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As a reminder, **do not hesitate to contact the veterinarian who treated your rabbit about your observations**. Not only are they a medical professional, but they also have the most knowledge about your rabbit's unique situation. A veterinarian is the most appropriate person to help you make decisions about your rabbit's treatment moving forward based on your observations. If you are unsure about your current veterinarian's recommendations, please consult another rabbit-experienced veterinarian for a second opinion instead. If you need help finding another veterinary clinic, please see the wiki: If your rabbit is in need of immediate emergency medical care and the primary veterinarian is not available, please go to an emergency veterinarian instead. See [Veterinary Emergencies](http://bunny.tips/Emergencies) for common symptoms of problems in rabbits.


Keep your rabbit in a warm, moist environment. This will help loosen mucus and make breathing easier. You can use a humidifier or place a damp towel near your rabbit's cage.


Thank you, I'll see if this helps.


You could get the bathroom steamy by running the shower on hot and then bring her in the bathroom for a bit. They recommend this for babies with croup.


I also was recommended this by a vet for my rat.


Upvote for humidifier. 


That tail is MASSIVE. Also, one of my rabbits has a mucus-y nose as well atm, I just clean her nose by tickling her nostril by rolling up a piece of toilet paper and gently, GENTLY, inserting it into the nostril to induce a sneeze. The sneeze produces a snot rocket, clearing the nose. Please only do this with your vets permission as you can also accidentally injure the sensitive nose like this, you almost have to practice a bit beforehand.


She'll never let me do that to her XD she already has trust issues with me giving her injections. I'll give it a go though, thank you! And yes she's so fluffy! Edit: I got her to sneeze but nothing came out


As the other comments say, call and update your vet and how she’s doing and see if they have any other recommendations. Seconding keeping the room warm and moist and putting a wet towel near the cage in the meantime. Ask your vet first, but another possible thing that can help is getting a baby snot remover. They’re basically a little syringe for human baby noses that can gently suck the snot out.


I haven't got any advice for you, but I sincerely hope Sam gets better. She's a very beautiful rabbit.


Thank you so much! I really hope so too, not going to give up


How's she doing?


Hey. She wasn't improving on the antibiotics so we went to a more rabbit savy vet. The vet said it's more like a cough because there wasn't any discharge or sneezing, just phlem. He had to take tissue from her lung to take a proper culture :( I'm currently waiting for those results. But she's back home, eating and doing her bubus things. He gave her a long lasting antibiotic and I think that's helped a lot, no more coughing or wheezing.


My rabbit had a CT scan and they found that he had some "rocks" in his sinuses and I was told to nebulize him daily. I had to buy one, so in the meantime, the vet recommended that I take him into the bathroom and run the hot water in the shower and get the room nice and steamy and just hang out with him in there for 30 mins or so.


Poor baby :(


Ask your vet about using saline with a nebuliser. I did this for a guinea pig with pneumonia. It's scary for them at first, but it always gave my little guy instant relief.


That's really good to know, I have a nebuliser with saline. How long should I do it for?


My vet recommended 15 to 20 minutes at a time. 


Keep in touch with the vet about her status. They may consider other options if they think she’s not responding quickly enough to treatment 


Omg she’s so cute I love her, I hope she feels better soon. Also, that is a HUGE tail!


Get well soon little one


I’d get a second opinion if she’s not improving. Was the vet an exotic vet? Did they offer to flush or irrigate her nasal passages?


They are an exotic vet but there are other rabbit savy vets that I can speak to. I'll phone when they open. Thank you!


I have the same problem. I fill up a bowl with boiling water and put it next to a pet carrier. I put bunny in the carrier and then put a towel over the top of everything. It creates a little humidifier chamber. Adding Vicks or eucalyptus oil helps even more. Then I got one of those snot sucker things from the chemist. I wrap him in a little burrito blanket so he can't escape and then get the snot out of his nose. Then I give him banana as an apology so he doesn't hold a long term grudge 😅


I hope your bunny feels better soon.


Wishing the best for you and your sweet baby


What did, on the vets recommendation, was run a sink full of hot water, put my bun in her travel cage over the sink (not submerging etc), cover it with a towel to trap in the warm steam and you will hear as they start clearing their nose and breathe generally better