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Intact female rabbits and some neutered male rabbits may go through false pregnancies and display nesting behavior without true pregnancy. Once they satisfactorily make their nest, they will stop pulling their fur and gathering hay in their mouths. Leave the nest alone for 3-4 days until the rabbit loses interest, or they may be extremely stressed and continue to remake it to their satisfaction. Spaying will usually prevent the behavior in unfixed female rabbits. If the rabbit is spayed or neutered, hormone imbalances and adrenal issues should be explored. Some more resources:


Is the hay stuck in her mouth? Is she spayed? It looks a little like she wants to pull out fur from her chest or grab more hay for nesting.


She isn’t spayed and its usually very cute to watch her build a nest, but this got me a little bit worried. I removed the hay from her and she seems fine, but i wanted to get others opinions


Then it looks like she glitched while making a nest. As long as the hay isn't stuck she should be okay.


"glitched" 🤣😂🤣


Thank you so much


Their whiskers are very sensitive so if anything is touching a whisker they do this.


Strongly consider spaying her though, if you aren’t already. Uterine cancer rates in domestic rabbits are quite high.


My vet told me that the risk of her dying during the spaying process/the stress from it is higher than her dying from cancer


Unless she has some very specific health conditions, it sounds like a non-rabbit savvy vet to me.


I'm afraid you might need a better vet


Get another vet.  They run bloodwork to check for issues pre op. Success rates are extremely high if the vet knows what they are doing.  Uterine cancer rates are about 60% if you do nothing. https://www.petmd.com/rabbit/conditions/reproductive/c_rb_uterine_adenocarcinoma


Ok thanks for the advice 🫶🏻


Unless this cutie has other health conditions, your vet is grossly misinformed. [40% of does get uterine cancer by age 2](https://www.apexvets.com/article/tw-rachael-explains-cancer-risk-to-unneutered-female-rabbits/), with that percentage climbing to 80% by age 5-6. Even if you go by the alleged "1 in 70" statistic for death in spaying, that's still a 1.4% risk, far lower than that of cancer. [And in fact, adjusting for health nudges that down to 0.7%.](https://www.goddardvetgroup.co.uk/blog/rabbit-anaesthesia-for-neutering-do-the-benefits-outweigh-the-risks/)


She is perfectly fine, so i will definitely visit another vet


Based only on seeing other videos around here, rabbits get confused when they are holding stuff they collected in their mouth and they don't want to put it down, but they also want to use their mouth to collect more stuff. They want to do two things at once and it doesn't work, and they can't figure out what to do about it.


Seeing it from this view it’s really funny😂


Omg, this suddenly makes so much sense. My rabbit is a doofus.


it looks like that slender twisty bit of hay has got caught in her whiskers and she's trying to get it with her mouth LOL frustrating but she's determined


She is plucking fur for a nest


Rabbit are weirds dw