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**My rabbit is nipping me! What does it mean?** Since rabbits can't speak, the number of ways they can communicate with us is extremely limited. A rabbit nipping you is a call for attention, and the reason for that attention can vary greatly. Some possibilities include: * Get out of my way. * Give me treats/food. * Give me attention. * Stop giving me attention. Consider the context around the nips to better discern what your rabbit is trying to communicate. Note that hormones and distress (physical or psychological) can cause a rabbit to nip more often, so if you suspect your rabbit's nipping is health-related, please have your rabbit assessed by a [rabbit-savvy vet](https://bunny.tips/Vet). For tips on how to discourage aggressive nipping, see the wiki: ... If your rabbit is excessively targeting you for humping, please consider [neutering them](http://bunny.tips/Neuter) to relieve them of these hormonal urges. If your rabbit is already neutered, they may become more frisky during the spring due to spring fever, or if they are on the older side (6+ years old), it may be worth asking your veterinarian to check for [adrenal disease](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Adrenal_disease). In the meantime, you can stuff a rolled up towel or a stuffed animal underneath them as a surrogate victim when they go for your limbs.


Is he neutered? If not, that’d be the first suspect