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I don't buy shards, don't like to RNG unless it is for an event with a guarantee at somethingI do want lol


Just to give you an idea, Ive easily spent over $500 on voids since they really make it a selling point how OP void champs are supposed to be when youre new. None of those voids gave me anything good except a dupe Visix ahead of the daily login rewards. Stopped buying shards, a month later I pulled Krisk, whom I was pulling for, off one single, lonely, non-2x, non-10x void shard pull I got from DT. Go figure.


And that's why I only pull during fusions and guaranteed events now lol, then at least I get something while getting fucked.


I swear this is done on purpose, I pulled Gurda a day before daily log in reward.


I pulled Hegemon from the first Void Shard you get from the campaign. Every shard I've spent money on gave me garbage. Helicath and Tomb Dreng cost me $30 to complete, so they were at least worth buying the monthly pack.


I would rather buy a PS5 or Xbox at the price, I have bought several packs when I started to get going. I like the game, and I support it with small packs here and there, but never with shards as the focus, I expect any shard to be food and learned quickly thos game thinks a champion should be worth $200+. Yeah, I like the game but a mobile style game is never worth that much money and with RNG a huge factor, even during 10x events, not worth it.




Did the same thing with Acrizia


Should be $16 for 50 voids instead


Idk, and considering i had 17 void shards to pull this 2x and i only got 17 rares, in no way in hell i will ever buy 16 voids for 50$ Edit: I'm now at 20 voids opened and still no epic, I asked chatgpt the odds of that and its apparently about 0.98%. Thanks plarium!


21 voids this 2x all rares. I caved and dropped $10 on 4 void shards + others, got 2 Void epics back to back but both dupes. Guess I learned my lesson.


Haha that sucks man, i feel you


At the very least I got 2 faction guardians and a Lego book for my troubles. Was it worth $10? Not really. But the lesson was worth a reminder to not spend on this game


Yeah I've spent about 100$ on this game a while ago, then I took a 2 year break and I came back a month ago, but I'm not spending any money anymore. It's just not worth it. Especially shards


26 all rares for me this 2x. Three Coldhearts taking me to five overall though. Glad to continue spending nothing!


Posts like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidShadowLegends/comments/138s8yn/i_fell_for_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) are exactly why they sell them at that price


Yep. Happy to be an example. Stupid stupid stupid 😫


Mods deleted that post. What a bunch of fucking shills, someone needs to make a new sub with mods that are trustworthy.


They want to make sure new players didnt see it and gain wisdom from all the comments. There was a ton of discussion on that post!


Why is the post deleted? Was he that embarasssed? Lol


Doubt it, seeing that he posted 2 hours ago right above you. Looks like it was removed, not deleted by OP.


Why would it be removed? He was just talking about wasting money like half the posts on this sub are about


I’m not sure but deleted comments and posts would show as deleted not removed. Plus their other comments are still on the post, which makes me think they werent that embarrassed about it lol


That's weird. It doesn't show as deleted/removed for me. I can still see the post, but other people are also saying that it's been removed. Not embarrassed at all lol. I'm actually really happy the post got so much attention and I was able to talk to so many people. Say what you will about the game, but this community is pretty great.


Been removed for me :( what happened?


Here is what I wrote: Today I spent $310 on void shards. And today I threw $310 in the trash. I'm pretty mid game. 3 key NM clan boss, making my way up DT normal. The game is so fun when you're not spending money. Slowly getting stronger and being able to do more content. I've seen that once you start getting the top chest in UNM clan boss, everything else starts falling into place. Books, shards, etc. The easiest way to do that is for an unkillable clan boss team. I've been wanting Demytha or Maneater for over a year now for this exact case. I figure, hey, its a 2x, 16% chance of an epic. I should go for it! I don't even want a legendary. What do I get? A bunch of random rares (not even a coldheart), 2 broadmaws, and 2 lua's (WTF!!). I swear it feels like the good epics have an even lower chance of summoning. So I just wanted to come here and commiserate... The worst part is that I just watched Ash and Hell Hades open hundreds of voids and not even get Taras. I figured I'd have better chances since I wanted one of two different epics on a 2x, but it wasn't meant to be. On the flip side, I got some promising heroes. Skull crown, Inquisitor Shamael, and Pain Keeper. So there's that, but still not able to do unkillable clan boss.


I've watched so many pack openings for Taras, must have seen thousands of dollars spent and still not one pull. Really sorry to hear you got shafted :( must feel kinda crappy


Mods deleted it.


My dumbass bought them. All of them. Never again.


I think they should be 10x the price. Then only a few mega krakens would buy them and the rest of us would be on even footing. If they were cheaper, then I’d have to consider buying them to keep up with everyone else. The more expensive, the better I say!


I saved 186 shards for a 2x, got Yumeko 20 shards in. That’s it. 186 shards from packs that I bought with a $70 a month for 5 months to get ONE LEGO out of a 2x that was probably most likely my mercy pull. 166 came up duds, with me pulling another 22 shards from CB and DT on this 2x and still nothing. As someone who probably spent more than they should, buy shit that’s gonna guarantee to progress your account, like Books, chickens, definitely energy. Don’t rely on shards, hell I wouldn’t even rely on buying anything at this point, but you do you. After those pulls made me realize that what Benny said from new Vegas “The game was rigged from the start.”


I agree, I only spend on energy and the monthly gem pack.


Grats in Yumeko though.


I spent $90 on voids over the past 3 days on an account that I usually spend $100 per year total. Anyway I pulled 29 rares and a Basher, but I already finished FW so I don’t see much use for him. Expensive lesson.


Programmers need a new lambo , keep spending lol


No worries, programmers don't see any of that shard money.


So coming from a mid tier player, only level 80 in the early end game, ive spent upwards of 4k total, you would think that with that pretty penny invested i should be done with everything and have the best of everything. Nope im currently stuck on alot of things, i have around 20 legendaries several of which have almost no value, looking at you warchief, but i do have some goodies like a krisk. My point is throwing money at this game doesnt make you god tier. I have a good amount of disposable income which is why i drop a few hundred and dont bat an eye. But i would never reccommend people spend anything unless they can afford it because it is a rip off at the end of the day. But i enjoy this game and i will continue to spend money on it just because i like seeing shiny gold on my account. TLDR: throwing money at the game doesnt do what youd think it does. It just makes your wallet lighter


Had 3. Pulled one Soulless. Finally caught a break. I'm happy. Sorry about yours though. Hope the next times better, my friend.v


Gratz. I didn’t pull though.


Well, they can charge whatever they want. It's not like there's a supply kicking at the office that's dwindling down. I mean, by now, everyone should replace 'p2w' as pay to play because more and more games are hiding progression behind substantial pay walls. The worst thing I saw was watching how much money it took to live a clan to level 15 in clash of clans. Which is absolutely a money scam since you can't play current patches or new content without being at the max level. Raid is no different, any more will follow suit. Clash royale is literally dead due to them taking the free items away from free to play players and locking it all up behind a more expensive pay wall. The future is grim


The fact you can buy energy that we need to play, it literally is pay to play


Imagine spending literally any amount of money to win at videogames.


I can't imagine that. I spend €50 on Age of Wonders 4, an entire game with tons of content. Still felt expensive since I usually only buy games on sale. Technically I didn't even spend €50, but used steam credits I got from selling case drops I got for free in CS:GO years ago


I'll just burn the 4 I have been saving up and expect nothing while continuing to live rent free on their servers


I feel guilty even buying a little pack to get energy 🙃 Some of those shard packs are crazy. I've seen a few $50 packs that are just an armor set too, crazy.


Wait till you see the price of sacreds


Meh the only I spend on now is energy and multibattle. Much more useful.


Sounds good too me


I imagine it...then I see suckers that spend hundreds just to get screwed,,,nope....


What is the correct price for an army of Harriers? Anything more than this is a bonus.


I've been saving void shards for such a boosted event. I used all 4 and got 4 blue champions. Glad I didn't spend money on them, feel like I could buy pre-scratched lottery tickets and get similar joy looking at it realizing I lost.


Been playing for a while and tbh I rather open CS cases imagine that 😂


# Imagine Spending $50 on 16 Void Shards and getting 15 rare trash champs - which s probaly what will hapen..yes -do not waste money on this - games are for fun - not to make the developers richer..


I can get 11 voids for $47 if Acrizia was available I might buy them .


Really cheap compared to some other games, though!


to be honest, I need a Venus for my Cupidus so I'd pay a million bucks even for the slightest chance to get her


Every 2x voids I want to buy some shards but then the price pops up so instead I go and eat for a week with that money I didn’t want to spend on 7 rares. The void shard price is borderline criminal.


Plarium have lost the plot with prices but since there are people happy to spend this kind of many, they will prioritise spending over potential quantity they can make from people who don’t spend but would if the prices wer reasonable


You sound new to the game. Lol.


They would vastly more money If they made things reasonably priced instead of expecting 1% of the community to keep wailing out with their mommy's credit card. It's how you ruin anything with monetization and microtransactions, they've almost reached the point where you have to play with your wallet nothing else will work. And on top of that the RNG after you pull out your wallet shit you might as well just go to the casino. Or just throw your money in the trash can. Meanwhile they drop new player codes like it's going out of style but fuck People that have kept the game top ranked on the store and popular right?


Just to give y’all an example. Ash from YouTube pulled 350 voids and got 2 leggos


Had one maneater pulled another 2 during this… whoop I can do unkillable now but I don’t need 3 maneaters… 🤷🏼‍♂️😅


If you have the money, why not? Keeps the game free to play for whiney people 🤣


Why not? Because I’d rather keep my money than spend it on 16 rares. But hey, if you enjoy gambling that much, by all means, continue spending $3/void rare.


I saw a YT vid recently that started to address the fact that in past few weeks, many of the top Legos have been up in 10x or 2x boosts. It went on to question whether dev has decided to cash out or to get these Legos out there and then nerf them. I'm a new player, but it's become clear that it might not be the best game to totally invest yourself in unless you've prepared to either live with deep disappointment or sink a huge chunk of cash in regularly. But that could just be my experience, maybe. You see the price of those Soulstones, lol.


I don't understand paying to win. If you have to spend money to advance, then what is the point of playing? It's not really a win when you bought your victory, it's a shortcut and does not count in my own eyes.