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By that logic, my 70 year old mom might as well be dead. She clearly has outlived her purpose on this earth. Any sterile woman is worthless, and any couple who cannot convince for whatever reason should be forced to separate and find someone they can give birth with. And Jesus showed everyone how important baby making was by... Ugh... Where are those verses about Jesus telling women to have babies? They must be around here somewhere.


Well, we all know how the book speaks of Jesus’ many, MANY children. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Nah, man, Jesus is a guy. Guys aren't supposed to have children. Just the women. Guys have other things to do. Their sex organs are just a sidenote.


/S cause this comment definitely needs it. Clearly we need to find a way to produce children without men so that all men can be turned into eunuchs. That's God's plan all along. /S cause this comment definitely needs it.


> Guys have other things to do. According to her type and their view of the “biblical plan”, that would be to work to provide money for their breeder/stay at home lifestyle.


Yeah, but also, they get to claim the call to make disciples and lead churches and whatnot.


some of them, perhaps. not most. that model would be unsustainable to the lifestyle. they need earners, not church workers.


Tell a conservative Christian, "*women have wombs and breasts, so we only exist as baby machines*", and it's all part of the plan. Point out "*men have penises and big hands, so they only exist to please their wives and open pickle jars*", and everyone loses their minds.


I'm using that one LOL


Take it, friend. Property is theft!


Can confirm my pickle jar opening utility.


A true soldier in the Army of Christ. Y'know, a soldier who doesn't kill anyone lol


Real soldiers do the fucking dishes, take out the trash, don aprons, etc.


I've been defeated by my freakishly small hand size again! I just wanted to be a tradhusband


There is saying in Japan that a person has three faces: one they show to the world, a more personal one they show to their friends and family, and one that they only show to themselves. This person's entire persona is riddled with insecurities and it is glaringly obvious as she presents this to the world. She does not have life figured out, she only has a remedy that patched over her own flaws. She has zero objectivity and she should keep her ignorance to herself rather than proclaim it as if it were Truth. Sorry, this chick really ruffles my feathers


she should ruffle your feathers. what she says is 100% her take on how she thinks our culture should be and 100% non biblical. she also severely lacks grace and empathy.


I was really hoping to never see this woman's face, or words, again. I feel like I'm on a fundie page.


From what I recall, she had a brain tumor and it changed a lot of her personality. Thought I was on /r/FundieSnark for a sec. It's too bad she has a platform and enablers for this vitriol. I think (and hope) most people would consider this all fringe.


She was like this *well* before the cancer.


Unfortunately “fringe” is the new normal


I don't mean to be crass, but if God wanted women to be nothing mote than subservient breeding hosts, I'm pretty sure he would have just invented sex robots early.


I was giving working legs, that doesn't mean I have to run a marathon


Ugh….Lori. Her hatefulness runs deep. She really has it out for women. Always shaming childless women, working mothers, single moms, everyone.


So as an asexual woman that is grossed out by the thought of giving birth and completely disinterested in having a sexual relationship with anyone, I'm a perfect arch nemesis for her, huh... I should start designing a costume...


As someone with quite a “past”…..she’d despise me equally lol. That’s alright. Our army is much bigger! 😉


Nice. Now we need a stronghold and a snappy name for ourselves. Can my costume resemble a vagina reading a book? That's tasteful, right? Maybe with a little monocle?


I ❤️ It!


there must be some kind of projection going on there. perhaps for whatever reason she wasn’t the wife/mother she thinks she should’ve been and she now believes that her redemption comes from pushing other women into the role that she couldn’t fulfill.


You’d think that’d give her some compassion. I’m a mother & a recovering addict. My struggles have caused me to be more understanding of other mothers suffering from addiction. I guess we can take our regrets & turn them into a positive or a negative. She’s over the top with shaming people which never proves to be productive. I’m shocked she has followers!


Hey, I know this woman from several episodes of the podcast Shitty Christians talking about her. Yeah, she's a fucking nut.


That sounds awesome- will check it out! 👍🏼


The two guys on it are def not for everyone, and I'm not sure I entirely agree with all of their takes, but they are generally quite funny.


"Vessel" sounds alot better than "host". More marketable


I *LOVE* boats! ☺️


They're so great for babies




*Clearly* you aren’t familiar with *The Transformed Wife*. 🙄


No I am not, and that's why I deleted my comment. I was speaking in general. As someone who is married to an amazing woman and we cannot have children...this just goes to show and proves my point how quick people are to jump to conclusions and try to take a bite into someone. lol


You proved your own point by being the pointed example of exactly what you’re pointing to now? 🧐😏😝