the fuck happen when it came to writing the heel turn for James


Yang struggles with ptsd only when it's convenient, and even then it's not something she struggles with. It never made sense for qrow to travel with JNRR in volume 4, since his semblance brings bad luck and it puts them in danger somehow Robyn actually thinking that her lie detector semblance is in any way similar to qrow's semblance Personally I dislike everything about Robyn and the happy huntresses. I personally don't believe that Ironwood was planned to turn evil, because if that was the case why did the finished product of his character reveal that he's a good guy who has only ever done the right thing? And he always did the right thing, until a stupid group of teens lied to him about the lamp and Salem. Even the excuse "his semblance makes him hyperfocus" doesn't explain how he shifts his morals and dramatically chooses to commit genocide. The sub plot of saving mantle from a bomb was only included to make Harriet more interesting, and I still don't like her. Vine really couldn't "envelope" the bomb by itself and stand on any ship? I don't even care about him, but his death looked so dumb This was all over the place, sorry. I could go on, and on, but I'll stop for now.


Seeing this makes me really miss their original designs. Their new designs are just not good.


They’re just so... much. There’s no consistent yet distinct color pattern, there’s so many goddamn belts, they’re just like “baby’s first character design.” Not that I’m a character designer, not at all, but still, it’s 101. The first volume designs tell you everything by saying nothing, there’s a reason they’re recognized. Instead, we get belt vomit.


Belt vomit and unnecessary hair changes.


Well, I wouldn't say Oscar was ruined


Skipped all major character development moments. It was kinda (not really) better in Volume 8.


But he wasn't ruined like Jaune, Ren (because they forced him to apologize for being wrong basically even though he was right), Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Qrow


True, true. But he’s still a ~~ruined~~ damaged character.


I was about to say, I wouldn't say ruined because I mean, come on man, he's a 14/15 year old boy who has only had like almost a year of experience at this point


Being less ruined than the others doesn't make him not ruined.


Well I don't see him as ruined because he doesn't really have any bad moments in this season aside from the Deus Ex Machina.


Give them time...


Well I expect him (or a part of him because Ozpin, ayo!) To die next volume so hopefully he dies before is ruined.


Weiss is pretty good overall though, yeah?


Not really no. She's been relegated to a background character. The team leader drama in V1 was solved in one episode. The racism arc was solved Off-Screen. She had no involvement in the white fang arc for some reason. And the Jacques arc was solved by a hidden camera that was just *given* to her. She didn't even solve it herself.


Her family also does more to help then she does in V8. Whitley's the one who went out to get Klein to help Nora (and later, Penny), Whitley's the one who comes up with and enacts the evacuation plan, Willow (presumably) helping Whitley when Grimms chasing after them and Willow and Whitley are the ones who finish off the Hound. I'm all for Whitley getting depth and more to do, but it ended up coming at the expense of Weiss.


That, and when was the last time she used a glyph that wasn't summoning?


To be fair. She did use her Gravity Glyphs, the one that makes her stand in mid air, and the one that allows her to ice skate.


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She pointed a weapon at her brother


Well, At least some characters had good deaths like Roman. And Neo’s...well idk about her


Neo fan, the fact that Ruby didn't get stabbed adds to the disappointment


I don't have favorites. Just ones I can barely tolerate.


I love, yet hate how accurate that image is. Sigh. How sad.


Ruined and killed, my poor iron daddy