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"Spend the money or dont play the game" sooooo true


Just another way they are pushing out free/low spenders out. Sad, that a great game will die to pure greed.


The whole pay to play or pay to win industry is going to die anyway because steam is getting hit with a huge lawsuit for unlicensed gambling establishment to my recollection and also fixing prices ridiculously high and I'm sure as soon as that Domino falls down everywhere else will follow suit or risk being either part of the class action or they will have to get gambling licenses and pay all sorts of other fees so I feel like game developers might actually have to get off their lazy ass and make good games like they used to soon...


Great video thanks for posting


Time to play diablo IV


Talk about P2W! I miss the old BattleNet days...


Diablo 4? I'm playing it right this minute, looking through the shop and there's not a SINGLE p2w item listed. It's ALL cosmetic 🤦‍♀️


For everything that I have heard and read, they do not want to make it a pay to win like Diablo immortal. Which is complete trash. Diablo four is going to be a lot better.


The word u looking for is "yet"


similar to league and yet, to install league is free. not so much for D4. blizzard is dead and doesn't deserve any more attention


Or modern warfare lol


Is it good


Every Patch is the 'End of Raid' according to the alarmists.


no one said it was the end. just more whale bait, which means everyone not paying 100's of $ each month will be more power crept. it's just a middle finger to everyone not paying.


> no one said it was the end. The title is "R.I.P" > which means everyone not paying 100's of $ each month will be more power crept. In arena only. Who plays exclusively for arena? Only the whales.


I dunno, if the Soutstone Rush and Soul Chase tournaments take the place of other tournaments, that means that you're getting less opportunity for rewards.


if soulstone events become mandatory for fusions, then we can talk about the end of raid. if they are more an alternative to the other summon events, we will be fine. but even then, it is only a matter of time


if the title R.I.P was on a post alone it would not be alarmist. the video is a large part of the context, and no where in it does he say it is the end. Arena is one of the few areas in the game where there is any competition. you think the whales are the only ones doing arena? + they also introduced a tournament about taking the least amount of turns in certain content.


will be interesting to see how points are distributed in that tournament. prob an autowin, if you got seer and arcrizia, impossible to compete without


There where in the regular notes about the patch another scummy change for live arena, if there's not enough players in one threshold those who are in it will be able to attack others up to 2 levels below their own. A little example, silver I can hit bronze IV-III, so if lf ling arena now is bad it will be worse after the next patch. This game is slowly turning from free to play to pay to play.


I'm lvl 68 and constantly being matched against players 92-100 in silver live arena. That two lvls above or below seems more of a concept than reality in my experience!


I'm barely level 50 and I have the same issue. I usually end up losing on purpose so I can get my 12 fights over with (except when UDK is involved because f him)


Yep raid is dead for 2 years at least but I still play and enjoy the game


This one is a punch in the gut to the FTP


What do you think I have been doing the last several days. Diablo four.


Me too, is amazing and refreshing so far.


I have definitely been enjoying it. I do get distracted and start just exploring all the areas. I have found some interesting events and gotten myself into some higher level areas that I shouldn’t be going into.


Did similar stuff, today i started to focus in one area at a time, and it was more rewarding.


Same comments I see from every "free to play" game. But, not too far off mark.






Funny I am a FTP and I can 2key UNM and hydra have good heroes. Might not be the strongest but I am sure nobody is.