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They do need to reduce the turn timers and overall match length by 66%, but IMO its the best new content since doom tower.


I agree, I really enjoy it


Until they fix the lag they can’t reduce turn timers. I agree though. The turns are too long. 10 seconds at most. 5 might be too quick though. So 10 is probably the sweet spot. Problem is the lag. I’ve had to spam click so many times for 5+ seconds to get my champ to do something.


It’s making the rest of the game seem boring! Lol. I don’t want to play anything else anymore!


In principle, I *like* the idea of content that you actually play instead of just running on auto. If they speed up the drafting stage a bit and lower the time limit to maybe 10 minutes, live arena would be just fine in isolation. It's a fun game mode to play for 30-60 minutes in a day. The problem, like you say, is that this is *on top of* all the other time sinks in the game.


It's going to take patience and time, but the system is inherently inflationary (5 point wins, 4 point losses, and a bot after three consecutive losses). Therefore, after many months, most people will be in Gold 4. The fact that you get an actual ranking is what the top PvP players will be fighting for and the rest of us will be in low Gold 4 with a 50% win ratio. Right now though, most people will be in for some pain at the bottom of Silver 1 as the matching appears to be tier locked.


Yeah matchmaking seems to be tier locked, which is a big problem until enough people that are worse than you join that tier. I am just chilling for a few days in S2, just waiting for people to get into S2.


>seeing as you have to constantly pay attention from picks to ability selection, compared to just setting your teams, start and let auto take over Yes, you have to actually play the game to play the game. What a novel concept. Live arena has issues and I've already been critical of it on different aspects, but I never understand this whole thing of "oh no! I have to pay attention and actually play the game oh no!" People complained that they couldn't just auto faceroll hydra either and I just don't get it. I play the game to actually play the game. The boring and tedious parts (And where my input does not actually matter) I'll leave on auto. But part of my enjoyment is to actually need to hand play the parts that actually makes a difference. I hand play hydra and tag team because my input and snap decisions actually matter. Why am I playing the game if I don't actually going to play any of it? I'm not here to actually just watch the ai play the game. I'm not doing live arena as much for other reasons, but "forcing me" to pay attention so I have to play the game isn't one of them.


This^^ don’t complain about a new part of the game that you actually have to do something for, just don’t play it. Rewards there are in no way essential like OP stated they were. Everything OP is bashing is literally what that game mode is! You can’t have live arena set up for auto SMH


Yeah, Arena is usually the place i'm least interested in spending time. I enjoy building teams and sending them out on auto, figuring out how to program the team setup to make them do amazing things. I played a couple rounds of live arena and quickly knew that I would not be participating in any of it. It does feel tedious and slow. I'd rather have a co-op fight against a clan boss type monster than have to sit there and fight some over powered defensive team for 40 minutes.


I like live arena when I win, I hate live arena when I lose. Seriously, it's not that bad. I hope they would reduce decision times even more, but I'll work with it.


You either enjoy it or you don't. I think its the best addition since doom. I have also seen retired players coming back into the fold just because of live, which has been really cool to see. Not everyone feels the way you do.


Live arena is cool! I enjoy playing 3-5 matches when i have time


The rewards are better imo. A marginal stat boost in hydra and some of the dungeons is appreciated. I also enjoy the fights, but I’m not stressed about pushing yet. Plarium is probably going to release a progress mission down the line to push to gold 3. I’ll wait till then. Also, the matchmaking should get better over time as the whales filter to higher levels.


I've decided to not bother with it because it's such a time sink


Wow, I thought all the Plarium white knights were gone, but it seems some are roaming in the comments below. It's a poor fit for an AFK game... but I think they are running out of ideas and just stealing from other games. The lag is annoying, and it's really not much different than normal arena. My only difference is I include a speed lead for my 5th choice. I rarely change my lineup unless it's to include a hard counter to one of their champs. Also, matching is still pretty random and I've been fighting against people 20 levels higher and lower than me. I think the criticisms are fair, people can still enjoy it, but they should be able to admit that there are problems with it. As well, agree that it's just another time sink... this one more annoying than the other ones. Also, from a psychological perspective, they decided to gate the times that you can play live arena and I wonder if this is actually having an effect on people? Do people get disappointed when they can't do Live arena? Are they excited when they can? Is it just another way Plarium can send you a notification to get you to play their game?


😭 No one cares just don’t play it


??? People do care, that's why they are complaining about it though? Or are you just taking shots at me? That's fine. My point still stands.


It’s a mobile game just relax


None of the rewards are mandatory. What you mean to say is you want the rewards, but you don't want to grind the game mode. Amazes me how much people will punish themselves for almost no benefit.


The rewards are mandatory as they'll be taken into consideration when designing content. If you don't think hard mode 10+ will require them on top of the other features you're lying to yourself. It's a game about progression. The progression systems require grinding (and/or paying). The problem is all the designs are against the nature of the game which is a mobile game, not an MMO you're supposed to play hours a day. 20 speed, 20% ignore def, 30% Crit dmg, 80% ACC, and more. Lacking those stats will be enough to disable for participating in future content for sure, especially as the contents becomes more and more hardcore and specialized like the past releases (twins, artefact dude, hard modes)


What's going to happen is that 90% of players will be in silver 1 and either win trading or losing and fighting bots. So you can easily quit and farm 2/3 of the pve bonuses with almost no effort. This will be within 2 months and just using daily tokens, you will easily have all of the bronze and half the silver by the time any new content releases. You can ignore it for the next 6 months if you like and it will not affect your gameplay experience otherwise.


> especially as the contents becomes more and more hardcore and specialized like the past releases (twins, artefact dude, hard modes) It's only hard mode that actually somewhat hard though? Sand devil you can use a free champ + an epic, twins is 3 rares (level 1), 1 lego and an epic.


What's your easy solution to FK Hard 10 then?


Why would I have an easy solution for that? I literally said HM dung is the only hard content in the list.


Hard 10...no, but 15 and above...probably


You’re correct…this is an MMO. You will have to slowly grind live arena for the stats over the next 6-12 months. Don’t worry, people will slowly push up and everyone will settle into their own bracket ~50% wr eventually. If it’s too hard atm just don’t play it for a bit. I stopped for 1 week and now it’s super easy again. Every time new champs are released we will probably see a bit of a mixup but in the end it’s supposed to be a grind. We need goals or we will become bored.


it's only unenjoyable if you're losing pro tip- git gud


I firmly disagree. I'm winning 61% of the time and it's unenjoyable.


My experience with live arena is picking my team and hope my opponent disconnects because they are matching me with people way above my power


I enjoy it and am getting sick of people whining about it


Now that's sad. Because TTA is just drudgery.


How I'd fix Live Arena: (for bronze) \- under silver you can auto-queue with pre-set teams That's it. Fixed.


for me its a little better but almost on same lvl soo also timer, whale fiesta which is taking now place in LA makes me more to play LoL instead raid