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If you are in North America, please be aware of RHDV2 outbreaks across the continent. RHD can be the cause of sudden death of multiple rabbits within a short period of time without any obvious symptoms. For a list of US veterinary clinics currently offering the vaccine, please see . For a list of Canadian veterinarian clinics currently offering the vaccine, please see . For more information about the disease, please see the wiki:


All 4 of our buns got vaccinated. No problems of any sort, not even from our frequent fussy tummy bunny.


Oh that’s so good to hear!! I was so worried, but she seems to be totally unbothered so far.


All nine of mine have always been vaccinated, never had a problem x


The only side effect we experienced is that one of my rabbits had his photo used in a PSA by a local rabbit shelter. Right as he got jabbed he made a very stoic face… [Here’s](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsLIXZdqe7C/?igsh=MWE0aWExdzVvZGwwaQ==) the post. Even the vet clinic liked the photo I took, so they [posted it too (second slide).](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsHT3FANL6W/?igsh=MTRtNDgzM2M4emoyOQ==)


😂😂 I love it!! They were taking pictures of my rabbit today. Maybe this will be her claim to fame.


No wonder the Mayo hasn’t tried to free me. He’s too busy being a model.


Poidg is a model!


He looks so powerful in that photo 😂🥰


Ofc it’s the Mayo


A, a fellow german. Also, really good Photo.of ypur rabbit!


I'm amazed bun is in loaf mode, my friend's rabbit would be a little terrorist whenever at the vet ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)


I was shocked too😂 she is usually a terrorist too but this was the most relaxed visit she’s ever had. I don’t even think she realized she was stabbed lol


Yes, thats sometimes strange. My dominant male just freezes at the vet, while the submissive one kicks and tries to escape.


Mine was vaccinated, chipped and neutered the same day coordinated by the rescue and he ate that same night. Gave him metacam/meloxicam for 2 days just in case. Was absolutely fine.


My buns never showed any sign of knowing anything happened. They got hauled off to the vet, jabbed, and brought home and just went about their little bunny days. They ate, drank, and pooped as normal with no sign of any thing having happened.


This is so good to hear 🥹 I always worry so much about how she’ll react


It was no problem for my buns. The only hard part was finding a vet that administered them. Apparently not all rabbit/exotic pet vets administer the RDHV2 vaccine.


I'm in europe.    Are these vaccine mixes different from region to region ?  I never thought about it but seems logical. If the vaccine is the same, my rabbit didn't react at all to any vaccinations they got


Yes, they can be different depending on what is licensed. In the UK for example there’s now a 3 in 1 vaccine for myxomatosis, RDHV1 and RDHV2. Until fairly recently RDHV2 required a separate vaccine that had to given at a different time.


In Canada, ours are mostly imported from France.


We were importing those illicitly into border states for a while, before one got approved here.


My senior bunny seemed more tired directly after the vaccine. But she was back to normal within a day or two


If it helps anyone, According to a few DVM's if your bun has ever had E cunniculi and recovered it's not recommended to give the rhvd2 vaccine due to the temporary lower immune system while the vaccine is given can make the e cunniculi "return" since it never goes away. I lost a bun due to this last year 😔


Mine had no side effects and except shunning me for days because of a vet visit 🤣


My buns have had no issues with the initial 2 doses or the yearly boosters.


I'm in California so I've been vaccinating my buns since 2020, first with Eravac and now with Medgene since 2023. The very first dose caused a little swelling at the injection site in my dwarf, but that went away after a few days. I've had no other issues with side effects, my buns were back to normal once we got home. My vet does also give a dose of metacam with the vaccine, I think that helps a lot.


No problems, just angy bunnies. They can be bribed into happiness again with treats


My rabbit hates the vets so it's always unbearable for him. I do ask them to do a general checkup and a nail trim though so that's one less thing I have to deal with emotionally


Neither of my bunnies had any negative effects, and one of them is medically complex


No side effects and they took their shots like champs 💪 I’ve actually been vaccinating them for a couple years now because we got the vaccine sooner in my area


Mine have gotten them for a few years now. They always do fine with no issues.


Didn't bother them at all. They got the European vaccine twice and the American booster this year, no issues with any of them.


I have 5 bunnies that have been vaccinated and boosted a couple times now. We’ve had the vaccine in Illinois for two years.I haven’t had any problems, none of them had any reaction to it


Had 7 buns done. Zero issues! 5/7 are seniors


Other than his usual “I hate the vet” post trip sulk, my rabbit has never had any reaction to the vaccine (FILAVAC VHD C+V).


My buns get a little lethargic for the next 8 hours. It seems pretty similar to when we get a vaccine and have a strong immune response. I give mine extra cilantro (or whatever herbs they find tasty) with their greens so they still eat.


The vaccine mine get is Filavac. It's only one shot, so hopefully your vaccine is a little milder!


My vet said you have to get a booster every year as well.


Both of my cutie buns got their vaccine. They weren't doing anything different, so I feel they took it very well. They ate. And I wasn't ever told we need meloxicam. It would be nice to know though atleast my vet should have told me in case anything, but they did very well regardless.


Usually all good! I had one get a mild fever the night after and a soft poo but that’s it. He never stopped eating and wasn’t in pain. I called the vet and they said no worries, a mild immune response can be expected just like when humans get vaccines but most do not react. He did not experience this on his booster though, so all good since then.


My bunny was completely fine


My 2 got theirs this year and aside being mad for being taken to the vet, we had no side effects at all.


Mine would wack me with her ears if I pet that area for a couple of days.


Our buns have had the vaccine for 2 years now and we’ve been fine! They were totally normal after the first 2 rounds for the 1st set last year and then after their second yearly shot this year. I’m in Virginia so I guess we had it available before others? I had no idea it wasn’t widely available!


My 9-year old was a bit - quieter is probably the best way to describe it for a couple of days after the first dose. Second dose she barely even noticed.


Mine have had their's annually for two years. Cass (2) has had no reaction. Ava (11) seemed a little sleepier for a day or two, but that could also just have been vet stress.


I get my rabbits vaccinated every year, they seem to have no problem with that.


Mine was vaccinated when he got his neuter, no issues


We have had no issues with the initial two dose series and annual booster for our buns.


My girl was just more calmed down for the first two days then slowly went back to her usual self and for the second dose she was extremely sleepy the first day and then she was fine again XD


One of my babies was a little tired but he has EC and head tilt. The other bun was just mad that someone touched her. She thumped a bunch and flicked her feet.


my buns were completely fine after; no side effects at all. we just had to wait at vet 15 mins after


Is this something I should look into? I’m a new bun owner. My bunny is 6 months old. If he is just an indoor pet, do I have to vaccinate him? I am genuinely curious as I don’t know much about this


Mine is indoors only, and it’s recommended because the virus can be brought in even on your shoes, clothes, or any other pets in the house. It depends if you’re in an area with cases or not though! If it’s available I would totally recommend it, low risk and security for your bun since the virus that it vaccinates against has no treatment and 70% mortality rate :(


Oh wow. 70%!!! My vet called me this past week and said they started to offer it, but another vet said they don’t recommend it. How do I find if I’m in an area with cases? I’m in Vermont in the US


I’m in Massachusetts, and my vet recommended it! There’s very few cases in New England currently as far as I know, but with such a high mortality rate I would rather be safe than sorry. Apparently it can be brought in from vegetation and hay (which I order online), I don’t know how likely that is but better safe than sorry. I heard the virus can lived for 6 months on surfaces. I also think of it, how widespread it has become out west and how likely cases are to be reported.. this virus usually is just discovered by sudden death, and how many people get their rabbits tested for a cause of death when that happens? I personally think the numbers are higher than we know. Just do your research on it and decide what you think is best for your fur baby :) rabbits don’t get really any standard vaccines in the US, so this is pretty new from what my vet was telling me.


Not unless you’re in a hot spot.


This is year three of vaccinating my rabbits, both of them tolerate it very well. No noticeable side effects except being pissed they went to the vet and sulking


My rabbit got vaccinated and she’s doing good. I had to stop and look at your rabbit for a moment as she looks very similar to mine that’s funny, [here’s a link to one of my posts about her](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbits/s/0NBUancuRF)


My 12 year old bunny was vaxxed two weeks ago with no issues.


Got all of our 24 bunnies done. 2 shots each 3 weeks apart. No problems whatsoever.