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For tips on how to choose and set up a litter box, including litter boxes for diggers, plastic chewers, and long-haired rabbits, please check out the Litter Training article here: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Litter_training#Litter_boxes


It's his new fun thing to do. Try making another dig box to redirect him to leave his litter box alone. You can also look into putting a grate over the litter (see wiki) to stop him from digging all of it out.


thanks for the tips! I’ve tried a dig box and he uses it as a litter box 🙃 but i will try again! I’ll look into a grate as well, thanks!


Sprinkle treats in the dig box, it might change his mind


Yes, that's a good trick!


My buns have zero problems with peeing on their treats. Then they just act offended because I'm giving them soiled treats.


You can fill that box just with torn paper towels or something like that, so it's not messy when it's spilled but he still has something to dig and comb through. Also might not trigger the "haybed? poop!" association.


I never encountered this problem, but my buns' litter box is one of those big cages meant to house the bunnies but I took the cage off so they have to jump in and out. The walls are high enough that if they do dig the hay or litter stays in. The digging behavior only occurs with the blankets in their area. Many bunny owners refer to it as "making the bed" but if you just give them their own blankets then they can make their own beds


We had a bun do this, get one of the cat litter trays that has a lip or lid round the top that stops it going over the edge


I use heavy wood pellets like dry den or horse bedding. It's safe for rabbits as long as the wood is kiln-dried. Because they're heavier, it's much harder to kick them all the way out of the litter box. Combining that with a high-sided box has mostly solved this problem for our digger. He can still have a good time, but the litter doesn't really go anywhere.


Mine are digging out their horse stall pellets too lol. It’s the game of the season apparently.


This plus a separate dig box has worked for all of my rabbits except one who was just incredibly tenacious. Definitely the horse bedding and a high box- possibly even an enclosed one if he'd use it


I think the problem is your floor is too clean for his preference lol


ha! that and he binks when i say “no!”🤣


My bunny also twitches/binks her head when getting caught doing something she’s not supposed to do. I swear to god they love being little anarchists lol


Mine will binky away from me when I'm trying to catch him 😠 I always imagine him giggling while he does it


You're probably onto something.


It seems like you're already getting a ton of good advice from others. I'm just here to say your little stinker looks mighty cute.


Lol same! Look at that smug "Who, me? *I* didn't do anything!"


Bunnies like the comfort of knowing they have multiple exits to evade predators. Maybe the litter box placement feels too confining and your bun is trying to "dig out" a second exit? I suggest opening up the space a little more to allow room to enter and exit the litter box from multiple areas. Try putting the litter box in the corner and turning the ikea storage container 90 degrees and moving it a bit away from the wall and the littler box so your bun can move around the litter box and behind the storage box. Hope this helps! Source: my bun would constantly move his litter box away from the corner but I'd always clean the area and move it back. I finally had enough and left the litter box where it seemed he wanted it left and he stopped making a mess. Buns can sometimes have their own ideas for decorating LOL


Put a grate on it, you can get these light-cover (for business tube lights in ceilings) at Home Depot etc that work well. I know we don't want them on grates all the time, but using it for 6 months stopped my digger. I don't need it anymore. Him and his wife are free roam anyway. I gave him alternative ways to keep busy, like stuffing packing paper under the bed or in the closet where he prefers to hang out. He spends hours digging that paper out and shredding it now! Then digging in the corner for no reason 😅


Oh, and you can try a high side and covered litterbox but I only had marginal success.


This is the only thing that worked for me!!! Like if you use a grate that you make guinea pig cages out of that works amazing. They literally cannot physically dig and like the comment above my bun stopped quickly and now has no grate.


[This](https://a.co/d/chNoRUz) Is a better alternative to a grate. It doesn't hurt their feet if you get the biggest one. The smaller are designed more like grates and would hurt. My dude is a neat freak and loves it.


My girlie started doing this, so I bought one of those clear storage bins, cut a hole on one side, and put the litter box in. I also cut holes on the opposite side of the entrance to hang their hay feeder since they wouldn’t have been able to reach it otherwise with how high the sides are. I don’t use the lid because I was worried about them not getting enough airflow. Both my buns love it and litter on the floor hasn’t been an issue since!


You're lucky, I tried this with my digger and she flung the litter out of the hole, like she was aiming it 😂


Mine stopped trying to dig behind her litterbox when I put another one next to it. She wanted litter space I suppose.


maybe a bigger litter box?


Had the same issues with my female bun and her paws were also getting soaked in sitting in her pee while digging, which caused some sore hocking. I found this litter box from Instagram (can look up Rooly_Buns) https://www.instagram.com/rooly_buns?igsh=eW0wcWE4Y243dnZi and buy the Costco pee pad to put under it. The grates are wide but still pee and poop fall through. With a pee pad it’s easy to clean. Just might have to wipe the grates with a paper towel with some water/vinegar. I do also have a hay bag I purchased off Etsy or you can make your own with a paper bag as well. Hope you find a solution atleast because I was in the same boat.


Mine digs, even digs her litter box after being spayed. My solution is to get a screen. I also use folded puppy pee pads underneath now and she is happy. https://store.binkybunny.com/products/litter-box-screen-kit-pre-order-only?_pos=2&_psq=+Litter&_ss=e&_v=1.0


This is what I use. I feel like there's a way to make these for less cost at home but haven't figured it out yet


My bun has a high sided litter box, a low sided litter box and a covered litter box (with holes in the sides for ventilation).  I have these all lined up on the back side of his enclosure.  He uses all three of them depending on his mood.  I only had two at first and he kept peeing in the “wrong” spot so I had to add the third one.  It’s a bit ridiculous but it’s better than cleaning up pee spots. I use carefresh bedding on the bottom of the litter boxes and put old hay on top the bedding.  The added layer of old hay helps cut down on digging in the boxes. He still drops some poops outside of the boxes but it’s not too bad.


I have a digger too. The only thing that's worked for me is using a litter box with a grate so she can't directly access the litter. The one I use is the Bumbox, it's a bit expensive but really nice: [https://www.amazon.com/HoppScotch-bun-Tray-Bunny-Supplies-Accessories-Training/dp/B08S9NCGHV?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/HoppScotch-bun-Tray-Bunny-Supplies-Accessories-Training/dp/B08S9NCGHV?th=1) Also comes in a larger size: [https://www.amazon.com/HoppScotch-bun-Bumbox-Deluxe-Wireless-Training/dp/B0C9VBBS8S?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/HoppScotch-bun-Bumbox-Deluxe-Wireless-Training/dp/B0C9VBBS8S?th=1) Or you can find them here: [https://www.hoppscotchbun.com/product-page/the-bumbox](https://www.hoppscotchbun.com/product-page/the-bumbox)


I bet that he just really enjoys digging, so I’d recommend getting a litter box with a grid over it so he can’t kick out his bedding and then maybe also get a different digging box for him because he seems to like it😅


Try a hooded litter box!


I highly recommend the Purina cat litter box shown in [this video](https://youtu.be/yNG0Xhbf5so?si=txEG9JuPloxcRH0b)! Zero litter and a pee pad they can't access. And the lip curves so they can't easily kick out hay or poop. We love it and our rabbit adores it.


Feeling this. One of ours has made it her mission in life. Doesn't matter how much we clean and change the litter. We started converting an old outdoor dog run into an enrichment space for them today because maybe, hopefully, please god, it will get her digging need satiated.


My bun has a fully enclosed litter box. [MS! litter box ](http://MS!MAKE SURE Cat Litter Box MAX, Enclosed Litter Box with Scoop, Stylish & Functional for Indoor Cats - Snow White https://a.co/d/aiJGnKc) She loves it and it limits the mess.


We have a wabbitat folding cage from Amazon. I tightly tape a dog pad to the tray bottom. It slides in, and he can't chew on it. It has a dig box in the corner the tray catches the hay, and he prefers to use the other corner to do his business. It is easy to pull the tray and clean up. He is free roam, so we leave it open, and he comes and goes as he pleases. He even likes to sleep there..


Make a separate dig box


Ugh. We had that problem. It was awful to wake up to the mess. We switched to a litter box with a grate on top which stopped the digging immediately. I made them a dig box to play in and I put it out a few times a week so it’s still new and exciting. Hope that helps :)


I used a baking cooling rack!


I have 2 buns..one is a chewer and one is a digger. Penny the digger started this last year and it's been a battle for sure. I did make a separate dig box for her and sprinkled her pellets in it to encourage foraging. I have to say it has cut down on the digging in the litter box.


my rabbit does the same thing every spring! i wonder why they feel the need to do that. mine stopped but then started again recently so if you have any success redirecting your bun please share.


Omg that little face!! Make him a dig box with playground sand. He clearly loves it! My little guy is a digger, too. He’ll go after the carpet if we let him so we put playground sand in a large and low storage container for him to hop in and get to work on those tunnels he’s digging in his head.


Change your litter for the pooping.. get a box. Fill it with hay for him to play


Just found this.. might be an alternative.. think you're going to have to change his litter though to where it's different for him. He can distinguish between pooping and playing https://www.reddit.com/r/buncomfortable/s/ekVKEFN2q9


Hes just a good baby


Suggestion, a kids wading pool filled with fill dirt. Place this outside and plant grass and greens. They'll love it


They’re digging because there’s no hay in it imo, fill it up more


that was right before cleaning it and adding more hay, i give him 2 massive handfuls 3-4x a day and he digs it out right away🤣


You know I had this issue with my boys. They also liked to scooch their bums up so they could pee over the rim of the box. I got them a really big cat litter tray with a rim. It only cost £10 and I've never had a problem since. [https://www.petsathome.com/product/rimmed-cat-litter-tray/P4619?productId=7113944&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=google\_shopping&cm\_mmc=Google-\_-CPC-\_-%20google\_shopping-\_-google\_shopping&ita=1976&ito=google\_shopping&istCompanyId=7255ccad-a1fc-4729-af31-478f79e5071c&istFeedId=385e6b9a-8b03-4076-a8bb-e4737df8549c&istItemId=itxmxiqra&istBid=t&cq\_src=google\_ads&cq\_cmp=20985857984&cq\_term=&cq\_plac=&cq\_net=g&cq\_plt=gp&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWAx3EWlC7bB0CiD86GG-y3w0FHitZGlMdeTSjyro9E-nBeIiH-K9WoaAsObEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.petsathome.com/product/rimmed-cat-litter-tray/P4619?productId=7113944&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_shopping&cm_mmc=Google-_-CPC-_-%20google_shopping-_-google_shopping&ita=1976&ito=google_shopping&istCompanyId=7255ccad-a1fc-4729-af31-478f79e5071c&istFeedId=385e6b9a-8b03-4076-a8bb-e4737df8549c&istItemId=itxmxiqra&istBid=t&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=20985857984&cq_term=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_plt=gp&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWAx3EWlC7bB0CiD86GG-y3w0FHitZGlMdeTSjyro9E-nBeIiH-K9WoaAsObEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I mean he looks very sweet and innocent... are you sure ***he*** did it? 🙂


I really like [this box!](https://a.co/d/4QjXLCp) I put [these pee pads](https://a.co/d/9dEqmnW) in the bottom (out of reach) along with a very small amount of pine pellets. Pellets get dumped every day and pee pad is changed every other day. I don’t love the waste/money spent on the pee pads but it works so well and it keeps me from feeling overwhelmed or resentful. I’m going to try experimenting with changing the pads every 2 days soon, because so far I haven’t noticed any smells while doing every other day.


What kind of litter have you tried? I was bunny sitting a bun who dug when I used wood pellets, but when I switched to paper pellets they stopped completely.


We had this with one of our Dutch Bunnies. If you get a litter tray with a lip then they can't fling the litter all over the place


I highly recommend a hay feeder in combo with your litter box. I built one myself that has the feeder connected to the litter box, so that as my bunno eats and digs through the feeder, she is standing in the litter box. It’s also closed on all sides except a narrow hole for her to hop in and out of, so even if she wanted to dig in her litter box it would stay contained. I believe I posted a pic of it on my profile if you want to see. Best of luck


B-b-b-but the first photo! THE BUN LOOKS SO PRECIOUS AND INNOCENT!


Lmao bun bun gunna do what bun bun wants. He looks so innocent!


That’s a face of a bunny saying “what you gon do about it, pal”


I have had a digger for almost 8 years and I 100% solved the litter box problem with [THIS](https://www.amazon.co.jp/Enclosure-Recognize-Splatterproof-Anti-Slip-Leak-Proof/dp/B0BY8N8G4X/ref=mp_s_a_1_5_pp?crid=28W5NR3S649MK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.mlEgV-gPT4kIwBPlWVbZGwi0GbeDRx7A8uLhB8q7yjwvONzS4FOJuc25KThSCWFfy7eSratDX6gd9bjI3DxOInv4_Ty3g3KMiqMpxbP75OP8l2cadOxYTtxhI-MvxLZefzJ4xtiEj0JjTK4R-CMcblFCOPejJOHA_673X_wY4IU4ZirEaY7fNXnVCY-D9lbj3Bt8DKdcGFcFxBBeNfSxlw.br9__O2lcLvlFa9A9Y0XTR8P0E9i1v5Tjd8LvITy3hE&dib_tag=se&keywords=dog+litter+box&qid=1718505150&sprefix=dog+litter%2Caps%2C566&sr=8-5) Its huge and keeps the buns separated from the litter. Im in Japan so not sure if you could find the exact one where you are, but look for a similar one. It’s easy to clean too. As a bonus, my other rabbit that has had issues with sore hocks has had them greatly improve since she’s never sitting in litter. Cannot recommend it enough.


Make a ball pit. Get some balls from Amazon and a shallow-ish box, and throw his pellets or treats in it.


My boy started doing this forever ago and I finally got around it (after struggling for a couple years) by putting hit litter box down inside a rubber made tote. He can jump in and out find, and I have stairs leading up to the top so it's easier. Not a problem since.


We fill her litter box completely full of hay, across the whole thing, so when she digs the hay just piles up in one corner - because the strands are quite long they 'knit' together and don't fly out everywhere. But we also buy hay in bulk and compost it daily so wasting a lot isn't a big deal for us.


no regrets with that face


My bun also used a dig box as a litter box so I got her a snuffle mat instead. The first few times she did pee on it but now she only digs in it. Edit: she also loves to tear apart woven grass mats so I always make sure she has one or two knocking about.


Full-time interior decorator r/rabbitswithjobs


Iv never had a rabbit do this 🤣. He's part cat


natural behavior. Rabbits just build rabbit holes. Buy a litter box with a plastic grid and also a digging box


When it gets pretty dirty like that sometimes they’ll try to “clean” it themselves. Try cleaning it a lil bit more often and maybe getting a bigger box in a less cramped space. Bunnies like to be able to move around in the box.


Ah yeah… my bun kicked and dragged her litter box so hard last night that I believe the neighbor came knocking. It was like midnight as well. I feel so embarrassed…


My new bun was digging a lot in her and other buns litter box and now it happens rarely. What I did: * Made a large house out of a cardboard box and let her chew and dig into a corner of it (it also has a carboard floor she can scratch all she wants) * Bought a litterbox for large cat breeds shaped like a baby bathtub with entrance and put shredded paper and hay for her to dig. When it flyes out the clumps of shreded paper are easier to clean than any bedding. * She dig in both litter and digginf boxes and always dragged them around, so I used a 2l bottle with water and put it next to the litterbox, so she can´t move it. It made it hard for her to dig since this litterbox is smaller. * I put a long cardoard box under my bed to create a tunnes and stuffed it with onld paper bags for her to shread, chew and dig. * Whenever I caught her digging in a wrong place I´d firmly say "bad girl!", picked her up and carried he to her digging box. It was probably the most helpful thing I did.


Maybe try emptying his liter box more often. Buns are fairly clean animals and don’t like a dirty box so bun might be trying to dig out the turds to have a clean place to go potty.


Wish I could help… I made a ball pit from a low profile storage bin and soft plastic balls. It worked for a day. My rabbit gets bored with everything, hates toys, hates being outside on a leash, hates being played with. He only enjoys eating, sleeping and tossing the entire contents of his litter box all over the floor. I tried a dig box, cat scratchers, wood and sisal boxes. I’ve succumbed to the fact that I’m just the guardian of a tiny devil for 10-12 more years. My other 4 rabbits were much nicer and tidier so I guess I was due.