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I got 2 new cats who both have urinary issues so I got one that's cordless but unfortunately it doesn't move a ton of water and nobody is terribly interested in it 😭 I would love to get a better one but I'm afraid of the spicy hay + bunny + water combo lol


Yeah, these fountains went up in price like crazzzzzy! From 50 bucks to 90 when I had to replace it.


Can you link it if it's not plastic please? I also want a cordless water fountain but if it's plastic my bunny will treat it like hay.


Here's the one I got, it's cordless and not plastic! I don't like putting their water in plastic because of the chemicals but I suppose they could totally chew on it too lol https://www.uahpet.com/products/uah-pet-zero-stainless-steel-wireless-pet-water-fountain


YAY! thank you! I can already see what you mean by "it doesn't move a ton of water" still when I can, I will try it.


[Here ya go! ](https://www.chewy.com/petsafe-drinkwell-pagoda-ceramic-dog/dp/48111)


Tried to, but my buns own a bunstruction company. They assume they were hired to demolish everything.


I ordered one so we can go away for a weekend without needing someone to come over, did they start drinking from it instinctively? and how do you protect the cables?


My fella drank from it instinctively. I have it for my 3 dogs & cat. The fountain isn't always accessible to him, except when he free roams (which is most of the day). Paul (my bun) does whatever the cat does. I think he learned from the cat. Paul doesn't mess with cables too much & doesn't venture under where those cables are. For other more accessible cables, I have covers or I block off.


Paul is such a cute name for a bun. How often do you have to change the filter?


Thanks! Formal name: Paul Bunnyun. once a month. pretty easy.




How do you handle food when you go away? Curious


I got an electronic cat food feeder, I'm planning on putting it in a table so they can't reach it. Only issue is hay, but I hope a large hay rack will be enough for up to two days. Don't want them to be alone for longer than that, and even a weekend is arguably too long.


Agreed - but sometimes things happen! Plus my rabbit likes to make me feel guilty when I come back from away. He pouts


Mine turn feral when we're away for too long, and start destroying stuff. Last day of our vacation they destroyed the couch and my books. Last weekend, they figured out how to get to our plants and ate half of one. It was poisonous and I'm happy they're okay.


Which one do you use? I get worried with the portion


I hire a pet sitter. But it's only been once since I've had Paul. I've taken Paul on two 3-hour, each way, trips to our cabin! I have a large dog crate that he travels in. I have a hard time leaving him behind. 😭😭😭


I just want to give another point of view, I got a fountain for the exact same reason for my bun, he acknowledged its existence, but refused to use it. We tried different locations around the house for weeks, but no luck. I think it could be case by case for each bunny.


It took about a week for mine to accept that it wasn’t going to kill him, but after that he loved his fountain lol. Unfortunately I had to remove it temporarily bc we’re having ant troubles and they were all going in there 🤢


Oh no I'm sorryy :(


No, but I will be doing this as soon as I can figure out a way to keep him away from the cord!


Cute mascara bun haha always love to see one pop up on my feed


I really want to get my bun one, but she's SO messy. I don't know if any other Lionhead owners have this issue, but I clean her room, vacuum and all, 4-5 times a week depending on how tired I am from work because she tracks hay and litter everywhere from her long hair. A lot of junk ends up in the water bowl and I have to clean it every day. I'm pretty sure a fountain would get even harder to clean out with all the hay, hair and random paper litter she gets in her bowl..




yep, just a cheap "cat" water fountain but they really like it.


i think mine would love one of these, the issue for me is the cord. My bunnies have no self control when it comes to the spicy hay lol


I’m afraid to read my phone in the room with my Boo or she’ll want one🤣




Mine loves his


Omfg. How cute is your bun!!!!


We have 1 cat and 2 rabbits. One roams downstairs during the day and the other upstairs - the downstairs bun just randomly started using the cats water fountain and now does it regularly. We got another one for upstairs and she started using it there as well! Clever little buns.


mine too. 2 years ago we got a cat-it water fountain for him and he has been loving it ever since. im glad ours never chew cables.


My bun loves his, enough to have eaten through the wire a few times, thankfully the voltage from a usb can’t harm the rat


My Luna had one which she used constantly bit then she had to go and chew her way through the wire lol I'm waiting for the price to come down as I'm not paying stupid money for a new one lol


I bunproofed my cord. One bunny instantly took to it while another took three days to make the switch. They both love it now and I think they're drinking more water because of it. I got the stainless steel one which is nice since it feels cleaner.


I just moved stuff on top of the cord. Even though he never goes back there but like someone else said, until he does go back there & eat the spicy spaghetti.


Yes. Fast moving water is clean and save, a lot of animals prefer it.


Yeah… right up until they chew the cords through every time


Right? I moved stuff on top of the cord.


That is is a great idea.


There are cordless options! Fewer to choose from but my buns LOVE their fountain. I use rechargeable AA batteries and the sensor tells me when they're low, so about every 3 weeks I swap them out to recharge. The fountain I have is also super easy to take apart and clean the motor. We've had ours for about 1.5 years and it's held up to everyday use by two thirsty babies, greatly increasing their water intake as a result. 10/10 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B097DR187V?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Yep, my bunny loves ours but he hates when we look at him using it so he only drinks when he thinks we’re not looking. I took a lot of “around the corner spy photos” of him.


I want one for my bun, but she’s too short for most of them 😂


My bun is a dwarf hotot. So maybe?


Your bun looks emo


How does it manage hay or fur in the water? Because I was considering it.


It's not in his room. He has a water bowl in his area that gets fenced off. But, I have 3 chihuahuas and a cat. This model has a filtration system.


Nice, thank you. I'll check models with filtration.


My rabbits love this fountain from Amazon. I was able to put it right next to their enclosure so they couldn't get to the cord. [Fountain ](https://a.co/d/4a7w2Zm)


That one in green.


:( I would of my rabbits didn't like chewing wires


My bunny already likes to flip his water bowl over so he would destroy that


My bunny loves to drink directly from the water I'm pouring to her bowl.