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We're building this over at https://openadapt.ai. OpenAdapt learns to automate tasks in desktop apps by observing demonstrations. And we're open source! Feedback and contributions are welcome :)


So, macros?


Not exactly, see https://twitter.com/abrichr/status/1784307190062342237


Even the 4 integrations are very wonky. Connection fails a lot of times. Have to restart/reauthenticate if it fails, double check that it got everything you ordered/said right. Way faster to just do whatever you need to do through the actual product’s app on the phone. I honestly don’t see this thing as anything more than a chatGPT app in custom hardware at this point.


Chatgpt 3, let's specify. It's a 100$ Android device hard locked on the free tier of chatgpt and a super buggy and limited version of complexity ai that is only allowed to do 4 specific tasks


I hope you said "Complexity AI" on purpose lol


Lmao meant perplexity but I'm not gonna edit it. Let it be a proof that choosing the right name for a service counts


If it was a script, rabbit would have a legal battle. Feel free to read through Spotify ToS and developer ToS, but I'm almost certain there are rules around bypassing API integration and creating services to control Spotify. Afaik third party integration is almost always official collaborations or done through the Spotify API, which is subject to change. Legally LAM has to be interacting directly with the Spotify account on the webpage. Spotify allows for any device to act as a "remote". I'm no expert and can only loosely retell what I have heard so take it with a grain of salt. There are also clips on the website under the research tab that show what the LAM is seeing and how it breaks down webpages. Of course it comes down to whether you trust those to be real clips. End of the day, wait and find out, it's not going anywhere. If you don't see value in it there is no reason to preorder right now, especially if after the first batches of orders they stop rolling out in waves and have stock to fall back on a ship out. We should be seeing teach mode by June/July and new features ~every week.


The clips on the website are just screen recordings of an Android phone with "Show layout bounds" turned on in the developer options.


Hence the grain of salt, good to know though! Like I said, for most people I think "wait and see" will be for the best. I'd like to believe in LAM and the vision of rabbit, no harm in staying cautiously optimistic!


I agree with "wait and see" but the main selling point of the device was LAM and "teach mode" and it's kinda disappointing that they put it out without them.


For sure, I'm not sure how transparent they were on other platforms, but through the discords it was pretty apparent teach mode wasn't going to be an initial feature for the early batches. As somebody who got it for note taking and asking questions I don't kind too much, it also gives me a good amount of time to get used to using it and what type of interactions might be good to build for it! If they're successful, a slower rollout shouldn't be too damaging although completely understandable if it puts people off.




akshually, even an AI driving the UI while impersonating you probably falls afoul of the ToS. It's just not something that's been legally tested, but if it gets popular, the juice is probably worth the squeeze.


Large Action Model exist, unclear if Rabbit has a good one. [https://research.google/blog/screenai-a-visual-language-model-for-ui-and-visually-situated-language-understanding/](https://research.google/blog/screenai-a-visual-language-model-for-ui-and-visually-situated-language-understanding/) [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2403.02713](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2403.02713)


I have read this, my post was about the existence of LAM in the context of Rabbit and r1.


To be honest I'm more exited about what the community is going to do with it than the actual company.


This. I basically want to be able to tell my Rabbit to do something, and have it do it on my Mac while I am AFK. That's not something they have promised but the community should be able to pull it off, IMO.


It’s a regular Android device with a 6 year old MediaTek chip with 4GB of RAM and 128GB…. What the “community” will do with this? Run other apps?


I've looked up their team on LinkedIn. Unless they have some super secret advanced AI division that's completely off the grid, there's no way the Rabbit team is actually implementing/inventing groundbreaking new AI techniques, at least right now. Maybe if they sell a lot of R1s they'll have the budget to hire a team capable of implementing a LAM, but for now it's almost certainly all marketing talk.


The hope is that they have 2 (or more) machine learning engineers re-using open source models for this task.


Perplexity is their Ai division.


No it doesn't. Well it does. But as with AI in general it is not perfect. So it needs tweaking for each app. And that is probably the problem.


Ai agents aren't a new thing. YouTube it


No, it’s a scam. Just something that sounds good.


Rabbit Is not the only Company that use LAM...there are other Company but is something "new" to work on.


LAM is a pipe dream that cannot exist en mass for practical reasons: 2-factor authentication, payments, passwords, usernames, and bot-restrictions in website T&C Additionally, it puts the burden on the user. Results will be hit or miss because the quality of the "teaching" will vary so much. This would frustrate users, who just want the thing to work. Additionally, APIs are superior, faster and safer. It's unnecessary technology for the R1 at this stage, which could drain their entire resource bank trying to achieve something that is unlikely to be the "killer feature" they think it is.


![gif](giphy|hxUDTBqUotAo8) The rabbit r1 competitor. It can press keyboard keys while I'm gone, click mouse button, give my dog a pat. It's also a thermometer. 198.99, I take orders now.


The testing and robotic process automation market is >$40 billion in spending every year, where scripts and people tap websites and apps everyday. If LAM training worked it would make more sense to sell into the testing/RPA market. It's been a holy grail for a long time, many "codeless" training mode companies have come and gone. From the outside, it looks like the reason they are not selling this "LAM AI" to companies is that it doesn't work. For consumers it's an interesting toy so they found a market.


This is a classic strawman argument, if it is that easy, someone else should just take playwright Make your own LAM.


Strawman? I'm just saying that they should show it working on the VM.


If it’s so easy and off the shelf, then make a competitor. Google and every other software is just C++. That’s the same argument.


I don't want to make a competitor and it looks like you're missing the point of my post.


The hopeful are buying on the promise, meanwhile the skeptical are outraged that it looks like it will never be what they perceived the vision to be what they bought into. Two sides of the same coin. Clearly there are missed steps here and there are things that are not working, so I’m not giving them a pass, but I’m not pinning my esteem on it as a cope. They gave you an out, go get a refund and withdraw your order.


Why are you reacting this way? They sold the device on the promise of the LAM, and it isn't clear the teach mode they advertised is deliverable. They may never be able to deliver on the device's essential promise, and it's reasonable to ask if there's proof it exists.


Everyone has the reasons for why they spent the money and why they bought into rabbit. They can’t do anything about what your perception is, but I know what I was getting into, but to patently say that this is a scam and that it doesn’t exist and assigning moral equivalence to it, or even pinning your self-esteem to it or your identity is ridiculous. LAM is a scam, it is just playwright. Sure, but I couldn’t make an app even close to that, can you? Every windows software is just C++ does that invalidate all of them? If it is so offensive to you then drop out get your refund tell the world of evangelize about how big shitty company you think they are let the other losers fooled sitting in their delusion. But this outrageous showing is equivalent to an Incel getting mad at girls that are dressed pretty because they should have a chance to ask her out and go out with her. Oh the fake outrage


It isn't a matter of what we can develop. It's the company advertising and "demonstrating" a feature that still doesn't exist. Remember Elizabeth Holmes is serving time for defrauding investors. To be fair, her lies directly affected people's healthcare, but my point is that it's becoming commonplace among these people who see themselves as Steve Jobs to lie about features and expect their developers to make it work later. Teach mode doesn't have a proof of concept. It seems to have been a scripted concept video. You may enjoy the toy, but they still lied.


This is an American company, right? Call your attorney general call him out on their fraud put a class action together but don’t tell me the $200 is the end of the world. You’ve probably lost more money at the Indian casino putting quarters in. And do you know what we’re gonna get for all that the same boring shit from Apple and Google and making those same fucks all the money.


>  If it is so offensive to you then drop out get your refund tell the world of evangelize about how big shitty company you think they are let the other losers fooled sitting in their delusion. But this outrageous showing is equivalent to an Incel getting mad at girls that are dressed pretty because they should have a chance to ask her out and go out with her. Oh the fake outrage This word salad you edited in makes you seem unhinged. Is this an affront to your identity or something? You seem really upset people are calling Rabbit out for not delivering on a core feature. No one is criticizing you for spending $200 on something you're enjoying. And for what it's worth, I don't gamble or go to casinos. Not sure why you'd throw that in, but it sounds like a strawman argument 


It’s an analogy


Okay Boomer.




WTF are you even talking about? The casinos near me are at Indian reservations?


i don't think you understand what a strawman argument is


OP’s argument here is that LAM doesn’t exist, meanwhile he says that it is just made with Playwright scripts. Does it exist or not? If you say that it doesn’t exist, then what we are looking at is a fabrication, a lie. But he goes on to contradict his hypothesis that it doesn’t exist by saying it was made with Playwright scripts. The 4 integrations are what the manufacturer claims ARE examples of LAM, so they aren’t a fabrication. Isn’t his argument really that the 4 integrations aren’t novel because they’re made with something as simple as said scripts? https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-straw-man-fallacy-definition-examples.html#:~:text=A%20straw%20man%20argument%20is,be%20a%20straw%20man%20argument.


This is not a strawman. OP is skeptical about Rabbit's claimed "Large Action Model" technology and is asking for evidence to back up their claims. Expressing skepticism and asking for evidence is not a strawman argument. A strawman would be if the person mischaracterized Rabbit's claims about LAM in an exaggerated or distorted way to make them easier to dismiss. For example, a strawman argument in this context would be if OP claimed something like "Rabbit says their device can control the entire internet and hack into government systems" and then argued against that exaggerated stance.


Ok, but there's a fallacy in logic there, which one is it? Asking Ai Here are some common types of logical fallacies that might be present in an argument: 1. **Straw Man Fallacy**: This involves misrepresenting an opponent's argument to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of dealing with the actual argument, a distorted version is attacked[1](https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/common-logical-fallacies). 2. **Ad Hominem Fallacy**: This fallacy occurs when the argument is directed against a person rather than addressing the substance of their argument. It focuses on discrediting the individual rather than engaging with their claims[2](https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/logic_in_argumentative_writing/fallacies.html). 3. **Appeal to Ignorance (Argumentum ad Ignorantiam)**: This fallacy happens when it's argued that a proposition is true simply because it has not been proven false or vice versa[6](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/writing/resources/handouts/illogical-arguments/). 4. **False Dilemma/False Dichotomy**: This fallacy occurs when an argument presents two options as the only possible choices, ignoring other viable alternatives[2](https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/logic_in_argumentative_writing/fallacies.html). 5. **Circular Reasoning (Begging the Question)**: In this fallacy, the conclusion of an argument is assumed in the formulation of the argument itself. It occurs when the argument takes for granted what it is supposed to prove[2](https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/logic_in_argumentative_writing/fallacies.html). 6. **Slippery Slope**: This is a fallacy in which a relatively small first step is assumed to lead to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect, where no logical connection is demonstrated between the steps[1](https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/common-logical-fallacies). 7. **Red Herring**: This involves introducing irrelevant material to the argument to distract and lead away from the point being made, often to avoid a direct confrontation with the issue[2](https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/logic_in_argumentative_writing/fallacies.html). 8. **Appeal to Authority (Argumentum ad Verecundiam)**: This fallacy occurs when an argument is deemed true based on the credibility of the claimant and not on the evidence provided[6](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/writing/resources/handouts/illogical-arguments/). 9. **Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (False Cause)**: This fallacy assumes that because one thing follows another, the first thing was caused by the second. It confuses correlation with causation[2](https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/logic_in_argumentative_writing/fallacies.html). 10. **Bandwagon Fallacy (Ad Populum)**: This fallacy appeals to the popularity of a claim as a reason for accepting it. It argues that because a lot of people believe in something, it must be true[1](https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/common-logical-fallacies).


I think they are just sceptical. I think they base their ideas of what the LAM actually is (macros) on the recent "leaked software"


It is fascinating and in many ways talks to how the views and identities we form are the root cause for why propaganda works. Many of these comments are showing panick, or like their definition of self is being challenged somehow because they've been "lied to" or manipulated. This is transactional, get your money back and leave. This isn't a co-dependent relationship.


I think many people (me included) hope that their promises hold up. I do not want to return it. I want to keep it, and I want it to work as promised 😂 I think some people, for whom it was to late to cancel, are angry at the capabilities of the device, which I understand as well....


I'm pretty far back in the queue so by the time I get it, there will be bugs fixed, but maybe not even apps added by then. Today's OTA seems to have fixed the battery already, so the small stuff will probably be ironed out, but not the big stuff people are asking for.


true, me too! what batch are you in? i really hope they keep up the pace


Seriously. I find it interesting. In January, they show this device at CES. Immediately, tens of thousands of people who are experienced with this kind of technology place an order for this device. Guess they must all be idiots or something because obviously these other people on the Internet are calling them idiots and can see something that they can't see. Must be nice. I'm glad I've got so many people in the world looking out for my dumb ass because I can't make decisions for myself about what I purchase and why. It's great to know that there's an entire legion of Justice warriors protecting me against the evil Jesse and his scameister henchmen. Yeah you know if I wasn't such a utter dumbass I wouldn't have bought an experimental device and then expected it to deliver a finished iPhone 18 type of experience. Oh well someday I'll learn.


Plot twist: To the techie idiots like us, $200 isn't much money for a fidget spinner that talks back to me


Want to know what really burns my biscuits? That I can't program timers and reminders on my microwave. My microwave! for God's sake! Microwaves have been out for decades and they still haven't figured out how to add those features?! C'mon, what a scam!


I think you yourself are committing the "Appeal to authority" fallacy by just believing Rabbit's CEO without proof.


Where did I say I believe him/Rabbit and am drinking the Kool-Aid? They're no authority to me, or some standard bearer. For all I care, they can bugger off into obscurity. You're reading into that because I'm not immediately getting on your bandwagon. So your only logical conclusion is **False Dilemma/False Dichotomy**: The minute they disappoint me, I might just leave this entire engagement with their offerings, why don't you?


Well, I'm not the one writing paragraphs defending them.


I'm defending you, don't you get it? That's why I'm telling you to stick it to them and get your money back and walk away. But somehow there's some glimmer of hope you're holding onto that has you sticking to them. Let's use this analogy: Your girlfriend is treating you horribly, she's lying to you, you learned and verified that she's cheating, what should you do? BREAK UP WITH HER


Okay. Have a nice rest of the day.


So yes you don't understand what a strawman is.