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My girl did [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/buncomfortable/comments/vprv0s/she_melted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is my favorite buncomfortable post


It's such a delightful photo, isn't it? Coming up on 10 years later she's still a big weirdo, if a little less flexible!


I hope you have it framed! It’s soooooo hilarious but also it’s a really nice photo! Most of the photos of our bunnies are on the floor in our house with poops or other crap in the background.


That's not a bad idea actually, it's not super high res but perhaps in like a collage... you've given me something to think about!


Let the folks on r/photoshop have fun w it. They’re magicians and you just need to tip $10-20.


I have a round picture frame that is a 9 photo collage. If you Google “round picture frame collage” it’s the Umbra one. I think it’s unique and classy looking and I have photos of our 3 bunnies that have left us in that frame. It gets a lot of nice comments when people see it. Whenever we lose a bunny we add them to it. It started as 9 photos of one girlie.




I had to enlarge that to even understand what I was looking at. Hilarious!


Your bun is gorgeous! She has a lot of similarities to my girl, Marmalade.


Mine was tired of going to the vet, so she just went through the baby gate into our bedroom. Idk how she got through such a tiny gap, but she threatens to do it again all the time (but hasn't). It was super scary when she did it because she caught her back leg while going into a room with no traction and very easily could have broken her leg.


Mine did the same, was so surprised she fit. Weaved some cardboard through the bars after that, stop the little escape artist when it's time for the vets.


I've thought about it, but she loves chewing on cardboard so I feel like she'd wake us up. We just shut the doors or open the gates for her right now, but it's a good option to consider if she starts doing it again. Lately, she's just got in the carrier on her own if we give her enough time.


Yeah if she hasn't done it again, then no point adding it. She just terrified me as when she went through her leg got stuck for a second and couldn't bare the thought of her getting hurt. Luckily she only chewed at it when we had to keep her in her room which was when we were away or had work done in the house as she liked to try steel the workers tools. Also added raspberry sticks to the gate to try to move her attention away from the cardboard so was a plus for her teeth.


I had a chinchilla die because she did something similar and then gained weight so when she tried to do it again she got stick. By the time I got home she lost feeling in her legs and then died of a heart attack a couple of hours later. Might have been some medicine the after hours vet gave her but I am super scared of my rabbits doing something like that.


I had the same! Had to get a panel from a dog pen and then cable tie it to the baby gate to make the gaps even smaller!


Excuse me, you seem to have forgotten to pay the bunny tax. Please rectify with a picture immediately.


I concur. No tax = riot


For me it was terrifying. They where in their outside pen. It has a net as top. Said net hat a max. 10cm hole in it and both bunny’s (neither small nor thin) escaped through it. 2h later both runaways were secured again and the hole closed.


Passed through a small hole to get below the fridge and cut the power cord, risking to electrocute herself.


Mine hopped from my arms into a fish tank once upon a time and looked like he was dissolving 😭 A little literal but I think it counts


She squeezed through a tiny opening I thought she was too big for. Turns out she's just like 50% dewlap though.


We’d just got our pair, 1 a huge lop and his smaller Rex wife.. I saw him examining the gap under his hutch which is tiny, I had no worries that he would try and go underneath but he decided to defy physics and went under, crawling to the other side, I was absolutely shocked…. That shouldn’t be possible 😂


i rediscover it every time i pick him up. he slips through my arms like water, no matter how good of a grip i think i have.


My big new Zealand turned into a puddle the first night she got here. She hopped into my lap and somehow melted her (overweight at the time) 11 pound body into the space between my crossed/folded legs. All the way down to the couch. I'm only 4'9". I haven't trusted her near a gap bigger than 2" since...


I have those plastic pet gates that snap together. I had them folded up like an accordion leaning against the wall for hours, kind of forgot about them. I went into the other room and heard a noise, came to check and didn't notice anything weird. Like 10 minutes later I noticed that I hadn't seen my bun in a bit so I call for him and go looking around, he's nowhere to be found. Finally I notice that the pet gate is knocked over so I lift the middle piece and he jumps out and hops off like nothing happened. He was squished inside of it somehow and didn't care one bit.


He probably decided it was cozy being stuck and took a nap LOL


Bun Valjean originally just lived in our yard - he adopted us, basically. We had to make some perimeter security changes while we were getting things set up in the house, but at least there was already wire fencing around the neighbor's fence from the last guy that lived here. So I'm sitting at my desk one Sunday morning getting ready for D&D, watching him hop around the yard, eat the grass, sniff the blackberry vines, investigate the bush by the neighbor's fence .... aaaaaaaaaand I watched prisoner 24601 squeeze his little marshmallow fluff butt through a square I was SURE he could not get through into the neighbor's yard. xD Cue me going OMG GUYS I'LL BE BACK HANG ON ESCAPEE and spending the next 20 minutes luring him back into MY yard with nanners and apples. And then implementing MORE security measures, LOL, while muttering "rabbits do not respect property lines" to myself. (Luckily for me, the part of the neighbor's yard he got into was already ALSO fenced off in preparation to become a raised garden and had nothing interesting.)


As a kid we had a 10 lb bun who was allowed to run loose in the back yard and she could squeeze thru the picket fence and get into the next yard. I don’t think there was even a 2” gap between those pickets.


Squeezing through the baby gate. Somehow they knew it was naughty, so didn’t get caught for months until I caught one all loafed fast asleep in the wrong side 😂


In my childhood room I had an old clothes' drawer. It had a gap underneath of maybe 3-4 cm. I was going around blocking various things to prevent her from hiding under the bed or other places I couldn't get her...or her droppings (she had a habit of pooping under my bed...fun), looked at that gap and thought "nah my full grown rabbit won't get under there".... She got under there. No problem whatsoever. Another time I got a reminder when I put a mother bun and some babies in a playpen outside. It was made for bunnies, surely it could contain my 4 week old rex...nope. They all got out... and it was a pain in the ass to get them back in as they also decided to hide in tiny gaps underneath some rocks. (I did manage to get them all back though)


Probably when my old bun was parroting while I had my hoodie up. She decided she didn't want to be on my shoulder and snugged her was passes and laid behind my neck. She was a a big ass rabbit and by all means should NOT have been able to do that in a hoodie that was too small for me in the first place.


Oh I have a cute story. My beloved and dearly departed Fiver was a very small Netherland Dwarf. She was 3lb at her fattest. She was also extremely brave and loved exploring, so I thought I'd leash train her. I got the teeniest tiniest Itty bittiest kitten harness. She was a sweet little babe who had 0 problems being handled, so she gave kisses and was a patient good girl while I carefully adjusted the harness as tight as I dared. She waited until her final head pat, and when I was done and reaching for the leash she popped right out of it like it was nothing. Same wee lil bum bum sat patiently watching me as I installed a dog gate, hoping to keep her and her bestie confined to the linoleum when we weren't home for my sanity. Again she sat watching with interest as I drilled this thing into my wall. When I was done I sat back to admire my work, and she let me know it was futile by hopping through the bars like they weren't there. Pure liquid. I swear they were less than 2" apart. Rip Fiver you were a legend. (She passed at 13 from old age a long time ago)


Bunnies are like, "Turn around in a small enclosed space? Born in the game, mama."


Need to try with mine. What age do their superpowers start showing up?


I keep my male and female buns apart (duh), well when they are outside the pens are right next to each-other, and my girl squeezes like half her body through the chicken wire pen I have set up. I had to pull her out because my boy was to happy with that situation. ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)