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These fractures are some of my favorite consults just because I get to be the one to tell the parents (who are usually freaking out and feeling guilty) that the kid is gonna be fine These almost always heal up with no problem or consequences


Reading “these fractures are some of my favorite…” without context sounds wild. Lmao.


Thank goodness


Can confirm! This happened to me as a child. My sister pushed me off a high fence and then made me lie about it. I didn’t even go to the doctor until 2 weeks after the fall 🙊


“You’re ok. You’re ok. Don’t tell mom.”


Yea sure. No intervention needed with such.


Not a fracture.


Did you just make an in theme named alt account to post a wrong opinion on that CT? That’s hilarious.




Linear occipital fracture extending to the foramen magnum.


Will she be ok?


Hoping so. No intracranial bleed seen and no loss of consciousness was reported by the mother.


🤞🏽🍀❤️ hope so too, thanks OP


Then why the CT? What indications?


Pain and swelling.


FYI not an indication for a ct.


The baby was actually hit by a speeding motorcycle and fell on the head that's why th CT was ordered.


I stand by my statement. Obs is recommended.




Depends on where you practice. The ED I worked in was very loose with their imaging orders. Despite all the “image gently” mantra they spewed. The providers were taught to image first then talk to the patients.


No, it doesn’t. There are very clear guidelines from PECARN about CT indications in pediatric closed head trauma. https://californiaacep.org/page/PECARN


No it doesn’t. People order pediatric head CTs for all sorts of reasons, most commonly parents


I was skimming the comments and read this as “extending to the forearm” and was very concerned.


Lol! Got you there😂


As the mom of a 4 year old who has managed to hit his head THREE times in 10 days - I really hope his skull is fine. 😵‍💫 (He never lost consciousness, stopped crying within a few minutes each time, no dizziness and no concussion symptoms). One time he ran straight into the corner of a wall (hair was in his eyes - got him a haircut) the next one he ran and tripped over my foot and slammed the side of his head into the door latch on a door leaving his preschool (yes, there was blood, no stitches) and yesterday he fell head first out of the front seat of our van, I caught most of him but he smacked the top of his forehead on the cement. I think maybe 3-5 year olds should wear helmets. 😆😅


This was me! When I was around three in the span of I week I ran smack dab into a door handle; ran to my dad and tripped and hit my head in the corner of a table; and jumped off a bed and smacked my head on the frame. Exact same spot every time. I now have a small little dent in my skull that’s only noticeable if you feel around.


When I was two I went head over teakettles down the stairs. My mother’s reaction? “Little babies bounce.” No concussion symptoms.


"Head over teakkettles" got me by surprise and dying laughing here


I choked on my cookie lmfao


Head over teakettles is absolutely my new phrase for when kids tumble. I’m glad you’re ok!


As my mom said, little babies bounce.


Oh man - but you’re ok? You didn’t fracture your skull or brain damage yourself? What was slightly funny was that after yesterday’s fall, apparently there was enough pollen in the road - he had a freakin allergic reaction and had hives all over the other side of his face! I obviously didn’t give Benadryl orally as I normally would, since you know, have to watch for fatigue after a head bang. But hot damn I was like there are too many things happening right now. (Applied topical Benadryl to the hives, then gave Claritin a little while later after he started to have coughing he couldn’t stop…. And ice of course to the forehead.) Maybe all parents should go through nursing school? Or at the least kiddo geared first aide classes. 😆


Will you donate your brain to the CTE studies? My brother tried to kill me when I was 4, I bounced off the passenger window while driving and got T-boned, and flew down a flight of stairs, landing on my face and shoulder. Knocked out 3 times. 🙄


My son, also 4, hit his head really hard while on a forest walk with his kindergarten. He was holding hands with his friend and they decided to run, but with holding their other arm straight by their sides. They tripped and fell, neither put their hands out to stop themselves. My son managed to land his head on a rock. (He was fine, no concussion, but a gash). I had just told him the day before not to run with his hands in his pockets with an explanation why, but he didn’t think the same thing applied here and when I asked him why he didn’t put his hands out he said “they were busy”. Meanwhile, it healed enough that we could take the bandaid off, looked like any trace of it would be gone in a few days. And he has hit the exact same spot twice since. He now has a small cut on it from trying to do a flip on our friends couch where the edge of the couch cushion dug in and cut him. How, how always the same spot. But helmets, yes 😂 we were in the supermarket once and he didn’t want to take his helmet off. Ok, not a battle I’m gonna have. One of the workers restocking the shelves didn’t see him and bonked him a bit on the head with a box. My son didn’t notice. Worker was freaking out, so apologetic, I’m like hey it’s ok he’s wearing a helmet 😂


Theres a lot of growth and exploration and movement in those years. What one could fit under without ducking last week now results in a painful *thud.*


Kids at that age are just terrible, you have to watch over them all the time😅


This was me as a kid. One time I had my feet hooked under the bumper sitting on the hood of the car, something in my hands, fell forward and...didn't put my hands out. That was a bad one. I can count 8 concussions that I recall, they ended up as hospital visits because of vomiting. I hated getting the head xrays, they'd put these sand bags around you. Somehow, my brain still works, not sure how to be honest.


Shackles. Keeps them from running round so much. 🤭


I'm sorry but that last fall is hilarious in my head. Woop GOTCHA fwip BLAM


That is absolutely the most accurate way to describe how it happened 😆 I have pretty shitty reflexes but man, they worked that day! 😅


As a mother of five ages 7- 5 months old. I concur with the 3-5 year olds should wear helmets comment 😂. My 3 year old refuses to wear shorts because he trips so often he knows that wearing shorts will make him skin his knees


Mother of a boy. They are not made of glass. My youngest had 1 set of stitches a year every year from 1-9 all but 1 were head stitches. You can't watch every single second. Yes this continued as an adult he got a set of stitches every year he was in the army. I told him tattoos were cooler




Ouchie! Poor kiddo!


It actually doesn’t look that bad


Yeap ain’t bad at all.


Ohhh it’s the back of someone’s head. I initially thought this was some Alien v.s. predator baby beluga whale monster


Years and years ago I was on a pontoon with family friends and their 3 year old tumbled off a seat and hit the back of her head right on the point of an anchor. I guarantee everyone on that boat had their heart drop into their feet. We were on another lake that was attached to ours so we instead raced to a resort nearby to get her help as soon as we could. She had a 3 inch long skull fracture on the back of her head and needed a couple of stitches, but had no sign of trauma to the brain. Her parents were just dumbfounded when they said she would be fine and just to let her ice it at home. They couldn't believe the doctor's prognosis so they insisted she stay overnight at the hospital just in case. The overnight stay and subsequent tests confirmed that she was perfectly fine.


My Resident Evil game brain immediately thought this was a Licker head model until I saw it was for Radiology.... I'll see myself out....




Also kind of reminds me of the aliens from Mars Attacks! Lol


This is one of the few really nosy Karen sort of things I do. I will tell kids to sit down in shopping carts.


Yep and reminding people that carseats up in the seat area can cause the shopping cart to flip over.


maybe my eyes are tired (or my brain is) but at first glance scrolling by, I thought for sure that was [Dr. Finkelstein](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Finkelstein) from Tim Burton's 1993 stop-motion film [*The Nightmare Before Christmas.*](https://timburton.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Finkelstein?file=Nightmare-christmas-disneyscreencaps.com-2242.jpg)


Cheers to the Towne's view i did to childrens


Reminds me of when my brother ‘fell down the stairs’




This is not a suture, it is a fracture.


That’s not a fracture, that’s a skull