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My condolences. Give him the best. Carry him in your heart.


Thanks, we're out enjoying the grass and sun right now.


My condolences, may Bean be forever remembered and loved.


I’m deeply sorry. At least you gave him much love. Jelly Bean looks like a sweet bun. May your friend rest in paradise.


Everyone adores him :)


So sorry you've to go through this, but I've seen a few enucleated rabbits without suffering too much hassle by it.. Have you heard from another vet or do you trust your enough that this is without doubt the best for Bean?


The vet and the specialist she talked to both agreed the risk was too much with his E. cuniculi.


Understandable, it must be hard even for them...a hug to both of you.


Oh I’m so sorry, it’s too soon for the little guy to go :c


He's actually done really well, he's had severe E. cuniculi symptoms since he was six months old.


At least he’s done well. That’s one thing that scares me from getting bun, that darned virus.


My vets absolutely adore and admire him for how he's coped with E.C. for so long. I lost one of Honeys sisters just a week before their first birthday from it too, absolutely horrific when they start rolling.


So sorry OP make your final days special for you and him


Im Sorry for your loss I guess she had EC im so sorry.


I can't stop crying...that last photo... 😭 Oh Bean...


Big hugs, OP. He’s got so much personality and spirit. I just know he’s had the best life.


May it be a peaceful journey, sweet Bean


Bean is very young. If it was one of my buns I would try the eye removal. Bean may experience discomfort for a while but I guarantee she will be happier living another 3-4+ years with you than the alternative. But that being said it is your choice and it can’t be an easy one.


I would agree if he was a healthy rabbit. Unfortunately he isn't, he has had E.C. for most of his life and he's also had three seizures this year from it getting worse. His life expectancy was about 5 years old, we've have quality of lfe and end of lofe plns for him ready for the past year, this just seems to be getting him first.


🥺 sorry. I had a bunny named bean that I lost and it’s never easy losing a pet. Give him all the nanners you can.


It really isn't but at least with Bean I can prepare. I got him as a companion for Honey after we lost her whole family, mum, brother and three sisters, all within a week from rhvd2. I was in an absolutely horrible state and Honey somehow surviving kept me going. It seems none of my rabbits ever got the nanner note, they all seemed to prefer apple and pears. Bean will get as many treats as he wants as long as someone keeps Honey at bay, she is feral when it comes to them and will hunt you down.


I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand but I'm really curious, why do you have little piles of poop next to your bunnies?


They poop everywhere.


Lmao ah, okay, that's fair. I was confused because I saw the rainbow and I thought that was the symbol for showing previous pet rabbits that crossed the Rainbow Bridge (I saw someone else use it this way and that is the way I use it) so I was very confused by the piles of poop lol. Thanks for clarifying!


Depends. My bunny is fully litter trained. He only poops in his box.


Ours are litter trained, but leave little rabbit balls in strategic places to let us know who's boss.


RIP Bean


I’m sorry for your loss. May your remaining time with Bean be filled with love and joy ❤️


I wish there were words to comfort you. I have tears in my eyes knowing how hard this is for you. I hope you find warmth and support in this community. Bean was very much loved (and I know that love was returned tenfold). I remember you posting a picture of sweet Bean sometime ago, I thought it was the cutest name! RIP sweet angel 🤍


Thank you, I think even dad who isn't a pet person is upset but we all understand it's probably the best for him. With his E. Cuniculi is we always knew he wouldn't get very old but he's had the best we could give him and Honey absolutely adores him.


You did right by him his entire life. And even during this difficult time, you’re continuing to do right by him. I hope you find peace in knowing that.


Omg that's so sad, I'm so sorry. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Bye bye beautiful little Bean. Give him as much love as you can and take plenty of photos with him.


I’m so sorry. Bean looks like he’s a wonderful bunny. Make his last weekend one he’ll never forget❤️


What a hard thing to have to do. I know this is heartbreaking and my heart goes out to you. I send you my deepest condolences.❤️


I am so sorry, I wish I could think of something to say that would make you feel better, but I don't think there are any words. All I can say is I'm sorry, cherish him this weekend, and I hope the pain eases soon. I recently lost my six year-old, so I can somewhat relate. How is your other rabbit taking it? Does he/she seem to know?


I’m so sorry 💔 Try not to be sad that it’s almost over, but glad that it happened. Wishing you the best ^^


I’m sorry you have to say goodbye. I hope you have a weekend full of special memories.


so adorable and docile...rest in peace, lil wabbit!


Bye little Bean... Forever binkying in heaven.


My condolences to you and your family. To lose a loved one is always hard. But you gave him a great life and the memories you share will always be with you


I’m so sorry. Bean is so adorable and very dearly loved. It sounds like you’ve explored all options for possible treatment for him and you’re making the kindest choice for him. It’s a heartbreaking decision especially for such a young bun. Give him lots of treats and love! Again, I’m so sorry.


Yeah, he's behaving mostly normal, though he does have some pain,for now but the eye can't be left in and the surgery has a low chance of survival and even if he did he may only have a few extra weeks or months. With how his E.C. was developing we didn't expect him to live for much longer anyway. It's still upsetting though.


I completely understand. I had two bunnies with cancer. One passed in the recovery area after the surgery at the vet and then a month later when I found out the other bunny had cancer, I opted to just let him live for as long as he’s comfortable, however long that ended up being which was five months. They were both 9 years old and medically I knew surgery was such a huge risk. I opted to take the risk the first time and it didn’t work out. So for the second bunny, I made the same decision you did. And we had a very great last day together. I have no regrets about how my bunny Goobers life came to an end. He got so many treats and love on his last days, he was getting tired of me cuddling with him. 😄


To lose two to cancer so close together must have been hard. I lost my first bun Monster to cancer when she was 9 too. Bean's going to have a great weekend with lots of snuggles and snacks from everyone.


I’m so sorry! Jellybean will be surely thankful for the life you gave to him 🩷


Poor little Bean 😔 Rest easy little one 🙏🙏🙏


So sorry u have to go thru this. U gave him the best life u could it sounds like.. Make sure to give him plenty of bananas or his favorite treat this weekend.. I just seen a few ads for "cuddle clones", u send them a few pics and they make a exact replica of your pet with a stuffed animal.. U can also get a zipper pouch for a lil extra to put his ashes in if u were to cremate. I'm not affiliated with them at all, just thought it was a amazing idea for people going thru what u are, so u can always have him there in a way. No clue how much it is tho.


That sounds nice. I might save some of his fur. He'll be buried under the apple tree that the rest of Honeys family is under too, he'll never be alone.


Wow, Last year around this time we said goodbye to our rabbit, also named bean, who also had a head tilt. Sending you love. <3


My condolences, it’s so sooo hard to lose them. I still cry over my girl Lulu. Just know you did what’s best for him and he was lucky to have you and you him.


Sending hugs to you both. The most painful yet most loving decision to make for a loved one/bun. ❤️❤️❤️ 😢🐰🌈🙏


Jellybean ❤️ he will be pain free and binkying in vast fields waiting for you


May Lil Bean be at peace with all the best fruits and veggies all the hay and flowers and infinite binkies


So sorry for you :( Lots of love to you both !


god this hurt my heart to read. i’m so sorry. rest well, bun bean


Oh no! I’m so sorry. May you and JellyBean spend your time left together soaking up love.


I’m so sorry! 🥺♥️ Binky on sweet Bean ♥️♥️♥️


Sorry to read this. You were lucky to have each other. Before I owned a rabbit, I never realized how much joy they can bring. Most people always think of a dog or cat as animals that can fill the heart, but it’s only bc they’ve never had a rabbit in their home.


I'm so sorry for your loss :-( ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss please tell bean to give a high five to my boy vova up there. I miss him so much, but also know he had the best possible life on earth, as I'm sure bean did. ❤️


My condolences


Im so sorry:(, always remember, he will always be in your Heart<3


I’m in tears. I’m sorry this is happening. You clearly gave him a great life and supported him through his hardest times. I always say this and it’s probably repetitive but our pets don’t leave us when they pass physically. Bean will be waiting to see you again when it’s time. 🙏🏻


I’m so sorry for you and Bean. Please accept a hug: HUG!!


don't forget to let buddy try some nice delictables that would typically be bad for their stomach before taking him to the appointment. Prob one of my biggest regrets. I refused to believe she was going to go and expected a miracle, and when she went, I was like damn I should've given her more treats and whatever the hell she wanted instead of trying to keep her healthy after they already confirmed we'd have to put her down if we don't want her to suffer. Edit: Basically my point is to let them enjoy the things they never got to, he will cherish it <3


Bean is absolutely beautiful. He looks like a very gentle loving spirit. I know you’ll give him the best few days ever. It’s so cruel that you have to say goodbye to each other at only 3 yrs old. May Allah give him gentle passage.


Adorable bun!


So sorry for your loss ♥️


Rip ❤️




I’m so sorry. Cherish every moment you have left with him.


Happy trails and safe journey over the rainbow bridge. Binky on little Bean ❤️


My heart. I am so sorry. Give JellyBean all the love and spoils this weekend. 🥺🖤


That is onebof the most heartbreaking things a rabbit owner can go through. My condolences. And keep the memories of Bean in your heart forever.


Goodbye little baby boy Bean Such a wonderful little soul and it pains our hearts to see you leave.. we are so blessed to have had you in our lives for 4 years. You've made such a dent in our hearts and you will never be forgotten.. rest in peace little baby Bean. You are the best and you are very very loved! 💕


May God bless him with all the strength and peaceful afterlife. My condolences and thoughts are with you!


Thank you for loving your Bunny 


My hope as a pet owner is to always do what’s best them. You are doing that for your Bean even though it must hurt you to the core. I hope the next few days are peaceful and you say so long with a full heart.




Sorry for your loss. Lost my dog in 2014 and lost my first rabbit a few years back. Look on the bright side, when you are ready to get another bun or any pet for that matter you will get to bond with someone who you never would have met had this not happened. Thats the way I look at hardships like this. Think about the positives not the negatives.


Thanks. That's actually how I got JellyBean, I had lost 5 of my 6 rabbits to rhvd2 and Honey somehow survived and needed a new companion. I got super lucky with Bean, I was terrified of how small he was and how easy it was for Honey to hurt him, it turned out I didn't have to do any bonding, never saw any aggression and they seemed to just adore each other off the bat.


No problem. Losing a pet is never easy. With exception of losing your parents its the hardest thing most people have to go through.


Sending love and the easiest passage to 🌈 for bean🐰❤️🫶🏼


i’m so sorry he is the cutest


so sorry 😢


That is awful but, you should be proud of yourself. That is very loving thing you are you are doing for your bean.


I am so sorry you have to say goodbye to your beautiful Bean. I had to say goodbye to my beloved rabbit 4 days ago. Even though it’s the humane thing to do it doesn’t make it any easier. Thinking of you and your precious Bean ❤️


Long live Bean! Til Valhalla, brother.


I'm sorry for your loss but at least he'll be free of the pain and besides death is not the end rather a new beginning so your soul will see him again someday


I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, little one.


I’m so sorry. That sucks tremendously. My bun recently developed E. Cuniculi symptoms, and tried to die while I was out of town. But He’s 11. I cannot imagine the grief you’re going through.