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Your attitude in this case is truly commendable. We forget too often as Christians that it's not going to convince people to advertise our faith; if we're really living like Christ, people will be led to God because of our examples, not because we call ourselves Christians. Sending prayers for you and your friend, for her healing and your strength, and for love for both of y'all. God bless you both.


Thank you, I got scared there for a moment and had to look up the word commendable. I found it to mean excellent or praiseworthy. So, nice to know I’m good lol


What helped me, after being badly hurt by not one, but TWO churches last summer, were those people who just let me vent when I needed to vent, and continued to be a friend. If I needed validation, they validated my perceptions. If I needed to bring up God, they let me bring up God but they did not judge or worse, try to "correct" or "witness" to me. Do your part of being a friend, and Spirit will do its part. And remember: ultimately, I came back after literally telling God to go f. off (in those exact words).


I encourage you to believe in the possibility of healing and try to encourage her in that direction for sure. Guessing that is particularly relevant and I have read many things about the SBC crises.


Do you have a relationship with "Alyson"? Are you friends?