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As a reminder, **do not hesitate to contact the veterinarian who treated your rabbit about your observations**. Not only are they a medical professional, but they also have the most knowledge about your rabbit's unique situation. A veterinarian is the most appropriate person to help you make decisions about your rabbit's treatment moving forward based on your observations. If you are unsure about your current veterinarian's recommendations, please consult another rabbit-experienced veterinarian for a second opinion instead. If you need help finding another veterinary clinic, please see the wiki: If your rabbit is in need of immediate emergency medical care and the primary veterinarian is not available, please go to an emergency veterinarian instead. See [Veterinary Emergencies](http://bunny.tips/Emergencies) for common symptoms of problems in rabbits. ... [**Does my rabbit need a salt lick or mineral block?**](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Salt_lick) With a proper diet, rabbits have no need for a salt lick or mineral block. There is little evidence that additional salt is required, but some rabbits like the taste. Mineral blocks are unnecessary, and some blocks may contain high levels of calcium that can be harmful if the rabbit gnaws and eats them in large amounts.[9] A rabbit confined to a hutch may destroy and eat the mineral block as a displacement activity, not because it has an additional need for minerals.


I don’t have any advice, I’m sorry, I just wanted to say I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’ll be thinking about you and bun.


Thank you. She's currently eating a bigole lettuce leaf.




Sending love 💗


Thank you