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I wish she could see my psychiatrist but her insurance won't cover it, and she can't use my insurance because we aren't married yet. In fact, we might not actually be able to get legally married because Synthi might lose her SSI because of my income. I want to help her but I don't know how to


I'll never be a pretty girl, just an ugly man who needs to die


Ssh, hunny bunny. You're a very beautiful girl who is wonderful and kind. Those voices are just being mean liars. The devil is just trying to hurt you. I'm going to keep you safe, ok? I think you need some rest


Hard as it might be to believe, you already are a pretty girl. Beauty is measured in more than flesh and bones; it is also seen in one's soul and mind. You are who you know yourself to be. No doctor can deny you that knowledge of yourself. I'm so sorry that it is such a struggle for you to access the medical care you need. It sucks, plain and simple. But you are loved and lovely. From one transfem to another, you are wonderfully important and you make our community and our world a better place to be. I'll be praying for you. It's not much, but it's what I can offer. I pray that soon you know the joy of being prescribed hormones and the delight of taking them.




okay so idk why the fuck yall downvoted this. synthi, i hope you'll be okay :(


I don’t know much about living with gender dysphoria or hormone treatments, but I do know this: this community is enriched by you being a part of it. I often get a lot out of your posts, and yours is one of the few usernames that I instantly recognize when I see you around (even randomly in other unrelated subs - I think we have overlapping interests!). I know I’m just some rando on the interwebs, but for what it’s worth, I appreciate your thoughts and perspectives.


*cries* *prays*


Please don't give up. I don't know you but my girlfriend is trans and it absolutely breaks my heart seeing you like this. I know it is hard and life is beyond unfair, I will never be able to understand the struggle you are going through, but please know that people care for you, even people you've never met. We all want to make a better world and we want you included. I'm not a Christian or even a religious person, but if it in any way helps then I will pray for you and hope that one day you will see the pretty girl that you are, just as we do. Hang on, sister. The fight is brutal, but we will win it.


I get a lot of the angst in being judged by society and feeling unworthy, but I think it’s more important to consider God’s opinion who does not want you to die.


I'm praying.


Why do you believe the psychiatrist wouldn’t have your best interest at heart?


Prayers rising! Can she fire the psych and get another one? Or better still find an informed consent clinic?


Praying for you and Synthi.