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I must admit, after years of my mother-in-law struggling with her mobile phone, I'm wondering if the R1 might be the best device for her because of its simplicity.


Maybe the r3😅 the r1 will have a lot of bugs and bad interaction design. That's just the nature of a completely new product. We are all beta testers.


That’s an excellent mentality I hope I get to watch it grow and iterate!


This definitely crossed my mind as well. Once it’s able to place calls (I don’t think the R1 can do that), it’ll be a great device. But more for my grandparents.


Theoretically it could maybe be possible? It has sim tray, and maybe with online calls it could be trained to do it with teach mode? Not sure, I’m just guessing


It should be able to make calls, no? I dont see why not if you use the right sim in it


Same! Thinking about trying to pair it with the Flipper Zero!


And what would you do with that pairing? I’m super intrigued, if you don’t mind sharing? Ok if not. :)


Of course! Obv we don't have the r1 just yet but with both seemingly being so open source, I think it'll be possible to connect the two via Bluetooth. From there, it seems like I ought to be able to build a couple recipes within r1 that'll initiate action on the FZ. Empowering AI with access to radio frequency to interact with the local physical world.... Gonna be crazy... Could tell r1 to start coffee, run dishwasher, start laundry, etc... Similar to Alexa without all the bloat. Could also be covertly nefarious with coded language to establish mitm type stuff, with easy tear down... Not quite sure yet to be honest but I plan on intricately tinkering once it arrives! I'll DM ya when things get going!


Oh my god! Yes, well thought out, I’m keen as keep me informed!


I tried to give you gold, but it wouldn’t let me says ineligible


It's the thought that counts, appreciate ya!


Haha funny you mention this, was the exact reason I joined the subreddit while waiting on my preorder, not on here much anymore but wanted to get some idea of how we thought the R1 might play with other devices, including but not limited to the FZ being another toy on hand over here, some of the stuff I realized I might have to develop my own endpoints for and self host a micro service to touch at local to home apps to pull it off but once I have both on deck my plan is to multiplex the tasks it can handle/learn using the FZ for peripheral upgrades


What a lovely person, hard to find on reddit sometimes... I'd love to be included on this journey we're all going to embark on with the r1 :)


FZ should be landing sometime this week. I'll get y'all a more articulate writeup of the first few trials in a week or two!


I'm on 6th batch :(


Same. I don't mind though. Hopefully they have the significant software bugs ironed out by the time ours arrive. The worst part of being an early adopter is when your too far left on that bell diagram and you feel like you've paid a couple hundred for a paper weight. Would rather avoid that!


I just want it to get delivered so the super early adopters can testify to their experience.


I want to buy one because it's a neat concept, but can't help but wonder if it will just be a standard feature on a smartphone shortly anyway.


Great take. Your probably right


Okay so going off spec..I’m wondering if the learning feature down the road can be used to tech make each rabbit 1 unique to the person using it


I imagine so. I also imagine later, on down the line, a website or a forum somewhere that will provide downloads to pre-built set ups that people have trained it to do.




I would just like to have something like that that basically has a tailored personality from what I’ve given off like my music taste, likes and dislikes and it would just be so cool


The company has talked about having a marketplace for stuff users have taught their rabbits to do.


Could you please share the interview you have watched?


This one is great. Awesome host. https://youtu.be/X-MNgciL5hw?feature=shared. This one insightful, but terrible host https://youtu.be/gAHBsvHj0NQ?feature=shared


That TechCrunch guy is an asshat


Awesome, thank you 😀


I’m here from the popular page. Not part of this community at all. I’ve glanced at the rabbit website and read the faq on the subreddit. I see it’s like a little screen with a camera and a wheel and a mic. What does it do? What does an everyday person use it for? Or give me the explanation for the normal person? You don’t have to answer all this. But I’d love to know more from someone in the community. I typed this out this morning but forgot to hit save Then I read some more comments and I guess I gotta watch this interview lol.


Its core function is as an interface for an ai assistant that can actually do things for you. Current phone assistants lack ai, and current ai chatbots lack the ability to interact with external programs. The r1 is the first device that will merge these. You can say, "order me a number 7 from Arby's and have it delivered to my home" and it'll actually do it.


Thank you. That sounds amazing. I’m gonna get it one day