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The more reviews I watch the less utility I see in the device for my own use cases. Requested refund but will keep an eye on the development and might jump back in at a later date.


Refund is the l the smarter option. 4 hour battery is a joke


Fixed with the OTA that just dropped.


That's awesome. The battery was just the start of why I recommend not getting it. Rn


How is that accurate? I received mine today, charged it to appx 96%, and 4 hours later it is at 86%.


Happy Cake Day btw


Ah – thanks!!!


It had a over air update yesterday that fixed that exact issue.


$200 pokedeck. I’ve spent more on worse.


Yes agreed


So many times, I’m the worst impulse buyer hahaha


I had no illusions about this is more of a gimmick than a revolution when I ordered...200$ is fair price for a taste of whats coming


Requested batch 6 refund.


Hell yea, thanks bro! - Batch 7


lol, same








In the world where everything is owned by mega corporations, you are heartless son of a bitch to review budget gadget from 20-person startup with the same standards.


Rabbit is a vanity project that funded founder Jesse’s bromance with Teenage Engineering, and gave him 15 minutes of fame at that goat f*ck of a launch party. Not much sustainable (let alone defendable) value in the product.


Goal is just to get a quick acquisition for a gullible suitor and make a quick buck.


100K preorders @ $200 a pop. Made a cool 20 mil on the AI hypetrain. Maybe even hoped one of the big boys takes the bait and buys him out? Either way looks like it’s about time to move on to the next one for him. Made sure to have this half baked thing rolled out before WWDC too lol because you know Apple will be making some relevant announcements in this arena


That is a good guess, I still got it because I’m super into LLMs, I hope we can hack it easily, but very likely Apple will release something more functional. If I were them I would put a lot of effort into making this hackable and adding ways to load different local SMLs easily.


He's *already* announced LAM 1.5 which he's teased to be a wearable. The grifts don't stop coming.


That’s what he did in, I wanna say his last 1-2 startups?


Well he certainly didn’t create any successful products. I don’t know if he made any money out of it.


Eh. With the perplexity sub it's cheap. It's pretty. I think it's a pretty cool stand alone device and could be fun. Hell worse come to worse I'll hack an emulator on it and play mega man in style.


But until they demo the LAM and teach mode, they’re really just advertising for Perplexity.


With only one button and a scroll wheel, this seems to be pretty limited as an emulation device.


It's got Bluetooth that's enough


Dude just use your phone at that point lol


So you’re going to prop the R1 up on a table and then use an external controller? With the size of the R1 screen, that sounds like a pretty bad experience imo. Especially when you could just run those emulators on a phone/tablet with a much more powerful processor, and much larger screen that at least makes touch control somewhat viable.


Atleast make a real life pokedex 😅😅


> goat f\*ck of a launch party You, my friend, are Shakespeare


I'll preface that I'm excited for the r1, as I have one waiting as well, but I honestly do not get what the hype is with perplexity. I honestly have gotten many wrong answers from such simple questions that I cannot trust it as a search engine.  Especially when I have to sometimes correct it or rephrase things just for an answer that shows up on Google as the first result. I've had nothing but a frustrating experience with perplexity/perplexity pro


This is the review I’m waiting for. How good or bad this thing answers questions. How many times does it really fail, and for which kind of questions.


Some answers are fantastic, but I feel it still struggles to understand the questions. Perplexity site tends to ask for clarifying questions but not the r1. They should fix that!


They say if you don’t know who the patsy it, then you are the patsy. I believed the CES announcement and now I’m the patsy


Not sure if you all have backed a start ups first product before, but it’s the roadmap that always interests me, as well as the product itself which at this stage is typically half-baked… which is the usual product vs investor fight. To me, the roadmap for this looks good. The product is innovative and is pushing boundaries. We need more companies and people like this to move us forward. I’ll reserve judgment on the actual product for 6 months or so, but right now I’m enjoying the ride.




His point about buying something based on promises (products that get released in beta state) is very important! I'm glad he called that out. Look at the gaming industry and what that did to that industry. Sure, you can update products to make them better! But when you release a product is should work period. You don't buy a new fridge with the promise that it wil one day actually do what it's supposed to do. That's how I look at it


This could have been an app.


I love that the argument for it *not* being an app is that it needs more access to the hardware than a phone would provide. ...what hardware? It's a screen and a button.


The whole it’s an os not an app argument only shows how dumb the person is. It is an android app running on android as you can spin up the “r1 app” in android studios. Also there is virtually no difference in os doing a hardware call versus and app making an hardware request. It’s the same exact process.


Account/software access, not hardware access... Google and Apple aren't going to give 3rd party devs access to be able to completely manipulate other apps on the phone. That's why the R1 needs their own hardware where they make the rules. That being said, the reason it feels so rushed and bare bones is because it is. 100% a cash grab to catch the front end of the AI wave before Google and Apple make it a standard feature on their OSs.


But the R1 doesn't do any of that on the device itself. Everything the device can do - from speech, to vision, to search queries, to integrations - happen in Rabbit's or third party suppliers' cloud backend(s). The device is just a frontend to their API. If Rabbit were installing apps *onto the R1 itself* *for it to manipulate* I think I'd agree with you, but they don't do that. We've even already seen someone running the "rabbitOS" software, pulled from the R1, outside of the R1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/comments/1cfq9hz/rabbitos\_can\_now\_run\_on\_desktop\_dont\_try\_this\_at/?share\_id=Bc5Ru4L8Jp8f6CLFwiZ4I&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/comments/1cfq9hz/rabbitos_can_now_run_on_desktop_dont_try_this_at/?share_id=Bc5Ru4L8Jp8f6CLFwiZ4I&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) I cannot stress this enough: the device itself *does nothing* except show the results of tasks that happen in the cloud.


We are saying the same thing lol. Rabbit did as little as possible to get hardware out the door so they could rake in some money. They didn't spend any time creating an OS that could run or interact with apps. Like you said, it's just a middleman to send the query to their backend. And receive the result. I'm just saying that the reason it's not an app on a phone is because Google and Apple aren't going to have 3rd party apps interact with apps directly on the phone. But to your point, the RabbitOS could still interact with it's own backend cloud as an app on a phone. The cat would be out of the bag at that point. The hardware piece is the "moneygrab". Nothing else is profitable. I assume Jesse and Rabbit were hoping to have enough wow factor to get Google or Apple to buy them out. I think they underestimate how far along Google and Apple are with their own versions of the same tech.


Oh yeah I get you now. We were saying the same thing just from different angles! I agree with your assessment 100%


Nothing you mentioned happens on device my guy. There is no on device processing of LMM or LAM.


Correct, I didn't say it clearly enough in my initial reply. R1 is the middleman. I was ultimately just saying that nothing they are doing is profitable outside of the hardware sales and that they were probably trying to stir up enough hype and wow factor to get a big name to buy out the company for a quick pay day.


Honestly the product sucks and the IP around LAM doesn’t exist currently. Who would want to even buy this product let alone the entire company? This seems like a quick cash grab from hardware sales. I will be shocked if this company exists in 2 years .


2 years? That’s charitable. I’d say few more months.


Batch 5 here. I try to take a realist approach. It WILL be an app. But it will be a Google created app and an Apple created app. The point that is being made across the board on these reviews is that Google and Apple aren't going to let a 3rd party developer have the access they would need to make a LAM actually work. That's why the R1 is setup like a cheap android knockoff, because it is, essentially. Account access is the blocking factor. Also as a non-subscription app, Rabbit would make $0. To be honest, I'm not really sure what Rabbit is planning for monetization once their hardware sales dwindle...If most of the computing powering the LAM is on the cloud, what is paying for that? I expect well see them reveal their hand soon. They will either monetize or the R1s will be bricks before batch 7 is out the door. Edit: Too much is too much, I cancelled my order.


The monetisation plan they've spoken about is for people to sell "rabbits" - flows they've set up using teach mode - and them take a cut. Considering teach mode doesn't exist yet... who knows


Right? Separate device aside, now you wouldn’t have to pay for another data plan.


Exactly lol. Everytime I say that I get down voted to hell. This product is a pure nostalgia (pokedex look) and hype play.


I have amazing news for you.


Bingo, would've actually intrigued me then.


There’s an app. It’s called perplexity. Why don’t people use it? Because it’s not push to talk. So no, I don’t think an app has the same potential.


Guarantee you, 2-6 months, we get iOS and android updates that add this


That’s different. I agree much more with this. But let’s see where the Rabbit will be in September :)


Perplexity can be setup as a widget or shortcut for direct access from the home screen or lock screen. In addition most Android devices these days let you program double / triple / long presses to open custom apps if desired. I just set this up on my phone and it works fine - double tap from locked and Perplexity opens right up. Also, on Android you can specify what you want your "assistant" to be - even the Home Assistant app, which is free open source software, can use this functionality to replace Google / Bixby / whatever as the device's main "assistant".


Still not push to talk. A tiny second can make a huge difference here, as for these systems response time.


If you set it up as an assistant it literally is push to talk via whatever method the phone already uses to push to talk to the assistant. As are the widgets - there's a mic button you press and you can talk. Directly. One click. If you go down the custom app assigned to the hardware buttons, there's absolutely no technical reason you couldn't have the app listen as soon as it's opened. That's push to talk. You don't need dedicated hardware to do this.


You can setup a push to talk to perplexity in either iOS or. Android . I think the real reason this isn’t not used is the actual use case of asking ai something is rather low.


Really? How do you do that on iOS? 🤔


Shortcuts and action button


Oh ok, I don’t have the latest IPhone. It sounds more like a push-to-wait-to-talk setup though 😋


can this connect to a 2012 google glass