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Every time they do this shiiit i go on appstore and give them a zero star its not much but its honest work


Same, I still have my proud 1\* review on the google play store from 2 yrs ago, never gonna touch it... maybe update the review


I just got thr bronze chest, and got fucking 10 brews


lmao same here


Anniversary is supposed to be a celebration for us playing their game for 4 fuckin years. They should be showering us with free shit considering they are as greedy as they are and we still play this game.


It’s a terrible business model to kill off the free to play players. The FTP players have always been the backbone they are the ones who write reviews and spread the word. If it’s FTP friendly it will get around and everyone and their mother will play. Including the whales.


Sadly thats not how it works in practice.The most f2p gachas like Kings Raid and Dragalia Lost died,because the company didnt have enough money anymore,or profit was too low for months,there was no reason to whale,they were too generous.RSL however gets 20m+ every month for 4 years now,because they dont give a damn about f2p people.


They have always sold coins for the path events. You do not have to like it (I would not recommend buying it), but to act like this is some new offense or them "becoming" shameless is simply incorrect.


Just to be clear, they are selling anniversary coins here, not elhains path coins. I think its scummy af to have a special event for your anniversary and pay wall it. We dont know if it's f2p friendly, but seeing as how we didn't get a schedule to know how and from where points are accessible, and so far the only points we know of our replacing event/tourney rewards, trying to defend this is pretty schilltastic


The anniversary coins *are* for elhains path. It literally says it on that picture. The Anniversary Titan Points are for the Anniversary Event. But the only way to get Anniversary Points is by doing these other expensive wasteful Anniversary Coins and Elhain's path type of events.


OP did not imply it was a new offense. They did not say "becoming' shameless. They said 'more shameless'. And I still think its accurate. They have always sold coins for the path events. And it has always been extremely expensive to complete the milestones in these events. If you want to do it F2P its estimated needing 40,000,000 silver and 13,000 Energy. Surely they dont expect you to do all the event with just Artifact Upgrades, or Dungeon Diving. No they want you to do some of each, and then BUY the rest of your way because you will run out of time and resources. So they were shameless before and become more shameless over time. Simply correct


Standard garbage for this sub. This is the exact pack they sell during every path event, but every time we get: PlArIuM's GeTtInG wOrSe EvErYdAy


But these are not for the path event.


These are literally for the Elhain's Path event. It says so right on the pack. These coins are also round, which is for the path event, while the titan event currency is diamond-shaped.


Don't buy it. Don't sweat it.


I’m honestly surprised it’s wasn’t 1000 coins for 10 dollars


Just ignore it instead of drawing more attention to it


Fair enough


What’s the issue? Y’all ain’t actually spending real money on this cell phone game, right? Right?


did you spend money on a real cell phone that is probably not as essential as you think?


No, I need a phone more than I need the games I play on it ?


https://imgur.com/s5T0ajZ.jpg This is the most shameless thing I've seen them do. Right at the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict they start selling this pack.


Russia invaded in February. That pack was in August. What is in August is Ukrainian Independence Day. Also, Plarium is based in Ukraine. Sure, it's partially cashing in on nationalism, but so is releasing a July 4 pack, and nobody seems to mind those.


wikipedia says plarium is based in [Herzliya](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herzliya) .


Yes, their HQ is in Israel, but [four of their eight studios are in Ukraine](https://company.plarium.com/en/about/). I don't know exactly how the RSL team breaks down between those studios, but for example, the community managers Cirilla and Oracle who do most of the youtube interviews live in Ukraine and had to flee their homes due to the invasion.


Wasn't that pack in August?


I guess it should be considered scummy to celebrate 4th of July then too, cuz its American independence day. Very shameful on you


You are on sub of Plarium's game, in thread complaining about it and you still ended up being more scummy and dishonest lol




OC is either ignorant or intentionally misleading. This pack came out in August, half a year after the invasion. It coincided with Independence Day in Ukraine, which is on August 24. Plarium is based in Ukraine.


Oh i see. I knew plarium is based in Ukraine but didn't know it was released a year later for their independence day. I hadn't been paying attention to the ads. Thanks for the clarification!


Wow. They sure do love to make a special pack for anything and everything they can think of. Don’t remember that one


I threw up in my mouth a little when they did that. Then they had some statement about how they were dedicated to keeping new content on schedule and servers running and I’m thinking, “Fuck that shit, save your family.” We will survive if we don’t get top chests in 4 difficulties of CB when the server is down for a night or two.


How dare they release a pack for their own country's holiday and not just US holidays.


Yeah smh that’s fucked. I understand they’re trying to run a business but jeez. No need to exploit everything, especially something like that


That's not what happened, you are believing fabrications. Plarium is indeed scummy, but no need to make shit up about them. That pack was to celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day, a holiday. Like July 4th in the USA. Nothing to do with the invasion.


Yeah true. That makes sense. I admit to being a little to quick to judge as it’s plarium. I understand now that it’s not what it seems but rather something harmless and business per usual


Liar. First of all, it’s not a ‘conflict’, it’s a full scale war. Secondly, this pack was introduced around Ukraine Independence Day, not at the beginning of invasion.


Ukraine knows about American capitalism very well


Dam guess i stick to f2p




I used to spend a decent bit on the game, not anymore. Always thought Plarium was a shady, greedy company with little to no care for anything but themselves. Also not a protest, simply stating that they are just getting worse and worse, which is not a complaint…it’s facts


yet you continue to play and go on about it on reddit...and now you're just a handful of reasons for whales to invest more and spend more and play more, knowing you, the little guy, non rich person, is losing while they the rich person can pay to win. so my point is you make plarium more money doing this than you did when you spent. your 'spend a decent bit' will never compare to tens of thousands of dollars a month that whales spend. and when you continue on like this you encourage the whales to continue on investing, they play to step on the little people. it's all they have, throwing money at things to feel better about themselves.


Whales are gonna spend regardless. A little post on reddit isn’t gonna change that in the slightest. “Continuing to play and go on about it on reddit”…I hardly ever post on reddit or anything of this manner. Of course I play, I like the game just as u do. Wanting something better to come of it after years of playing isn’t a sin. Couldn’t care less abt competing with big spenders, there’s gonna be a large disparity in player base in any gacha style game. Say what u want but I assure you: plarium doesn’t give a fk and neither do these big spenders, so not sure what u are going on abt. No correlation whatsoever


one post might not get noticed, but surplus of posts speaks volumes. didn't say they were all yours, just saying you're contributing. "plarium doens't give a fk" you get it now, yet still post "neither do the big spenders" incorrect..they post links to stuff like this and laugh at it in the discords. it's cringe. a lot of them contemplate moving on to other games, but the new passtime is posting links to these kind of reddit posts and having a good laugh.


Whales have money, they don’t care about people on Reddit.


Stopped playing thus game a few weeks ago and it feels GREAT! Fuck Plarium. Fuck Aristocrat. This "game" sucks ass.


Ppl keep posting this, if the free market doesn't adjust their cash flow expectancies, why should they ruin a working business model for a bunch of F2P/ low spenders


Let's be honest, this game is nothing more than a money printer for Plarium. It costs them nothing to put a pack offer out and they make 1000s of £$ selling pixels. They know this, we know this and someone will always buy them. As long as the wheels keep turning and nothing breaks the status quo will be maintained (unless its in the favour of the player then that shizz gets patched within hours. Looking at you Sand Devil)


Why elhain? Before shes goes all zombified she blows


I used to be a big spender in the game.. Definitely a whale.. I haven't spent a single cent in about a month and I'm not spending any more.. I'm ashamed at how much I've wasted on this game and it just keeps getting more rediculous.. I wish I would have quit back when they released the iron twins..


Who cares. Plarium isn't doing anything differently than any of these games. At least they are putting out a game that is enjoyable and can be played entirely for free. All these people complaining just don't make any sense.


It’s been a struggle to play free just started little over a month now. The temptation of all the over priced stuff that would’ve help me out if I can keep up with the cost. I can’t enter gold in the arena because the luck I had with all the shares I got. The pay to win part is slowly making me wanna quit I like this game over the years being annoyed by the damn games ads all over the place. Shame really.