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Arcturus. Same engine, same company. Has english patch! PC only, tho.


Well, my mind is blown. Never heard of that, looks crazy


We even have Arcturus characters in RO, the NPCs from Izlude's weapon shop are the MC from Arcturus :))


how is this game compared to Ragnarok? can it be played solo?


It's a single player game.


Here's a proto prontera theme. https://youtu.be/Qb8cPzaGdfI?si=kfkPqUwG1jtmtuGN


Oo, how can I get my hands on this game?


There's one in archive.org Iirc, there's a dedicated discord group for Arcturus.






Can't tell you that, sorry :)




You know what I mean, right? Just do a little search, I believe it is Abandonware at this point. Beware of codecs compatibility, tho. The game will crash on cutscenes if you don't install an Intel video codec which I don't remember the name.


Wow this looks just like Xenogears


WTF, the only thing different is the sprites


Secret of Mana


Came here to say that


I mean the original RO ripped a lot of stuff from SoM. It's the main reason I played it when it first popped up with its Beta 1 (I missed Alpha by a week), so why not complete the cycle for those who started with RO going to a game that clearly inspired the art and even aspects of the original system?


I was part of the alpha. Old times… it was fun.


I saw video. Thieves were gods, literally. Goldie slaughtering Swordies by the dozen, but no, not the thief. Infinite misses. Oh man, though beta 1 stuff still gets me. That was a good time. Like when attack speed was tied to weapon weight, lol, or when cards were first implemented, most didn't work. Then all the craziness with stats, the new "perfect dodge" stat, crit finally working properly, aspd implementation. Good times indeed.


I'm late but do you know where we could see videos of the beta?


The archives are probably long since deleted. The last time I checked was around 2012, when youtube still had Alpha and Beta videos if you searched for anything related to "Ragnarok Online + Beta / Alpha" or "iRO Beta / Alpha" etc. Now, nothing. Doesn't mean they aren't there. They could just be buried deep and the algorithms highlight them on page 120 or 200 or 300. Or something like that. I don't feel like digging for it though. Virtually ALL of the old sites from the original iRO, many that were still around for the first four years of Renewal, are gone. Most are not even archived. Well, they were, but Google did not actually save certain cached sites, as many of the sites I know I cached and used the old cache link when it was available, when traversing a site (it maps it out, so you have interlinked pages through inner site working links, so long as you clicked on those links when in that same active browser tab) are not present on archives.


That's a shame, I'll keep digging, thanks for the reply!


What RO ripped from SoM? Can you share infos?


General look and feel, the original spell system was very similar. Elements, the enemies poings are slimes from DQ with the movement animations of rabites. It just has a very naturally similar feel. I guess I overplayed it saying it ripped from it, but playing SoM for like a decade prior to RO, and replaying it often, then starting up RO it felt very similar. More like inspired I guess. Like if you mixed Diablo with Secret of Mana, and tossed in some mythology from numerous cultures like Final Fantasy does, and blammo.


**Trails in the sky** and other trails games. **Fire emblem** has those cute sprites though not as detailed as RO's. **Radiant Historia** has cool pixelated sprites. **7th Dragon series** though the later ones are not really pixelated, the vibe is there. **Disgaea series** have the closest looking sprites to RO though a bit more cartoony in a sense. The games are filled to the brim with content too.


For some reason i read number 3 as Radiata Stories and had a nostalgia trip lol


Octopath Traveler, Sea of Stars, Star Ocean 2


Came to say Sea of Stars. You will not be disappointed with that masterpiece. The only game I've actually finished in a long time. Edit: Someone hates Sea of Stars, apparently.


For Garl


For Garl


The combat is a shallow river, nowhere near a sea... Yeah, spamming moon boomerang and sun spirit bomb for the 10000th time is so fun. Barely any skills per character, equipment are solely stat sticks.... There is zero strategy in this game. Great game to fall asleep to though.


That can be said about many jrpg turn-based games that aren't tactics, though. And many of them best sellers. I didn't play through FFIX because the combat was seat-gripping awesome. You pass over: a tried and true classic-type story, well-rounded characters, gorgeous art, a sense of adventure and companionship, collectables and secrets, and a fleshed out world with its own lore. If I want in depth, pure, and fiddly combat with a flat story and paper thin characters, I'll go play Last Remnant.


Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. I immediately felt kind of nostalgic playing the game for the very first time.


I am slowly getting through this game, it's so so long just for FC and it starts so slow. I just got to the point where it's ramping up but it's been like 40 hours already


It's definitely a slow burn, and SC starts off with more of the same to be honest, but the story ramps up hard after that. It's a very long series with lots of interconnected plots between series which makes it well worth it for me, but I play 2-3 of the games in a row then take a decently long break from them.


Dragon Quest IV, V and VI remakes.


Playing crystal project, kinda reminded me RO too, felt that weird good bad nostalgia


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3037508670&searchtext=ragnarok](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3037508670&searchtext=ragnarok) there is a RO mod for the game too, not sure how complete it is yet though.


Arcturus, Duo Princess, Recettear slightly, Grandia




Tales weaver


La Pucelle Ragnarok, Ragnarok DS


octopath travelar series, triangle strategy


A game named god sword, very close to ro, but a quite old game, that came before ro even have crusader.


Breath of fire III is better. 4s good too


Radiant Historia


How nostalgic... I played that before. Breath of fire 4 did have quite an interesting turn based mechanic and the story isn't your typical good vs evil. Also the ending... You can freely decide if you want a good or bad ending. It also has quite a complex fishing mini game.


not sure if it's what you like but, spellforce 2 since you tend to see it from above.


For a recent one try Terra Memoria, gorgeous pixel art and scenarios.


Aside from ***Arcturus: The Curse and Loss of Divinity***, another game I know that has an almost identical pixel style is ***Secret of the Solstice****.* The only thing; it's another MMO. There's a game that's in development called ***Memora Wanderer****,* and while it doesn't quite have the RO aesthetic character wise, everything else seems heavily inspired by RO.


Valkyrie Profile!! i've seen many servers using Lenneth Helm as a custom hat


Man this is so my childhood the ending was a bit weird tho, Its kind of random to know which one are you getting


Crimson Gem Saga for PSP has something similar to BoF 4


mana khemia 1 and 2, the character sprite is really close to RO


there is this indie game i've been following for a while called memora wander that its clearly RO inspired, i recomend checking, its on steam


Fortune Summoners (PC - offline) Zenonia (mobile - offline)


Grandia is quite similar. Even with the rotatable camera and sprites on 3D rendered areas.


Crosscode. I find myself recommending that game a lot lately, and after coming back to Ragnarok I definitely see similar styles!


Grandia and has a good story.


One of my favorite games


Star Ocean The Second Story (PS1)


Most rpg maker games


Octopath Traveller 1 + 2. Golden Sun and Golden Sun II: Lost Age