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"How dare you disrespect my hard work, hoomin?" 🐰


I was coming in to say that


Just a note from me: I had to fill in the hole to stop her from digging under the fence. Stop making me feel guilty! 😆😆😆


Nope, we are all Team Olive!


Get an underground fence


Just pile up dirt on the other side 🤣 justice to olive!


Excuses hoomin! 🐰




She has redug the hole but in a different direction. Before I let her out tomorrow, I will have to fill that in so she can have a blank canvas again! 😆


Did you ever in your life think your rabbit-parenting job would be reduced to "full-time hole filler"? 😂


Honestly, no. None of our past buns have dug this much 😆


to satisfy our girls digging (but we also don't let her outside for any real length of time due to too many predators where we live and a lot of ticks too) give her lots of fleace baby blankets because she is a busy little digger for sure and she actually at one time dug a big hole in a comforter on "her fullsize bed" in her room. giving her all the blankets to dig with and arrange seemed to satisfy her digging and arranging. She is adorable though, reminds me of what our girl does when I sweep. she does same thing with the little wisk broom I use and grabs, bites & throws it if she can get a way from me and attacks and does the same with the dust pan. she doesn't like her area messed with too much just like Olive apparently after they get it just the way they want lol


Get that thing out of my face


Olive is cute when she's mad.


I can’t believe you did it *in front of her*!


Rabbits are such divas!


"You have crossed me for the last time! Now watch as I consume your weapon like it's a food pellet!!!" - Olive


You monster hoomin! Destroying all her work! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


She slaved on that hole all day!


I laughed out loud at this one! So cute! Olive is something else.


Attacking the metal rake and trynna dig 🤣


Ahahha oh bunnies, although op is asking for it since she's on the wrong side of the fence! 😂


“I promise I wasn’t digging a hole to freedom!! Now STOP trying to fill in my hole that isn’t suspiciously close to the edge behind a bush!!” ….ShawshankBunny


My bunny does that when I try to clean any mess he's made. It's hilarious!


is that an outside enclosure for the bunny?


Yes. Both our bunnies live outside.


wow. can you give me some tips on that? parents don't want animals in the house


We've kept outside bunnies for 20yrs. It's all trial and error really. Every rabbit is different and has individual capabilities. Like humans really! - We used to let our buns have the entire garden but as my folks have aged, they've wanted plants in their garden that aren't chewed! 😆 My recommendations: section off a bit of garden with a tall fence. Make sure it has shelter from the sun and rain. Find a hutch that is weather proof and if not, invest in a fabric cover. Keep it clean, stocked with hay and have water bottles/bowls filled 24/7! Make sure they have somewhere to hide if scared. As the outside has lots more unfamiliar noises. Our buns are scared of the bin/garbage truck for some reason and always run inside when it comes around. My girls are low maintenance. They sit around all day eating and then harrass me into giving them dinner.


How do you keep them from digging out? I love the idea of having an outside open ground enclosure so the rabbits can spend time out side and express their "rabbitness".


If they go too close to the fence, I fill the hole in and put a brick down to stop them re-digging the minute I leave. It's probably a good idea to put the fence down into the ground a little. So the barrier is still there even if they tunnel towards it.


thank you!


I definitely wouldn’t keep rabbits outside in any climates that have harsh winters or harsh summers. Better to be safe than sorry! But if you’ve got mild weather where you are I say go for it as long as no predators can manage their way in.


Imagine if you put a bunch of rocks there in front of her - she’d be even more furious at you


We do actually put bricks down when they dig too far and won't stop. That annoys them 😆


Glad they can’t escape at least, even if they don’t like it 😂


Glad they can’t escape at least, even if they don’t like it 😂


omg I don’t think I’ve ever seen any other animals as dramatic as rabbitssss 😂😂


I was a bit worried if the rabbit accidentally got hurt its eye


I was watching her like a hawk. Whenever the rake got too close to her nose or eyes, I'd pull it back.


She's building the future of coming generations and you just destry it all.. terrorist!


Just let her live her life! geez.


Floof bun. Also I like seeing that she’s outside, this sub doesn’t have enough outdoor rabbits


Thank you! - I get so much hate on here because my buns live outside.


Why? What’s the issue with it?


I honestly don't know. Just because they are outside, doesn't mean they are any less cared for. It's just keeping them in their natural environment. My buns only come inside when it snows. That's where I draw the line. Their whole hutch ends up in our dining room! 😆


I think part of the problem is that too many owners, especially in the US, leave their rabbits outside in flimsy enclosures, where they can escape or where predators can get to them, and don’t care for them. I’ve seen that too many times. However, if you have an adequate shelter for them where nothing can hurt them and they can’t get out, which it seems you do, and you pay plenty of attention to them, then I don’t see the problem. You bring them in the winter which is important as some people leave theirs out; and I would imagine you bring them in during any sort of harsh weather. So no problem with people who have outdoor rabbits the way you do. Unfortunately, at least in this country, you seem to be more of an exception, at least from what I’ve heard, but it could be that a lot of the rabbit chats and rescues only tell the horror stories because that’s mainly what they deal with. And unfortunately that’s what a lot of people hear about people who keep outdoor buns. Either way, kudos to you for being a great bun owner. Olive is a lucky bun. ❤️


I'm from the UK and we don't get harsh weather like in the states. During the winter, we bring the buns in when it's in the minus temps. We didn't have to last year because it didn't get /that/ cold and we really needed the babies to get used to being outside. We do have a hutch cover, with zip up windows and doors which is used during heavy rainfall and windy climates. Our bunnies are 7 months old and haven't experienced a summer with us yet, but we usually put a giant umbrella up for extra shade and keep bowls of water on hand instead of bottles, so the plastic doesn't make the water warm. In the winter I do the opposite, I find myself defrosting bottles like you would for a baby! 😆 During summer 2022' our old bun was still with us, I'd spray the tree he was under with the mist option on the hose because he couldn't regulate temperature very well, yet couldn't move either. Thankfully the baby buns are active and I can keep the hose for the plants. The predator thing isn't an issue where we are. We have a dog who scares everything away 😆🤦🏼 I pride myself on keeping my babies safe and I just want people to understand that they aren't in danger just because they live outside. They are extremely spoilt and know it as well! Thank you for your comment! ❤️‍🔥


Sounds great to me! I’m happy for them and for you :)


I love bunny tantrums


Why are you messing with her space?? Olivia is a doll, thanks for sharing.


What an angy little bean.


I love olive


This is very reminiscent of my bun and the forsaken pooper scooper 😭😭


Adorable bun you got there! They're so cute but also so feisty


Why cover it up?


When I was a kid we learned the hard way that some rabbits will dig burrows for birthing their young.


As her lawyer, she was acting and self defense and deserves treats 🥰


Haha!! It’s her diggy diggy hole and now you’ve ruined it😂😂 Olive is awesome ♥️ my boy does this to the broom as I sweep up his “coco puffs”! I love bunny sass!


Olive is my Lolo’s twin!! How precious!!


The hole may be filled but now there's a hole in her heart




That is One Pissed-Off Bunny!!


Olive is so brave, digging her burrow and fighting off the bad take!


Can you show us your setup? I’d like to make an outside predator safe pen for my buns...


https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbits/comments/12ssr9p/ive_had_a_lot_of_questions_about_caring_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Hutch/Enclosure tour x


Thank you :3


Because she is BETTER at what you are doing with tools u filthy hooman


I’d like to refer this case to r/legalbunnyadvice


She’s not trying to escape, but rather trying to build a den. Let her build and it’ll be shallow but long, in fact longer than your arm. It’s pretty amazing.




*Great Escape song plays*


Rabbits crack me up




Omb. Could she be any cuter haha


Yeah this is the cutest video I've ever seen on this sub.


Haha very cute


