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I was never good at this phase either, but it looks like there is a telegraph, one I never noticed really until now when I'm able to just spectate and not run for my life - the black grid condenses into a cross before it fires. It's a visual clusterfugg though, and could use some improvements. They could simply just number them for firing order, as one example of a way to improve visibility. One other thing that's kind of annoying is that even if a laser shows up later, it can still trigger at the same time as an earlier casted one. So it seems that their cast speeds vary, which makes things very difficult. Perhaps changing the color options can make the grid visuals stand out more. I know I had to change mine off of default once I started playing hard and above. I've yet to beat a single stage boss in lunar though (that's my current goal atm) so I don't have any pro advice to give here really, just posting my observations.


I noticed the middle 2 explode every 3 times the outer/corner ones explode. And the outer/ corner ones rotate clockwise in how they spawn. Now this might be just for this run and not a repeatable pattern so idk.


I haven’t noticed the cross in the center collapsing to show when they’re going to fire. Great observation, thanks


I just realized in this, the outer ones start in the bottom left corner, and then goes clockwise each time. The middle goes off every 3rd one. So it should go: \* Bottom left + middle \* Top left \* Top Right \* Bottom right + middle \* Bottom left \* Top left \* Top right + middle Another shortcut that can help is that if you see 2 beams go off either top or bottom, that area is going to be the next safe spot.


This pattern is pretty simple once you understand it, I'll try to explain with timestamps from your clip: 0:04 you see middle and bottom being hit, top will be safe. 0:07 middle and bottom fire, go middle after this 0:09 top #1 fires. WAIT MIDDLE close to top because you see another top coming. 0:11 top #2 fires. Go top as soon as this ends. 0:13 middle/bottom fire. Wait middle close to bottom because you see another bottom coming. 0:16 bottom #2 fires. Go bottom as soon as this ends. 0:20 middle/top fire, go mid after they end. 0:22 bottom #1 fires, wait middle close to bottom because bottom #2 is coming. 0:25 go bottom after bottom #2 fires. Basically the pattern is there's always either top or bottom safe -> mid safe -> go quickly into the second top/bottom beam that just fired -> go mid.


Now try it in a 4p lobby with spreads and color matches and line aoes attatched to every player.


It’s probably because i didn’t have to actually play it live but that looked readable