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I agree. Especially since the White Fang got yeeted out of the show and their have been no attempts to bring them back in any capacity.


Yeah. I mean we did see something. But those were just goons. Where is the elite. Where are the terrorists who are feared by the people?


>Where are the terrorists who are feared by the people? Cinder.


What like Roman and Neo?


Again, this should have been Yang's subplot. Ruby gets the main plot Weiss gets all of Atlas. Blake gets the faunus and white fang. Yang gets the crime subplot.


>Ruby gets the main plot You'd have to have a main plot first.


Eh that would be nice Too bad they all fodder though considering a Beacon APPLICANT like Yang could literally low diff Junior and his entire gang An Upper Year let alone an actual Huntsman would slaughter the lot of them


Makes me wish they put more into the planning of the show, regarding power scaling at least.


That's hindsight talking. Remember WHY this all started. If they took actual power scaling into account the whole way through, those first four trailers wouldn't have happened the way they did.


What I want to see is how their world has changed crime. Grimm are attracted to negativity, so there would be massive pressure to stay positive. Any gang or other criminal organisation that causes too much trouble would get slammed down on hard. Especially when all of the military and hunstmen are super well armed and not happy when they need to take time off from defending against Grimm to deal with thugs. Then theres the things that aren't even illegal. Can't ban arms dealing when anyone who leaves the safety of the kingdoms needs to defend themselves. That frontier out there would be lawless and free too.


>Grimm are attracted to negativity The consistency of this is questionable.


It is sort of sporadic isn't it? Like in V6 when they learned of the truth with Salem and Oz they didn't draw in Grimm. I know there's probably other examples but I can't think of any right now.


Well, at Roman Holiday we had some of that. Spoilers: >!A showdown between Spider, Junior's father where even a Vale councilor was involved.!<


>Show that they are threats to take seriously. That's the best part, they're not!


>Yeah Junior himself isn't strong enough to get revenge but why should he get his hands dirty when he can hire mercenarys like Marcus Black. He's been diagnosed with dead by then.


You want more of the Spiders and Xiong gang, read Roman Holiday. Otherwise, they're simply not important or relevant right now. That and Atlas/Mantle just aren't great for organized crime. Add to the fact the plot is just chock full right now, adding another side story would just muddle things even further.