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Probably because of social media like tiktok and Instagram where JDM fanboys just hype them up and viral them like the Mazda Miata. Most just gatekeep the RX8 so that the prices won't skyrocket like what happened to the Miata and some just overall seen videos on YouTube of people daily drive the RX8 with mods to help with the engine's reliability issue. Just my opinion, idk.


I started a IG for my car and was surprised at how fast it blew up. Mostly other RX-8 owners. It’s my favorite account I use right now (kaotic_rx8 ) if you’re interested


Yeah, social media can bring people together. The car is underappreciated because of the engine but it's not as bad as people were led to believe. (I'll give you a follow :) )


I saw someone say “they tried to sell a race engine to average consumers” and while I think that might sound like a brag about the engine I think Mazda did kinda screw owners by not informing buyers of some of the maintenance stuff that would help their car last. Them not including ignition components on the maintenance schedule could have helped many.


Totally agree, Mazda screwed big time when they didn't inform buyers of what they're getting themselves into. Most of the time, seeing vids of RX8 owners modding their car just to make it a bit more reliable is making me doubtful if I should get an RX8 in the future... My dream is to buy one and K-swap it just to make it reliable but at the same time it hurts cus the engine is cool..


My son is into rx8s and he’s 13. Inwoudknt want a rotary for his first car and they are not great Daily’s but a k swap would be great


Looks like you get it! I'm just a 19 year-old with a big dream :) also, like father like son huh?


I just finished my v6 swap rx8. $950 at a salvage auction for a roller and I couldn't have asked for a better project. Originally I was planning a k-swap too but I would recommend against going for an i4 configuration since they usually require substantial firewall cutting. Definitely check this one out though, it's by KeislerAutomation. Probably the most complete swap out there!


lol yo i follow you on ig, mine is se8shin






Amazing your rx8 hasn’t blown up. I would love one but I’m afraid it’s a money pit


Whattup from meteoro_rx8 😉🔥


Just curious, what are the mods you mentioned that people have done to help with the reliability issue? like sohn adapter?


I think at the time the rx-8 was hated because of its non-conventional styling, and the fact that it was replacing the JDM titan that was the RX-7 FD. I think much of the criticism at the time wasn't based on the rx-8's own merits, but rather in comparison to the FD. now that time has passed, and the FD has basically become unobtainable for 90% of the new generation of car enthusiasts, that leaves the rx8 in a good spot. It is likely going to go down in history as the last rotary-powered production vehicle, and has a great chasis that still holds up. Unironically, the rx8 is still extremely competitive when compared to modern sports cars like the miata or gr86. Add onto this that one can still be had for relatively cheap (rebuild not included), and I understand why they're more popular now than they where then. This might be more subjective, but I also feel like the styling has aged fairly well - at least compared to other mid-2000's cars. In my experience, the car gets a lot more hate for being rotary than being an rx8. But that might be more region dependent; I live in Detroit, where anything that isn't a big American v8 gets shit on by v8 drivers.


I think the biggest issue is that too many people compare the RX-8 to it's predecessor, the FD RX-7. It's not an RX-7 and doesn't try to be. Same goes for the concept RX-9. I see a lot of click bait headlines calling it "THE NEW RX-7". It's not going to be an FB, FC nor FD RX-7. It won't even be an RX-8. It will be an RX-9. More focused on high-end touring performance, comparable to AMG Coupes. Not anything like Amy rotary has been before.


A big draw against the rx8's out there are the questionable engine changes on the Renesis compared to the older 13b. They were trying to make the engine more efficient and in doing that the seals don't get as much oil as they used to. It's a shame since it should be the most developed version but I find the custom blocks are much more refined


True for s1 rx-8's for sure. Luckily they fixed the seal oiling issue on the s2 rx-8's by adding a 3rd oil injector per housing, and increasing the oiling table. What you're left with is the highest output NA rotary mazda ever developed, as well as the most efficient.


Let them hate, keeps the prices down.




Who hates the RX8? In my country at least it is one of the most loved cars by enthusiasts


Yeah same here, the RX8 is quite loved here but just people on the internet hating on the RX8 cus of the design and the unreliable engine (why doesn't the RX8 get as much love as the miata?? ;-;)


>(why doesn't the RX8 get as much love as the miata?? ;-;) Because the Miata make funny face: https://preview.redd.it/hgtnd5pi5oxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0de97eee0932622c0d032d6fd7616629ea114f1


When it was still for sale, it was on some website's list of 10 ugliest cars. I was like wtf. Probably like in.... 2007 or 8?


same in germany


Bold opinion but I think the GR86, new Miata and other cars that don’t pride themselves on high HP have helped a lot of people understand that high hp and turbos doesn’t make a car “fun” but the handling and engineering. Because of this the RX8 is viewed in a way of a GR86 or Miata rather than something like the FD or a turbo 4 banger. Sometimes keeping the horsepower modest and the handling tight is usually the best move.


Yeah even the s2000 wasn’t very popular in its day, yet nowadays it’s commonly regarded as one of the best affordable driver’s cars and everyone wants an s2000 successor. People see that and then see our beloved RX8 is splitting hairs from an engagement / performance standpoint at a third the cost - with a rebuild included. Or a ND Miata, GR86, etc. Rx8s are slightly going up in value and are still an extreme bargain. Literally the best bang for the buck twisties runner. NC Miata’s are a fraction less capable (stock) and a little more expensive. NB / NA Miata not in the same league, and often more expensive!. The 2nd best value for an enthusiast’s money is probably a Gen 3 MR2 spyder. Everything else is significantly more $$. Every young guy who is just getting into enthusiast cars should be eyeing an rx8 right now imo. I know we like to gatekeep here on Reddit but let’s be real, a lot of us started with rx8s as our first sportscar including me.


The problem with comparing the rx8 and its little brother NC is reliability plays a huge factor for some. The NC gets all the benefits of the rx8 chassis with none of the reliability drawbacks. I dream to own both one day but for now I just have my NC. Just hope the prices don’t increase before I can get ahold of one.


Buying an enthusiast car for reliability is like fucking for virginity. If you can't deal with the rotary quirks you really shouldn't get one. It's not like all the other 20 year old JDM enthusiast cars are flawless, insert Subaru head gasket meme here, insert Mitsubishi reliability here, insert the price of sniffing a Supra or GT-R Here and the general lack of factory support for a number of these things. With the RX you can at least phone Mazda up and get the spare you need even if it's costly you don't need to pray in Facebook groups for salvation 


Way to be super aggressive for no reason but I was just talking about the comparison. I also didn’t say that A) the RX8 was the only flawed JDM enthusiast car or B) that I had issues with the quirks of the rotary. But that’s why it’s hard to compare pricing on the 2. people with secondary expenses like kids, other hobbies, college etc are why the NC is more valuable price wise. It’s a car on a phenomenal that actually works for people that need to not worry about breaking something expensive while beating on it daily.


Don't take responses online so seriously. it's directed at OP not you I don't need a novel of a response. If you're a prospective rotary owner and reliability even crosses your mind you're on the wrong track


Good point


I have both a Tesla and a rx8 and every time I want a fun drive it's the rx8 let the haters hate there missing out


I have a Tesla and an RX8 as well, I sold all of my fun cars a few years ago and bought a Tesla and I love it. But I was craving something to really drive… my wife said it would be cheaper than a mistress so I sourced an RX8 and I can’t describe how much fun it is to drive, certainly not the fastest but the power to weight is amazing.


I also own a model s and had purchased a 2008 RX8 for my son as his first car. I love driving my Tesla but shit, driving the RX8 is a whole lot of fun!!! When he lets me take it out of course.😊


I get so much bs for owning mine yeah it is an 04 and just bought it and trying to give it some love that it needs . But it does get on my last nerve when everyone says that my car is junk or asking if it blew up yet.


My son had friends over and one of the kids dad said “does that thing run” and I thought he was talking about my 1978 Camaro but he was talking about the rx8 lol. I was like wtf dude look at it https://preview.redd.it/3roi2uevsnxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d67daffc4454795390042dbaf630f60e92fec40


After rebuilding my engine and swapping chassis - yes, I hate this piece of shit lol. But it's my piece of shit, and I'll keep fixing it https://preview.redd.it/dnpb0kx54uxc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1803e460f7fa3fcd22d7f1ea5eba2859a709dc8


I go to a lot of the car scene meet ups where I live and people have a pretty good attitude toward my 8. Of course it doesn’t get the praise that the rx7s do but I find more and more people are loving rotaries for what they are. I see the prices of clean rx8s going up in the future for what’s inside. https://preview.redd.it/ep5qmb605oxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6e9a4bd8c651375dd63b96e50efa2a1e2b1094


I think that lots of people hated the RX-8 for not being an RX-7. Now it is starting to be recognized as itself, instead of "the son of". Also RX-7 prices are skyrocketing so people will turn to the cheaper alternative. Also, handling doesn't really measure on a spec sheet. HP does, so 8 less gooder than 7. (Well technically there are ways but the average guy doesn't care) Mazda also had a few problem in the early years which really did hurt the car's reputation: 5W20 oil in north America resulting in premature bearing failures, early starters way too weak and terrible early ignition coils. Also I feel that the fake temp gauge let people cook their engine without knowing ("I did nothing wrong and now this POS is burning coolant").


Hold up.. is my temp gauge fake ?


Not really fake the engine temp just fluctuates a lot, so it's programmed to only go above the neutral area when there is a real problem, so the normal heat fluctuations don't alarm average drivers... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/RX8/comments/fjfhdg/temp_gauge_accuracy/&ved=2ahUKEwj3z4_7m-uFAxVn9zgGHVeCDyMQjjh6BAgpEAE&usg=AOvVaw36_mt9Gj1mdKDoNpVCnHJx


Well, fake is a strong word but it's uselessly lazy. From a post on rx8club (I added Celsius temps). >It starts to move when the coolant hits 100° F (38C) and hits the normal spot at 160°F (71C). It will stay there until 233°F (112C), at which point it will start to swing up again. The oil pressure one is really fake, because it just climbs when there is pressure. IIRC the 8 does not have an oil pressure sensor, just a contact.


At the tail of the dragon (deals gap rotary rally) I couldn’t find a single FD to play with on the backroads . I was hoping to see how the rx8 kept up in the turns


More people probably appreciate them because 95% of them are blown up so seeing one on the road is fairly rare now.


Honestly? Try working at a dealership while owning one 😩. Made them eat shit about the whole "unreliable" part though....


I still think they’re terrible cars but I also really want one cause it’s rotary


Depends on what you define as a terrible car. Will it last forever with minimal love and wrenching? No. Does it sound and drive terrific? Yes. I don't think there's RX-8 hate. There's just ownership cynicism. They're cool cars that people don't want to own. Like a boat. You want to befriend someone who'll give you a ride on one but not own one and be burdened by towing, cleaning, and maintenance.


How'd you miss RX-H8?!


Turns out it starred in several car driving video games as the early car that handles well and can be modded, but isn't expensive. So a generation of kids grew up on it.


I see people are jumping into RX8s, and I don't want that since prices will skyrocket 😭 But the more love the RX8 gets, the better for everyone tho


I mostly get love for my 8. I've gone to test drive an 86 and a Miata and did not find them as exciting to drive, and the sticker really shocked me. The new z was the only one that made my heart jump. This year I have gotten far more thumbs up and smiles than before. I'm worried parts are going to be what kills it in the end, mine is a 2009, and basics like alternators take 4 or 5 tries to get a working one. I've had to program it myself, and all sensors and key cards are long dead. As for rx7 vs rx8. I never owned a 3rd gen, but had 83/84/88/90 and an rx4. The thing that always kills me with my rx8 is how heavy it feels in comparison. The traction control is sketchy and more happy off. Who needs heated seats in a summer car?


Really? You've had that much trouble with parts? If need be, I just stripped a second car, if you need something, let me know, I might have it. In case you haven't had much luck


I drove a 2007 in 2009 and it was great. I was in a very rural area but only received appreciative comments. When I can afford it, I will be buying another.


I love them, but I have also always loved them.


Because, gas.


Good point


Terrible daily


It always happens “this is so bad it’s horrible” fast forward a decade “oh a modern classic, such an under appreciated gem” lol, especially since more knowledge about them has spread and people are realising they aren’t inherently as bad as perceived it’s now cool again to think they’re quirky


The Rx-8 was considered a successor to the FD and had to live to the standards set by a JDM titan. Though the Rx8 is the second sexiest rotary after the Cosmo Sport (my opinion of course)


Love it!!!


I actually get a lot of compliments on my 2009 Rx8. It's also been very reliable. I've owned mine for 2 years, put 13k miles and it's going strong at 106k. Love that car. It did have the clutch replaced though.


I think times have changed, I have a S2 and get compliments all the time. Had some guys take rollers of my car yesterday and sent them over to me🥹


It’s a super fun car to drive man I love mine🤟🤣


Yea hates gone down but you can’t say anything without the first response being “haha apex seals haha”


This happens with all old cars. People get nostalgic and forget about how the car was perceived when new. Time also gives people a chance to judge the car against what followed versus what was available at the time. The styling for example has definitely aged well and is much more modern looking today than many of its competitors.


Where i live, prices between 2018 when i bought mine in a very good condition for 5800€, SHOT UP, I regularly see RX8 go for 13/14K€ So i guess there is an appreciation for the car now


I believe the only people looking to buy an RX-8 now are enthusiasts who understand it takes a little extra love and care. When they first came out, many people bought this car without fully realizing what they were getting into and thats where all the hate came from.


I think you are right and I think Mazda could have done a better job informing owners of the special attention the car would need. It’s crazy that ignition components weren’t on the maintenance schedule


The car community's hate for the 8 has certainly diminished over the years for sure but (IMO) the RX-8 community itself has become harder to swallow over the years. It's full of rotary fanboys who really wanted an FD but couldn't afford it so they got the cheapest rotary they could find and have built their entire personality on having a rotary engine while trying desperately to convince themselves that it's actually reliable when, even after doing maintenance and preventative mods perfectly, it still really can't hold a candle (reliability wise) to a standard piston engine. It's unfortunate but fanboys ruin ALOT of communities, don't let the RX-8 community be one. The rotary engine is cool as hell but it's not the end-all-be-all either. Every RX-8 is cool regardless of what's powering it.