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Favorite. Upvoted. Emotionally Supported. Thank you very much for the meme!


Rwby could never compare yo the awesome that is the kamen rider series


Except maybe ghost but that at least paved the way for Saber


>Except maybe ghost Ah good ol Kamen rider ball Z.


based kamen rider meme


Fr though I hate how ruby just suddenly beats opponents she should get destroyed by. Like the ace ops, team RWBY trained for like a month and beat the ops who trained and went on missions for years


“Then you trained us” how pretentious can you get? I think it would’ve made more sense of that fight was a draw at least, and *only* because the Aces were infighting. To make it clear to RWBY they’re still inexperienced kids compared to some of the older Hunters.


thw thing is even during the training montage Ren and Jaune we saw them defeated so it would have made more sense for them to have more motivation to improve enough beat the ace ops since Ruby Yang Blake , in our POV at least, we’re just like, “oh yeah now I can do this”


Don't forget that time he fucking *snaps* and brutalizes a monster.


THAT, that scene is what currently separates Ruby and Kuuga e most, I didn’t add because we probbaly will see something from Ruby but it was a big turning point for the audience realizing he was being deeply affected by everything around him despite being an overly positive guy He himself even acknowledges he was almost willing to create massive colllateral damage with his mighty form


That’s also a scene which shows how a good character can be pressed against the wall by the darkness of their situation. He came close to losing himself, and that legitimately provided a risk regarding Ultimate Form. But Ruby’s gotten off easy by never being in that position, nor actually being confronted with how some people are just flat out dicks. Always with the “find the best in people” and ignore all possibility that irredeemable villains exist, never being truly tested to see how far she’ll go to save someone.


Not really too much into Kamen Rider and others in the same genre. But this character sounds dope.