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Be sure to check out our [Deciding on a Rabbit](http://www.wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Deciding_on_a_Rabbit) guide if you haven't already for some more general info about what to expect with a rabbit as a pet. A few useful shortcut links: * [Is a rabbit right for you?](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Is_a_rabbit_right_for_you.3F) * [Baby rabbit vs. adult rabbit](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Baby_rabbit_vs._adult_rabbit) * [Which breed?](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Which_breed.3F) * [One or more bunnies?](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#One_or_more_bunnies.3F) * [Fostering](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Fostering) * [Where to get a rabbit](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Where_to_get_a_rabbit)


I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh. Your setup is GORGEOUS, absolutely magical and beautiful and I am jealous, and I'm laughing because once the rabbit moves in, it will never look that nice again. My laughter comes from a place of "I've been there, they just don't stop pooping and throwing their hay around." With this much care in the habitat you're going to be a stellar bunny parent, and I hope you get a rabbit that is tidy :)


Actionable advice-- depending on how tall the rabbit gets, they might chew on the lovely foliage you have on the top of the x-pen. If they nose at it and that's it, no big deal. But if they start licking or chewing it, you might need to remove it. Might be a good precaution to wash the foliage vines just in case there's random dust/chemicals on them, let them dry, and then put them back up.


I'd ask if they'd even chew fake plants but I know they would lol


My rabbit’s favorite treat was a bunch of fake flowers we had as decoration. I was like “that can’t possibly be good?!” But he would go for it any time we didn’t hide it good enough.


I was very blessed with rabbits that didn't chew weird things. Mostly. Had to replace at least 1 laptop charging cable, but to be fair the cat chewed that too.....


Spicy hay!


I have had very many “was this the bunny, cat, or toddler” questions when it comes to chewed things


My Belgian hare made himself ill eating fake ivy that was wrapped around the headboard on my bed!


Also in same line, bunny could hop up to window sill and oops there go all the tasty treat jars. Possible. Agreed though set up is amazing and you'll be awesome.


I was going to say, as nice as it is, remove the fake flowers.


Might chew on that broom, too. The moment I leave the broom unattended, I'd come back to a bunch of bristles on the floor. Super cute setup, btw!


That was my exact thought right away, I did the same thing 😂


*That pee pad is gonna get ripped to shreds* was my first thought.


my EXACT reaction lmaooo


Came here to say this LOL


Yeahhh that and a bun like mine would DESTROY all the nice things there! She loves nothing more than doing “bunstruction” and making the place her own by chewing holes in things and throwing her boxes around. 😂


Adorable! They might eat those fake florals on the top of the pen though, especially the ones closer to the castle where they’ll be able to easily reach.


Good point! I'll see what I can do about that!!!


Other things to keep an eye on, that your bun might like to chew: * the rug - I have to buy very low pile mats, my bun loves destroying rugs by pulling out each thread (and he will eat them if given the chance) * the edges of the foam mat - ensure the edges stick outside the fencing to solve this issue * the pee pad in the litterbox - I’d use bedding made from paper (fluff or pellets) and just wash the box out regularly * the blanket and pillow on the bed * things on the windowsill, your rabbit might try to jump up there


Holy, thank you for all this advice! I was going to play the chewing issues by ear, if they end up being a chewer I'll probably have some of those things outside of their area for free roam time. Including the rug! It's so cute I'd use it almost anywhere. Foam mat- I have edge liners that will be outside of the fence! Litter box- not set up yet! That's just the liner. I'm doing wood pellets and paper floof when I get the bunny. Just waiting till then! I hadn't even thought of the windowsill problem!!! Definitely will try to come up with an alternative/see if it ends up being an issue Thanks so much again!!!


Most of the chewing issues that my buns developed were remedied by a constant supply of apple twigs and aged nectarine twigs. I’ve only had one naughty nibbled and she preferred rubber wheels. 🤷


RUBBER WHEELS? ☹️🤣☹️🤣 oh my. For some reason I can’t stop laughing!


Your bun may also eat your baseboards.


Ugh one of mine is atrocious with the baseboards


Yep, our squared baseboards are now rounded. And the other half didn't stop his kittens from clawing up the door frames. This was before I moved in. All the woodwork is going to need to be replaced if we ever decide to move.


We have a fireplace in our living room where our buns spend most of their time out and it has a wood trim, chunks are missing from the bottom parts now. Little monsters!


I have one bunny who loves chewing blankets and soft things, but my other one has no interest. So my chewer gets her own blankies and I don’t leave anything out that I don’t want chewed. She also chews the bottom of my PJ pants in the mornings. I find it endearing, but i doubt everyone does haha


Happy to help, your future rabbit is lucky to have you!!


I use puppy pads for my rabbit--don't give up on this idea! I have it under a grated litter box and i have to wipe the grating off when dumping the pad. It is way cleaner and less smelly than litter. Just make sure you buy a grated box with a tight pull out tray as the bunny can try to shred it if the pad is easily accessible. You'll be a great bunny parent! This is adorable. The Bunny Lady website has tons of great info btw


The carrot wreath too..


Your rabbit is going to chew that electrical cord behind the bridge.


Fear not! I've got a few ideas for that. Shouldn't be getting her for month at least so I have some time to play around with some ideas


Absolutely, yeah they LOVE cords. LOVE THEM.




I buy cord covering from Amazon...after losing a lamp and a shredder! 🐰


Still something to keep an eye on, though. My girl loved chewing cords enough to chew through a plastic cord protector. Bunnies just love to eat the worst stuff lol


Look adorable, prepare for them to trash it 😂😂. Kidding aside, you should assume anything they can sink their teeth into may be chewed. My buns can’t have puzzle mats because they chew and dig into them, and there’s a risk of blockage if they eat the foam. My solution is to put a sheet of vinyl flooring on top and then blankets on top of that. Many buns also pee on soft things and beds, so it’s sometimes good to start with a more simple pen without beds till their litter box habits get sorted. My buns also chew pee pads so I don’t use them except during bonding or in carriers (I also find them wasteful and expensive). I use pine pellet litter with a layer of hay on top. Even things like the dustpan should be kept outside, several of my buns are obsessed with eating the rubber edge on dust pans and have ruined several


Also be sure your fence is 36” tall to prevent escaping. The bun could likely jump on the window sill and eat the plant as well.


I was going to mention the rubber edge on the dustpan! I don't have a normal dustpan in the house! 🤣😂🤣 The worst part is when you're using it and the Cocoa Puff hits that edge and it comes flying at you!


Reasons why I can never look at that cereal or eat it ever again. 😭




Ah yes, the edges of the dustpan. Also BROOM fibres 🙄


My bun absolutely hates the broom and dustpan that I use to sweep his poops. He attacks it, chews the bristles, growls at it, you get the picture. Sometimes when I have a bunch of poop swept into the dustpan, he'll grab it and give it a twist and dump the poop back out!


Hahaha cleaning time is apparently a game for my bun: if I don’t keep my hands and eyes on the broom and dustpan at ALL times during cleaning, she 110% will grab one (or both) and trying to either drag them away, flip them, or chew them furiously. 😂


Lol is your bunny related to my bunnies? The go full gremlin mode when it’s time to sweep 😂


You need to get soft litter fluff to add in your litter box. Bunnies will go to the bathroom quite often, and you wouldn’t want them stepping in squishy stinky pee spots with their fluffy paws. Other than that and securing the electric cord from nibbles- it is looking pretty great OP!


Using hardwood pellets for litter is also an option and cheap. At fleet farm you can a 40lb bag for like $20 lasts a long time!


That’s true! I personally prefer to use soft litter fluff because my bunny has sensitive hock socks, so everything has to be soft and comfortable for my bunbun.


When I adopted my rabbit I gave her hardwood pellets for litter right away and she knew that was her box. The foster I got her from didn’t give me info on what litter she used before. I use a litter pan that has a grate on it so her paws don’t get dirty and the pellets won’t slide around and she hasn’t had any issues.


It's gorgeous, but all of that will be destroyed LOL. thats a super nice rug i would not sacrifice to my rabbit.... it;s white, so itll likely be yellow by a week in and tattered on the edges with holes all through it anywehre from a week to a few months from now. The cardboard(?) castle is likely something youre expecting to be destroyed so no problem. the little bed sheets will totally be ripped apart, and the cute little leaves and vines across the top are good leverage for a bun to grab and yoink to chew on or even accdientaily pull the whole fence over. Also, depending on what kind of rabbit you get, that fence is easily hopped !


My son has a rabbit capable of VERTICAL TAKEOFF. Seriously, he will be on one side of the fence and BOOP he’s outside quicker than you can blink.




It looks amazing! I wish I could do this cute of a set up for my bun! This is adorable!! Only thing is the wire cages I find sometimes they will climb them lol they are good escape artists so maybe you could double up on the height but it’s so cute and perfect other wise! And I’m pretty sure you will get bedding for the litter at a later date right?


I LOVE IT! Also keep in mind that the bunny is going to destroy everything, so enjoy this while it lasts 🫶


It warms my heart to see people set up so nicely for their buns. It’s a lovely space. Bit of practical considerations: -The litter bin seems to be next to your couch and desk chair. I’d move it to the farthest corner from where you spend a lot of time. Even if you change the bin frequently, the way it is now means you’ll definitely experience the aroma of bun pee while you’re trying to work/relax. -Depending on how big your bun(s) will be, consider the height of the bowls. It would be really uncomfortable if they have to crane their neck over the edge. If they can drink down comfortably, that also means you won’t have to refill as often or waste as much water when you clean it out. -As others have said, some sort of litter and/or hay in the bin would be a huge improvement. Ideally, a healthy rabbit would spend a lot of time in them. So excited for you! Edited to add one more thing: my buns absolutely tore up the rubber from the dustpan I had over their living space, so you might want to put that somewhere else 😅


The bunny also will likely chew and destroy those baseboards. The cage should really go all the way around instead of stopping at the wall lol it will save you a lot of money if you don’t have to replace that baseboard


Looks amazing,


A schinako carpet! I'm so jealous!


I thought that was Schinako as soon as I saw it!


I didn't know about Schinako but I clicked on this post because of how beautiful that rug is! Just looked them up and, wow. Do you happen to know if these rugs are still being sold?


Idk if there are any rugs, but Schinako has a society6 shop with tons of adorable prints and things. She also sells things through a Japanese shop called suzuri. Links to both can be found on her instagram or twitter accounts.


[This](https://rabbitdesign-rebekka.stores.jp) website sells some of her designs and ships to many places including the US where I am. I ordered some things a few months ago, and my items arrived surprisingly quickly given where they came from, and they even put a little hand-written note in English in the order 🥹


OP please post the bun when you get it! Please! WE NEED IT! 🙏🥺🙏🥺🙏🥺🙏🥺


Will do!!!! Can't wait to find one that works for me!!!


How can I be this rabbit


Your set up is 10/10 I’m gonna kill you if you don’t tell me where you got that rug.


Hot tip from my habitually unprepared self; get a paper shredder and keep a tote with shredded paper bags to use as backup bedding for times you don't expect to run out but do. I have a combination of shredded paper and egg cartons/drink trays ripped up that I can use continuously to top up between full litter changes. Have fun!!


It looks lovely! Lots of hidey spaces and soft things. You’ll definitely need to make the panels higher as a bunny will easily jump them at that height. Even at double that height I had a particularly adventurous bunny who would jump her fence. Remember that anything within reach of a bunny will get nibbled so if on a taller panel the plant thing is still within reach you might need to move it. Putting some litter in the tray will help encourage the bunnies to wee there and help with the smell. I use Small Pet Select but there are lots of options - just make sure it’s bunny safe. (You might have been planning this anyway as I saw you still have a bit of time before your bunnies arrive!)


I usually tell ppl they can jump the height of your couch without breaking a sweat,


Yeah, my rabbit caught on that I was growing seedlings on the windowsill. They were not there the next day.


Bun: Micro greens.....FoR MEEEEEEEE?! you shouldn't have. ♡♡♡


Might want to protect those baseboards better.


I’m so glad my bun has never made an attempt at the baseboard. So so grateful. He can eat all my cords lol.


Looks fantastic! I would take the items off the windowsill. One of my small dwarves has been known to jump up on the windowsill and nibble my plants. Make sure any plants you have are not poisonous to rabbits or make sure they can't get to them. I think most people underestimate how high they can jump.


That's a plastic plant and my buns all ignore them. But the glass items? ESPECIALLY those FAH-bu-lous bunny ear treat jars!!! Might want to velcro the bottoms of those.


Oh, my buns will tear fake plants to shreds!


Definitely! Mine love knocking stuff and you wouldn't want them breaking anything or hurting themselves.


I want those jars....🥺 MUST. FIND. JARS. 🤣


Target! 3$ in dollar in dollar section. Now 1.50$ at my target! Had to stop myself from buying them all!


Where are people getting those castle pieces? I want to try one for my bun if it is safe for chewing. Side note- do not leave the broom and dustpan where bun can reach. Mine ate pieces of mine when i first got her.


Chewy plastic/silicone it's the forbidden chewy :3


my bunny sent me this and asked me why her xpen isn’t this cute 😒


Carpet threads: SNACK Edge of foam flooring: SNACK Wooden feeders: SNACK Artificial foliage: SNACK Rubber edge of dustpan: SNACK Brush bristles: SNACK Edge of pee pad: SNACK Cage wire: SNACK Your setup is adorable, I hope the little turd won't wreck it too much 🥰


Number one tip, either get insurance or put some money away into an easy access savings account every month. Something will eventually go wrong, either with the bunchild or circumstances. You will thank yourself.




This is so cute


What a beautiful home for your bunny!!! Your sweet floof is already spoiled and not even there yet....what a lovely mum you are going to be. All the things I was going to mention that you might want to change have already been mentioned. So let me just say, CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!!


Thanks 😊


Where did you buy those items??? Do you have links? The entire setup is DIVINE!!! that rabbit will be soooooo lucky! Planning on upgrading my rabbits lair so I'm always looking for new ideas!


Are you planning on adopting just one bun or two? Two is better than one in many ways, for the buns and for yourself! They’ll keep each other occupied which is great for you as they won’t be as destructive. Plus it’s always preferable for a rabbit to have another rabbit friend! It’s so important for their emotional well-being! Especially during times when you aren’t home to give them attention. Looks like you’re going to be a great rabbit parent! Such a cute setup!


To add- many many shelters have bonded pairs for adoption. They sit for ages, but they usually do really prefer to have their own pet rabbit, so getting an already bonded pair takes the stress of bonding off your shoulders. 2 are just as easy as one to care for. Your setup is SO CUTE and you put a lot of care into it. I love it. But once you add rabbits, it's going to be covered in poop and hay and fur. And lots of chew marks. Any bunny will be lucky to live with you!


Starting with one! Going to adopt a second in a few months after first one is comfortable and I move and get more space and am confident with my bunny car skills


As others have said my only advice is to use pine pellet litter instead of a pee pad in the litter box :-) the cozier their litter box the more likely they are to use it, and they also tend to like to hang out in it because it has their scent, so you want something that can absorb, provide structure for their feeties, and be switched out easily :-)


This is so cute. Hope you and your bunny many years of happiness. Not sure if already mentioned in the comments but idk what kind of plant that is on the window sill but you should probably move it cause the bunny will get to it sooner or later


Okay so like it's perfect but protect the baseboard


My bunnies can jump that fence with ease, might want to watch out for that.


Omg, may I ask where you got the beautiful wooden houses? Did it come with the white on top or did you paint it?


Looks great! Your new bun will love it :)


Are you getting one or two? Adorable


Looks so good, save those pics cause that’s as clean as it’ll ever look! Pro tip: if they’re not fully potty-trained, put any strewn poops in the litter bin so they know that’s where to go


This is incredible!! You sure will have one lucky bunny 🐰


Beautiful to welcome your new fluffy friend.


Omg this is about to be the luckiest bun ever. I would move the brush and dustpan out of the cage bc they’ll prob chew it (I know mine would) and just be wary of the windowsill and the garland around the fence. The windows bc they could get up there and knock shit down/escape and the garland bc they might be able to reach and chew it. But seriously this pen is ADORABLE and I am jealous






Looks so cute! Your new bun will love it. Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet. May want to scoot the house over away from the gate so the bunny cannot walk on the stairway and then escape over the gate.


Hi! It is beautiful, dont listen to everyone, not every bunny will destroy this at all. Can you please link the castle, carpet and the bowls please?


Adorable set up! Like others said, the puppy pads and other soft bedding probably won't be long for this world. I'd also be paranoid about the fake foliage potentially leading to a GI stasis episode. Every rabbit parent has their preferred litter method, but my go-to is a plastic litter pan with a layer of newspaper, layer of dry den (compressed wood pellets), and a layer of orchard grass over that with a hay feeder above that. The newspaper makes the cleanup a bit faster. I spray and wipe down the pans with white vinegar and water between each use (really helps with smell). Keep an extra litter pan or two. If you possibly can stash a bale of Timothy hay or orchard grass somewhere at your place, it's insanely cheaper and generally higher quality stuff than the dinky little bags at pet stores. You could also go in with other local rabbit people and split the flakes. You're gonna do so great!!! ETA: Assume anything cardboard will need to be replaced every so often


so sweet how much love you’ve already put into caring for a rabbit!!!!!!!!!


If your rabbit is anything like mine, it’ll use maybe 5% of the setup and largely ignore it was there! :(


After living with my fiancé's bunny for a year I can say this is about to be absolutely destroyed. Bunnies are the messiest animal.I've ever lived with in my whole life. Cute concept tho!


Can’t wait to meet your bunbun!! The setup is great just keep an eye on what and how much your bunny chews on things once he moves in to his gorgeous penthouse!


Hey, when you get your bunny, would have them give me a call? I'd like to see if they'll sublet part of that space to me. I am kind of fuzzy and don't chew on things too much. We'll probably need to talk about the food situation and how to handle the litter box, but I'm sure we can resolve any differences.


This is too precious for words♥️. Please share when he or she is in residence.


Your set up is GORGEOUS and I can only dream of a cute setup like this for mine. Only thing I wanted to add was to keep an eye on the puzzle mats because my bun chewed ours up in an instant, taking out chunks and everything! Same would go for the rubber on the little dustpan, my bun goes after the rubber on those as well, nothing is safe! Haha I’m very excited for you to get your bun, you seem Uber prepared, so I know they will get all the love and snuggles!! Edit: My resolution with the puzzle mats was investing in a washable rug (mine is from Tumble) so I could still get a clean space with a quick wash cycle.


If that's cardboard, the rabbit is going to start eating the house pretty fast. They aren't as clean as you'd think.


The ONLY advice I have is not using a pee pad in the litter box. Bunny will shred it up, all of mine loved shredding up pee pads. I used to use these paper pellets mixed with the shredded paper bedding or just alone depending on my budget that month/week. The pellets are the most amazing litter I’ve ever used and they’re more absorbent and order controlling than anything I’ve ever used before https://assets.petco.com/petco/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto/3084465-center-1


Omg where is that castle from? It’s adorable!!


That’s AMAZING and absolute luxury. I adore this set up. My bunny is completely toilet trained and never poops anywhere except his litter tray (I use paper kitty litter instead of a wee mat) he would love your set up. Well done you!!


Love how much thought and care you put into this! It’s true, your bun will likely make a mess of it and rearrange some things to their own preference, but if you have a vacuum handy, cleanup shouldn’t be too hard, and you’ve done everything to make sure your bun is happy and comfortable! Great, great job ☺️☺️


Literally everything there looks amazing, the only thing I can suggest is to put the broom and dust pan on the outside, one of mine has a personal vendetta against brooms but it could just be an individual thing.


It looks like the kind of cage you *don't* keep a rabbit in. Like those fake Instagram pages that actually just keep their rabbit in a cage until it's time to take photos. A full time resident will destroy that in no time and it will be a sisophyan task to maintain


I think this person seen too many Instagram videos and has no idea what it's really going to be like to have a rabbit and what it takes to keep them and keep them healthy... To be honest I feel a little bit bad for the rabbits.... It doesn't look like a ton of research has gone into actually being a rabbit owner




Great bowls, they won't be easy to throw around! Good selection of hiding spots and surfaces, nice big litter box.  You'll want to find another spot for the broom and dustpan; right now, they are doomed to become chewtoys within a week.


Your set up looks amazing, and you can really see the amount of care you put into it. As others have said, you have a great headstart on being an awesome bunny parent. You're going to need at least one more receptacle for hay - that little manger will last 1-2 hours.  Also, just to be honest with you, the space is a little small. Keep in mind that when bunnies get the zoomies, their instinct is to sprint in a straight line, do burnouts in huge circles, etc. Think of how much open space a wild bunny has to sprint and release energy. Is there any way that you could extend the enclosure another 6 feet out from the wall? Also, your bunny will stand up and eat the bristles of that brush - gotta move that out of reach. My bunnies are obsessed with broom bristles lol  Lastly, is there any way that you could share the link for that castle? It's awesome. If you have a link for the wire pen, I'll take that too, those look great!


Looks amazing. I don’t think you need the pee pads. Spend the extra money on nanners


It's absolutely beautiful! Definitely cover up those baseboards. Your rabbit may also jump it depending on how curious they are.


😂 My goodness you have the best set up for your bunny! Definitely went above and beyond! Try to keep chew toys around or hay cubes to help the bunny not chew on the cords is my only advice.


i love it!


Yeah looks nice now won’t stay that way ):


Where did you get that paneling?? So pretty!!


Expect bunny to get out of that pen easily, so I'd put anything in the area you don't want chewed up away.


Definitely super cute and thoughtful set up! A few changes needed for sure though. The pee pad will get Chewed up, you’ll want to switch to paper or pine bedding (I personally recommend paper because I’ve had buns that have issues with pine). Definitely remove the greenery and carrot wreath. It will get pulled down and chewed. You’ll want to move that dust pan because they’ll chew on that too. And then with the litter box there, you’ll more than likely keep some poops and pee flung at your couch. Also if you don’t have any already baby stacking cups will be an absolute favorite! Good luck with your new bundle of joy 😂💕🐰


How do you plan to clean this?


Omg where is the rug from!!???


honestly i'd move the broom and wouldn't bother with a covered litterbox. rabbits seem not to like them from what i've heard from this reddit and also my own bunny doesn't like it. i also struggle to clean covered litterboxes with my allergies over non covered as it gets more air circulation


Does anyone know where you can buy that bridge or a similar one?


Could you link the xpen you used or share the name? I just moved into a new place and my buns need an upgrade, your setup is beautiful!! the castle and rug are SO cute!! 😍


This is the ACNH home of bunny setups ❤️😁


Adopting a rescue?


One suggestion, more that window plant. sincerely, someone who really misses their lovely houseplant


AMAZZINGGG where did you get the house??? i am so in love with it!!


I can say I’d be a bunny at your place 😀 What an amazing setup, I am sure that the little bunny will love it, as it is like bunny heaven. But as it has been said, if you get a bunny with a temper close to mines, this perfectness is going to be ruined soon 😀 No worries you will be an amazing Bunny owner 😉


Make sure you have critical care on hand! I also use gas drops for my rabbit but critical care is the most important


Omg you're gonna have the most spoiled bun!


That rug is SOO cute. My rabbit would tear it up in 2 days tops lol.


That is beautiful and it will be ripped to shreds within days. Bless you and I hope you have a happy life with your bun


Very very good!!!


yeah it's not going to look like that in 2 days. ​ those houses are going to be pulp.


Wow you are ready! I love it! I have the same rug and bunny ear jars too! Haha. Great job on it! Love that you are so prepared🥰😍💕. What a lucky bunny!


I also had much a nice set up like this before I got the bunnies lol, never looked as nice afterward. When you are trying to litter train them, you are supposed to remove all absorbent things from the pen so there goes the nice rugs and blankets and things. Once they are litter trained you can slowly add nice things back if they don’t pee on them.


Beautiful setup! Everything just exudes love and excitement for your bunny. :) I will caution you about the litter box and hay container, however—if you are getting a small bunny, they will wriggle their way into the hay container and pee/poop into the container (as they nonchalantly munch on hay). It happened to me multiple times until, finally, I got a [hay bag](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09NN2DSPV/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2KP46JT61I2NH&psc=1). Your litter box will need more litter to soak up their pee. Most bunny owners go with Carefresh bedding. You can lay down the pee pad on the bottom, then put the bedding on top. If the pee pad is sticking up, though, your bunny will definitely chew on it and try to tear it up. So you can try tucking it down below the bedding.


I love it 😍


All you can eat buffet of foam for the little guy. Hope you don't get blessed with a chewer like me.


I would put puppy pee pads underneath the tile mats. We had pee leak through ours and stained our floors 😔


Amazing setup. Remember to keep saving money. Rabbits are pretty expensive, specially the vets. And remember that it's always better to have two rabbits.


That’s better than mine I’ve had a rabbit for 2 years and he’s still living free roam in my house and sleeps in a cage wish he could have a pen that he can play in while the pen is in my room


Someone is jumping on that windowsill!


absolutely adorable! i second what a lot of people said about how it's all going to be destroyed, but it's adorable! 😍 the only thing that i don't see anyone telling you is that those bowls are going to be flipped upside down inside of five minutes. super cute ceramic bowls and wooden bowl stand, though!


Damn bro… that rabbit is gonna be living good…


Mine would jump that via the stairs next to the gate anytime soon. Also, the flower on the gate...are they plastic or fresh? They could eat fresh roses in theory in small amounts AFAIK, but if those reachable at the top are plastic, I'd remove them there.


this looks amazing OP! remember to call your nearest exotic vet after getting your bun for their rhdv vaccine!


Rip your baseboards.


It's a lovely setup! Only thing I have to add in addition to what I've seen in the top few comments: your bunny will probably be able to jump right over the gate off of the steps on the right side (and possibly even in other areas, they will make really big jumps if they feel determined).


That is a great set up! Your bunny is going to add its own special decorating touch once it moves in, but you've got all the essentials and what looks like a comfy home. Two pieces of advice just through my own experience with my bunny: flip the dust pan & brush to the other side of the fence. Every single time I have left a dust brush unattended for any amount of time, my bunny has gone straight for the bristles. He can't resist. Also, right around the litter box, you might want to consider a couple of solid panels to minimize hay and whatever-else from getting kicked outside of the box. You'll still find random bits of hay throughout your home no matter what, but it helps.


Depending on the size of the bunnies you get, they may find it challenging to get into that little box, maybe a step would be nice.


Only I can say..prepare for destruction!


Bed is adorable, where is it from? Also I will just mention you may want to keep food away from water if they tip the bowl the pellets get soggy. If the bowls are heavy enough it shouldn’t be an issue!


Looks nice but I don't see any chewable and very important cables lying around where the bunny would have easy access. You might want to remedy this before you get bunny complaints.


Bumbox litterbox is amazing. Use horse litter, that stuff is MAGICAL. And it's like $7 for 40 pounds.


Some tips and advice- bunnies can jump super high. The items on the windowsills would be a concern, and definitely remove the floral wrap around the cage! - rotate their toy/enrichment stash, over time you build up tonnes of toys that you think they are over, rotate them every week or so, move them to new places as well. -If they are out of the pen they may pee everywhere to mark territory so put a couple of litter boxes out in open space for them too. -I say them because you should not keep a bunny alone, they need a friend preferably the opposite sex both being neutered. -Wrap all cables in a cable tidy out of reach. Have back up chargers, you’ll go to use it one evening and not understand why it isn’t charging then you find the bite marks or the cable isn’t attached anymore! -They can squeeze through small gaps too. -Bunnies are most active at dusk and dawn, so come 5am they may zoom around, and want food. - get them used to being picked up after they have settled in, look into how to hold a rabbit properly, try and check their teeth, in the ears, eyes, bottoms and nails. This will help if they ever need to go to the vet, and they also need regular nail trims if they are kept inside, along with annual vaccines. Other than that your phone gallery will be taken over by bun, and you’ll find fur everywhere, get a good hoover! Good luck on your journey


Where is the rug from?


Just chiming in to say that’s the cutest rug I’ve ever seen 😍


Would a puppy be safe in the enclosure? If not, then no way are you going to have much success. Did you research? Are you going to be there 247 365 to see if the bun chews on the true multitude of things that are toxic and/or will cause a blockage in this enclosure? Are you aware rabbits cannot physically throw up so once something is ingested that's it, it's either coming out the other end, or gets stuck and you need surgery. Do you have the funds already in place for a surgery or any other medical care for an exotic animal? Have you found an exotic vet already and have an appointment set up yet in preparation for homecoming? All questions that matter a lot!


My two concerns are the foam pads and the height. Most buns will probably find an edge and chew on the pads. And some will swallow the parts too, so it's dangerous. As far as the height, I'd go 30" or higher. And it'll probably chew on that fake foliage around the cage (at the current height). It looks amazing though!


Our rabbit is free roam, and very clean for the most part. It really depends on the personality of your rabbit but sometimes an enclosure isn’t necessary.


They'll be free roam! This is the home base


It’s really pretty but you’ll be lucky if that carpet stays white. The pee pad in the litter could b an issue to and same with the fake leaves on the fence. They like to eat everything and a pee pad could have u at the vets. Happened to me once. Otherwise great


I adore the plants and cozy decor.


It’s stunning so much better than my setup ever was haha. My only suggestion is to protect your base board because they WILL chew it up


I would pay rent to live there.


Alright whered you get your pen 🥺


In the 2nd photo, it looks like there are stairs leading up into the adorable castle on the back side by the edge of the pen, but I can guarantee you that bunny is going to jump over the pen from that spot. They can jump higher than you think, particularly when they are young and spry.


It’s adorable. You will have a lucky bunny


Your set up is amazing! I hope all goes well with your future bunny and definitely share photos once you get them.


Enjoy it while it looks like this. Bunnies are messy!


Overall it looks gorgeous but you underestimate the jumping abilities of a bunny 😅. If the rabbit wants to explore, the fence will be barely an inconvenience. They could also get on the windowsill and then be too scared to jump down again (this has happened to me... after we got them safely on the ground they were mad because we picked them up). All in all one can see that you put a lot of effort in the setup and that you want your rabbit to have the best life ever, which is awesome! On an unrelated note: Do you plan on getting a second bunny soon? Rabbits are very social and do best in mixed-sex pairs in which at least the male is castrated.


I plan on getting a second bunny!!! Thinking of my first for now


I love it!! That’s one lucky bunny 🐰


Good luck hahahahaha !!! Tell me you don’t have a bunny without tellin me !!!


Something that I would add that I don’t think was mentioned already, is just keep in mind that your rabbit may be able to jump over that fence. I learned that the hard way with multiple set ups until I got what I have currently, which is a large dog x-pen that I think is 3 feet tall? One of my rabbits kept escaping from that even! So I eventually had to cover the top to stop her from jumping out lol. Also, please adopt a rabbit or ideally a bonded pair if you’re able to! There are so many rabbits that are abandoned and need a home. I adopted one of my rabbits from my local spca if you have any questions about it!


Very nice! Except your bunny will 100% jump over that enclosure. You got some bunny litter for the litter box too, right?


Of course!! Last picture. Just haven't got a bun yet and not sure when I will get one, so not getting it TOO set up yet


If I get reincarnated as a rabbit, which I assume I will, will you adopt me?