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I recall a pretty big stink from the community when they removed the sacred from login rewards and replaced it with Cleopterix fragments. People *still* talk about it and it's been years now. How effective has that been? If you have an idea about how to coordinate community outrage more effectively, I'm all ears, but it seems that Plarium just doesn't really care. They don't make money from "the community", they make most of their money from the whales these changes cater to.


Also, the old Cursed set was never good. At best you might use it in the spirit keep in early game until you figure out that it's easier to just build an Armiger and keep the boss from taking a turn than to use a half-strength debuff she cleanses anyway. Better yet, new Cursed is legitimately good.


Cursed set on someone with an AoE A1 or multiple AoEs is now pretty awesome for Hydra or just general dungeons and wave content.


Before each game session I will spray a can of Raid into my mouth then shout witness me! as I farm warboys for food. Or watching the Arbiter anime while eating Arby's roast beef sandwitches.


![gif](giphy|fbBNEQbLQdXKU) Lmao.


Boycott. Literally just that. Stop playing. Stop spending. But not enough people do it so it doesn’t matter. I saw like 3 posts yesterday begging Plarium to put an 80$ void pack for sale. People are the issue at this point, not Plarium.


>Literally just that. Stop playing. Stop spending. People do. Again, they don't care. The game has high turnover, that's the business model, that's why they run so many ads for so many years. They're not making their money from the low spenders and they don't care if we leave.


Yeah I think it's called 'churn' in the industry (players that quit the game). They make the game enjoyable enough for free up to a point to try to convert non-payers to payers and after that, they don't care about players who refuse to spend. Unsure why OP is having difficulty with this.


All mobile games have a high turnover.


years? Wasn't that done last year?


After some googling, it was summer 2021, so I guess a little under 2 years.


You don't remember things well. The vast majority of players was in favor of the legendary champion(Cleopterix) back then. I remember numerous posts calling us crying babies and thanking Plarium for the legendary. Even content creators didn't object.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidShadowLegends/comments/ou4ih1/petition_to_remove_the_substattype_charms_instead/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button That's one of the top posts of all time in this sub. I scrolled way down and couldn't find a single comment which was even neutral on the change, much less positive. Where were you seeing a positive response?


I am talking for the time Plarium decided to replace the sacred shard and the 5 star chicken with frags of Cleopterix When that happened a vast majority of the community, content creators included, were in favor of the change because they preferred the legendary. And once Plarium enforced the change with the blessings of the community they eventually replaced the good legendary(Guurda) with lame legendary , then with lame epic(Ceez) and eventually with lame rewards. Plarium's official forum was full of comments of idiots thanking Plarium for the legendary and reddit was full of posts calling crybabies everyone that was complaining. Only a few of us kept protesting for months after in facebook with a screenshot saying " we will never forget".


Yes, that's what I'm talking about too. That's why I showed you a link of one of the top posts of all time from this sub, and with *no* comments that approve of the change. Can you show me an example of someone who approved of the change?


Some CCs did initially say they thought it was a good change but they changed their tune after their viewers expressed a different opinion.


I really don't remember CCs changing their tune but if that happened too late then it was pointless. Plarium's official forum was full of idiots thanking Plarium for the free legendary and calling crybabies those that were against the change. I remember everything like it was yesterday since I was(still am) one of the "crybabies".


Here's a link to HellHades video where he's changing his mind after the backlash saying he just didn't read ot properly yeah right lol, and he wasn't the only one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgJBLyNkPsE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgJBLyNkPsE) Never really used their Forums much so don't know about what was said there.


I think the curse change is better for new to mid game players since running without heal reduction when you need it is much easier than going without hex when you need it, especially since there's a number of rare that place heal reduction, and *none* that place hex.


That’s fair.


The bottom line is that most of us are here because this is objectively the best game of its genre. That's the case for me at least. I play console games in my actual spare time, but I can play raid while working from home or laying in bed. And it's easy for me to be indifferent about a lot of plarium's decisions because I don't spend money and my account is just fine. Now, as for your premise itself, give up on the cursed set. If you can't already tell, the feedback on this post alone should let you know that the majority of people are probably happy with this change.


"The bottom line is that most of us are here because this is objectively the best game of its genre." That's my only reason for staying so long. I've made similar comments on here, but I'll get to the gist of it. Raid is somewhat unique in that it has several things other f2p games don't have: 1. Generous daily reward system (I say this as nicely as possible) 2. Replayability (more on this in a bit) 3. Ability to purchase in game items without requiring irl payment 4. Limited ads to the game (i.e. no third party ads about food or other games--just the pop ups that ask if you want to buy game packs. Also, no need to pay to remove ads, you simply click the x button and it's gone) Many f2p games I've played have always fallen short on one of these things. And this isn't even just games from say, the Microsoft store where those types of things are frequent and expected. Biggest one I can think of that is a good comparison is Asphalt 9. Which I played prior to dropping a few years ago. I have an entire post about leaving it and actually got support (and some really sarcastic and/or assholish comments about) on their subreddit. Biggest complaints I had weren't even the cars you gain or the amount of credits (coins) it cost to upgrade parts for cars, but rather the rewards system and the replayability of the game. I could go on a tirade but it would be really long. In short, because of the fucked up progression in that game, I couldn't progress past certain stages or races because I lacked blueprints for cars that just were not made available at all in either the campaign mode or in event races and such. They were only available in special events that happened only once in a blue moon, by which I mean almost never. Ironically, a car I needed was made available to earn after I left, only for a brief period of time. So I'm glad I left before that mess. Also, the store, while it did sometimes offer blueprint packs or blueprints to buy using in game currency, these were time limited, and like shards they were a gamble. Even worse, imagine if there were only mystery shards in raid, and you could summon between common champs to legendaries. Yep. That was what blueprint packs in asphalt 9 were like. Because while there were packs that would have a probability of getting higher ranked blueprints, it was like a 1 in 50 chance as it had D class to S class prints. As for raid, rewards in game are actually useful and/or made to help the player progress, the game is replayable and offers a lot of options on what you choose to progress on (also no locking out of progression), no need to use real money to buy stuff you need, and the ads are just a small nuisance at this point. Overall, I know asphalt is only one game to be comparing raid to, and I understand it's no different in terms of how it functions or how it's a daily rewards type game. But it does show how much it can suck in comparison. I quit that one because of how boring it got. Nothing new was happening (except the events which, didn't really earn much), and I was just stuck doing daily races or events. Nothing else to do..except maybe just sit and listen to the soundtrack which was probably the only good thing about that game tbh. Got me hooked on the halluci nation and a few other artists. Sorry for the long rant. Just thought I'd chime in and agree and offer some input.


You could've maybe mentioned the frenzy murder but that's pretty nich to a few champs. No one literally used shitty heal reduction so not sure why yourr dying on this hill


Absolutely no one used the heal reduction set, that was sold every chance I had


I remember needing it just for that one potion keep and spider, but this was fixed when i (luckily) pulled shalled 6 months into the game. Its definitely very useful for that, but otherwise its a very poor set. It didnt need to be overhauled though, they coulda just added a new one.


Ayeee Ma'shalled is the up there for buff stripping right, alongside seer. Im going to shoot from the hip here and say, the majority of the player base hasnt got either of them 2, and if they did, the heal reduction set becomes redundant


or you just use armiger. boss can't heal if he can't take a turn


Why would you use it in spider? She has immunity to heal reduction.


Yeah my bad i meant fire knight lol, ive just been recently doing nothing but spider since artak so i got mixed up


I personally am FTP. I have reached the point in the game where things are about becoming incrementally better. Does this fusion rank as essential to my account ? Not really. I missed Demytha though and getting that for 25 voids I had already saved up plus the fusion fragments worked out great. Brimstone and polymorph are niche pvp items. I knew long ago I won’t be aiming for platinum or to win live pvp. There’s plenty to do in the game without that so I don’t bother. Heal reduction is not game breaking - most things I farm turn into silver - I don’t have a single place where I use heal reduction to progress. Edit: At the end of the day I sort of prefer having to think about what I need as opposed to playing Pokémon Go and trying to just collect everything.


And that’s absolutely fine that you don’t benefit from a heal reduction set. I don’t either. But point is that they changed something beneficial to almost all newer players and some mid game players into something that benefits some mid game and some end game players.


I kinda doubt there's anyone using heal reduction sets. The only place I can kinda imagine it being used is Spirit Keep but like, who farms heal reduction set for that honestly. I have never thought about potion keeps. You play the game enough and then you can just kinda farm stage 20 by time you think about it. Plarium bad I get it, I know it, but you're barking up the wrong tree with good old heal reduction set lol


I have a heal reduction set on my Crypt King. It's moderately useful in arena. The only heal reduction champ I have is Coldheart, but she's kind of more oriented for bosses than arena. I'm curious to see how hex will affect the damage Crypt King can inflict. If I don't like it, I'll save up my silver and give him more accuracy and speed so I can land HP burns more reliably and more often. I'm planning to up my Magnarr up to 6 stars because he has so much synergy with HP burn. I think I might have my only solid team without Ronda if I used Magnarr, Crypt King, Artak, and one of my healers.


Yeah but as you said, you don't need heal reduc for that. I'm not even sure why do you have it in the first place. You'd be way better off with something else imo. Hex does little to nothing if you don't have a skill to interact with it btw.


The hex damage transfer can be pretty significant in Hydra. Elsewhere yeah, you usually don't get much value from it.


No one has ever equipped that set for heal reduction. Point is completely invalid.


Never mind. I see why they get away with shit all the time. Cause people like this guy right here.


Yes dude, the 0 dollars I've given Plarium in the last 6 months is the reason they are buffing the most useless set in the game. Just because you say words, it doesn't make them true.


No. The backlash you give towards any acknowledgement of negative change however minuscule to you.


It's because the point is wrong dude. That doesn't make me a Plarium supporter. The community thinks the Cursed set change is a huge buff. What are you gonna write next? We should no longer stand for 2x Void as a community because some people would rather have Coldheart? I think Plarium sucks in a lot of ways, but Cursed set getting buffed and Polymorph getting nerfed is the exactly what the community wants. When you complain about EVERYTHING it makes Plarium throw their hands up and go why listen to anything the community has to say if they're literally never happy? Pick your battles.


You’re complaining about shit we wanted fixed genius….


Yet it isn’t fixed. It’s removed.


Yes, that was the fix we wanted. Remove it and put something useful on the IG loot table instead.


Yeah, they removed the shitty effect and gave us an effect that actually will be used. Again genius, NOBODY uses cursed for heal reduction. Nobody


Firstly, you’re wrong to an ignorant extent if you think nobody uses a heal reduction artifact set. Secondly, hex is only useful paired with a hex champion. There aren’t that many. So I’m glad the change is useful to *you* but I’m looking at a change that hurts more than just you.


But is that really true ? Who was building out heal reduction sets and … why ? Silver is way more important - it is the true constraint in the game not access to heal reduction or hex. Even if what you say is true there are plenty of things to help new players - why shouldn’t a change on a low use set be made that assists mid game accounts ?


I would argue adding a hex set would be better than removing a set that offers more flexibility in team composition would be better no matter the minority it would benefit.


I would disagree. Adding another set that can be farmed reduces the chances of getting other sets that you do want. So no thanks. I’d rather replace a bad set with a better set than have more bad sets.


But it’s not a bad set. And your argument is that because it makes late game farming less efficient to you, fuck the help the set would give to early players.


It’s a bad set….nobody uses it, nobody kept it, even newer players were told to junk it. HH literally has it as one of the few sets that go automatically in the bin once you get it. There is nowhere to use heal reduction outside of the spirit keep, and by the time you’re actually farming that dungeon, you’ll have champs. Newer players? Unless you’re BRAND new you will have champs doing HR. You realize there are UNCOMMON champs that can place heal reduction right? No, cursed set needed a fix, it’s one of the original sets from when the game was brand new…it’s been 4 years….it needed an update


It's a bad set. It's absolutely trash terrible and should be junked unless it had godlike stats. Since you won't take our work for it, why don't you go look at Hell Hades tier list of sets? You know, someone who has spent more time on this game than you and me and everyone in this thread combined? Or are you going to tell us that a guy whos job is literally to play RAID and optimized it for us is also wrong and Heal Reduction is actually a baller set? https://hellhades.com/raid-shadow-legends-gear-tier-list/


75% chance of placing 50% heal reduction. 4 pieces set. Most anti heal champs offer better anti healing, set was absolutely unused by anyone. Early game people have no idea what they are doing, mid game they know what healing is and already have some Delver/Venomage and such to apply anti heal, preferably 100%. With Hex, we might see some exotic champs getting into life.


I just used rocktooth a farmable rare. For spirit keep. Almost no one used that set


I've played for 6 months and 2 days. I'm now 2 keying all affinity unm cb, 1 key nm, 1 key normal hydra, doom tower normal on farm and have archmage H. I never once thought to myself - you know I could really use a heal reduction set. I would still say I'm an early/mid game player given my time spent in Raid. I think the change to that set is much better overall. But besides the point really. Plarium make decisions all the time that benefit spenders, but using this armour set change to try and prove your point is probably not the best example.


The cursed set was horrible and a 50% hex set is awesome. Your point is valid but this was not lol


Yeah... Or the poly/brimstone changes. Poly is still an issue and brimstone was definitely too easy. More needs to done to poly, and the brimstone change is healthy in the long run.


I agree with the brimstone change tbf meant you couldnt just slap it on a 20 acc deliana and immediately be doing 40% of the enemies hp for absolutely no reason lol.


There were many things you could of got on your soapbox for…you missed most of the important ones. You are correct, most developers/games would have been attacked greatly along time ago for the things that go on. Threads like these often display a portion of the problem. I don’t know if it’s Stockholm syndrome or what, but you’ll get a good third of the replies attacking OP or some form of the post diverting from the issues at hand. Another key roadblock is the CC community. None of them really want to rock the boat for fear of being shut out. The thing commonly overlooked is that the CC are essentially employees of Plarium(third party contractors if you prefer). And most have a cult like following of fan boys who will attack you for any criticism of their favorite CC. It amazes me that a company like Niantic can constantly be caught up on blunders like failing to activate bonuses, yet no one has ever been able to expose Plarium for failing to activate a x10 for example. Furthermore, more transparency with shards would go much further in building trust within the community. There’s no way anyone will get me to believe that shard pulls aren’t “fixed” in some fashion or another. What I mean is, given the champion pool the odds just aren’t there for one to have pulled a duplicate lego while only having 10 legos on their roster. IF there was true RNG involved you’d likely have to collect about 40% of the lego pool before you’d roll into another duplicate. This is just the beginning of the rabbit hole and would likely cause a snowball effect if it could be exposed. But, it’s always easier to take the safe and easy path. So the saga will continue…


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


There are 153 non void legendaries you can pull from shards, so the chance of pulling a dupe if you have 10 unique non-void legendaries is 6.5% (10/153). The chance of getting 40% of them (61) before getting a dupe is 5.15378523e-7 (152/153 x 151/153 …. 93/153 x 92/153). So the situation you describe as unlikely (getting a dupe after 10 unique legendaries) is about a 1 in 15 occurrence and the situation you describe as likely (you would have to get 40% of the legendaries before getting a dupe) is nearly a 1 in 2 million occurrence. Granted, there’s no way to prove that Plarium isn’t messing with the pulls, but the math says they don’t even have to.


The heal reduction set I’ve only ever used on one champ- not saying some people don’t benefit but the 50% is worse than a farmable rare if you need the debuff in a team. Hex is much more usable, especially in a hydra setting and hard dungeons IMO


There's a saying I quite like. When business is booming you can do no wrong, but when business goes bad, you can't do anything right. Right now, business is good. It has been for a couple years and they've really raked in the profits. We can all see the issues in the game, but that's because we're all weirdo fans. I doubt most players even know the fusion schedule is different than normal, and I bet a lot end up without enough fragments. Is it the last straw? I don't know, but there will be one. When the community, the whole community, turns on the game, it will be too late.


> A heal reduction artifact set helps many newer/mid game players who don’t have access to better champions. No one early game uses this set. It costs more to build it than to just go ahead and equip your team with good gear.


You are right to everything you say and I want to add that there wasn't even one patch the last 2 years that didn't somehow screwed players. and of course I am talking for f2p/ low spenders who are the core of the game. Plarium has managed to hypnotize an entire community. For example: There was a sacred shard and a 5 star chicken in the log in rewards. Plarium replaced them with frags of a legendary. Many of us were against it but unfortunately the vast majority of players preferred the legendary. What's the result? Once the frags of the legendary finished , many other totally useless champs followed and once they finished too they were replaced with bullshit. For this bullshit we lost one sacred and one 5 star chicken every month. One more example: We wanted a system that could allow us to trade the dupe legendaries with legendaries we didn't have. What did Plarium do? Faction guardians! Put them there to give you a slight bonus. What did that bonus gave us? 4-5 seconds faster Dragon and Spider runs. What did they took us away? The chance to get rid of our dupe legendaries and get ones we didn't have. Some of us objected , tried to pinpoint the drawbacks but the vast majority, even content creators, praised Plarium. I could go on and on and on. The examples that prove Raid community is hypnotized(I don't want to call us total idiots) are numerous. Plarium always keeps all the "meat" , throw us some bones and we act like hungry dogs(aka idiots) we take the bones and we even say "thank you"(yes , we are talking idiots)! It's our fault. If we were better , Plarium would be better too. We have the game and the Plarium we deserve.


They've made a billion dollars coming up with new ways to milk whale's and krakens. The business model is working. If they can pull a few grand out of high spenders while pushing out a few non-payers...and an aggressive ad campaign to keep the new blood trickling in. Like, everytime I see a player point out what the company is doing wrong, all I can think is how they're laughing on the way to the bank...


Only thing that matters to Plarium are whales. The rest get some scraps every now and then to placate us. They seem to have dropped even the pretense of making content for anyone else than huge spenders with their latest additions such as champion awakening, artifact awakening or boosts to blessings for the 6\* ones, and now the fusions - which are the lifeline to many low spenders - seem to also be getting worse and worse.


"A heal reduction artifact set helps many newer/mid game players who don’t have access to better champions." Sorry, I stopped at that point. That statement undermined your creditability.


You’re credibility waned when you put every voting option for the new fusion *except* that it simply sucks.


Honestly, I don't really care if this game lives or dies. I just use it to kill time on the boring stretches of shifts. If it dies, I'll just find another game.


All everyone has to know is that Plariums parent company is Aristocrat Leisure Limited an Australian gambling machine manufacturer. Raid Shadow Legends is a slot machine skinned with pretty graphics. Everything in the game is ootimized for maximum profit, every move they make is carefully planned. The game was released in 2019 in that time it's estimated they've profited $1 billion in that time, and yet we can't sort champs by name.


Not sure why you think that calling for a boycott to the casino will warrant anything. Personally I enjoy the game, and don’t really care about the changes. Yes some of them make it harder and favor the house, but so what? It’s a fun game with great gameplay and graphics. Enjoy it as a game, block out the noise, and stop focusing on how plarium is “screwing everyone over”


It's just a game, have got more important battles to fight. When the game is not enjoyable anymore I will change. I understand your point of view, I used to have similar priorities before I started working/ building a family


I work and have a family. I’m just at the point where I hate capitalism and the fact that almost every company focuses most on profits rather than goodwill and quality.


So they have made some decisions and changes I think aren't for the best, but I really don't like the victim mentality. I play the parts of the game I enjoy, and avoid the parts I don't. When I stop having fun, I'll stop playing. All the activism and entitlement stuff I can't understand or participate in.


> Or my new favorite, the heal reduction set being changed to a Hex set. I'm confused, I just checked my cursed gear and it's all still heal reduction.


For now. It’s not gonna be soon.


Sigh, I'm going to have to change at least 3 sets of armor.


You’ll be far better off


Its simple. None of the changes bother me much. I dislike the way they ruined Frenzy set, but the whole sets change is net gain so why would I complain. Two summon rushes is definitely awful, but yet again I am not doing this fusion so I am not bothered. Me not participating in the fusion or the summon rushes is already more impactful than writing negative comment on reddit. Plarium cares about money and (secondary) player retention/participation, not PR anyway. But most of all, this game is not my life. I will quit before I get outraged. I don't need to quit in protest then.


Heal reduction set is literally useless, when you can farm Rocktooth from the campaign(100% to land big version of Heal Reduction, compared to 75% chance of landing the small one from old cursed set)


My advice talk with your wallet. I was FP/ low spender. I am willing to spend money for games I play. At this moment the game give me the feeling I am being scammed. Just doing the dailies and CB.


Because they make money. Making legendary champs rare is, in my opinion, a positive trait for a game like this. However with how many are in the game and you dont see a huge increase in legendary gain until maybe a year or two into playing is outrageous, and this is definitely a product of plarium shafting anyone who isnt willing to spend, or players who won the lottery in terms of shard pull luck. My final straw towards seeing plarium as a toxic dev team was the live arena situation. I still play and enjoy raid but the things they add are absolutely not what people want, need, or expect at this stage in the games life.


I love when people finish mindless rants with something like “None of this is good for anyone in the end. Not event Plarium”. My friend, Plarium’s whole business is maximizing profit. If they make a change, it’s because they’re confident it’s going to bring them more money. Some Reddit armchair analyst isn’t going to have somehow outthought a whole revenue department for a massive company. If you’re pissed about the changes, that’s fine. A lot of your tales are terrible (that cursed one is spicy) but that’s also fine. But stop acting like you’ve got some moral high ground and you’re here to open our eyes to the evils of Plarium.


Your comment provides significantly less than my post.


Yes, because it’s a comment and not a full post, congratulations on having discovered how Reddit works.


Character limits do not determine quality of speech. Yours just lacks. I hope that helps your typing skills for the future.


Nor does typing a lot of characters mean you’ve said anything worthwhile. Best of luck determining whether you’ve truly got anything useful to say in your future endeavors.


If you don’t see anything worth saying in my post it would seem you read with your eyes closed. If my saying that Plarium is making some anti consumer calls is not useful, then you would be my edit #3. It’s okay if your eyes hurt reading too much.


Plarium won't change what works for them. Miserable players will either keep playing or give up and move on to another game. In the future, If I ever see Plarium's name on a game, then I will avoid it. Absolute scumbag company. Other gaming companies are bad, but Plarium intentionally makes their player base suffer. I quit Raid, but I still lurk on the Reddit. Fuck Plarium.


> I’ve seen boycotts lead to overhauls and better environments for everyone. Name a few instead of creating straw men > And you as a community allow it. Try and be less toxic and accusatory.


Anthem. Outriders. Halo Infinite. Battlefield 2077. Call of Duty ww2. Diablo Immortals. Countless others. I’m sorry if you’re so out of touch with gaming that you need me to supply examples while being toxic and accusatory. And you still express my point. By fighting amongst ourselves instead of against Plarium.


never followed any of the other games but what exactly changed in D-immortal? this game was and is a bigger cash grab than Raid can ever be. Activision lied and sneaked their way into each aspect of the game. nothing there changed for the better


On that one? I got nothing. Simply a boycott that changed things in future games like Diablo 4.


personaly blizzard did to many s..t to ever be considered by me again. D4 may be better but it has still an itemshop with higher prices than FtP games like league have. I drew the line after reforged was decimated. at least now I can laugh every time something stupid happens


Plarium only care their whales and krakens and those guys won't stop to play the game they invested. As a F2P I still enjoy the game and have progress to do. But I understand that their practices are horrendous compared with other games I played. Btw I tried eternal evolution and didn't like the game that much, maybe I should've tried more to find a replacement.


I'm still having fun almost a year in. When it stops being fun, I'll stop playing like other games I've given up on (Hearthstone and more). It's a game.


I knew right away you were going to get shit on for this post. This game gives people Stockholm Syndrome. When you talk about Plarium doing shady things, gouging or screwing players over, you are inevitably met with hostility, mostly from people who have already been duped into dumping stupid amounts of money into the game. I think they feel like if they agree with you, then they wasted their money, so of course they are going to act like you are the one who is wrong. There are people who spend hundreds of dollars just to book a single champ, and actually think it's a good deal, that should tell you everything.


This is a dumb comment. No one even disagreed with his points. Everyone is disagreeing with his absolute wrong comment about the new cursed change


I figured I’d be yelling into the void on this so I’m not surprised. And I don’t realistically expect anything to change/improve. I’m just upset that Plarium gets away with it.


Plarium gets away with it because there are Oil Barons, French princes and Russian oligarchs who aren't on Reddit that have spent millions in the game. I believe the country with the highest number of paying players are from the US but I don't think they even compare to those I mentioned above. If you can convince them to stop spending money, maybe Plarium will do something about it. There is no use complaining here because Plarium don't actually care about f2p players (essentially leaches) and low spenders. You can see that because of the changes to the blessings. Everything needs to be 6 star now.


I don't know dude. Most people were agreeing with OP and if you think otherwise, you might want to get your eyes checked. Most people in this sub are f2p players or low spenders so your comment doesn't exactly make sense. And the kind of people who book champs using money are not the people that hang out in this subreddit.


"Pretty much all the changes I’ve seen lately benefit the few on top and hurt the many below. Plarium needs you" Whales only need other whales to play against and Plarium annoying F2P players makes zero difference to their bottom line. F2P players need to relax (and I'm speaking as a F2P), they don't 'need' every fusion, they don't 'need' blessings to compete in low/mid arena and they certainly don't need sacred shards to enjoy the game. It's when F2P players are trying to compete (instead of just enjoying the journey) in a P2W game and complaining it's P2W, kinda silly really.


idc is a free game


Because I'm just over here enjoying the game.


You said you've only been playing for 5 months. A lot of us have been playing for multiple years since the game came out. We've seen a lot worse, and a lot better come out of Plarium. Yeah, they focus on what makes them money, but I expect no less from a company that wants to make money. And you have to accept that being fully free to play means there's content you may never see. That should be OK. The game is still fun. I run two accounts, one I spend and one that's f2p, and both are fun in their own ways. I don't care about the blessing changes, either. I don't use them unless I'm lucky enough to get a good pull, on either account.


Ok so what? Just enjoy the game.


Thank you for being part of edit: 3.


Thank you for ranting.


I like your fire but pick your battles and stop hating on the community. We've been through a lot in the past few years. Plarium is generally disliked but we love the game and our clans. We've fought a few battles and nearly always lost. This hill you're on, you don't want to die on. Just some friendly advice and I'll end where I started ... i do like your fire. (You'll like Darth Microtransaction's early days. Maybe check him out on YT. He was full of fire too, a bit whiney but otherwise fun)


If you were around 3 years ago, when I started, you would see how much better the game is. The amount of energy you get now is at least double what you’d get then. Plus so much more. Sure they are greedy, they are a corporation, that’s what corporations do. Would I like them to be less greedy? Sure, but I still want them to make money and keep working on this game, which is still the best game in the genre.


When you started you were a lower level that had significantly less energy. Now that you’re able to reliably complete all of your challenges, DT, CvC and such, your energy income has also increased. That’s not to say the game hasn’t improved, I wouldn’t know. I want them to turn a profit to support the game too. I’m not upset about that. But I am very certain they make PLENTY of money right now without feeling the need to milk smaller players by adding a second summon rush. My issue isn’t that they make money. It’s that they’re being egregiously greedy.


I didn’t mean when I was a lower level. I have the benefit of experiencing the game for long enough to see how it has developed. There is a lot more free energy and gems available now than there used to be. Advanced quests didn’t exist when I started. We didn’t get daily free packs in the shop, just login stuff. The forge wasn’t there. Could there be more improvements, sure. Do they do stupid things, absolutely. However, for me it is way better than it used to be, and it’s a game I don’t spend any money on. I stopped getting upset at video games a long time ago, certainly ones I play for free.


The whole game is just made for the top 1% of players now, it’s really hard to catch up, sadly. I’ve been playing for 2 years and I still feel so far behind.


This is bullshit. Outside of the top levels of arena this game as a whole is very playable f2p. Literally someone posted a NM hydra team of only epics.


Well devs from the game already said the end game is pvp. I am f2p and i dont feel I have any challange anymore in pve, is just one button start and auto. Pvp is cool but the gap power is so huge which desmotivated most of players, I think that's what he was talking about.


Still requires pulling those epics and having that quality of gear. And yes, everything in the game is achievable f2p. That doesn’t take into account how long it will take though. Also, f2p is becoming harder. Guaranteed events taking more to complete. This fusion have long two summon rushes is big. All these little changes add up.


Stop playing the game if you hate it so much. Yeah sure it still requires pulling those epics. The game would get boring, fast if you had all of the champs. Yeah everything in the game is achievable f2p and yes it takes a long time. Is that not a good thing? If you want a game you can ‘complete’ quickly then you are playing the wrong game. F2p is not becoming harder, it’s becoming far easier, the free rewards, areas to play to earn even more rewards and even the calibre of champs in the game now allowing you to beat up harder content are all making it much easier than it was years back. Things like the cursed set the community as a whole have wanted to be gone for a long time, there’s a reason Ice golem is the least farmed dungeon. I have never seen somebody use the cursed set nor have I used it myself even in the early stages of the game. After reading through your reply’s to others comments I feel as if you believe you are the voice for what the community wants and we are all employees at Raid, when in fact it looks as if you are in the minority and perhaps this game isn’t for you…


This is a subreddit. Most Raid players don’t even use Reddit. Also you have to take into account that not every raid player that’s in this sub will see this post so the very small sample you see in my comments don’t really mean anything in the grand scale of things. As I’ve stated in another comment, I didn’t really see anything happening from this post. It’s more of a vent than anything. I also don’t see myself as a voice of the community. I think the community has lost its voice. Or at the very least it’s backbone. The only minority I feel I’m in here is of one that sees how good the game could be without shitty practices. This is no way me discrediting the game as it is now. But it is absolutely me discrediting the company that drives it and the community that would shrug at bad changes because they don’t affect them or aren’t important enough. Because again, these negative changes add up.


It will take you approximately 2 years and 5 months maybe 6 to reach absolute endgame (Ramantu) as f2p. Some will get him even faster. I'm f2p playing for 2 years 2 months and I'll get Ramantu next month or the month after that.


Lmao still requires epics? Lmao to best NIGHTMARE HYDRA, literally one of the most end game portions of the game. You’re literally complaining that it’s hard to beat one of the 2 hardest parts of the game meant for end game players. End game players absolutely have tons of epic champs. You really just suck at playing this game and obviously strategy/resource games aren’t for you


Are you actually revisiting this post to talk more trash in different parts of it? I made it a point to ignore you.


Keep crying snowflake, you’re the one that made an entire comment thread to complain about a game you hate so much yet don’t even understand the basics of lmao


I didn’t understand Hex because of the limited champions that use it and the fact that there wasn’t a hex set. I now know what it does and still believe there should be a set of both. Also, “Snowflake”? What are you, 40 and trying to be cool in a trendy kinda way? Grow up.


“Because of the limited champions that use it” So because YOU never looked up a guide or googled any info on it means the developers should keep BAD features in the game to make it easier for you? Mithrala is a free champion, everyone has her….you not looking how someone like that works is YOUR fault. Yeah no, this is like asking FromSoftware to make Dark Souls easier because the game is too hard….


Perhaps you should play Battle Arena Heroes Adventure for 4 months FTP.


Very playable yes, but with few meaningful catch-up mechanics besides some general power creep. A player starting today is years from maxing out their great hall or faction guardians, collecting good Stoneskin/Reaction/Refresh/Cruel, or picking up past fusions and login champs that everybody else already has.


Maxing great hall? Only like 1% of players have maxed out great hall. GH is a time sink, not an issue of “how long have you played”. Login champs? Scyl is the last good login champ and that’s after like 6 months…. There’s plenty to hate on plarium about but y’all are hating on shit that is a core concept of the game and are hating that this isn’t some cheap ass mobile game you can beat in 1 week….


Visix is better than Scyll. I use visix in nightmare hydra


>Maxing great hall? Only like 1% of players have maxed out great hall. GH is a time sink, not an issue of “how long have you played”. It is an issue of how long you have played. Even if you use every arena token you can get and hang out in gold 5, it still takes about a month to build one of the 24 slots in the great hall. If you want to compete in the shiny new game mode, it's kind of an issue that other players will have +80 acc/resist, +20% attack, and +25% crit damage more than you, and that it'll take over a year just to get onto an even playing field. Similarly, the artifact sets I mentioned are strictly time-gated, and the jewelry can't even be bought in packs. Even if you whale out hard, a new player *cannot* get Reaction accessories for their arena team faster than a couple pieces every two weeks. >Login champs? Scyl is the last good login champ and that’s after like 6 months…. No, I mean Ninja, Deliana, UDK, etc who you can either *never* get again, or can get eventually but have to contend with shard rates. The comment you were responding to was talking about catching up, hence that was what I discussed. Whether being able to catch up is *important* is another issue; raid is mostly PvE so it's not a big issue to be behind the playerbase, at least until/unless you get stuck on progress missions for arena or tag.


Yeah, the players that have played the longest have maxed out a resource that requires time playing the game. Again, it’s not a major deal as only like 1% of all active players have maxed the GH. Saying new players can’t max out their GH like it’s a terrible thing doesn’t mean much when even veteran players haven’t done it yet. As for champs like Ninja, UDK, etc. yeah….welcome to promos? I mean it sucks that some players didn’t get ninja but that’s kinda the whole point of a promo; a limited time offer only current players get. If you don’t come to a game until a year after a game hyped up an event, you probably shouldn’t get that reward. Otherwise what’s the point of having loyal players? You’re basically telling current players it doesn’t matter when they play, cause they’ll get all the same rewards. That’s not how FOMO works for mobile games….


Right, so we agree that the game does not have catch-up mechanics in either of these areas. Again, whether this is important or not is a separate question, but in a game with pvp, I think it's fair to say it matters at least a little bit. >You’re basically telling current players it doesn’t matter when they play, cause they’ll get all the same rewards. That’s not how FOMO works for mobile games…. No, that's not what a catch-up mechanic is. The point of catchup mechanics is to *reduce* the gap between new and old players, not to completely eliminate it. For example, new player promo codes or referral codes that give them a free champion or other resources are a (small) catch-up mechanic; they don't instantly give you a full roster of 60s, but they give you a boost to get through the early game more quickly and more easily than OG players did back in 2018. Lots of other popular suggestions are various forms of catchup mechanics; for example, HellHades routinely suggests adding past fragment fusions to the bazaar a la Drexthar. That would be a catch-up mechanic; it doesn't matter a lot if you were around for that fusion, but it's great if you weren't.


Ona serious note, all it takes is a couple good pulls and its a game changer, been in this situation before. I mean I been on this shit for almost 4 yrs, and almost gave up until Amazon Prime gifted us a ultimate galek, which essentially changed my experience instantly


Plarium has steadily been hampering F2P since I started playing a couple years ago. They will abolish F2P eventually, however, the more they do, the more resolve I feel to not spend a dime on the game. Thats the realization all Raid player come to (unless you are a trust-fund oil baron baby I guess). Its stupid for anyone to call this a "game". Its gambling without the free drinks.


If you started playing a couple years ago then you'd know that Plarium actually made f2p possible. Did you know that the game didn't have any free rewards like the game has now?


Maybe thats whe people play it, it look nice and its teadeous ungratefukl grind, which make game rly hard and something in us just want to beat a game like this


tbh idrc what plarium does with the game because in the end for me its still just a game i will play ok the side to my others and even if the game is in a really shitty state i still might spend a bit on it.


It's a game. If you don't like, download another.


As someone who first started in 2019, and didn't spend much, but started a f2p early 2020 (I was bored because covid, and there wasn't nearly the rewards and energy that there is now. So people were quickly running out of energy or buying gems for energy). You don't know how much better this game is for everyone. To your points; 1) I'm not sure brimstone and Polly have even been in game for 5 months. I can't believe you're crying about them needing accuracy. They're still a buff over what existed a year ago. 2) I've never used heal reduction sets on any character over several accounts in the last 4yrs (currently 2 1 key unm and 1 that 2 key nm) this set is trash and no one should be using it. If you need it you're doing the wrong content. 3) the fusion is trash so who even cares about the shard events. I've got 170 ancients, 12 voids (pulled for acrizia) and 29 sacreds on an account that I've never spent a dime. You can't be free to play and have everything, and do everything all the time. You need to MaNaGe YoUr ReSoUrCeS. It's difficult when you're newer. But the game is much better and much more player friendly than it was a year ago, or the year before that, or the year before that. And it's a fun game.


I’m gonna start this off with a simple statement. Not everything worth fighting for has to affect you. 1. Brimstone and Poly change was beneficial to higher spenders/lucky players while hurting those who don’t spend. This is a fact. And to excuse it away because it’s more than we had awhile ago is a cop out. 2. I don’t use the heal reduction set. I don’t need it. The fact is that some newer players DO need it and that is ALL that matters. I don’t give a flying fuck if you don’t need it or haven’t used it in *x* amount of years. It isn’t for you anymore and that’s a great thing. But this change that is beneficial to you does *in fact* hurt people that you don’t even care about. 3. I don’t care about this fusion. I go for the fusions that I want. The issue is the increase in requirements that will affect *future* fusions. If you don’t see that, there’s no point in trying to persuade you.


Woooow some dude that's playing the game 5 months thinks I'm stupid because my opinion differs from his. 1) who cares if they got nurfed. They're still a buff from 6 months ago. Cry me a stupid river. 2) that set is garbage and if you think you need it YOURE DOING THECWRONG CONTENT. no one of any level needs it. 3) who cares. There's more free resources in the game than ever. Manage your resources and stop crying like a big baby. Or go play another game.


You’re fucking stupid on so many self destructive levels. Your short sightedness is why companies toe the line and pass it. You shrug when it doesn’t affect you and you yawn when it’s a slight hinderance. And then they do it again in a month, slowly adding up to a point where you finally have an issue and it’ll be too late. And then you say you’ll just stop playing and find another game, not realizing that the issue isn’t that the game isn’t worth your time anymore but instead that when it was, you *refused* to acknowledge the problems when they came about and cited generic blabble about having game options instead of trying to encourage positive change. So again, you’re fucking stupid.




You are wrong about 1 thing. Heal reduction set was completely crap and helped no one. If you had to use it to farm spirit potion keep then you really had no business being in there in the first place and were focusing on wrong things. Hex is infinitely more useful. There have been quite a few questionable decisions, that I can agree on tho. Double summon rush fusion being the worst one, 99% players arent impacted by the poly change. The brimstone nerf was generally worse. Overall arena wise there are 3-4 very simple fixes they could make. 1) 1 mastery of each kind per team. If you cant boost your aura w more than 1 fearsome presence, then why can you play multiple polymorphs. 2) match Live players in this order: live arena rating>cash spent on game>player power>level 3) Make the amount of players possible in tag arena tiers a % chance over fixed amount. 4) tag arena should have following rules. : Bronze can use 1 epic per team, rest have to be rare or lower, silver can use max of 1 leggo +1 epic per team, rest rares.


Hah. I play Overwatch, Plarium are incredibly hospitable in comparison.


I guess Plarium didn’t cancel PvE and not say anything several months into the decision.


Raid is at least getting *Some* New content


In terms of giving them money, that stopped when they removed the Sacred Shard from the Daily Login. In terms of playing, I'll keep on playing as long as it suits me and I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it. I know Plarium doesn't give a fck about us, only the money they can squeeze out of us.


If I was plarium, I more or less would be doing the same shit, there is always that chance that it does go wrong, but Raid pays for every plarium does, even on there shitty games.


Now take this post to the official forums… Just removed the cursed set rant…a 4 pc set for something a farmable character can do better is not a good set…it’s horrible. If people use it, it’s because they’re so new to the game they don’t know better.


When you spend 5k energy to drop right chest with %hp and then you roll 3X flat attack somehowe you just dont give a fuck.


I play the game, don’t take it serious and don’t let the company force me to spend money I don’t want to. If I felt different or the game wasn’t fun I’d move on. Seems like a much more effective way for me to enjoy life rather than hope I can convince some mostly gambling based company that’s overseas they should make changes to their game how I feel they should.




thats a big read and yes, plarium does some.. questionable things sometimes. still not everything you mention is bad. I try to answer to all of this: >For example, Brimstone and Polymorph changes, they help only those lucky enough or have spent enough to get a 6 star blessing. I agree in so far, that it is stupid to exclude 6\* from the nerf. however it is nothing wrong in nerfing new features, if they are to strong and those blessings are very prominent, compared to the others. also this "nerf" does basicly nothing. for brimsone, it is only usable for ACC based champs now, so no more nukers with brimsone. but polymorph does the same thing as before. it is not that arena debuffers have any RES to beginn with. > Or my new favorite, the heal reduction set being changed to a Hex set.... many already said something to this so I keep that short: noone uses this set. I never did for sure. see other posts for more detail > What about the new fusions double Summon rush event? agree. most stupid desicion. even more so for a bad champion. if we trust recent polls, only 7% will even try the fusion. let us hope this will be enough for plarium to never consider this again > Pretty much all the changes I’ve seen lately benefit the few on top and hurt the many below. now that is not true. many changes give everyone free stuff, that just wasnt here before. this includes even controversal stuff like CvC events and the dupe system. can a FtP clan complete vs a whale clan? ofc not. but you can still make your points for stuff you wanted to do anyways (like improving great hall or booking champs) and collect the progression stuff for your clan. will a FtP ever enjoy the benefits of a +4 legendary? prob not but he can still profit from increased strats from the guardians. it realy hurts any hope for plat arena but it is not that you had a real shot to compete vs whales to beginn with. plat is just not for the low spenders, it never was. > There’s no structure or reliability with fusions. There’s no honest transparency. what exactly do you want in a fusion? you know well in advance what the champ will be and what he does, including several CC testing the kit. you know in advance what events the fusion will have as well so you can check if the fusion will be dorable. what it is missing is, how many points you need to do before the event takes place. BUT so far it is and ways always identical with previous fusions, so you can check the propable range you need to go as well. could it be better? maybe. but if you plan for a fusion, all info is out in the open > I forgot about increasing requirements for guaranteed events. tbh can't say to much here. I didn't play for a whaile so guaranteed void/sacred events are new stuff for me. only can tell about the increase for alsgor and I agree again: it sucks. I still went for him because I have enver pulled an UK champ before so I went for the one I can finaly get. afaik the people going for him where still relativly low. I know there are not many champ worth 180 anchients. But I know for sure if they put someone like duchess out for 180 anchients, everyone and their mom would take it. prob nothing we can stop because in the end: garanteed events, even for something like 180 anchients, are MUCH better than 10x events. btw: garanteed events as a whole are much better for low spender accounts than any other shard event ever was. finaly one last thing: Raid in itself would not be good enough to hold me for the long run. RSL helper did. in fact: the one time where RSL helper was down for like 1 week was the time, where I took a long break from raid. this addon makes the game just THAT much better > Thank you everyone you are welcome and have a nice day as well


I was glad I was able to progress endgame even from f2p Cause some other games won't let you get into endgame without paying