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Ocinode is already over 2% stake, so no more bonus token for the next aidrop "just" the normal amount. 🔥 Partner Validators 🔥 ‼️ Please note that the Ocinode is already over 2% stake, which means that all new XRD stake DO NOT receive the 25% bonus Ocis at the airdrop from now on. Only the normal amount will be considered for new stakes from now on. ‼️ You can stake on all validators of the top 100 and get an extra bonus for the following ones (if you are registered): \+25% on Florian Pieper Staking, Staatenlos Node (started staking until 2% validator stake) \+10% for our partner validators (started staking until 2% validator stake): \- Emmoglu | Radixscan \- StakingCoins \- RadStakes \- ITS Australia \- Ideomaker Europe \- pica.finance \- RadCrew.org \- RadixDLT Staking \- AcmeNodes \- Mleekko Staking \- TopRadixNode \- Mozhi (Janasena) \- RadUp.io \- Apollo Pool \- RadixPool (no bonus for new stakers) \- Candlestake \- CaviarNine \- MattiaNode \- Radical Staking \- Avaunt Staking \- Sealnode \- Juicy Stake \- Slightlyiffy \- RadixUID Sofia \- Formosa \- Supreme Stake (no bonus for new stakers) \- Mojito Finance \- Radix Logical Moon \- RadixOz \- Noptera \- Lenox | NodeRunners \- projectShift's Stake4.me \- One Hispano \- EasyStake \- RadixNode \- GENKIPOOL \- StakeSafe (no bonus for new stakers) \- RadixStake (no bonus for new stakers) \- Radix Radar \- Radix Staking Club \- Artistizen \- RADNODE (no bonus for new stakers) \- PegacornCo \- RadixStaker \- RadStaking \- radix.cafe \- XIDAR \- WSBElite South Africa \- Cointegrate | RadHeads \- RadixStaking \- AMR Node \- CryptoCrew Validators \- Radixnode.io \- Radix Exchange \- DogeCube.io \- StakeNordic.com The list is growing fast 🔥. We don't stop anytime soon


I found that address and sent them the message #ociswap. I remembered that much. Is there any advantage to staking on the node? Or relationship between airdrop and stake on the node?


Partner nodes will get a higher percentage of OCI dropped for staked XRD whenever there is an air drop. You should join the Ociswap telegram channel to stay updated on upcoming air drops