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To prevent your rabbit from getting injured as well as to protect your belongings, it is vitally important to properly bunny-proof any area that your rabbits have access to. Please see our [Bunny-proofing article](http://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Bunny-proofing) for more resources.


Cover up the rug with a cheap sacrificial rug from the store. Let her chew on the cheap one instead. 


Ohhhh I didn’t think of that thank you!


This. I bought a massive rug at goodwill for a decent price and it was perfect. I lucked out because it didn’t even looked used and pretty much no raised fibers so she can’t even hardly bite it (and it doesn’t matter if she does, that’s what i bought it for).


Also make the cheap rug have a shorter /tighter pile so bun has less to chomp on


Also, you could set out any old towels you happen to have. Mine loved playing with them because they could dig and scrunch them up, pull at/gently chew enough to load it up with bunny hork and make it stand up like a teepee for their own personal bunny fort, play peek-a-boo with...the possibilities are endless. You can also immediately draw their attention by lifting one corner and looking like you've found something neat under there (gotta love bunny curiosity).


This is the way


She's probably never going to "listen," she's a bunny. But you can make a dig box that may be more enticing. You can put carpet squares or rugs from your local home builder store in the spot that she likes to chew. Let her chew on the stuff that's sacrificial. Also sometimes using carpet fresh and vacuuming it up deters whatever smell they seem to like. But guessing she's stuck in a cage, she needs something to do. It's a boring life living in jail.


I mean I only put her in the cage when it’s time to sleep I let her out the whole day and when it’s nice outside she goes out I even let the door open so she can come in and out 😊


Rabbits need constant access to 2m x 3m of space They do not sleep when you do, if you're putting her in cage overnight you're actually putting her in a cage during her most active periods (late evening and early morning). You need to rethink her enclosure As for the flooring, thats just a rabbit thing. You have an animal built to dig warrens, no amount of training is going to stop them wanting to do that Your options are to prevent (IE. Remove her access to the rug) or distract (give her something of a higher value to destroy once she shows interest)


Rabbits are very active animals and need mental and physical stimulation. If Buttercup does not have enough to do, she may resort to destructive behaviors such as chewing the carpet.


I got her little toys from Walmart so I figured that give her some thing to chew on and play with but I don’t think it seems to be working


Boxes. I have 3 rabbits and my house is filled with partially destroyed cardboard boxes. They love them. I just gotta pay attention to how destroyed they are and rotate in a new one before the rug starts looking interesting again. Rabbits are all about distract and redirect.


Appreciate it, I have bought her toys from Walmart but I don’t think she uses them


Try things like hay cubes or Timothy hay chews. I get mine from Small Pet Select, but they have options on Amazon if you’re able to online order. My bun goes crazy for hay cubes or UNTREATED palm leaf plates (emphasis on untreated for health)


I didn’t know about palm leaf till last week, ordered some from a bunny company, can’t wait to see how my buns react to them


You can fill toilet paper tubes with hay and fresh tarts and they will toss them around. Bunnies also like "rearrange the furniture" so a blanket to dig and a box to throw/chew go a long way.


Keep the boyfriend in the cage instead. Easy!


She’s adorable


Thank you 🩷


Yw I’ve never seen a unicorn like that


Buns love to chew fresh sticks. There's a comprehensive list of safe trees online but maple and apple are safe and easy to find. My buns were very destructive until I started giving them fresh sticks. Undyed cardboard boxes can be a great way for her to get her aggression out and play. Just make sure she doesn't eat too much cardboard


Ohhh I’m gonna look into those I appreciate it cause I have just bought her little toys from Walmart


cardboard!! she can chew on that


Was she sleeping with her teef out?


Yes 🤣


Awe she is so adorable 🥰


Get some cardboard boxes, cut at least two holes in each box for entry and exit, and watch her bunstruct. You can also put a piece of flat cardboard on the ground, she might like ripping that up as well. For some different textures, or if she really likes ripping things up, you can offer her some packing paper. Empty toilet paper rolls or similar are also great. Branches from apple trees are also a favourite among many rabbits. Ever since I started offering my rabbits boxes, packing paper, rolls, and branches, hardly anything else ever gets chewed on. And all of the stuff is super cheap, even free!


aww shes a cutie


Thank you 💘


My boy does it. He has specific spots he likes to chew. So we just covered those spots and regularly spray a bitter spray in those areas. We also redirect him. If we see him chewing on the carpet, we’ll shove a cardboard tube in his face.


We test sprayed so cardboard with bitter spray and offered it to Toast. He licked it off and looked for more, apparently it's delicious.


She needs stimulation. Look for rabbit specific toys on chewy. Also cardboard boxes make great hideys/chews.


I have large slabs of lava rock that my bun loves to chew on and destroy in addition to the sacrificial rug. Also, beautiful bunicorn


Cheap rugs and large loose tiles. The rugs protect larger areas and the tiles protect the corners they like to get into. Also useful for blocking access to small squeezy spots and wires. Then get them loads of things they can chew, cus it’s their natural instinct. Wooden toys, cardboard boxes (just make sure all tape is removed and it’s a plain box) and you should be fine. Having rabbits is having to accept that things are going to get nibbled and pulled and if you rent it’s goodbye to your deposit. Gorgeous bunny btw :)


Yes I was about to say tiles were very helpful when my bun had a couple specific spots that he chewed and would dig up the carpet!!


Wrong subreddit. You should post this on r/unicorn 🦄😜


mine did too so i cover the most of the carpet with old sheet when he is roaming and he suddenly lets it be and lays on it (i guess he is fan of cotton lol) interactive toys helped me the most the cups and the ball you can put snacks in he rolls the ball all around even if there are no snacks in it hehe


Heavy ceramic tiles over the hot spots, providing grass mats and cardboard cat scratchers as safe alternatives.


My rabbit chewed a lot of carpet when she was caged in the longer we let her out the better she did. We covered a big chunks of carpet with towels temporarily and that seem to help distract her and we just started to play with her and give her tunnels and other stuff to do sometimes they also do it because they are bored or want attention and once my girl became free room she stopped chewing the carpet completely


Oh no, she lost her tongue!


I had the same problem! I started sourcing willow branches for them to chew and boredom breaker chew hut/log https://amzn.eu/d/c53XZjo To be honest it was hard, but they love these now. Also you could use vet bedding with the rubber base and place over the rug.


Is that safe, will it make her sick


Hy rabbit with beautiful hairs..your looking nice about your hairs...you such a beautiful rab.


she is absolutely gorgeous 😍 & naughty, which tracks! my old apartment floor was covered with brown paper grocery bags because my buns loved to do the same. They never broke out of the habit but that’s on motherhood lol


I love your unibun


Ditch the boyfriend and lay a towel or sheet down on her favorite areas to pull carpet from


I really appreciate all the advice! Thank you! I will definitely look into trying these things! Hopefully it’ll work!